Chapter 8; We can't

Drama in summer school. ♡ Based on a true story.


"Kaemi~" he called in a sing song voice, eyes lighting up as I nodded like a robot, starting to walk towards him. 
Oh. My. God. 
Out of all days and places, today?! 
The day where I was wearing the most unflattering costume in the entire universe? 
I walked towards him, heart beating even harder every step I took.
All eyes were on me, their eyes practically screaming "who is this nobody that's going to shamelessly sit beside our Luhan". 
I swallowed. I wasn't feeling too well right now.
She walked towards me, looking dizzy, like she was about to faint any moment.
She was dressed weirdly, but I wasn't about to question her appearance, all I could concentrate on was her palm, drops of crimson red blood pooling there. 
What did my little miss accident prone do to herself again? 
She neared, step by step, swaying gently, face going pale. I don't know what got over me, but I felt an urge to do reach out to her.
I suddenly stood up, rushing forward towards her, trying to prevent her fall. 
The teacher entered the room as she crashed into my arms, squeezing her eyes shut, as though willing all the pain she was feeling to go away. I held her tightly, not caring one bit about the blood stains she would leave on my brand new shirt.
Her eyelids fluttered, I looked down at the girl in my arms. 
Damn she's beautiful. 
No, no, no, be loyal to Sica, she's the best. She did so much for you, how could you do this to her?
Reaching down, I placed my arm under her knee, carrying her bridal style. I saw as her face scrunched up in agony, pretty features wrinkling up together. Ignoring the dirty glances from my other classmates and Miss Kim's questioning one, I carried her to the nurse's room, carefully avoiding everything in our path.
Sica can't know about this.
Why was I here? 
The room was all white, no kidding. 
I blinked twice, rubbing my eyes in confusion. I tried to move my hands slowly, accidentally hitting something fluffy. 
My flawless angel, sleeping face down on the mattress beside me. I reached out to touch him, his dyed light-brown hair, huge eyes, perfect jawline, and  straight nose. His only imperfection was the huge blood stain on his shirt. 
I cringed. It was all my fault, I dirtied his branded shirt. 
Still, I wanted to reach out and touch him with my un-injured hand.
No. Kaemi, he's Jessica's. 
My hand paused midway. I knew that it was wrong, but I wanted to. So, so much.
My perfect angel. 
He stirred, waking up. 
I pulled my hand back in shock as he awoke. 
Jessica charged in, "Kaemi! Luhan! Are you okay?" 
I nodded numbly.
It seems that all people ask me these days are "are you okay".
I have low blood sugar levels, not that low to get me locked in a hospital forever, but it got me dizzy sometimes, blacking me out and making me feel icy to the touch. 
I've had this little illness going on since I was young, though I never really passed out that frequently until now. The doctor had repeatedly reminded me not to exercise too much without eating more. But did I listen? No. 
I brought this upon myself.
I forced a little smile on to my face, not wanting my two new friends to worry. 
"All better now! Let's go back to class." 
I wasn't convincing enough. Even hearing my own fake voice made me wince. 
I grabbed them both my the wrist, dragging them out of the office.
Why did I even pass out?
I looked down, wrinkling my nose in disgust. I almost forgot. 
(This is the disgusting shirt. I'm trying not to puke up my breakfast just looking at it, ugh. I can't believe I seriously wore that.)
I punched myself mentally, accidentally groaning aloud. Burying my head into both hand, my face burned.
"Luhan darling? Go back to class, why don't you. Kaemi and I have the same class next." She said in a sugar-sweet voice. 
Sica dragged me over to her locker, passing me a jacket. 
"Put it on."
She realised.
Damn. There goes my chance at our friendship. 
Who'd be friends with a dork like me? 
Nevertheless, I put the jacket on, zipping it up so that the stupid little cats could no longer be seen. 
Surprisingly, after that day we continued being friends. Slash that, we became best friends
"You don't have to."
"But I want to."
"Corny guy."
"Mean ."
"You started it."
He poked me playfully, feigning a pout.
We were walking home together, after realising one day that we were neighbours. 
"Come on~"
"Fine. But I'm not inviting you in."
I gave in, trying to make up for staining his shirt.
He tagged along, into our neighbourhood and stopped at my doorstep. 
He begged, trying to use some of his aegyo on me. I swallowed. 
This was bad. Very.
Jessica's image kept coming into my mind. I couldn't. I just couldn't.
I shut the door in his face.
I knew it was extremely mean of me, he had sent me home afterall. But I knew even better, if he continued begging, I would definitely let him in.
And this?
Would be betraying my best and only friend. 
Hi my awesome subscribers~ >:D
Sorry for blinding everyone with that ugly shirt. It looked even uglier in real, and I'm not even exaggerating. 
I tried doing the front part in POV format, so please comment if I should continue trying out that or just continue as normal.
Comment~ Don't be quiet ): I don't bite !
LOVE YOU ALL. -throws hearts-
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Chapter 18: I want some Kaisica moments now ^^
SoYou__Angel #2
Chapter 17: Really really like your fiction!!!! Please, can you update soon ? ^^ Thanks~
Pleeeeease, I want Kaisica!! >w<
raikou123 #4
Chapter 9: When will Kai appear? I am really craving for KaiSica moments XD
HANSICA!!!!!! love the both of them..update soon unni..
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-natsukim #8
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