Chapter 26

Going Gay for You

Suzy's P.O.V

(Author's Note: There is no school for T.O.P College today...)

"WHAT!!??" C.A.P and L.Joe shouted, with worried faces.

We were in C.A.P's house.

"Yeah... Joanna was really good to me... She said that she doesn't really like C.A.P oppa... So, I'm okay with her..." I said.

"Woo~ That's a relief..." C.A.P said and hugged me.

"Great!" L.Joe cheered.

"But... I have something to tell you..." I said.

"What is it?" C.A.P asked.

"Ummm... Jae Hee might be.... Ummm... How do you say this?" I was unsure if I should tell them.

"Wait, Yong Jae Hee? The girl who is the nerdiest girl in school?? Why would she be in this topic??" L.Joe asked me.

"S-She might... K-kill m-me..." I said while lowering my head.

"Nonsense!! She is a nerd... All she does is study and read books!! She doesn't do anything else..." C.A.P said, in disbelief.

"She might be a nerd... But not all nerds are innocent..." I said.

"Now I understand..." L.Joe said.

"But why would she kill you?" C.A.P asked me.

"She is obssessed with you..." I said while I tried to control my tears.

"It's okay... We can help you get rid of Jae Hee..." L.Joe said.

"Yeah... I mean, you have us..." C.A.P said.

"But, what if you guys were too late??" I asked, while some of my tears were rolling down to my cheeks.

"Don't worry... You can always count on us.. We'll be with you 24/7..." C.A.P said while hugging her waist.

"I hope so..." I said while sighing.

"Well... I will plan things out at home..." L.Joe said and went out of C.A.P's house.

"Finally!! Alone time!!" C.A.P said and hugged me.


Joanna's P.O.V

I am now visiting Jennifer, my sister, in jail... I'm sure she will have fun IN jail, coz she deserved it.

"Hey... How's C.A.P?? Have you plan on hurting Suzy, because I think she deserves it for stealing your C.A.P oppa..." Jennifer said.

I just stared at her blankly.

"Something wrong?" Jennifer asked me.

"I hate you..." I said, with evil eyes.

"What?" Jennifer asked, in disbelief.

"I don't want to hurt Suzy's feelings... I don't want her to suffer..." I said angrily to her.

"Your on her side now??" Jennifer asked me.

"What else!? Dumb dumb... Look, she is actually a nice person... And I really want to be her friend..." I said harshly.

"Look... If you are friends with a complete nerd, you are one too..." Jennifer said.

"I don't mind if I'm one..." I said while crossing my arms.

"No! You listen to me you !!! I'm older than you!! Dad and mom will be sad to hear this from you..." Jennifer said.

"Well... Who is the girl who was stuck in jail??" I said, stating the obvious. Looks like I won this battle.

"You don't make your own desicions-"

"No you listen!! I have my own life... You have yours!! I want to live freely and get out of your freakin life!! I never want to see you... This will be the last time I'm going to see you..." I said while slaming the table.


"You dare to slap me!!" I screamed at her.

"You in !! How dare you!!?? Since when did you become a ??" Jennifer angrily shouted.

"You are one!! You're the one whose in prison, dumb dumb!!" I shouted.

"I think it's best you leave..." The policeman said to me and grabbed Jennifer.

I cried a little. "This will be the last time I'm going to see you, Jennifer Yong Jung Ah..." I said to myself and head my way out of the building.


Jae Hee's P.O.V

"Who is that??" I asked myself.

I opened the door. "Oh hey Joanna..." I greeted.

"Don't act innocent to me..." Joanna said harshly.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, acting clueless.

"Puh-lease... You are out to destroy Suzy's life, am I right, Yong Jae Hee??" Joanna asked.

"Oh haha... Even if I love C.A.P, doesn't mean I wanna destroy her..." I lied, while sitting on my couch.

"Look.. I know you're lying... You better get out of her way, and leave her alone..." Joanna warned me.

"Well... I love C.A.P and I'm not letting her have C.A-"

"No!! You leave her alone... C.A.P loves Suzy, Suzy loves him back, you have nothing to do about it!!" Joanna shouted.

"Honey... Please don't fight..." My mom shouted from upstairs.

"Sorry mom!" I replied.

I turned to Joanna.

"I thought you loved him..." I said while crossing my arms.

"I don't... I have someone else, and I'm related to C.A.P..." Joanna said.

"Haha... Well... Too bad, I'm not going to let her off so easily..." I said and smirked.

"" Joanna cursed.

"It's okay... I hate you too..." I said with a smile.


"Guards!!" I called them.

Without a second to spare, they were next to Joanna.

"Miss... Please go out now..." One of my guard said to Joanna.

"No!! Ahhhh!!!" Joanna screamed, while the guards pulled her out of my house.

"Haha..." I laughed and locked the door.


L.Joe's P.O.V

"Lalalalalalalalalala~" I heard Chunji sang in the toilet.

My eyes widened.

Then, I imagined something weird. Chunji was and- "Ahhhhh!!" I screamed.

Byunghun!!! Get yourself together!! Don't think of that!! 

I quickly shook my head.

Chunji stopped the water from running.

"What's wrong??" Chunji asked from the toilet.

"Nothing... Just, homework is hard..." I lied and denied.

"Okay..." Chunji shouted.

"Wooh... That was close..." I said in relief and wiped my imaginary sweat from my forehead.

I went to the kitchen to cook lunch.

"Eh? No food??" I asked myself while opening all the cabinets.

"Huh... All we have is a bottle of chilli sauce...." I said to myself.

Whenever father leaves for business trips, our home always run out of food, and all of the packets of ramen were mostly eaten by hungry Chunji.

I took my wallet out and head for the door until...

"Hey... Where are you going??" I heard Chunji asked me.

I turned my back.

"Well... There's no more food, so I'm going to buy some food... Wanna come??" I asked him.

"Wait..." Chunji said and rushed to who-knows-where.

"I'm back..." Chunji said while holding Na Yul beside him.

Oh my gosh, I forgot about Na Yul!! D:

"Let's go..." I said.


At the shopping centre...

"Let's see... We need fish, chicken wings, a can of luncheon meat, brocolli, cabages, beef, noodles, milk, oil, rice and some drinks..." I said.

I was pulling the trolley while Chunji was with Na Yul, telling each other about something.

"Oh yeah Chunji, where is Luhan??" I asked him.

"Well.. He said he was going to Busan to visit his family..." Chunji replied.

I nodded my head and continued walking, until I bumped on someone.

"Ouch!" Someone shouted.

I looked at the girl who was on the floor, massaging her knee.

"Oh Joanna... I'm so sorry..." I said and helped her get up.

"Thanks..." Joanna said and looked at her knee.

"Oh... It's bleeding..." Joanna said.

"Here... A plaster for you..." Chunji quickly hand her a plaster.

"Thanks but how come you have a plaster with you??" Joanna asked Chunji.

"Safety..." Chunji said with a smile.

Joanna giggled a little.

"I heard you're okay with Suzy..." I said.

"Umm... Yeah..." Joanna said.

"Well... That's good... Please treat her like a good friend... You're like the only girl friend for her..." I said.

Joanna gave me a smile and walked off, limping.

"Poor Joanna..." I said and continued walking.

"OMO!! Candies!!!" Na Yul unexpectedly squealed, which shocked me and Chunji.

"Woah... Candies... Let's get them!!" Chunji squealed and ran to the candy section.

"Aish... Kids..." I said while smiling and shaking my head. I followed them to the candy section.



Author's Note:

You just got to love Na Yul and Chunji!! :D

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Guys... I hope you all will enjoy this story!! :D


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Chapter 26: Waaaah. Ii ship nap but this Suzy x CAP Is so cute. >///<
Chapter 42: aww..i love it so much...and yul and chunji so cute..i thought cap with niel..but its ok ..i love know i read this while hear youve fallen for me ..cause i love that song so much..
elien23 #3
Chapter 42: awwwwwwwwwwww such a great ending
Chapter 42: AWWW :')
i love how hunhan is so naughty in this fic lol.
this is so cute ouo
hope you'll do more chunjoe fic?:o jkjk sorry they are just so adorable together ;~;
Chapter 42: Woah this is a happy ending!! Great job! :D
Chapter 42: Awwww happy ending! XD
Chapter 42: Love the story. Hope to read your next fic soon :>
Chapter 41: Uwahhhh they finally are together!!!
wonwoojpeg #9
Chapter 41: /Wipes imaginary tear at L.Joe's last sentence/ :')
Lol. I did a little happy dance when L.Joe's dad accepted them xD
YAY! Now let's pray Chunji's parent will accept them :)