Mister Barista

'Project X'

Previously on Project X...

Shopping with EXO-K was fun...

"Ji-Eun-shi...who's that?"

"Well by the look of the poster I'm guessing his name is Luhan, but of course I'm just spit balling ideas" "What's wrong...?"

Until the appearance of a certain model starts to cause a stir. 

"I know! you barely have any of these in EXO-"

"Sehun look!" 

"He's just been discovered?" 

"I saw him on the cover of a magazine a couple of months ago- why do you ask?" 


Whoooooaaa~ Whoooo-

Once again, your daily routine had started with the ring of your favorite CNBLUE song to wake you up. However this time you flung your body up and violently smacked your hand over the 'off' button on your alarm clock before the song could even finish it's chorus. "Sorry Yonghwa oppa! I shouldn't wake up EXO-K this early" You apologized to the sticker of Yonghwa- the lead singer of CNBLUE- that you had stuck onto the rim of your bed and back to the alarm that read the time 6:00 am. You slowly crept to the bathroom, being cautious not to make any of your floorboards creak in the process and successfully entered without any stumbling or falling. But you didn't want to jinx yourself just yet. You hadn't gotten the chance to talk about that model to Suho or any of the others yet, not without having Sehun there and you were starting to wonder if you'd ever get the chance. 

You finished getting ready, putting on your jeans, t-shirt and baseball jacket that you got from a charity store across the street and tiptoed your way out of the bathroom. You only just closed the door shut when suddenly...

"You're up early today" D.O was standing there with a blank expression and funny bed head. You refrained yourself from laughing but he was too sleepy to notice. "Oh D.O, sorry did i wake you?" 

"No i just need to go to the restroom..." He answered bluntly with a yawn. "Where are you off to?" 

"Ajusshi asked me if i could do the morning shift today at the super market, tell the others that breakfast is in the fridge and that I'll be..." You paused for a moment and glanced at D.O who scratched his head with half open eyes. "Okay I'll tell the others-" He was about to push the bathroom door open when you suddenly grabbed him by the arm. His eyes widened at your touch. "Whoa! Whoa! W-What are you doing?!" He panicked. 

"Are the others awake yet?" You asked with eager eyes.

"N-No! J-Just me! Why?" He stuttered, his arm stiffening.

"Do you know by any chance know...someone called Luhan?"

"..." D.O froze, obviously stunned by your question. "Luhan? As in...Sehun's-"

"D.O hyung?" Both you and D.O flinched at another voice that seemed to have came out of no where. You turned and saw Sehun half awake with his head poking out of the door. "What are you doing?" He asked with a horse morning voice. "Nothing!" You and D.O yell in unison and you quickly released his arm. Speaking of the devil indeed. "Ji-Eun?" Sehun called your name whilst rubbing his sleepy eyes. "You're awake already?"

"Seriously D.O, if your gonna get up then at least turn the lights off" Suho joined in and made an appearance behind Sehun. Suddenly the door opposite opens. "What's this? A morning meeting?" Baekhyun ruffled his hair as he casually leans against the door frame, looking fully awake already. You sighed. Oh great, now I'll never get the chance to ask... You frowned in disappointment. "Forget it. I'm going to work soon, breakfast is in the kitchen okay?"

"You're not having breakfast with us?" Sehun asked you with rounded puppy eyes.

"I'd love to, but i my shift starts soon. Have some ramen or something okay?" you were about to dash down the stairs...

"What's ramen?" D.O questioned. You slowly walked backwards back to him with an expression that said that you heard wrong. "You've...never had Ramen?" 

"Wasn't that what you called Baekhyun?" Suho rose an eyebrow and Sehun squealed at the thought. "You're telling us to eat Baekhyun hyung!?" His eyes broadened at you until D.O suddenly walked up to him and smacks him over the head. "Hey~! That hurt" 

"Wow, i never knew you hated me that much Ji-Eun" Baekhyun glared his chocolate brown eyes to you, and you couldn't tell whether or not he was being serious. You rolled your eyes back. "Oh shut up, you guys seriously never had Ramen before? Never even heard of it?" You gawked, not believing their silence and shakes of the head. "You haven't lived!"


6:30 am, you'd made everyone wake up to eat together in the dining room. "You guys better owe me for this, Ramen is like my precious treasure" You searched your cabinet full of emergency ramen packets, wondering which would be the best for them to try. EXO-K- some of them still half asleep, sat patiently around the small dining table. "Well actually that's kind of a lie, Latte cafe is my precious treasure and so is my guitar and necklace, but ramen just about falls right behind" You got a huge metal pot ready and filled it with water and EXO-K stare at you in fascination. 

"Are you sure you don't want us to help Ji-Eun?" Suho asks, wary as he watched you buzzing around your kitchen like a house fly. "It's alright Suho, if i can serve 7 tables at the same time then i think i can just about handle making ramen for 6" You reassured, however for some reason, the fire from the stove didn't light. "Huh...that's weird, i just paid for the electricity- WHOA!" You bobbed down to look at the stove when suddenly a blaze of fire made you jump. 

"Ji-Eun!" "Ji-Eun-ah!" Automatically, all 6 jumped out of their skins as well as their seats to check up on you. "Are you alright?" "Are you hurt?" they searched your hands for any burns and you glare at them with surprise. They looked so stunned when they'd thought you'd gotten hurt. "Y-Yeah I'm fine..." You assured and 6 shoulders deflated. 

"You're so accident prone..." Kai quietly scolded, although his eyes still stared at you with concern. You cleared your throat awkwardly and ordered them back to their seats so that you could concentrate of the ramen. Only a couple minutes later and your hot ramen for 6 was ready and even poured them out equally for the 6 into separate bowls.

You placed the bowls in front of them and they were slurping it into their mouths as if they'd never been fed before. You sat at the end of the dining table, watching them happily eat their piping hot noodles with your eyebrows raised to the ceiling the whole way through. 

"Wow! This is amazing!" Chanyeol beamed. "More than that frozen place!"

"For once I concur" D.O agreed, slurping the remaining soup. 

"...Have i...been forgetting to feed you guy or something?" You questioned, starting to think that all this time that you've been telling them to find something to eat, they've been living off air. 

"We couldn't possibly help ourselves to your food Ji-Eun-shi"

"What?! You haven't had anything to eat?! are you mad?"

"We've been eating food professor packed for us- but to be honest they arent the best thing in the world" Kai shook his head with a sour expression.

"Guys, I seriously don't mind you- Oh my god the time!" Your eyes alerted to the clock and it was almost time for your shift to start.

"Wait! Where are you-"

"I need to go to work! Just leave your plates in the sink okay!?" You dashed into the living room and swung your back pack over your shoulder before racing down the stairs. 

"O-Okay" Suho replied, not expecting you to answer anytime soon as you were already down the stairs. But when you left, there was a short pause of silence. Sehun pouted slightly.

"Why does she have to work so hard?" He then looked to Suho for an answer how just sighed at the question. "She needs money to keep herself on her feet i guess..." 

"But she just spent 540,000 won on us..." Baekhyun reminded and D.O suddenly gawked at the price. "540,000 won? Isn't that like...over 5000 munny?- in EXO's currency?" D.O tugged at his soft t-shirt and denim jeans and gawked. Baekhyun nodded. "And that's just the clothes..."

"Not to mention the meal..." Kai added, getting up from his seat with his empty bowl to place in your sink as you had told them to. 

"Great now i feel bad..." D.O groaned, his eyes lowering to his empty bowl. But after that there was a small pause, where EXO-K just thought to themselves. "It...sure was nice of her to make us this food though..." he smiled slightly, thinking that it might light up the mood. But Chanyeol just pouted back. "She said it was her treasure as well..." It went quiet again. 

She really is too kind...Baekhyun thought, thinking that maybe he shouldn't have given back your purse that day after all. Suho caught sight of your black apron hanging over the top bunk and an idea sparked a smile on his face. "Boys!...Here's our next approach" 


After an hour of bellowing sale prices and selling bags of fruits and fish, you finished your shift at the supermarket and was now serving at a ice cream cafe. You placed the nicely decorated plates of ice cream and cake onto a tale of four girls. "Here are your orders is there anything else that you-"

"We're okay thank you" One of the girls shooed you away without even looking at you. Her attention along with the other 3 girls on the table was on the television screen. "O...kay then" You walked away, curious as to why 4 girls would be so interested in nothing but commercials until-

"Eeek! There he is! There he is!" They erupted in squeals. "Luhan!" The familiar name made you automatically twist your neck towards the screen and you saw the boy from yesterday in yet another commercial for a beauty care store. Him again?! You thought, noticing that you were seeing this guy everywhere you went all of a sudden. "Aw~~~ He's so cute!" They continued to fan-girl over the screen as if they were seeing him in person. You glared at the screen for a moment...you almost got the chance to know about this relationship with EXO-K until Sehun had jumped into the conversation this morning...and you weren't getting a very good vibe from him...not even a little. I've got a bad feeling about this...

"Ji-Eun could you-" 

"Sorry manager, i think i...left my gas on at home, i need to go- sorry" You quickly took off your bandana and returned it to your manager before he could give you anymore orders and quickly rushed out of the store. The manager watched you make your way out of the store, dumbfounded. 


You were about to enter the cafe when you noticed that the sign had been turned to 'open'. "What?..." I didn't open the store! You wrinkled your nose before quickly flinging the door open. "What's going..." You entered the store and to your shock, the cafe was flooded with girls. 

"Welcome pretty lady!" a voice beamed at you. You looked up and saw Chanyeol in one of your black aprons, the early bird menu in his hands. "Chanyeol? what are you-" 

"A little help hyung?" Sehun walked pass with a heavy tray full of empty drinks and noticed you standing by the door. "Ji-Eun! You're home!~" He greeted before jaunting into the kitchen. "one mocha is ready!...i think!" D.O bellowed from behind the bar, peering at a cup of coffee he had created. 

"Anything else to drink ladies?" Kai smiled towards a table of 3 girls who blushed pink. "No~ We're alright thank you~" They cooed, melting from the inside from his radiating shine. "My pleasure" He spoke with that charismatic voice of his before walking off. The girls bursting into squeals and screams once he left. 

"What are you guys doing?" you asked after watching Kai work his playboy skills. "Helping you" Baekhyun answered, casually walking passed you with a tray full of drinks in both of his hands. Even you wouldn't be able to do that if you tried.

"Y-You know how to make drinks?" 

"Nope!" The honest leader answered whilst walking passed you with empty plates in his hands. D.O heard and pouted. "Hey! I'm trying my best!" He argued. You stood there in a daze...flabagasted that these aliens would even think of doing such a thing...but then suddenly a grin lit up on your face. You grabbed an apron and helped out D.O in making the drinks and let the rest of EXO-K work their magic on the girls. "Seriously, trust you guys to turn my cafe into a host club" you sighed but again, the smile on your face remained. 

"D.O, switch, I'll take it from here" Baekhyun offered after noticing how frustrated D.O was getting. "Thank you!" D.O thanked before galloping out of the bar and switching with Baekhyun. "Need any help?" He asked. Watching over your shoulders as you poured the frothed milk into a mug of coffee to make a pretty leaf pattern.

"Huh? Oh yeah um...table 7 asked for latte's...but er, i don't suppose you know how to-"  

"This cup?" He grabbed one of the cups you'd prepared the thick mixture of coffee in and looked at it curiously. 

"Yeah but it's okay I'll-" "And this?" He interrupted you once more and snatched the silver jug of frothed milk.

"Yeah and you just kind of pour it in like..." You were about to explain when you see him already swirling the milk over the coffee like a professional, mimicking your little leaf pattern and glancing at you once he'd finished to check for your approval. "Like this?" He asked to make sure and you looked over the top of the coffee in slight suspicion...Perfection. 

You gave him a suspicious look before taking the latte and placing it on the tray, it took you a while for you to perfect latte art, and here this alien is getting it spot on on the first try. "Yeah like that...And there's another two for table 8 as well" You told him. "This time they ordered the early bird special so could you put it in the glass over there instead" You gestured towards one of the small glasses on the shelf, wondering if he'd be able to get it right. Baekhyun searched the bar and found the glass you'd pointed to, and placed it under the coffee machine, clicked the 'latte' button and waited. You watched him with wide eyes. Baekhyun noticed you staring and tilted his head wondering what it was that you were staring at. "Am i doing it right?" He asked to make sure but you just scoffed. "So far..." You mumble, wanting to watch him carry on. He took out the cup and did the same to the second then grabbed the new silver jug full of newly frothed milk. "You want a picture on it?"

"Yeah sure" You replied. He poured the milk in and made the same leaf picture on one and glanced at you again. "Same picture?"

"...Try a heart this time" You ordered him with an intrigued voice. He thought about it for a second and did exactly that. His steady hands poured the milk into the coffee and swirled it perfectly to make a small heart.

Your jaw dropped at the perfection of the two lattes as he places it on a tray at the counter and rings the bell. "Table 8" He informed before Kai walked passed and swiftly grabs it. "Rodger" He replied before walking away.

"Have you by any chance done this before?" You asked, genuinely intrigued. Baekhyun shrugged. "No, why?" "Well you're a pretty fast learner then" You smile at him, looking impressed. He looked at you back with a rather blank expression that you couldn't read. "I'll take take that as a compliment" He suddenly shone a smile that made your heart flutter. You chuckled before taking another mug and placing it under the coffee machine "I shall now call you Mr. barista~" You quietly but loud enough for him to hear. He scoffed amusingly. "Aw, am i not your ramen boy anymore?" He smirked as a tease. "Har-dee-har-har, don't worry- you can be both!" You stuck your tongue out which made him laugh before mimicking you. 

"Ji-Eun! A little help please~" You heard Sehun call you as he was struggling with the plates and you sighed at him with a smile. "Hopeless~" 

Baekhyun watched you skip out of the bar with a little grin at the edge of his lips. So childish... 

"No funny business- 'Mister Barista'~" Suho suddenly added as he walked pass the bar, obviously overhearing that part of the conversation. Baekhyun rolled his eyes with a shake of the head. Great, a new nickname.

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It’s been 5 years...sad to see this story go unfinished
Chapter 43: Update soooon
Chapter 37: Thumbs up
Chapter 43: This is a really good story! I really enjoy reading this! I hope you can update soon!
Woooohpeasants342 #6
Chapter 43: I really love this story I cant wait for the newest chapter!
such a good AFF. Definitely a "Featured" worthy!

Did you discontinued this story? i hope not :(
Hihihihijijo_143 #8
Chapter 43: This story is good authornim
bobjo1913 #9
Will this forever be a discontinued????? Plz give a closure, im begging!!! T.T
pls update