
'Project X'

Previously on Project X...

"He won't kill me" 

"You're not a bad guy...you had no intentions on killing us in the first place" 


"I know it's not much but it's what you get with short notice…Happy Birthday Luhan-ah..." 

"One of us had to be with the others...Trust me, they're bad news, and i didn't want you to have to-"

"i missed you hyung"

"You idiot" 


"...God dammit!" Chanyeol suddenly cursed at himself as he violently wiped away his flowing tears at the heart-felt reunion. "Why am i crying as well?!" He asked himself. 

"You're such a baby- seriously, man up" D.O scolded, crossing his arms. 

"How's your shoulder?" Kai asked teasingly.

"Watch it, Jongin" He threatened through his gritted teeth. 

The little party went on, where you all just sat around Latte cafe eating cake and talking. Luhan watched you from afar as you laughed and talked to the others, your smile radiating with happiness and warmth, the same smile he's remembered from when you were talking to him about the cube. Sehun walked up to lean on the wall beside him and noticed him smiling at you. "She's weird isn't she?" Sehun said with a little laugh. "That's what i thought when i first met her" He told him, watching you as Chanyeol forcefully puts a party hat over your head.

"I'm guessing you like her now" Luhan replied. Sehun rose an eyebrow at him before looking back at you and smiling.

"Yeah...She's kind...and..."

"Warm-hearted?" Luhan finished for him. "Just a guess" He added, still gazing at you even after Kai brushed a bit of the frosting on your face. "Me and you tend to like the same things" The two suddenly turned to face each other, giving one another a knowing and secretive smile before bursting into laughter.

"I'm not giving up" Sehun stated confidently. Luhan sighed. "Nah...I know I'm no match..." He scoffed at himself. 

You watched as Luhan and Sehun talked and laughed together like brothers along and smiled. Suddenly, you felt something cold on your cheek and flinched away, only to notice Baekhyun beside you, holding a damp cloth in his fingers. "Keep still" He ordered sternly. You blinked at him curiously. 

"Eh?" You urged, confused. Baekhyun sighed at you hopelessly. 

"Don't get me wrong, people could start asking questions if they see you standing here with blood on your face" 

"Oh, right" You coughed awkwardly, completely forgotten the fact that you had a deep cut on your cheek. 

"Keep still" He repeated as he held your chin with his fingers to keep you steady and slowly wiped the dry blood from your cheek. Kai watched the two of you carefully before D.O patted him on the shoulder.

"Want some cake, Kai?" He asked him, making Kai look away from you and back at the piece of cake that D.O was holding out for him.

"Thanks" He said as he took the plate and plastic fork, looking back at the two of you. D.O noticed him peering and glanced over at the same direction. His face suddenly lit up with a cheesy grin. "Oh~ Is somebody a little jealous~?" He nudged him, raising his eyebrows up and down. Kai turned to him with a scoff.

"Whatever man" He said, stuff a piece of cake into his mouth and walking away. 

You did as Baekhyun said and stayed as still as you could, although you couldn't help but wince when he pressed the cold cloth right on the cut. He gave you a glare. "I said keep still" He repeated coldly. You gulped at his harsh tone. 

"It's hard you know..." You told him, but letting him continue. He looked closely at your cut as he wiped around it. You hadn't noticed how close his face was until you looked him in the eye. He was concentrating on cleaning your cut, but your heart couldn't help but flutter whilst you felt yourself turning red. Baekhyun noticed you staring at him and stopped. "What?" He asked.

"N-Nothing" You stuttered, having to clear your throat as you looked away. Baekhyun rose an eyebrow. "Keep still" He continued to command as he took out the plaster and carefully placed it over your cut.

"Thanks Baekhyun..." You paused as you touched the plaster on your face, a thought had suddenly occurred. You quickly looked at Baekhyun and grabbed his hands, finding the little cuts still all over his fingers and palms. "Ya!" You yelled at him to his surprise. "Aren't you all injured as well?!" You yelled at all of them, realizing they'd just been battling pretty hard. 

"Oh, don't worry about us Ji-Eun-shi" Suho reassured, taking a bite off his piece of cake. Chanyeol nodded in agreement.

"Yeah! We heal real quick!" Chanyeol gave you a thumbs up.  You gave them all a look before tutting at them.

"And you say you aren't aliens" You shook your head. You let go of Baekhyuns hand before getting called over by Chanyeol to get cake. Baekhyun watched as you skipped over to them, smiling at himself when suddenly Suho smacked his hand on his shoulder, startling him. Suho sighed. 

"Ja~ You're gonna be nickname king soon...What is there now? Ramen boy, Mister barista...Nurse Baekhyun?" He rose an eyebrow at him as a tease. Baekhyun scoffed amusingly, unconvinced by the new nickname. He lightly brushed away Suho's hand from his shoulder. 

"Let me know when you think of better nicknames, leader" He said, patting Suho on the shoulder and walking away to join the others. Suho glared at him with a knowing smile. "Don't you fall too fast as well Baekhyun-ah..." Suho murmured quietly. 

It turned out that Luhan was going to stay over the night, as pleaded by Sehun. You had no problem as long as he shared a room with the lot however it took D.O a little more convincing to let him stay in their room. It was getting late and you headed upstairs as they all scattered, some to their rooms, some to the kitchen, one to the bathroom etc. You threw yourself onto your bed only just realizing how exhausted you were, as so was everybody else. It wasn't long until the lights went out and everybody started falling fast asleep. However Luhan was awake, making sure that everyone in the room had already fallen fast asleep, he carefully folded away the blankets and pillows you'd lent him as quietly as he could and left the room, smiling at Sehun, Suho and D.O before completely closing the door shut. He quietly walked out, just about noticing you fast asleep on your bed through the dark and smiling softly. "Thank you...everyone..." He whispered quietly his words of content and thankfulness before slowly walking down the stairs and exiting, about to walk down the street when a voice stopped him. 

"Leaving so soon?" 

Luhan turned to the voice, surprised at the figure that sat on your rooftop. "D.O..." He mumbled his name quietly. D.O sat there, glaring down at him from the roof of your house.

"The twerp will be pretty upset when he wakes up you know" He told him. "I've got no problem with you leaving early, but seeing the magnae depressed so early in the morning wouldn't be so nice for any of us" 

"...Sorry..." That was all he could say, but he couldn't have been more sincere. D.O continued to stare at him, despite that Luhan was now not even meeting his gaze. 

"...Are you going back to 'the others'?" He asked him. Luhan went quiet for a moment before he smiled empty-heartedly. 

"You probably think I'm still a back-stabber right?" He scratched his head. "If you want to throw a punch at me...i'll gladly accept it this time" He told him. However D.O didn't move, he still sat there watching him from afar. 

"Nah, I'm good for now...But if that 'bag-guy' comes around here again then I'm not holding back" D.O replied. Luhan chuckled lightly, somehow wanting to hit himself in the face. "No, I think that guy...won't be coming back anymore" He fully admitted, doing so with a smile. "Now that I've admitted defeat...i don't think duizhang will be very happy" 

"'Duizhang'?" D.O repeated the unfamiliar word to himself. Luhan was about to walk away, when he was stopped yet again. "Wait...Why are you going back to them if you don't want to?" 

Luhan paused before replying. "It's not something i can leave so easily out of...you probably won't understand that yet. It's still not safe for you guys, I might've been playing bad-guy for a while, but there are some that aren't about playing role play you know" He sighed heavily.

"Are they really that powerful?" D.O asked grimly.

"...Let's just say, they'll be going all out soon..." He said before he turned around to face D.O confidently. "But you've surprised me...especially that one" He chuckled. D.O smiled along with him. 

"You mean the girl?" He figured. "Yeah, i'd hate to admit it but the girl's got some skill...while you've been on about Climbing silver, she's probably been climbing coal all her life...but if you press coal hard enough, it makes a diamond you know" He smirked at him, almost rubbing it in his face. But Luhan didn't need to be told twice, he already knew to begin with. 

"A diamond in the ruff huh?" Luhan smiled. "Seems interesting..." He looked at him and they smiled at each other for a moment before Luhan turned away and walked off. "I'll keep visiting" 

"Don't push yourself mister bad-guy" D.O teased as he watched Luhan walk off into the night...

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It’s been 5 years...sad to see this story go unfinished
Chapter 43: Update soooon
Chapter 37: Thumbs up
Chapter 43: This is a really good story! I really enjoy reading this! I hope you can update soon!
Woooohpeasants342 #6
Chapter 43: I really love this story I cant wait for the newest chapter!
such a good AFF. Definitely a "Featured" worthy!

Did you discontinued this story? i hope not :(
Hihihihijijo_143 #8
Chapter 43: This story is good authornim
bobjo1913 #9
Will this forever be a discontinued????? Plz give a closure, im begging!!! T.T
pls update