
Married to the Jerk, Wu

Your POV

After three days in Jeju, not yet playing in the beach is an awful thing, isn't it? Finally, today the school arranged a time for us to spend 24 hours, most precisely a day, to spend in a private beach, rented just for us. I wore my neon pink bikini with an over-sized seen-through white tee, pair of sandals, bringing my polaroid and phone inside my bag. Unlocking my door, I see the queenkas also wearing bikinis, with only a piece of seen-through clothing, covering the bottom part of their body. I shrugged, knocked on Jongin's room, only to reveal two hot men standing before me with their built body. Jongin's toned honey abs and perfect body, and Kyungsoo's shyness in revealing his also, great abs.

"Is it just me, or did you two worked out a lot these last days?" I asked, giggling.

"Thank you, noona, now you are regretting the fact that you won't date me, aren't you?" Jongin asked.

"No, still not regretting," I replied.

These two men, with the other 4 walked downstairs with me, crossing the street in front, then putting our stuffs on a carpet. I took off my over-sized shirt which is keeping me from revealing too much skin.

"Ooooh y noona," Sehun said, with his lisp it sounds really funny I can't help but laugh.

"You see, all the girls, kill," Baekhyun said, with a hand gesture.

"He means that you really outshine them, they look like a bunch of whale playing together, and the queenkas, too," Suho said. We took a bunch of pictures, and were having a never ending fun, until the party-wrecker and his slaves came.

"Christabelle Wu come here," Kris, with his piercing eyes, scary eyebrows, said.

"It's Lee," I replied, coming near him.

"What are you wearing?" He asked.

"Bikini," I continued, "you don't like it? Then go away."

"Change, before I drag you inside and force you to change," he said.

"You're not the boss of me, go away, don't be such an ," I replied.

"I'm serious," he said.

"I also am, too bad I am not changing," I replied.

"Belle!" He yelled, making everyone stare at us. He apologized saying that they should go back to their activities.

"Listen to me. Go change, now," he said, sternly, making me shiver.

"If you are jealous you do not need to be so rude," I replied, rolling my eyes.

"I am not jealous, this is for your own good," he said.

"Then why can the queenkas over there wear bikinis, do I look like a whale that you are embarrassed of me?"

"They are not my problem. But you, you're my wife. Only me, your husband, Kris Wu, can see you in that, not anyone else, never," he said, "I can't stand the guys watching you like that." I was taken aback by his words. I realized now that many guy was staring at me, and I know, that he has good intentions. And was, slightly jealous.

"You're not making me go up to change, aren't you?" I asked. He sighed, taking off his shirt, revealing his body, and giving it to me. I am not going to lie, Kris is hot. My husband is hot. Perfectly built body with toned honey abs and wide chest. His body is a lot better since the last time I saw it. Realizing I've stared at him too much, my cheeks went crimson red, so I hid it behind my hair.

"Thank you, I guess," I said, wearing his t-shirt which has his breathtaking scent.

"You're welcome," he said, "and for your info, you look better in bikinis than they do." Giving me his most sincere smile ever. I sometimes wonder, why can't this Kris just stay forever?

I returned back to my Ks and we've decided to play volleyball and since we're 7, we have to ask another person if they'd be willing to join us to make the number even. We glanced all around to find someone who is not busy playing, and there weren't any. So, I have decided to choose my last choice.

"Kris!" I yelled, motioning for him to come to me.

"Yes?" He came, grinning.

"What's with your big grin," I continued, "do you want to play volleyball with us?"

"Absolutely," he said, patting me on the head and then cupping my cheeks with his gigantic hands.

"You're. Going. To. Kill. Me," I said, slightly out of breath. He released his and smiled at me, for the nth time that day. I saw the queenkas coming our way, inviting themselves to play with us.

"No, no, unless you find another person to come, you're not invited, goodbye," I said, "Dahye is welcomed but the rest, not sure, okay."

"Oppa, look at her, she's so mean she is telling us to go away," Hyerim said to Kris.

"Well? Why are you still here then? Listen to my wife," Kris said. Feeling embarrassed, they looked away and sat on the beach, watching us. We started playing. Jongin, Kris, Baekhyun, and Suho in 1 team. Kyungsoo, Sehun, Chanyeol and I in 1 team.

"You know what's funny?" I asked Sehun.

"What?" He asked back.

"My first crush, my first love, someone I really admire, and my husband, is in one team," I told Sehun, he glanced at the other team, and laughed.

"What's so funny, hun," Suho snapped, making Sehun stop, "loser gets to be thrown to the ocean."

The game started. At first, their team were leading because our team is on crack. But in the middle, our team finally got a hang of it and lead the game. For just about the whole game, my team is leading. Unfortunately, by the time the watch signaled us that it was the end of the game, their team was leading. With only 2 points ahead of us because Chanyeol and Sehun were too focused on the ice-cream seller who came just about 5 minutes ago.

"Say hello to the ocean, babes," Suho said, punching his right fist to thin air, showing how great he felt on winning that friendly-yet-the-loser-gets-a-very-bad-punishment match.

Suho immediately made his way to Sehun, and started carrying him near the ocean with all his power, because Sehun is obviously a lot more built so that he's heavier. Baekhyun, who is a lot smaller than Chanyeol, decided to just drag Chanyeol with all his muscles. Don't underestimate him, he also got his body built. Jongin was about to go to me, until he realized that Kris was actually boiling in anger, and he decided to ran to Kyungsoo's side and carry him. Leaving Kris to carry me.

"You're not going to do it, I am heavy," I said, pleading.

"If you're pleading like that you're just going to make me do it anyway," he said, "and besides, I've done it once, I'm going to do it again." He grabbed me with all his might, carrying me bridal style, and not to mention that he is topless. With my skin touching his skin for a lot while, I am pretty sure my heart accelerated.

"Put me down!" I yelled, hitting him on his hard chest which I find quite impressive.

"That doesn't even hurt," he said, "and I'm still throwing you there, no matter what you do. And by what I feel, you've probably gained 2 or 3 pounds since the last time I carried you."

"Shut it. This is your shirt," I replied, hoping he would let me go, but, no.

"I give up, Kris," I said, "at least let me open your tee, you probably don't want it wet."

"Good point," he said, "but I still don't want everyone to stare at you,"

"Gosh, I'm still wearing a bikini Kris," I replied.

"If you want your skin to touch mine so much you should've just said it," he said, "and still no, we can do that another time when we're in a more private area, okay baby?" Winking at me.

"Kris! That's the least I want," I replied, glaring at him, "I am kind of impressed by your body though, last time I see, not this good, huh?"

"I worked out a lot, work is not that intense so I have time to work out," he said, smiling, again. That was when I realized, why was I talking to him when I am supposed to struggle from him.

We were now closing to the ocean, the cold ocean, and he's still not putting me down.

"Kris, oh my gosh, for heaven's sake the water is cold!" I yelled, "you do not want your wife sick, do you?" He smirked.

"I don't, but if you do get sick, it's not my problem anyway," he said.

"I was actually starting to feel good about you, until this," I rolled my eyes, and started hitting him.

"Okay, by the count of three, I want all of you to throw them to the ocean, alright?" Baekhyun said.

"Kris you really aren't joking, are you?" I asked. He smirked, shaking his head.



By the count of two, I wrapped my hands around Kris' neck, hugging him tightly, making it quite a challenge for him to throw me to the ocean. But, too bad, he was too smart and too strong at the same time for me. He used his left arm to pull away my tightly wrapped hands around his neck, and threw me to the ocean as hard as possible. My body sank to the cold, salty water, I quickly swim up and took a deep breath for I did not have a chance to take one before he threw me. I glared at the 4 person standing before me, and their extremely happy faces.

"You guys are so dead," I said.

I pulled Kris with me to the water, and he was now soaking wet, his hair dripping with water. Another hot Kris moment. The others helped me pulled the other 3 men, too. And 30 seconds later, the punishment became a water war between the eight of us. Soon, the sky darken, the wind blows heavier, signaling us that it was time to shower and eat dinner.

After watching the sun set by sitting, aligned in 1 line the 13 of us (yes, Kris' slaves were sitting next to him, wait more like surrounding him), we took some pictures, and finally decided to end the day. I went to my room with Dahye, took a shower and went to the dining hall, but before I reached there, 4 girls stopped me, pinning me against the hard wall.

"Stay away from our Kris," Hyerim said, smirking.

"And what are you going to do to me if I don't do that?" I asked.

"We're going to make your life a living hell, and you're not going to like it," she said, pushing me hard to the wall.

"You think I'm scared of you?" I asked, snapping at them, "if you do think like that, I pity you, if all four of you go to a fight with me, 4 vs 1, I'll still win anyway, and besides Kris is my husband, you are the ones who should be staying away from him."

"Don't act so tough, you're just a weak little girl. You're not even pretty, nobody wants you, especially not Kris," she said, her words stabbing me right on my heart, "it's just arranged, remember?"

"Giving up already, huh? Do think about my words, I mean every word I have said," she said, leaving me speechless, still pinned against the wall.

"I am so sorry for my friends," Dahye said.

"Dahye can you tell Jongin and the others that I went to sleep already because I'm really tired?" I asked.

"Sure thing," she said, "don't be sad okay, what she said is not true, you're really pretty I envy you, just take a good rest, Belle."

She ran off to the dining hall, following her friends. I broke down, eyes filled with tears I can no longer hold.

'You're not even pretty, nobody wants you, especially not Kris. It's just arranged, remember?'

Her words hit me like a knife and I can't help but replay those words in my mind. I tugged myself inside my blanket, drifting of to sleep while thinking about Hyerim.


The next day started of pretty much blue, I was trying as much as possible to avoid the queenkas, which also means avoiding Kris. Fortunate to me, today is basically about Kris teaching us about business, which means the queenkas wouldn't be sticking around him that much because he needed to focus. And for him to focus, is to not have any annoying girl around him. Most of the time I would just listen to Kris, because obviously business is so not my subject, and to learn is to have brighter future. It would also be beneficial for the upcoming Wu;Lee co. We toured around Jeju for the last time today, visiting the big companies here and trying to learn about their pros and cons.

The day ended as soon as we ate dinner at one of the most famous seafood restaurant here in Jeju, which is located in the heart of Jeju, which is in front of my hotel. We were seated in the shore, and tables were perfectly placed there, making us to see the sun that was setting soon. The view was jaw-dropping, so the Ks and I decided to take pictures, for that time is the last time to see sunset in Jeju. We were having a lot fun, until the 4 queenkas showed up, and of course, Kris is in between them, but this time, Hyerim is clinging onto Kris, making her s to touch his arm, and from what I see, Kris isn't doing anything to avoid this. I groaned, frustrated.

"You sound like a jealous wife," Suho said.

"I'm not, it's just that Hyerim gets my nerve at times," I replied, sitting down to my table which is four tables away from Kris'.

I decided to shook everything off of my head, and just eat the fresh grilled seafood that was in front of me. The food was amazing, I have to say I've never tasted seafood that good. My mood suddenly went up for a bit. Until the sound of high-pitched giggling came from the table four tables away from mine. I saw that Hyerim was now touching Kris' face and especially his brows, and then his hair. Seconds later Kris stood up, followed by Hyerim, still, clinging to his left arm. I felt myself boiled in anger, I stood up, walked to Kris' side.

"You know what, this is enough, I can't take seeing you anymore, Hyerim," I said, snatching her hands away from Kris', which she put back again.

"You don't like it? Then don't see," she said, winking.

"Yes I don't like it, for in fact you're touching my husband, and if you do put it back again, you're going to have to live in a not peaceful life ," I grabbed her hand, pulling it as hard as possible to where I stand. Everyone was now staring at us.

"Understood, Hyerim?" Hyerim nodded in pain, I am pretty sure I grabbed her too hard that time, but when I let go, she did not go away, she actually smirked and kissed Kris right on his cheek. I slapped her cheek, leaving a red mark there, and without me noticing, a tear actually fell down from my eye. I decided to walk away, most specifically to my room, but a hand grabbed mine. Knowing it was actually a very big hand, I knew it was Kris, so I snatched it away, running, without listening to any one of them.

30 minutes later, I could hear everyone's voices were in the hallway, noticing that they are back. I heard a knock on my door, I opened it, revealing Dahye in her cute outfit. I went back to my bed, covering my whole body with blanket.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"Dahye it's not your fault, you should just hangout with them now unless you want to see a pissed off Hyerim," I said.

"They're going clubbing, I don't go to clubs that much, Belle," she said, "I mean it, I am sorry, not the sorry that is should be coming from Hyerim's mouth, but sorry I can't do anything about it."

"It's okay, she will learn anyway later," I replied, finally showing my face.

"Hopefully, I don't want seeing you hurt ever again," she said, pouting.

"It's okay, Dahye, I won't be sad anymore, look I am smiling now," giving her my most sincere smile.

"That's good for now, the Ks were worried about you, I just said that you were probably resting because you're tired, and Kris was looking for you too," she said.

"He'll survive, they'll understand," I replied, "thank you for understanding."

"Can I be honest?" She asked.

"Of course, you can tell me anything," I replied.

"I like seeing you being a jealous wife like that in the shore," she said, "it's like how Kris is when he saw you wearing a bikini, boiling in anger."

"I was not jealous, I just couldn't take it anymore, although I do admit Kris was jealous that time," I replied.

"You couldn't take it anymore also means that you're jealous, Belle, you're so naïve at times," she said.

"Maybe," I shrugged, "we should just go to bed, the plane is leaving pretty early tomorrow."

"Okay, goodnight, Belle," she laughed at how I changed the topic so drastically.

That night I couldn't sleep. It was specifically 1.30 AM and my eyes are still widely open, not closing at all. I wasn't even feeling sleepy. I tried, tried, and tried. But nothing worked at all, for only 1 thing I could think about that night. Kris. How is he? Why do I suddenly miss him in such an ungodly hour? I decided to shrugged it off, but still, 10, 20 minutes later, I still couldn't sleep. I've had it, I stood up, walking to the veranda, looking to the beautiful moon. And after looking at it, I've decided to do one of the things I wouldn't want to do that time. I went out of my room, looking at my left I see the queenkas walking to their rooms, drunk, with their revealing clothes.

"Oh look, is here," Hyerim said, laughing. I decided to ignore them, and do one of the most daring thing to do. I knocked on Kris' door.

"He's not going to open it, last time I did that, he did open but he told me to go away," Hyerim said, sobbing, obviously still drunk. And before she could actually finished her sentence, the door opened, revealing Kris in his white v-neck t-shirt, with stripped soft blue boxers and his bed hair. I looked at him nervously, his eyes also locked to mine.

"I love your bed hair," I started, awkwardly. He smiled back in respond, sincerely. There was an awkward silent in between our conversation, so I decided to count from 3 to 1 and finally ask what's been bothering me.




"Can I sleep here tonight?" I asked, finally bracing myself.

"Of course," he flashed his gummy smile, giving me some space so I can enter his room.

I entered his room, leaving the four queenkas speechless with their jaws dropped. The first time I inhaled that room, I smelt his scent, which I always find breathtaking, and I saw that his room was actually very clean. Kris is always a neat person, he doesn't like seeing things scattered in his room.

"What makes you want to sleep here tonight?" He asked.

"I couldn't sleep," I replied.

"That's all?" He asked back, pouting.

"You don't look cute at all, Kris, and I can't sleep unless I've done that one thing that's bothering me," I replied.

"And what is that?" He asked.

"Stop shooting me with questions," I said, "the thing that's bothering me is that I wanted to sleep here." He flashed his gummy smile again, revealing only the top part of his mouth. I smiled at his childishness.

He tapped the bed next to where he was lying down, motioning me to sleep there. I did as told and laid my body there, looking at Kris. We just laid there staring at each other's eyes and smiling.

"You know what Kris I've always wanted to touch your brows," I said out of nowhere. He grabbed my right hand and let my finger touched his brow.

"Is it like what you think it is?" He asked.

"I never thought it is actually this soft," I replied, still playing with his brows. He giggled at me.I drift my hand to his hair, playing with the, also, soft hair.

"Do you have this urge after seeing Hyerim doing this to me?" he asked, clueless. At the mention of Hyerim my heart sank, remembering what she said about our marriage.

"No, it's from a long time ago, I just didn't want to do it," I replied.

Then there was silence shared by us two, but we're still glancing at each other, still smiling stupidly, like a mad in love teenagers.

"I'm sorry for not doing anything to Hyerim," he said.

"Oh please don't mention her," I replied, "I'm sick of her."

"Right. I'm sorry for not doing anything to that when she did that to me," he said, "I am just too tired myself so I just shut my mouth." 

"Not your fault anyway," I replied, giggling at the nickname he gave her.

"Still I should've pushed her away or something like that," he said, "but I kinda liked seeing you jealous."

"I was not, okay, I was just tired of her acting like she gets to do whatever she likes. Hyerim is always like that," I replied.

"Whatever, I promise she won't lay a hand on me ever again," he said.

"Promise is a big word, Kris," I said.

"And I can keep that promise," he said, making me sure, with his worried eyes. I nodded.

"And I've washed the germs on my cheek, see it's all clean now, I've washed it over and over again," he said, I laughed.

"With what?" I asked.

"With the hygiene soap that is going to ruin my skin, then washing it using my skin care products," he said.

"Sometimes I feel like you're the wife, not me. But it's good to hear. I'm sleepy now," I said, then letting off a small yawn.

"Let's go to sleep then, someone disturbed my sleep a while ago," he paused, making me guilty, "but I'm glad she came here to stay with me," he continued, smiling like a fool, "so thank you."

"Thank you, Kris," I replied.

I was still facing him and still close to him, I closed my eyes and prepared to sleep. Until something soft touched my forehead. I opened my eyes only to know that he kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight," he said, smiling.

"Goodnight, Kris," I replied. Consciously, I wrapped my hands around his waist, he did the same, I put my head on his chest, drifting of to sleep with the sound of his heartbeat


(Author's Note: How are your hearts taking all the feels up there? Thank you so much for staying with me! I promise to give you more interesting chapters. Comments are loved, and please do subscribe and comment too! I love you guys so much! xoxo)

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It shocked me when I saw that kris can ‘speak’ tagalog. Wow
Supeedoll #2
The story is so good...bt plzz update so it can be best:)
unicorn91 #3
Chapter 24: Author-nim update please ☺
f3smile #4
Chapter 24: Kris dan Belle, kalian berdua sangat menjengkelkan, hehe, thank u for updating authornim. I'm waiting for next chapter, fighting ^_^
Chapter 24: gosh can you guys being just sweet all the time? i could melt ;-;
update soon author-nim! HWAITING :)
Chapter 24: please hurry update ...the story
Chapter 24: Whoaaa Belle, you're really like him ^^
sabine #9
Chapter 24: Stop being a up jerk, kris. Thanks for the update!
Chapter 23: yah dont be like that Belle =_= I know you like him hoho
is Baekhyun like her too? I'm not so sure ><
whoa, Myungsoo and Lizzy hahaha XD