Chapter 8

Going Gay for You

L.Joe's P.O.V

Min Ji and I are now closer, like best friends. She will help me in everything, like my homework, even though she don't study in the same school as me, but she is really, extremely smart.

The sad thing is that, she's bad in lying and acting.

Min Ji will also help me with the confession.

One day, I wish I have the guts to tell Chunji that I like him.


Chunji's P.O.V

I'm so upset right now. Urrhhhh! L.Joe always hang out with that , okay I know her name... 'Min Ji'... Such a horrible name! 

Wish I could tell her he is mine, but I'm scared she might think I'm gay, which I am.

"That ..." I cursed angrily under my breath.

"Dude..." My friend said, shockingly.\

"Ooh... Sorry Changjo... Just... Angry..." I said and sighed.

"What?? It's because of Min Ji noona again??" Changjo asked me.

Changjo is Min Ji's cousin. So they're related.

I nodded and frowned.

"Don't be upset hyung... Min Ji noona is very kind, helpful and funny... Respectful too... I'm sure she doesn't like L.Joe... She likes somebody else..." Changjo said to me.

"Hooh... That's a relief!" I sighed and pretend to wipe my 'fake' sweat.

"But what if he likes her?" Changjo asked, which made me frown.

"I don't know... One time, I heard him telling Sehun that he likes me..." I said.

"You eavesdropped them??" Changjo asked.

"I know it's bad but yes..." I said.

"When was that??" Changjo asked.

"3 weeks ago..." I said.

"I hope he still likes you... I also hope he won't be a playboy too..." Changjo said worriedly.

"Ya... Me too..." I said and sighed sadly.


Sehun's P.O.V

"I will miss you..." I said, caressing Luhan's hair.

"I will miss you more..." Luhan said with a smile.

"I will miss you most..." I said dreamily and gave him a peck on his lips.

"Bye... School is just gonna end in 5 hours... PleaL.Jse wait for me..." I said waving at Luhan.

"That doesn't make me feel better..." Luhan crossed his arms and pouted.

Now, he looks so adorable. :D

I smiled and left him.

"Wait! Come back! Sehun! Ahhhh!" I left Luhan screaming at me.

I looked back and smiled.

"Come back here you naughty boy!" Luhan shouted.

"Shhhh~ Be quiet..." I heard Madam Jessica shush-ed him.

"Sorry..." I heard Luhan apologized to Madam Jessica.

Okay, Luhan and I are a couple a week ago, so now I'm heading to school and Luhan hates it when I'm gone.

I love him so much!! <3333


L.Joe's P.O.V

Min Ji and I were in a coffee shop called Starbucks. I love their coffee! <3

"Tell me whose your crush..." I teased Min Ji.

"No!" Min Ji refused.

"Fine... I will just tell your secret to everyone about your-" I was cut off by her.

"Okay okay okay!! Make sure you keep that promise to NOT EVER tell anyone, okay?" Min Ji said while putting her pinky.

"Promise..." I said and held my pinky and connected it to hers.

"It's... Taemin..." Min Ji finally said it.

"You mean the one who is studying in SM High School?" I asked Min Ji.

Min Ji nodded shyly.

"How did you know him??" Min Ji asked.

"Sehun is one of his good friends excluding Kai, Kyungsoo and Kris..." I said.

Min Ji nodded. "I guess he has a lot of friends starting with the letter 'K'..." Min Ji said.

"How did you know Taemin?" I asked Min Ji.

"Well... We were childhood friends and he has a really nice and good personality. I like him, and he is my ideal type... I like him a lot..." Min Ji confessed.

"Ey ey ey... Look who is in love?" I .

"Stop it!" Min Ji shouted shyly and slapped my arm. She was blushing madly.


Chunji's P.O.V

"Hyung, why not we go to Starbucks and have a drink... You need to clear up your mind you know..." Changjo said.

"Fine... Maybe that will work..." I said, positively.

"I'll treat you, since your in a bad mood anyways..." Changjo said and grabbed his coat.



"Hyung..." Changjo nudged my arm.

"Huh? What?" I asked him, cluelessly.

"Isn't that L.Joe hyung with Min Ji noona??" Changjo asked me while pointing at 'them'.

I looked closely and squinted my eyes.

"Oh... It's them..." I said while rolling my eyes, sarcastically.

"Come on... Let's greet them..." Changjo said and walked towards them.

"Ey ey ey... Look who is in love?" I heard L.Joe said that to Min Ji.

I am boiling, full of jealousy.

"Stop it!" Min Ji shouted and slapped his arms. She was blushing madly.

"Hey guys..." Changjo greeted them casually.

"H-hi..." I nervously greeted them.

"Wait... Are you Chunji?" Min Ji asked me.

I nodded innocently. In my heart, I feel like tearing her into pieces.

"Oh so your the guy L.Joe was talking about... He described you as blonde hair, cute eyes, mouth cheeks-" Min Ji was cut off by L.Joe, who was covering with his hand.

"Nothing... She was just lying... Ehehehe..." L.Joe said and glared at Min Ji.

"Ow! That hurts dude!" Min Ji shouted and wiped her saliva.

"You bit my hand and it's full of saliva..." L.Joe said and quickly went into the boy's toilet.

I was blushing madly right now. He said I had cute eyes, mouth, cheeks. I didn't realize I was giggling like a little 3 year old girl, who finally receives her iPad.

"Hyung..." Changjo eyed me. 

"Oops... Sorry... Hi.. I'm Chunji... My real name is Chan Hee... Nice to meet you.." I said while bowing.

I know that Min Ji doesn't like L.Joe, because if she liked him, she wouldn't have said that.

"Drop the formalities... I'm Min Ji... Currently working as a trainee in Pledis Entertainment to become a pop star one day... Like After School..." Min Ji said with a smile.

"Wait... I know that entertainment... And, I like After School too!" I said and squealed.

"Yeah... I know right!! I love everyone in that company... My favourite member is Jungah and Raina... I love their voices so much!! It's absolutely flawless..." Min Ji said happily.

"My ultimate girl bias is Jooyeon!!" I squealed.

"Okay guys... It's best you sit down and stop squealing..." Changjo said.

I nodded and sat down quietly.


L.Joe's P.O.V

I went out of the bathroom and I heard Chunji said.

"My ultimate girl bias is Jooyeon!!" Chunji squealed.

My heart dropped. He likes Jooyeon?? Of course he doesn't like me. I'm a freakin gay person and he is straight... Urrrggghhhh...

I walked casually to our table.

"Hey guys... Sorry I didn't greet you properly... So hi..." I said shyly while bowing.

"So, you're the L.Joe guy Chunji was talking about??" Changjo asked me.

I nodded with a smile.

"If you say anything more than that, you're going to be hurt, just like Min Ji..." Chunji glared at Changjo.

"If ever I tell them, I can always do what noona did. Bite your finger... Duh..." Changjo said and rolled his eyes.

"Nevermind..." Chunji said and played with his iPhone.



Author's Note:

Finally updated after 2 days!! I miss updating and typing so much!! Been quite busy lately. 


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Guys... I hope you all will enjoy this story!! :D


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Chapter 26: Waaaah. Ii ship nap but this Suzy x CAP Is so cute. >///<
Chapter 42: aww..i love it so much...and yul and chunji so cute..i thought cap with niel..but its ok ..i love know i read this while hear youve fallen for me ..cause i love that song so much..
elien23 #3
Chapter 42: awwwwwwwwwwww such a great ending
Chapter 42: AWWW :')
i love how hunhan is so naughty in this fic lol.
this is so cute ouo
hope you'll do more chunjoe fic?:o jkjk sorry they are just so adorable together ;~;
Chapter 42: Woah this is a happy ending!! Great job! :D
Chapter 42: Awwww happy ending! XD
Chapter 42: Love the story. Hope to read your next fic soon :>
Chapter 41: Uwahhhh they finally are together!!!
wonwoojpeg #9
Chapter 41: /Wipes imaginary tear at L.Joe's last sentence/ :')
Lol. I did a little happy dance when L.Joe's dad accepted them xD
YAY! Now let's pray Chunji's parent will accept them :)