Chapter 19

Going Gay for You

Huhuhu :'( I'm not gaining subscribers... :( *Feeling depressed* 

But I just have to face it... ^_^


L.Joe's P.O.V

Now that Jennifer is gone, we all can party!! But the sad thing is that, it's 12 midnight and I'm not sleepy yet, while the others must be sleeping by now...

Yesterday was one of the MOST horrible events I have ever had.

Even if Jennifer killed Chunji, I will FOREVER WILL NEVER BE WITH JENNIFER IN MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE!!! She is a , , and she sells her body to all the men, JUST FOR MONEY!

Luckily Chunji is safe. THANK GOD!! <33333




I woke up, feeling sleepy. Stupid alarm clock.

I got up lazily and fell down on my . "Ow!"

I went into my bathroom and did my morning routine.


At school...

"Get your dirty hands off C.A.P oppa!!" I heard someone shouted in the hallways. That must be Joanna (Jennifer's sister who is OBSSESSED with C.A.P).

"I didn't do anything wrong! His my friend!" Someone shouted back. I think that's Suzy.

I ran to the hallways to see Joanna pulled Suzy's hair.

"STOP!!" I shouted with anger.

Joanna gulped and Suzy fell down on the floor with tears.

"What the heck is wrong with you!!??" I shouted at Joanna.

"Uhh... I... Ummm..." Joanna was so shocked, she ran away from the school building.

I went to Suzy.

"Suzy... I think you should go to the clinic... You're injured..." I said, looking all of those bruises and scars that Joanna made.

Suzy was still on the floor, crying in pain.

There's no time to waste, I carried Suzy bridal style and walked to the clinic.


"Dude, I heard Suzy was hurt... What the hell happened to her!?" C.A.P impatiently asked me.

"Joanna did it..." I said, with a blank face.

"Thanks man... For saving my Suzy..." C.A.P patted my back.

"Your Suzy?" I asked him, but he ignored my question and walked off.

"Where is he heading??" I asked myself.

I ignored the thought and just grabbed my books to revise for my exam. (A/N: Sometimes, L.Joe is a hardworking student... ^^)


C.A.P's P.O.V

I'm going to warn Joanna and her 'friends' to stop bullying my Suzy, I know I sounds cheesy, but now, I HAVE A CRUSH ON HER!

"Joanna... Did you hurt Suzy?" I asked her, politely.

"She was being a bad girl..." Joanna pouted.

"What did she do to you?" I asked her, with patience.

"Umm..." Joanna was thinking.

"She just hurt Suzy for touching you..." One of her friends said, with NO CARE.

"Is it true Joanna?" I asked Joanna, looking at her.

Joanna nodded and started t cry.

"Look... I won't go harsh on you, but if you mess with Suzy again, and if I caught you doing it again, you will face the consequences..." I said harshly to her and walked away from her classroom.

Joanna is such a drama queen. I shook my head and walked back to my classroom.


Min Ji's P.O.V

My trainees and I were dancing our debut song, STYLE. We call ourselves 'RaNia'. It has 6 members inside. We were actually gonna debut as 8 members, but Joy and Jooyi had some problems and left the company. I'm going to miss them so much.

"Girls... I have an announcement to make..." The manager said to us.

All of us were silent.

"You guys are going to debut in a month!" The manager cheered.

We all cheered with happiness. 

"I thought we're going to debut next year..." Xia said.

"Me too..." Riko said with a smile.

"Well... Practice harder, alright? Be one of the best girl group rookies in Korea!" Manager said and walked out of the room.

"We must do our best. It doesn't matter if you make a mistake, it all matters that we'll all here together..." Saem, the leader of RaNia said and all of us had a group hug.

"I bet Jennifer must be feeling so depressed..." I said with a smirk.

"I honestly think she deserves this anyway... She wanted to kill someone and kidnap you all... That's what she gets..." Di said.


Jennifer's P.O.V

"Ewwww!!" I screamed when I saw the food on the floor.

"Are you going to eat it, or you'll just starve to death??" One impatient prisoner from my other side asked me, with a harsh tone.

"I'm new to jail, so don't treat me that way!" I shouted at him and closed my arms.

"I don't in care... We're in jail... There are NO nice people in here anyways..." That prisoner said and ate his food.

"I can't believe I'm living like hell..." I mumbled sadly to myself.

I'd rather starve to death than eat that gross thing.

I just lay down there for 5 minutes.

"Oh I can't take it anymore!" I shouted and quickly at the food.

I tasted the food. "Well, at least it's better than mom's cooking..." I said with disgust.



Author's Note:

Jennifer forever alone... :P

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Chapter 26: Waaaah. Ii ship nap but this Suzy x CAP Is so cute. >///<
Chapter 42: aww..i love it so much...and yul and chunji so cute..i thought cap with niel..but its ok ..i love know i read this while hear youve fallen for me ..cause i love that song so much..
elien23 #3
Chapter 42: awwwwwwwwwwww such a great ending
Chapter 42: AWWW :')
i love how hunhan is so naughty in this fic lol.
this is so cute ouo
hope you'll do more chunjoe fic?:o jkjk sorry they are just so adorable together ;~;
Chapter 42: Woah this is a happy ending!! Great job! :D
Chapter 42: Awwww happy ending! XD
Chapter 42: Love the story. Hope to read your next fic soon :>
Chapter 41: Uwahhhh they finally are together!!!
wonwoojpeg #9
Chapter 41: /Wipes imaginary tear at L.Joe's last sentence/ :')
Lol. I did a little happy dance when L.Joe's dad accepted them xD
YAY! Now let's pray Chunji's parent will accept them :)