I think I fell in love with my teacher (chapter 24 out of 25)

I think I fell in love with my teacher

"Who's his girlfriend?.." Seohyun said back to her.
"Uh~ Who is it again..I forgot..." Ryeowook said as she pondered.
"..Well?..." Seohyun said impatiently.
"Oh yeah! Lee Sungmin!" Ryeowook said.
My heart finally dropped.

"What?! Sungmin d-dating Yesung?!" I yelled out. My heart began to rot.
"She is! Yesung introduced me to her. They looked very good with each other. Also, they looked like they are happily in love! You should support them! They make such a cute couple! Anyways, it seems that Yesung nor Sungmin are here so I'm going to leave. Bye!" Ryeowook said as she left. Seohyun closed the door and looked at me while I was just staring into space, shocked.

"Seohyun...why?" I say in almost a whisper.
"K-Kyuhyun! I didn't know of this either! I'm serious! She can't be dating Yesung. It has been just a day! She was single the whole time you left! U-Uh~ Aish! This Sungmin!!" Seohyun said as she flipped out her phone to call Sungmin.
"No Seohyun. Stop." I said to her. Seohyun slowly put down her cellphone.
"It's obvious. Sungmin left me already. We're just going to have to face it."
"No! It can't be!! She can't be dating Yesung already? She never informed me."
"It's okay Seohyun! Sungmin probably kept a secret from you. Sungmin is happy and that's all I care for, right?" 
"Kyuhyun. You can't be serious." Seohyun said.'

I then walk around their dorm and stopped in front of a bedroom. I turn to Seohyun.
"Who's room is this?" I ask her.
"Uh...Sungmin's" she replied. 

I enter the bedroom and see Sungmin's pink covered room. I walk in more and see her guitar I gave her on a stand against the wall. Dust collected on the guitar. Haha, it seems that the guitar was forgotten and unused. I leave the room and back into the living room, where Seohyun was still standing there confused.
"You should tell Sungmin to throw the guitar away. " I tell Seohyun.
"E-excuse me?" she stuttered.
"She can tell Yesung to get a new one. Anyways, I'm leaving." I bid farewell to her as I left the dorm.
"Kyuhyun! Wait!-" she said as I close the door behind me. I walk through the hallways, trying to leave the building and back to my house.

"Also, they looked like they are happily in love!"

A sad smile was forced onto my face.
"Sungmin's happy! I should be ecstatic about this! Yeah!" I whispered to myself.
i then clutched at my chest.

But why does this part hurt so much?

Yesung and I both waited in the car with blank faces. Suddenly, my phone rang.
"Helloo?" I said.
"Yah! Lee Sungmin! Why didn't you tell me you were dating Yesung?!!" she yelled right at my ear which made me startled. Ugh, she must have found out...
"First, calm down lady! And I'm not dating Yesung! It's a misunderstand--" 
"--LIAR! Do you know what mess you just made?!"
"Will you let me talk?! Yesung and I aren't dating!!!--"
"SHUT UP YOU! You have no right to speak!!! Where are you right now?!"
"I'm on a date with Yesung."
"AHA! You were lying--"
"A fake date."
"Yep! Seohyun, Yesung asked me to be his fake girlfriend to make a girl he likes jealous. We are now on our way to a double date but our tire popped so we have to wait for the tow person." I explained to her.
"......" she paused.
"See?...It's all a misunderstanding....We are not actually dating. It's just part of a plan. Yesung likes another girl."
"...AISHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! You are so irritating Sungmin!!! And the girl Yesung likes....her name is Ryeowook isn' t it?" Seohyun asked.
"Yeah. How do you know?"
"She just came over to the dorm and asked for you guys.." she said. I then turn to Yesung and mouthed "I told you to call Ryeowook". His eyes widened and he immediately flipped out his phone to call her. I put the phone back to my ear.

"And you're back from China already?" I said to Seohyun.
"No . Anyways, you really done it this time Sungmin..."
"Seohyun, what are you talking about?! Why are you so upset over this??"
"I'm not gonna tell you! I'm gonna let you clean up this mess yourself!" she yelled.
"Seohyun, I-" I got cut off after I realized she already hung up. I sighed to myself.

"What was that all about? Yesung asked me.
"Oh~ Nothing. Seohyun was just misunderstood about our fake relationship....and PMSing I guess." I said.
"Ah~" Yesung repled as he nodded. He looked at the rear window and widened his eyes as a bright light from a truck came toward us.
"Finally! It's the tow truck!" he exclaimed as he left the car and went towards the truck. I sigh in relief.

I was still bothered about what Seohyun said. Cleaning up this mess? What did I cause? A hollywood scandal? ...I don't know. Maybe she was overreacting.
After Yesung's car was towed. We called up a taxi and went to the restaurant where Ryeowook and her boyfriend was. We sat at their table.
"Sorry, we took so long! Anyways, hello Ryeowook! And you must be Ryeowook's uhm..boyfriend." he hesitated to say.
"Hello Yesung! And yes, this is my boyfriend, Kibum!" she said as she turned to him.
"Ah~ hello Yesung-sshi. Pleased to meet you" Kibum said in which he stuck his hand out. Yesung shook hands with Kibum and kept shaking very firmly with a fake smile plastered on Yesung's face. oh gosh..The powers of jealousy.
"Aha~ Quite a grip you got there" Kibum said when he let go of the hand shake in slight pain.
"Oh sorry. I'm in the boxing league back at the university." Yesung lied as I rolled my eyes.
"Wah!~~ Boxing?! That's so cool Yesung!" Ryeowook exclaimed.
"Aha~yeah..." Yesung said as he was smiling in triumph. 
"Anyways, sorry that your car got towed, Yesung-ah~" she said.
"Oh..It's no big deal." he coolly replied.
"Did you know I was so worried, I even went back to the university and tried to find you guys at your dorms??" she told us.
"Yeah~ I heard you even met my dormmate Seohyun too?" I say to her.
"Mhm.....she was...pretty rude no offense" Ryeowook confessed.
"We know. She's a ." I say to her.
"Aha~ But there was a guy there too!" she said. I then tilt my head. 
"Another guy?...Who?" I ask
"Uhm...I don't know his name, but he doesn't know about your relationship with Yesung. He didn't until I told him. He was quite surprised. He looked pretty hurt too." Ryeowook told me. 
"Can you describe him for me?" I asked her.
"Well, he was very handsome. Also, he wore casual, nerdy-looking clothes. He was tall and had dark wavy hair." she explained. I started getting numb and tensed. The first vision that popped up in my mind was Kyuhyun...

No! It can't be Kyuhyun! He's back in China!...But then again. i suddenly remembered what ZhouMi said about Kyuhyun being back in Korea...Even Seohyun said to me that Kyuhyun was back in Korea...But why would he be at my dorm with Seohyun?? Unreasonable! Eh, it could be another dude that Seohyun lured into the dorm.

We had a fun and delicious time at the restaurant, but the whole time I was quite bothered. I had to keep a fake smile on my face to cover up my frown. Yesung and I were now on a ride home on the taxi.
"Hey Sungmin. Thanks a lot for today! You did great and I hope you had fun!" Yesung said to me while my head was towards the ground in daze.
"Huh?..O-oh..yeah.." I said to him in surprise.
"Sungmin, are you okay? You seemed pretty bothered during the whole date.."
"I-It's nothing."
"Let me guess. It's about that dark wavy haired dude Ryeowook mentioned huh?"
"And you suspect that dude to be someone familiar...oh...I don't know. Kyuhyun?"
"Mhm." I simply replied.
"Ah~ Sungmin. Why are you so worried then?..Haven't you been waiting for this moment for weeks now?" 
"Yeah, but it could not be him you know..."
"What if it is?...Why don't you go ask Seohyun just to be sure?"
"Ah~ That never tells me anything. Besides, over the phone, she told me to 'clean this mess up myself'." I told Yesung.
"Really?..Well, just give it time then. Be patient." he said to me.

The day after that, I woke up early in the morning to go to classes. It was test season so I was studying my off. After classes, I walked back to my dorm, eyes sealed on to my textbook to study. As I was approaching my dorm's door. I hear two familiar voices talking in front of the door. I slowly look up and see Seohyun standing in front of a dark haired guy who was wearing a black suit. The guy's back was facing towards me so I couldn't see his face. His body frame looked very very familiar. Seohyun then noticed my appearance and looked over the shoulder of the guy to look at me. She widened her eyes.
"S-Sungmin..." Seohyun whispered. The guy's body then slowly turned around to face me. My heart jumped. My eyes started to water. I finally found him.


My body started to tense up. That face..It hasn't changed...The face I miss so much. Kyuhyun just nervously stared back at me. Seohyun noticed the tense atmosphere.
"Well....I'll head out to the car outside first okay, Kyuhyun?" she said before she turned around and left.
Now it was just Kyuhyun and I. Kyuhyun tried to break the dark mood.
"Hi Sungmin." he said with a sad smile. His voice hasn't changed either. Nothing about him has changed which made me relieved.
"Kyuhyun....why are you back?" I ask him hesitantly.
"..Anyways, I'll be leaving now." he said ignoring my question. He then slowly turned around and walked away.

I couldn't believe my eyes. It was actually Sungmin who was standing there in front of me. My Sungmin. I couldn't even describe my feelings when Sungmin appeared before me.She has gotten a lot skinnier ever since.  When I saw her though, her eyes showed fear. 

"Kyuhyun, why are you back?"

I knew it. She obviously did not want to see at this time. Especially since she already has a new lover. I knew coming back to Korea would make things even more difficult for her. I quickly tried to leave to prevent her from getting even more confused. I was currently slowly walking back to Seohyun outside so I could go to my job interview with her father.

Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around my body with a head resting on my back. 
"Don't go. Please." 

a/n: next chapter will be the last! Thank you so much for your love everyone. I will post my next KyuMin fanfic, "I'm Your Anti-Fan" after this series is finished. Happy Reading <3, or I should say, less than three. LOL

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Chapter 26: Ayieeeeeeeeee ~
Kyuhyun is so sweet.
I Love KyuMin. :))
Chapter 1: This is so great !
AlexaCipriano #3
Chapter 26: your story was honestly entertaining and made me want more. the kyumin sweetness is just... /squeals. i really enjoyed this story!
Chapter 26: kyumin all the way FTW <3
Chapter 26: Yeah they got to be together. Glad Seohyun got him back to being a teacher again. Really enjoyed this look forward to your next one too
iSuperJuniorART #6
Chapter 26: Finally... Seohyun is not that bad anymore LOL. Kyumin are such a cute couple XD
Chapter 26: MY GOOOODDD!!!
ichathoriqlover #8
Chapter 26: Wow, i thought seohyun will never give up on kyu but it was noce of her to finally realize that kyu is never going to be with her, so she decided to help minnie and kyu...it is great everyting worked out well. I love kyumin...
Chapter 26: Awwwwww they're really sweet couple (ʃƪ´⌣`)
High five for Kyumin!!
Cutehair24 #10
Chapter 26: Omg!!! I really do love it! Thanks for a beautiful story Authornim! Keep up the good work! God bless! And hope to read more womderful stories from you! ^_^ thanks a lot!