Chapter 17

Going Gay for You

Jennifer's P.O.V

My phone rang. I answered it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Ummm... Jennifer... I know where Chunji is right now..." 

"Where?" I was so happy.

"Capital Mall..." 

"I'll be right there..." I said with a smirk and disconnected the line.

Today is the day I'm going to kill Chunji. I prepared my knife, the gun that my father had before he went to prison, frying pan (It's handy because I watched 'Rapunzel Tangled' movie), rope and of course, DUCT TAPE, incase he wouldn't shut up.

Now, it's time to get my L.Joe back. 

"HAHAHAHA *cough* HAHAHAHA, ouch my throat... Gotta work on the evil laugh next time..." I said to myself and smirked. 

I went out of the building with my weapons.

But little did I know, someone was stalking me.


Min Ji's P.O.V

I better warn Chunji and L.Joe!!

I quickly left Pledis Entertainment's building.

I was about to take my phone when...

"Oh my god!! I left my phone at Grandma's... Better go to the Capital Mall now!" I said and ran all the way from Pledis Entertainment's building, to Capital Mall.


Luhan's P.O.V

Sehun and I were in the park (A/N: The park is just across Capital Mall.), hand-in-hand. Good thing no one was staring at us.

"Guys Guys Guys!!" Someone was shouting.

"Eh?" I said and turned around.

Min Ji was gasping for air.

"Sehun... Jennifer is out to kill Chunji!!" Min Ji shouted.

"Sshhh~ Okay... Do you know where she went?" Sehun asked Min Ji.

"Capital Mall..." Min Ji asked Sehun.

"Let's go..." Sehun said and ran. 

I was worried about Chunji and L.Joe, so I tried to help.

I dialled Chunji's phone number while running.

"Lee Chan Hee... Where are you now?" I quickly asked.

"Ummm... Capital Mall, Kinokuniya bookstore with L.Joe.. Why?" Chunji said.

"Okay... If you happen to see a strange person or Jennifer, run as fast as you can..." I quickly said and disconnected the line.

We finally arrived outside the Capital Mall.

We haven't seen Jennifer yet. Probably, she was just walking slowly, or she is in the mall already.

"Kinokuniya bookstore!" I shouted.

All of us were running, like the speed of a race car.

Sehun and Min Ji already entered the store.

Before I entered the bookstore, I saw a man, dressed in black, with a hood over his head.

"Mysterious guy..." I said while eyeing at him. Luckily, he didn't look at me.

"Luhan! They're not here!" Min Ji said worriedly.

I entered the store as fast as I could.

I went to the counter.

"Umm... Excuse me... Have you seen two boys with blonde hair?" I asked the counter.

"Oh, they left a few minutes ago... I think they went upstairs..." The counter lady said.

"Thank you so much for your help, auntie~" Min Ji thanked her and all of us went upstairs.

We looked around but all we could see is random people we don't know.

"Okay, split up!" Sehun shouted and we went into our seperate ways.


Min Ji's P.O.V

This cannot be happening!!!

I ran and looked around.

Then, I saw two blondies.

"Jackpot!" I ran to the clothing store.

I poked their shoulders. They turned around.

"Oops.. Sorry... Wrong person..." I said while pouting.

"Oh my gosh... Where are they?" I mumbled to myself.

I was standing on the escalator until I saw Jennifer wearing the same clothes since this morning.

"Bingo!" I swiflty ran past all the people. Luckily I didn't bang them, fall or trip on anything.

I pulled her shoulder. She turned around.

"What are you doing here?" Jennifer asked me, staring at me.

"Duh... Shopping~" I lied.

"Yeah right... You're like the worst liar I have ever met..." Jennifer said while crossing her arms while smirking.

"Well it's true... Why else would I be here?" I said, stating the obvious.

"Well you should know-" Jennifer was cut off by her ringtone of her phone.

"Yeah hello? Cool you found him? He's in the arcade? I'll be right there..." Jennifer was talking on the phone.

"I wish I could talk ... But I'm in a rush..." Jennifer sped to the arcade, which was the highest floor. She used the escalator.

We were at the 2nd floor. This mall has 8 floors. I looked at the escalator= full of people. I looked at the elevator= bingo!

I ran to the elevator and pressed the button.

It automatically opened, I quickly entered the lift and pressed '8'.

I waited for at least 12 seconds and quickly went out.

I looked around and saw Chunji and L.Joe.

I ran towards their direction, but I saw two officers talking to them and they nodded. I have no idea what was that about.

I walked even faster to their direction, where they were heading. The janitor's closet. BINGO!

I asked a random girl to lend me her phone.

I dialled Sehun's phone number and told them Chunji and L.Joe are at the 8th floor.

"Thanks" I thanked the random girl.

I ran to the janitor's closet.

I opened the door, but it was locked.

A man unlocked the door and kept on staring at me.

Without warning, he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the janitor's closet.

"Well well well... Look who is decided to join Chunji and L.Joe today?" Someone with the hideous voice said that.

I turned around and saw Jennifer with a frying pan, L.Joe and Chunji were tied up with rope and duct tape stuck on their mouth. They mumbled something, but I couldn't even get the clue on what they were saying.

Then everything went black.



Author's Note:

OMO! What is gonna happen next!? D:

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Chapter 26: Waaaah. Ii ship nap but this Suzy x CAP Is so cute. >///<
Chapter 42: aww..i love it so much...and yul and chunji so cute..i thought cap with niel..but its ok ..i love know i read this while hear youve fallen for me ..cause i love that song so much..
elien23 #3
Chapter 42: awwwwwwwwwwww such a great ending
Chapter 42: AWWW :')
i love how hunhan is so naughty in this fic lol.
this is so cute ouo
hope you'll do more chunjoe fic?:o jkjk sorry they are just so adorable together ;~;
Chapter 42: Woah this is a happy ending!! Great job! :D
Chapter 42: Awwww happy ending! XD
Chapter 42: Love the story. Hope to read your next fic soon :>
Chapter 41: Uwahhhh they finally are together!!!
wonwoojpeg #9
Chapter 41: /Wipes imaginary tear at L.Joe's last sentence/ :')
Lol. I did a little happy dance when L.Joe's dad accepted them xD
YAY! Now let's pray Chunji's parent will accept them :)