I think I fell in love with my teacher (chapter 4)

I think I fell in love with my teacher

I start walking again but after only one step, I looked back and walked in front of the girl. I look at her face and couldn't believe it.


Yep, it's Sungmin alright. I became so worried all of a sudden. Why is she sleeping outside in the cold and when it's snowing and dark too?? She could get sick! Something could have happened to her! Is she crazy? 

"Sungmin! Wake up! Wake up!" I shake her arm. While shaking her, I noticed she looked very peaceful when she was sleeping. To be honest, she was very pretty. I continued to try to wake her up.

My eyes fluttered open to the voice but my sight was very blurry. I see a very handsome man telling me to wake up. Am I in heaven since I see this angel? Have I died while I was sleeping? No, it couldn't be. It was still very dark outside so I'm assuming it's very early in the morning and it was snowing a lot outside. I blink a few times to clear my vision and I see a very familiar man before me...Mr.Cho?..Oh god, it's Mr. Cho. Immediately, I stood up and bow down to him.

"Mr. Cho! I didn't know you where here..." I say to him. He just stared at me. Was he still mad about me because of the incident ?
"Mr. Cho...I'm sorry--" I said before he cut me off.
"--Sungmin, what are you doing outside in the cold sleeping?.." he asked me. Uh oh, what should I tell him?? I can't just plainly tell him "I got kicked out of my dorm because of jealousy over you." Ugh, I need to think of something quick!
"U-Uhm.....I got locked out of my dorm..." I lied.
"..Is that so? Well, you should have told a friend if you could sleepover then." he told me. Well, that's the problem, Mr. Cho. I have no close friends..
"..." I just stay silent. He looked at the bench I was just sleeping on, and then he saw something.
"...Sungmin, why is there a suitcase here? Are those all of your belongings? How is that even possible when you can't even get inside your dorm" he asked. Ugh, Mr. Cho! why are you asking so many questions! What do I think of now as an excuse??
"......" I just stayed silent again when I could think of anything.
"Ugh, nevermind that then. Here." Mr. Cho said as he took his scarf off of his neck and wrapped it around mines. He pulled some of my hair out of the scarf. My heart began to beat quicker as I widened my eyes.
"T-Thank you Mr. Cho...." I saw quietly.
"No problem. But don't ever sleep outside in the cold again. You could have gotten sick." he said to me with a smile. I couldn't help but to smile back. But then he noticed something on my face and his eyes became worried again.
"Sungmin, why do you have these scratches and bruises on your face?" he said. I suddenly remembered the slap Seohyun gave me. That . It really hurts still. He suddenly put his hand on my cheek. His hands are really warm. But my cheeks also got very warm and red.
"I-I accidentally fell.." I said to him. What a lame excuse.
"Sungmin, let's go inside the building first so I can take care of this and so you don't get sick."Mr. Cho said as he grabbed my suitcase and my wrist as we head inside the building.

We come to this door that has a sign on it that says "Teacher's Lounge".
"Uhm, Mr. Cho..I don't think I'm allowed in there." I say to him.
"Haha, it's fine. This is the old Teacher's Lounge. They already made a new one so no one uses this room anymore." he said as he got the key out and opened the door. The lounge was surprisling clean and neat. It has a couch, TV, tables, newpapers, and some vending machines.
"Sit." he told me. And so I did what he said, and sat on the couch. He then took a box out and opened it. He took a cotton ball and poured a liquid on it. Suddenly he started patting the cotton ball on my face which made me shudder. My heart was beating again.
"Don't worry. I'm just cleaning your wound." he said to me. As he was taking care of it. He asked me something.
"Now, tell me really how you got this injury.." 
"...I told you...I fell.." I lied to him. He narrowed his eyes at me.
"Sungmin, it's impossible to get this kind of outcome when you fall...don't tell me....did someone hit you?" he asked with worried eyes. I don't know why, but I love how he gets worried because of me. Makes me feel...wanted.
"....." I stayed silent. He just sighed. I wish I could just say "Seohyun slapped me in the face cause I called her trash for calling my guitar trash in which she snapped all of the strings and broke it because I wouldn't tell her in what happened in the kiss between you and me or else she would tell the whole school about it and you would lose your job, Mr. Cho."

Mr. Cho put a bandage on my face after he was finished taking care of it.
"Done." he smiled. Once again, my heart flutters seeing him smile.
"Thank you, Mr. Cho..." I thank him quietly.
"You're welcome. Now, it's only 5:30 AM now. You can take a nap here until school starts." he said,
"No it's fine. I can't go back to sleep anyways." I say.
"Suit yourself then~" he told me. He stood up and went to the vending machine to get himself water. I noticed that he was humming a tune while he was waiting to get his drink. Even when he hums, I could still tell he is a great singer.
"Mr. Cho, you sing right?" I ask him. He turns around and looks at me.
"Oh yes, hehe~ But I just do it for fun. Nothing else." Mr. Cho said.
"Well, you sound really great though. Maybe you'll get to sing to me sometime." I tell him while I blush.
"Haha~ thank you Sungmin, but only if you play the guitar to me sometime too." he said. That reminds me...my guitar...I threw it in the trash yesterday...my most precious belonging...Speaking of belonging....where's my suitcase?! I start to panic.
"Uhm, Mr. Cho...I kind of left my suitcase outside ...in the snow.." I told him.
"Really?? Sorry Sungmin. I was trying to rush you to go inside quick so you wouldn't get a cold." he apologized.
"It's okay. I'm going to get my suitcase then. Please wait a moment Mr. Cho." I said to him as I got up and start walking a few steps. Suddenly, I felt someone grab my hand. I stuttered. I turn around and see Mr. Cho looking at me, with my hands grabbed on by his.

"...Sungmin, I'll go get it. You stay here and wait, okay?" he said to me. I just stared at him and nodded. He dragged me to the couch and sat me down. I still stared at him.
"There. Stay and rest." he said as he smiled upon me. He then grabbed his jacket and scarf and left. I watch him as he leaves. And without knowing my mouth turned into a smile. 

I go outside and to the bus stop. There I see Sungmin's suitcase laying on the ground with snow covered on it. I pick it up and brush all the snow off.
"Aish, freakin' snow might ruin Sungmin's clothes.." I complained as I shook off all the snow. Satisfied with all the snow off, I smile and start to head inside. But again, something in the trash next to the bench Sungmin was sleeping on caught my eye, I turned and see something large sticking out of the trash bin, like wood. I go closer and it looked like a broken guitar. I picked it up and it was a pink one. It looked very expensive. I continued to examine it until I saw something that caught my eye. On the back, it engraved:

"Lee Sungmin's guitar~ ^_^"

This is Sungmin's guitar? Why did she throw it away?..I thought she was gonna play for me someday...Then I thought of something. I picked up the whole guitar out of the trash bin and ran to a music store quickly.

After a few minutes, Mr. Cho still wasn't back. I decided to go outside and check on him. When I got to the bus stop, I saw that no one was there. Where did Mr. Cho go? I remembered on what he said about me playing the guitar to him. I slowly go to the trash bin and nothing was in it. I panic as I go through the trash.

"Oh no! Where'd it go!?!? Aw..what do I do now?" I sighed.
"Looking through the trash for things to eat?" I heard a familiar voice say. I turn around. My fists tightens.


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Chapter 26: Ayieeeeeeeeee ~
Kyuhyun is so sweet.
I Love KyuMin. :))
Chapter 1: This is so great !
AlexaCipriano #3
Chapter 26: your story was honestly entertaining and made me want more. the kyumin sweetness is just... /squeals. i really enjoyed this story!
Chapter 26: kyumin all the way FTW <3
Chapter 26: Yeah they got to be together. Glad Seohyun got him back to being a teacher again. Really enjoyed this look forward to your next one too
iSuperJuniorART #6
Chapter 26: Finally... Seohyun is not that bad anymore LOL. Kyumin are such a cute couple XD
Chapter 26: MY GOOOODDD!!!
ichathoriqlover #8
Chapter 26: Wow, i thought seohyun will never give up on kyu but it was noce of her to finally realize that kyu is never going to be with her, so she decided to help minnie and kyu...it is great everyting worked out well. I love kyumin...
Chapter 26: Awwwwww they're really sweet couple (ʃƪ´⌣`)
High five for Kyumin!!
Cutehair24 #10
Chapter 26: Omg!!! I really do love it! Thanks for a beautiful story Authornim! Keep up the good work! God bless! And hope to read more womderful stories from you! ^_^ thanks a lot!