Chapter 11

Going Gay for You

L.Joe's P.O.V

"Get up oppa!!" Na Yul shouted LOUDLY, at my eardrums.

"Oh.. My Gosh Na Yul... Since when were you so loud?" I scolded my little sister.

"You didn't wake up... This is the 17th time I shouted at you, you know?" Na Yul said and pouted sadly.

"Look... I'm sorry Na Yul-ah... I shouldn't shout at you... It's oppa's fault okay? Now prepare..." I said while ruffling her hair.

"But, I'm already in my uniform..." Na Yul stated.

"Ahahaha... I'll prepare first..." I said and got out of my bed.

Yesterday I didn't have a good sleep at all... I was worrying about Chunji... 

'Chunji will die if L.Joe is living'

That really freaks me out. Gives me goosebumps.

Jennifer is one hell of a ... T.T


In college...

"Dude... Are you okay?" C.A.P asked me. He studies the same school as me.

"No... Got a nightmare..." I lied.

"You know today we're suppose to present our Science project, right?" C.A.P said.

"Oh my gosh... I forgot about that! Urrgggh... Now I'm getting more stress than ever..." I said hitting my forehead.

"Dude, that's enough... I think it's better you don't go to school today, and get some rest..." C.A.P suggested.

"But-" I was cut off by him.

"No buts... You're stress... You have eye bags too... I'll just tell the teacher you're not feeling well today, okay?" C.A.P said.

"Thanks bro... You're awesome..." I said while smiling.

C.A.P and I are like brothers, but we're cousins. We only talk to each other in college. I don't really have much friends in my school. I know it but I don't want to be popular too.


Walking home...

I was walking home, since there is no bus or any taxi around here. I can't ride my motorcycle because I am grounded and my dad took my keys to his business trip.

I walked to my house, alone. Now I really feel like a loner.

I unlocked the door, changed my clothes and walked out of the house.

Since I didn't have breakfast yet, I will just go to the cafe that I always go to.

"Hello Byunghun-sshi... Nice to meet you again..." The ahjumma of the shop greeted me.

"Hello ahjumma..." I bowed to her.

I sat down on the chair and looked through the menu.

"I'll just get a cappuccino and club sandwiches... Thank you..." I ordered my food and sighed.

"What's with the sigh?" The ahjumma asked me.

"Oh... Just stress... I got lots of problems that I have to solve..." I said.

"I'll get your order first then you'll tell it to me, okay?" The ahjumma said and walked off.

I know I can always rely on her. She always gives me advices and help me with my problems, even though it's quite personal, but she will keep the secret safe.

A few minutes later, my food and drinks arrived.

"Thanks ahjumma..." I thanked her.

"Your welcome... So, what's the matter? Is it about love, school, family, friends?" The ahjumma asked.

"Love and school..." I answered.

"Ooh... Sorry to say this but I remembered the last time you told me you broke up with Jennifer..." Ahjumma said with a frown.

"No no no... It's okay..." I said with a smile.

"Do you mind telling me who is it?" Ahjumma asked teasingly.

"Umm... That's the problem.." I said while wiping my sweat from my forehead.

"You fell in love with your enemy?" Ahjumma guessed wrongly.

"No... Way worse than that..." I said.

"Cousin? Sister?" Ahjumma guessed wrongly, again.

"Someone not related... But same... gender... as... me..." I nervously said.

"Wait... That means you're gay?" Ahjumma asked me, shockingly.

I nodded quickly. I was so nervous, I closed my eyes and hugged the pillow. (Okay there are some cafe's with pillows)

"Congratulations Byunghun..." Ahjumma said.

"Huh?" I asked her, I was really confused right now.

"No matter who you are, or what you are... Remember, it's your life. No one can judge you, even if they are homophobes... They just can't accept the fact. But for me, I'm okay with whatever your choice is..." Ahjumma said with a smile.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah... Remember what you're mom said? 'Go for the person you love instead of listening to other people's choices'. No matter what gender you are, love is not illegal..." Ahjumma said.

I teared up. I was so happy.

"Thank you ahjumma for accepting who I am..." I said with a smile and bowed lots of time.

"I think you better hurry and get him... Or not, you'll lose him..." Ahjumma said with a smile.

"Thank you ahjumma..." I said and took my wallet out.

"No no... It's best I treat you... You were really stressed..." Ahjumma said.

"No need ahjumma..." I rejected her offer.

"No... It's okay... There's no use fighting back anyways..." Ahjumma said, she went to the cashier and payed everything I ordered, but luckily, it's not much.

"Thank you so much ahjumma..." I said and left the cafe.

I didn't know what to do at first. So I went to Pledis Entertainment's building.


In Pledis Entertainment's building...

"Excuse me. Who are you looking for?" A lady with a bun asked me.

"Ummm... One of your trainees called Choi Min Ji..." I said.

"Okay... Right this way sir..." The lady said and showed me to Min Ji's practice room.


Min Ji's P.O.V

"Okay everyone... 20 minutes of break..." My dance choreographer said.

Then, someone knocked on the door.

I opened the door.

"Oh hey L.Joe..." I was surprised to see him.

"You free to talk?" L.Joe asked me.

"Yeah... I'll be right back..." I said to my dance mates and went off.

"Ooh... I bet he or she likes each other..." I heard one of my friends coo-ed.

"I know right..." Another girl said.

"Aren't you suppose to be in school?" I asked him.

"Neh... I wasn't feeling well... Stress..." L.Joe said. I nodded, means I understood him.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked him.

"You know... Jennifer and her evil mind?" L.Joe said.

"Ummm... Honestly, I have no time to think of this... But I will try my best to help..." I said unsurely.

"Okay.. Umm... Your mission is to keep looking at Jennifer when she is not looking at you... Got it?" L.Joe said.

"Yeah..." I said while nodding my head.

"And... Put this on her..." L.Joe said and gave me some kind of device.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"It's a kind of device which you can hear someone talking... It's wireless..." L.Joe said.

"Is it like a walky-talky?" I asked him.

"Ummm... Better than that.... You can't really see it though... I'll just have to put this onto your ear, so you can hear everything she say..." L.Joe said.

"What if she is bathing?" I asked him.

"No worries, it's waterproof..." L.Joe said.

"So she have to wear this device on her ear?" I said.

"Yeah.. She can't hear you talk, but you can hear her talk..." L.Joe said, with a smirk.

"Ahh... You are one smart but naughty boy eh..." I said while crossing my arms.

"Deal?" L.Joe asked.

"Deal..." I nodded and put the device on my ear.

It actually looks like an earing. I have a pair, she has a pair too. 

"So... You give this to your manager and say that her sister gave it to her... Ask him not to mention your name, kay?" L.Joe said.

I smirked and nodded.

"Call me when she is up to something..." L.Joe said and left the building.

I went to my manager.

"Mr. Soo... Jennifer's sister gave a present to her, to congratulate her for being a trainee..." I said. I can finally lie naturally.

"Really? Where did you get it?" Mr. Soo asked me.

"I think her sister passed it to me and asked her to pass it to her. But I want you to surprise her... Make sure you don't mention my name..." I said.

"Alright... I'll give it to her now..." Mr. Soo said and went out of his office. I followed him to the practice room.


In the practice room...

"Jennifer... Your sister came to give you this... She was in a hurry, so she can't visit you today..." Mr. Soo lied to Jennifer.

"Oh... Thanks... If she ever come back, tell her I said thanks..." Jennifer said while smiling.

Then, Jennifer wore it. "Jackpot" I whispered to myself while smirking.



Author's Note:

Clever idea L.Joe has... :3 

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Chapter 26: Waaaah. Ii ship nap but this Suzy x CAP Is so cute. >///<
Chapter 42: aww..i love it so much...and yul and chunji so cute..i thought cap with niel..but its ok ..i love know i read this while hear youve fallen for me ..cause i love that song so much..
elien23 #3
Chapter 42: awwwwwwwwwwww such a great ending
Chapter 42: AWWW :')
i love how hunhan is so naughty in this fic lol.
this is so cute ouo
hope you'll do more chunjoe fic?:o jkjk sorry they are just so adorable together ;~;
Chapter 42: Woah this is a happy ending!! Great job! :D
Chapter 42: Awwww happy ending! XD
Chapter 42: Love the story. Hope to read your next fic soon :>
Chapter 41: Uwahhhh they finally are together!!!
wonwoojpeg #9
Chapter 41: /Wipes imaginary tear at L.Joe's last sentence/ :')
Lol. I did a little happy dance when L.Joe's dad accepted them xD
YAY! Now let's pray Chunji's parent will accept them :)