Climbing Silver; Luhan

'Project X'

Previously on Project X...

EXO-K have enrolled in your school...

"Why would you want to go to my school?"  

"Just do what makes you happy" 

But things aren't going well already. 

"Don't blame me every time you fall clumsy"

"Don't fall...It gets you down" 


School went on. Fourth period had finished and you were on your way to lunch, exiting the building when Kai suddenly appeared beside you. "Where are we off to now?" He asked. You flinched from a mini heart attack and lightly smacked him on the arm. "Ow! What was that for?" He laughed, again as if your hit was nothing but a tickle. "Would you stop hanging around me?! I thought i told you to talk to the right people!" You scolded him in a whisper, scared that others might here. But Kai didn't seem to care and spoke in his normal volume. "You told me to do what makes me happy..." 

"It won't make you happy for long you know, pretty soon rumors will go around" 

"And you care about that?" 

"I don't, but you're new to high school so I'm guessing you'd want a good social life" You huffed. 

"I didn't come to your school for a good social life" 

"But you want to be happy whilst your here right?"

"I am happy..." 

You halted your steps towards the canteen and looked at him, expecting to see that playboy smirk of his until you were surprised by a sincere look in his eyes. He wasn't joking. But you didn't take his sincerity and just rolled your eyes. "Whatever, I tried to warn-" 

"I'm not kidding" He added, grabbing onto your wrist before you could try to walk again. You looked at him again with a confused look. "...Alright then" you nodded to show him that you understood and cocked your head towards the direction of the canteen. "Let's go, the others are probably waiting" you smiled and pulled your wrist away from his grasp to walk away. Kai watched you and sighed. She won't take me seriously...

You walked to the canteen with Kai, although getting evils throughout the way there. You watched him gaze before noticing that he was still wearing his ring. "What is that thing anyway?" You asked out of curiosity. Kai glanced at his ring before answering. "My symbol...everyone in EXO has one" He smiled, liking the fact that you were starting to grow an interest about them when some girls randomly waved to him and walked off giggling, some cooed his name and ran off squealing to their friends. "Ugh, I'm ashamed to be a girl" You mumbled, wanting to gag at their attempt to flirt with him. They'd completely fallen for his playboy magic. Kai laughed and buried his hands into his pockets. "Didn't know you'd be the jealous type" 

"Ha! You keep thinking that then casa..." you were about to finish your sarcastic remark when you suddenly heard a rattle behind you. "Did you hear that?" 

"Keep walking" Kai spoke with a quiet voice. You turned to him and saw that he was acting normal...emphasis on 'acting'. You did as he said and carried on walking, whilst having the feeling someone was tailing right behind you. You couldn't help slightly twisting your neck to notice two familiar looking men, a golden badge at their front suit pockets. You knew exactly what those badges were and your eyes widened at the recognition. "Kai it's-"

"I know, just keep walking" he repeated calmly and once again you did as he said. They were following you that day. You remembered what Suho told you when you first met and swallowed. If they're his people...then Kai and the others...

"Ji-Eun" He called your name whilst gazing his eyes around the campus, pretending to be fascinated."Yeah?" You didn't look at him. "On the count of three, run" 

"What?" Your eyes widened at him.

"On the count of three we run..." He repeated through his teeth.

"But that's-"


"They'll come after us-"



"Three!" He suddenly grabbed your hand and sprinted around the corner. You had no choice but to run with him since he'd already grabbed hold of you. 

"HEY!" One of the men yelped as they followed and you squealed whilst legging it, trying to keep up with Kai. "Kai!" You called his name, having trouble running at his speed with a backpack that weighed a ton on your back when suddenly you heard a loud clank and groaning from behind. You and Kai grew curious and stopped to look back and saw the two identical men lying on the floor in groans. "What did you do?" You accused. But Kai shook his head with a curious look. "That wasn't me...Come on let's go before they get up" He held your hand again and dragged you into the main building where you met with the other EXO-K members already together outside the canteen. They noticed Kai holding your hand and how both of you were panting, out of breathe. 

"What happened?!" Suho asked, concern in his eyes. 

"Are you alright?" Baekhyun added.

"Superior's workers- they're here". The others were shocked by Kai's answer. 

"You mean here? In her school?" Chanyeol asked further. But before anyone could answer, you noticed that you getting surrounded by girls. 

"Is he holding her hand?!" 

"That ! She already got to Kai?!" 

"Who does she think she is?" 

"She's with Baekhyun as well!"

The boys heard the small gossip and awkwardly looked at Kai, glancing back and forth to him and his hand when finally Kai got the message and let go of you, awkwardly clearing his throat afterwards. 

"Where are they now?" 

"They fell outside the building" Kai answered to Sehun and everyone rose an accusing eyebrow at him. "They 'fell?'" Chanyeol repeated. Kai detected the lack of trust and put his hands out as a defense. "Wasn't me...we turned around and they were on the floor" 

Baekhyun bit his bottom lip in thought. That's odd...What could have stopped them? It's not like them to be clumsy...

"Don't worry...Just don't pick a fight with them and we'll be alright" Suho reassured. "Remember, we aren't in the wrong...they can't prove anything"

"Er, Ji-Eun?" A small and quiet voice called you from beside, interrupting the tense atmosphere.

"Yeah?" You turned to see one of the girls from your science class who was turning red at the sight of 6 good-looking boys. "E-Er, someone told me to tell you that Miss wanted to see you in her science class" She quickly informed before running off before you could even thank her for it. You sighed and look back at EXO-K. "Sorry guys i need to go and do something-"

"Wait- but the superiors-"

"They can't do anything to me...I'm their boss's daughter..." You irked at that very sentence, but you knew that they'd be assured after being reminded by the fact. "I'll be fine guys...I'm going home after lunch so don't wait up okay?" You smiled, however they didn't look too convinced. You waved goodbye before walking off. 

"You think we should leave her?" D.O asked his leader.

"She'll be okay...She's might be accident prone but Ji-Eun is strong...let's go" Suho turned away to walk into the canteen and the others followed. Baekhyun was about to do the same however a student suddenly shoulder bumped him as he walked passed. He turned to the person from the impact of the shove, however only noticing his wooly beanie and round glasses that covered his face. He just about turned to bow to him before walking away again. But Baekhyun stood there watching him...his eyebrows furrowed. He had a bad feeling about something...

"You're not coming?" Chanyeol asked him, noticing that he wasn't following the others. 

"...I forgot something back in class, tell them I'll be right back" Baekhyun waved his hand before strolling off. 


You were on your way back to your science class when you were shocked by a loud bang down the corridor. What was that? "Ow! J-Just go away! Leave me alone!" You heard a yell and grew suspicious. You quickly ran towards the end of the corridor and saw a girl from your music class surrounded by those jocks from your homeroom but worst of all, Lee Jongki was there. One of the most worshipped cocky football players to possibly ever live. You've had a few issues with this jerk before...

"Oh look boys! She's scared! Hahaha!" He burst into hysterics and even though it wasn't even the slightest bit funny, his friends joined him. "What's this?" He grabbed her pink notebook from her hand and she automatically reached for it back. "Hey! That's mine!" 

"Oh! It's yours now is it?" He kept on teasing her, dropping her pink notebook and stomping on it with his dirty sneakers. "Whoops~" He leaned forward to her with a conniving grin. You watched as his feet grinds her notebook onto the floor and you just couldn't take it anymore. That tears it!  You stomped onto the scene from behind them, slowly getting your backpack of your shoulders. "Haha, get over it kid, what? you can't afford a new one?"

"No but you could afford a few MANNERS!" You bellowed to your hearts content before throwing your heavy backpack right onto his head. 

"OW! ! WHAT THE F..." He cursed before turning around and seeing you, his friends were pretty shocked themselves. "Well look 'ere boys...We leave little miss songbird here for a while and she suddenly gets some sass..." He stepped towards you whilst rubbing the back of his neck where your backpack had been thrown. You look at his friends, who looked as though they were about to eat you alive. "Perhaps a little too sassy now aren't we? Throwing that bag at've got some nerve" He continued to step closer to you as you stepped further away. 

Time for plan B!  "T-Teacher! Over here!" You called to Mr. invisible behind them and when they turned around in surprise, you quickly legged it down the corridor. After realizing that they'd been fooled, they followed you out of the building, frustrated that you had the nerve to hurt them and now trick them.

"You've done it now Ji-Eun- you idiot!" You cursed yourself as you sprinted across campus, dodging several students as you tried to make your way to the front gates. "THERE SHE IS!" You heard one of the jocks yell. They'd followed you even until the empty front gates. "Shoot- WHOA!" You tried to run for your life when you suddenly stumbled over something that came flying out of no where. "Ah!" You cried from the rough landing and tried to pick yourself up when a shadow suddenly casted over your body. 

"You'll think again before messing with the footballers huh little-" Something unexpectedly hit him across the head and was knocked out cold to his friends astonishment. "JongKi-ah!" They called his name, shaking his body for him to wake up. You watched, completely stunned and unaware of the situation when someone comes up to you. 

"Hey, are you alright?" He asked. You turned to him, but couldn't really make out his face because of his wooly hat that covered most of his hair and forehead and glasses. "Y-Yeah but..." You look at the unconscious body lying in front of you before his friends dragged him to the nurse. "Can you stand?" The boy asked whilst giving you his hand. "Yeah i think i..." You were about to take his hand when you notice a silver ring around his finger. Everyone in EXO has one. You remembered Kai mentioning something about those symbols and flinched away from him. "You...Did you do that?"

"...Do what?" He asked as if he didn't know hot from cold. But you weren't falling for it. "Who are you?" You glared at the seemingly normal student. He was stunned by your question for a second until suddenly shining a dazzling smile whilst laughing. You helped yourself up with slight difficulty and glared at him laughing at you impatiently. "I asked you- who are you..." You repeated, eager to hear his answer and the boy stopped laughing all too suddenly. 

"A bit of a blunt question to be asking a stranger don't you think?" The tone of his voice changed completely. 

"Get away from her!" A voice from a close distance yelled. And you both turned to the figure. 

"Baekhyun?" You mumbled his name in confusion as he stormed towards you and blocked you from the boys sight. 

"Having fun playing body guard Baekhyun-ah?" He chuckled innocently, but Baekhyun knew better than to be fooled. The boy tried approached you again. 

"I said get away from her Luhan" 

"Luhan?...LUHAN?!" You yelled and pointed an accusing finger towards the boy and only did it click in your brain, how did you not see it? "What's going on here?! You know each other?!" 

"I see you recognized me straight away, I'm flattered" He smiled once again with hidden sarcasm, ignoring you and your question. Baekhyun smiled back as a mimic. "Call it intuition". After that, there was a pause, where Baekhyun somehow softened. "Are you...looking for Sehun?" 

"..." There was no reaction what-so-ever, not even a blink or a movement of muscle. You thought of something after hearing Sehun's name being mentioned again. He couldn't...possibly be... 

"My business here is done so far..." He turned his back and began walking away, but Baekhyun grabbed him by the arm before he could. "Wait..." Baekhyun ordered and Luhan turned back. Baekhyun tried to search for some sort of emotion in his eyes, but nothing. "...Are you sure?" Baekhyun asked again as if he wanted to get something out of him. Luhan gave him a knowing look before shining a fake smile once again. "Don't think that you know me Baekhyun...I'm not the Luhan from back then anymore..." He snatched his arm from Baekhyun's grasp and walked away out of sight. 

"That was...Sehun's..." you waited for Baekhyun to continue your sentence as he stared at the spot where Luhan vanished. 

"Older brother" He answered and a certain shock made you freeze on the spot, although from what just happened, you didn't expect him to be anyone less. 


"Did you get it?..." A voice asked and Luhan nodded. "...You know what you have to do next right?" 

"Whatever, i get it" 

"Luhan" The voice called before he could turn away. "Remember, it's only 'K' we're targeting...the girl shouldn't get hurt" 

"...What? You really think i'd hit a girl?" He chuckled. "I got it, don't worry..." 

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It’s been 5 years...sad to see this story go unfinished
Chapter 43: Update soooon
Chapter 37: Thumbs up
Chapter 43: This is a really good story! I really enjoy reading this! I hope you can update soon!
Woooohpeasants342 #6
Chapter 43: I really love this story I cant wait for the newest chapter!
such a good AFF. Definitely a "Featured" worthy!

Did you discontinued this story? i hope not :(
Hihihihijijo_143 #8
Chapter 43: This story is good authornim
bobjo1913 #9
Will this forever be a discontinued????? Plz give a closure, im begging!!! T.T
pls update