UH OH, Someone is Angry.....

Karate Kids


This chapter is pretty long.... but it's good! ENJOY!



Youngmin’s POV
“Hey, wassup Youngmin?  I just pushed Yoomi, she fell and is acting like she can’t swim,” Jeongmin said watching Yoomi.
Yoomi gasped for more air and kept splashing.
“Aish, hyung, you..." I didn't know what to say. "You... you really messed up this time.”  Yoomi stopped splashing.  And started sinking.  Without thinking, I jumped into the pool and carried Yoomi in my arms.
“Ya!  Ya!  What are you doing?  Why are you helping her?  You're only going to make her think it's okay to act like that all the time,” Jeongmin called over to me.  I barely heard him, my heart was beating so hard I could hardly hear anything. 
I laid her down on the ground. “Yoomi, you okay?" I smacked her cheek a little.  My eyes searched desperately for any sign of breathing.  "Yoomi!  Ya!  Answer me!” Yoomi coughed out water and slowly opened her eyes.  I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. 
“You okay now?” She nodded, still groggy.  I looked up to the sky.  "Thank God."  I smiled so wide it hurt.  I brought her close to me and hugged her tightly.  "Thank God," I whispered.  I suddenly became self-conscious.  I looked over at Jeongmin and made eye contact with him, but he looked at the ground after no more than a second.  
I tried to keep my voice from trembling.  “Hyung, meet me in your room and call the others over, but tell the girls to go to my room and take care of Yoomi,” I ordered.
“Sure,” he said with eyes widened and almost tripping trying to run so fast.
“Yoomi, I’ll carry you to the room.” I picked her up and carried her in my arms and didn't make it even to the hotel doors before she started insisting.
“Ya, it’s okay, let me down, how many times do I have to tell you?  Don’t touch me!  You have a serious problem with that direction!” She tried to hit me, but I held her closer.
“Be quiet, we’re here.” I opened the door and carried her to the bed.  I sprinted to the bathroom to get all the towels and brought them back to her.  By this time, she was so exhausted she wasn't going to fight me.  I gently wrapped them around her.  "The girls will be here soon,” I said softly, "And they can help you get changed into warm and dry clothes..." I trailed off.  I was so pissed at Jeongmin.  We were going to have words.
“I thought… I thought that you were...” I was cut off by the girls who had just arrived. Aish... worst timing, I thought.
Jaemi pointed to me. “Was it because of him?” 
“No, no it’s not...” Yoomi shook her head
“Don’t lie Yoomi.” Jaemi crossed her arms
“You little… I can’t believe you pushed her in the water!” Hwayoung shook her head in disbelief.
I tried to explain. “Me?  I didn’t, I was actually…” 
“EXCUSES, NOW GET OUT!” HeeChin screamed.
“Ya, it wasn’t Youngmin...” Yoomi tried.
“Forget it.  You.  Get out!” Hyunmi pointed at me then the door.
“But I…”
“OUT!” Nara screamed.  I looked at them and then at Yoomi, back at them then at Yoomi.  I hated being the bad guy.  I didn't want them to make Yoomi think I was a terrible guy.  
“Youngmin-ah... It’s okay... I will explain to them.” Yoomi smiled.
“Thanks Yoomi." I gave her a smile and left to have a talk with Jeongmin.


Author’s POV
“Ya, it’s not what you think...”
“Yoomi, I don’t get you, why did you lie?  You'd lie for him?  Really?” Jaemi sat on the bed.
Yoomi sighed. “Guys, listen….” 


Youngmin’s POV
I banged the door open, marched in front Jeongmin, looked down and stared at his eyes. “Jeongmin hyung, why did you push her?”
“'Cause I wanted to have some fun... I was bored?”  He stared at me right back.
“Fun?"  I laughed.  "You call that fun?” I turned around to pace and massaged my temples. 
Jeongmin took the chance to sit on a chair at the table.  “Jeez, sorry, I just wanted to have some fun.” 
I dead stopped.  I slowly turned to face him. “Fun.  That’s fun to you?  Pushing someone who can’t swim into a pool?” I laughed.  "That’s so funny!” I laughed again. 
Kwangmin came over.  “Calm down, dude.” He put a hand on my shoulder.  I looked at him, breathed out, and nodded.
“I didn’t know she can’t swim,” Jeongmin snapped and crossed his arms.
I ignored Kwangmin's advice.  I ran to the table and slammed both hands down. “SHE TOLD YOU THAT SHE CAN’T SWIM!  DIDN’T YOU HEAR HER?” I yelled.  
Jeongmin didn't bat an eye.  “Why are you yelling?” 
Donghuyn, Kwangmin, MInwoo and Hyunseung stood over by the sidelines.  I'm glad they did, there's nothing they could have done to calm me down.  
“'Cause I thought she was acting.  She can fight, but can’t swim?  That’s almost impossible.  And the pool isn’t that deep, only 3 feet deep.” Jeongmin stood up from the seat.
“How is that relevant?” I asked.
“She could just stand up by herself.”
“Huh?  What do you mean?” Minwoo tilted his head to show his confusion and spoke softly as if I were going to bite off his head.  Hyungs were interested too.  I sighed.
“She told me today at the pool.  She was in kindergarten, and every Friday, her teachers would let her class go play in the pool in front of the school.” I paused.  I sat on the edge of the bed.
“Of course, she went in and sat at the edge of the pool.  She was sitting with her legs straight and she leaned on the pool’s wall.  Her hands were supporting her body, then suddenly her hands slipped and she went under water.  She told me she was under the water for 30 to 35 seconds.” I paused again.
“Didn’t she call for help?” Minwoo went to the fridge to grab some water.
“Of course she did.  She waved her hands, but her teacher didn’t see her because the school had two pools.  While she was waving her hands, the teacher was looking at the other pool.  She was helpless, but she wouldn’t give up, so she waved her hands again and luckily her hands touched a metal bar.  She grabbed it and pulled herself up."  I laid down on the bed. 
She was scared and ran out of the water right away.  From that day on, she’s been afraid of areas that have too much water like pools or beaches.”  
Everyone was quiet for a minute. “Hyung, I think you should go apologize,” Kwangmin said quietly. 
“APOLOGIZE!” I sat up again.
“Youngmin, go outside and cool down.  Go tell Yoomi to come over, someone needs to say his apology,” Hyunseung ordered. 
I nodded and stood up.  I walked out the door, aware everyone was staring at me.  I looked back at Jeongmin, then walked to my room.



Author’s POV
Nara wanted to be perfectly clear. “Ah... So it was Jeongmin, not Youngmin right?” 
Yoomi nodded her head. "All I remember is that I got pushed, I saw Jeongmin's face, Youngmin pulled me out of the water, and he carried me up here.  Nothing else."
“Aish, this boy... Huh, good thing I’m his roommate, now I can fight him again.” Jaemi cracked her knuckles.
“Guys, I think we need to say sorry to Youngmin,” Hwayoung said softly.  She felt sorry for yelling at Youngmin. 
“We should,” they agreed.
“You guys better, he saved my life.” Yoomi smiled.  She sneezed loudly.
“Ya, why didn’t you hit him?” Heechin asked.  Everyone looked at her confused. "You know, at the karate match.  Why didn't you hit him?" 
Yoomi's eyebrows furrowed with concentration and sincerity. “I don’t know, I just couldn’t for some reason... After talking with him at the pool, I have this weird feeling every time I see him.” 
“Why...?  I wonder why...” Hyunmi thought out loud.
“OMO!” Jaemi screamed.
Yoomi looked surprised. "What?"
“Ya, Yoomi.” Jaemi got nose-to-nose with Yoomi and tilted her head curiously. “Do you like Youngmin?”
"What?  Me?  Like him?" Yoomi pushed Jaemi away from her face. "I remember I was the one that fell in the water, not you guys, stop talking nonsense!  It's not like he likes me back...”
Everyone grinned.  “That’s right… that could be the reason, do you like him for real?” they asked.
“You shouldn’t like him Yoomi, he's one of our enemies,” HeeChin reminded all of them.
Nara spoke up. “True, but it’s her feelings, you can’t control it.  We are only enemies when it comes to karate, not in real life.”
“Yeah, and the reason why we hate each other is because the karate feeling got to us.  If you think about it, we only hate them because the teachers made us be enemies.  Look back, they actually haven’t done anything wrong to us," Hwayoung said.
“Okay, fine,” HeeChin gave in.  She would never admit she was wrong.  They laughed at her and the door opened.
Youngmin looked like he was restraining himself from running over to her. “Yoomi, you okay?”
“Yeah, of course, ACHEWW!"
“No, you’re not.  You gotta go over to Jaemi’s room now, but you can't stay long because you might catch a cold.” Youngmin's gaze lingered on her for a little longer and turned to walk away.
“Ya, Youngmin!”
He turned around. “Yeah?” 
“I’m sorry for what I said earlier, I thought you had pushed her.” Jaemi looked away.
“Yeah, me too, sorry.” Nara looked at her nails, avoiding eye contact.
“Sorry,” HeeChin smiled.
“Sorry Youngmin, we didn’t know” Hwayoung had her hands behind her back.
“Yeah, sorry.” Hyunmi sat next to Yoomi.
Youngmin smiled. “It’s okay.  But now let’s go, Jeongmin has something to say to Yoomi.”
“Ah this boy, watch me guys, get out of the way.” Jaemi walked fast out to the hallway and they followed her into her room.
“Ay, look at you!" Youngmin put an arm around her shoulders to keep her warm.  He smiled that she wasn't resisting his touch.
“JEONGMIN, you're going to DIE!” The girls and Youngmin walked in to see Jaemi on top of Jeongmin, about to throw a punch.
“Calm down Jaemi," Hyunmi said, and pulled her gently off Jeongmin.  Jeongmin got up quickly and wiped himself off with his hands.
“Jeongmin…” Youngmin walked up to him with Yoomi.
“You have something to tell me?” Yoomi asked.
“Yoomi, kick him for me!” Jaemi called from ther back where Hyunmi and HeeChin were holding her down and sitting on the bed.
“Yoomi, I’m sorry for what I did earlier.  I really didn’t know you can’t swim, I thought you were just joking... I’m very sorry.” Jeongmin bowed.
“Should I accept the apology?” Yoomi asked the rest of them, only teasing Jeongmin.
“Yoomi, DON’T!  I think you should make him be your slave or something to make it up!” Jaemi suggested bitterly.  Jeongmin's face turned from humble to scared.
“ACHEW!  That’s right, let’s see… oh I know!  Jaemi really dislikes you, so Jeongmin... You will be Jaemi’s slave for a month.” 
“EH?!  Yoomi, can't you just accept my apology?” Jeongmin begged.
“NOPE!” The girls and the boys laughed.
“YES YOOMI, THANK YOU SO MUCH!” Jaemi doubled over laughing.
“Yoomi… Please...” he got on his knees.
“If you accept to be Jaemi’s slave, I will accept your apology,” Yoomi winked.
Jeongmin looked over at Youngmin.  Youngmin gave him a look.  Jeongmin looked back at Yoomi and stood up. 
Jeongmin stomped his foot. “AH FINE, I will be her slave for a month!” 
Yoomi smiled. “Then… apology accepted.” 
“Okay, good job, now Yoomi, let's go back to the room and rest, you will catch a cold if you don’t rest.” Youngmin pulled Yoomi out of the room.
Everyone went back to their own rooms, with only Jaemi and Jeongmin left.
“MUAHAHA, hey slave,” Jaemi teased.  Jeongmin ignored her and jumped on the bed to sleep.
Jaemi got under the covers.  "Slave," she smirked, and turned off the lights.
Yoomi’s POV
“Wow, I’m so tired, what a night,” I yawned and rolled on the bed.
“Move over,” Youngmin whined and pushed me to the other side of the bed. “Go to sleep,” he said as he turned off the light.
“Goodnight!” I hugged my pillow and closed my eyes tight.


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misme3844 #1
Chapter 30: woah! i love it! ^_^
and i just won't stop reading it until the end...
N also it's the best story
ambi1228 #2
Chapter 31: Luv this story <3
Imyoon #3
Miss this story so much
Black_Dandelion #4
Chapter 5: I have to say that Jeongmin being Jaemin's slave isn't quite fair, well the girls first of all, didn't play fair at the match and they didn't treat the guys well at the beginnig. They were always at the defensive
kpoploveeerrr #5
Chapter 30: the ending is so cute!! all the memories crammed into one chapter! <3 best!
minwoosshi #6
Chapter 30: ended already????? it's a happy ending anyways <3
boyfriendlove #7
Chapter 30: i still cant believe this already ended. i was here when this happened. i was so into this story :)