The Fight

Karate Kids


Author's POV
The girls went to almost all the slides, dragging Yoomi and Hwayoung on the tallest ones, not trailing behind Jaemi and Nara fast enough, and dragging HeeChin and Hyunmi away from the inner tubes.  After a couple hours, they started walking back to the hotel.
“What time is it?  I want to take a shower to get some of the chlorine out of my hair,” Hwayoung said.
Hyunmi checked the time. "Uhm... 4:30."
“We don't have time for showers, we can shower after the match.  Let’s hurry back to the beach, we have 30 minutes before the warm up,” Nara said.
The rest of them nodded. "That’s right, let’s go!” They ran to the beach as quickly as they could.  Luckily they weren't too far from the beach and made it in time.  Liu and Fen teachers had already set up the fighting for them.  The other students were already cheering.
“Okay guys, let’s warm up,” HeeChin said.  They warmed up for ten minutes.  Even though they knew they were going to win, they were all nervous.  Right after they finished warming up, the boys appeared.
“Guys, we can do it... Right?” Leader Donghyun tried to get their hopes up.
“YES!” they cheered.
“Alright then, warm up quick, the girls got here before us!”  
They warmed up for five minutes, and both teams changed into their karate outfits.
“Guys, it’s time!  To all the students and visitors, welcome to Gems Karate Academy's karate match!  don’t take this fight too serious!  This fight is just for fun and is to make students stronger and healthier."  Fen teacher smiled and looked around at the crowd that had circled around the match area.  "Okay, enough with the talk, the match will begin with Hwayoung from the girls' team and Minwoo from the boys' team!” Fen teacher announced.
“Okay!  Hwayoung, fighting!" The girls cheered.  Hwayoung smiled and stepped up to the ring.  
"MInwoo, you've got this!  Fighting!" The boys cheered.  Minwoo stepped up to the ring too.
“Ready?  And... FIGHT!” Liu teacher stepped out of the ring.
“Ya, you will die now,” Hwayoung smiled and circled him.
“Maybe not,” Minwoo smirked and circled too.  He stared at her and hesitated.  He blinked and tried to punch Hwayoung’s right cheek, but he had hesititated too late and she dodged the blow.
“Ahaha, my turn,” Hwayoung taunted, and ran up to him with full speed and punched him right at the stomach and gave a kick to his right cheek.  He fell over and propped himself up, rubbing his cheek.  
 “Hwayoung wins!” Fen teacher announced and the girls clapped.
“Good job!”  The girls high fived each other.  Hwayoung glanced back at Minwoo, but quickly turned to her friends. She couldn't believe she had punched him.  She felt bad hurting him and secretly hoped she hadn't hurt his teeth or bruised his face too bad.
The boys ran over to help Minwoo up.  "You okay?" they asked.  
"Yeah," he muttered, staring at Hwayoung, and looked at them.  "Yeah, I'm okay, just got caught off guard, that's all," he said louder.
“It’s okay Minwoo, I will win for you,” Kwangmin said determinedly.


"Next is Hyunmi and Kwangmin!” 
"Hyunmi, fighting!"  "Kwangmin fighting!"  
They stepped in the ring and stared at each other.
“Ready?  And... FIGHT!”  
Kwangmin didn't think twice- he kicked her in the stomach and back away.  Hyunmi fell to the ground.  He felt something in his heart cringe at her on the ground, but she stood up almost instantly.
Hyunmi smiled determindly. “Nice!  Now get ready for this!”  She jumped up and kicked Kwangmin two times on the face.  Kwangmin fell to the ground.  Her smile faded, but the girls came over and cheered for her, so she tried to smile again, glancing over to see if Kwangmin was alright.
“Hyunmi won,” Youngmin said as he helped his twin stand up. 
"Aish," Kwangmin muttered.  "Sorry Minwoo," he said.  
"It's alright Kwangmin, I thought you had her there," Minwoo said.


“Next is Donghuyn and Heechin!”
"Donghyun's gotta get this one," Jeongmin said.  "Donghyun fighting!"
“Him?  Easy!  It’s a piece of cake,” Heechin grinned.  
"Heechin fighting!" the girls cheered.
“Ready?  And... FIGHT!”
“Hi, Donghyun,” Heechin said in a sing-song voice.
“What?  What are you talking about?  Let’s fight!” Donhyun ran at her.
“Wait… Not yet, I have something to say” Heechin smiled.
Donghyun stopped.  Was she going to...? “Uhm… okay…”
“Let’s be friends,” Heechin walked closer.  The crowd started to murmur.
“Wait what?  F-friends?" What's she doing?  Stop talking nonsense!” Donhyun said confused.
“Well I guess I'll be serious now... let’s be ENEMIES!” Heechin punched him in the stomach and kicked him in the nuts.
“WIN!” Heechin winked at Donghyun.  Donghyun lay on the ground curled up.  Donghyun smiled a little at her fierce attitude, but the next moment he was being taken back to his team.
“Heechin wins!”
"Yay!  HeeChin, I knew you could do it!" the girls cheered.  
Hyunseung narrowed his eyes at them.  "Cheap shot," he told Donghyun. "It's not your fault, I'll get back at them."
“Next up is Nara and Hyunseung!” 
“Aish this guy," Nara said worriedly.  The girls looked at her. "Ya, his body is like rock,” Nara explained.  Jaemi raised an eyebrow.  Nara's face turned red. "I punched him on the arm today for teasing me."  
“It’s okay, his weakness is the back.  A lot of guys will work out, but they forget to work out their backs.  You can either kick or punch his back and you'll win,” Jaemi whispered. "Fighting!"
“Okay!” Nara stepped in the ring.
“Ready?  And... FIGHT!”
“Hyunseung, look behind you!” Nara pointed behind Hyunseung.  He narrowed his eyes.  Could he trust her?  Well sure, it was Nara... It's not like he couldn't beat her even if this was a trick... "Really, look!" He turned around.
“WIN!” She ran and punched him three times on his back.  He fell down and rolled over. 
“Wow, that was easy,” Nara said happily.  "I was worried there!" 
The boys dragged Hyunseung back to them.  "Another cheap shot!" Jeongmin said.  
Youngmin patted his shoulder.  "You better get her this time, hyung, we're looking bad!"
Jeongmin shook off his hand. "I got this!"
Yoomi gave water to Jaemi a water bottle. “Jaemi, you’re next, get ready.”
Jaemi grinned. "I think I've been ready since I first set eyes on that guy!" 
“Next up is Jaemi and Jeongmin!”
They got into the ring and started circling.  
“Hey, if you win this time, tonight… Uhm…" Jaemi acted innocent. "You better cover yourself with a thick blanket.  If you know what I mean.”  She winked.
“Oh I’m scared,” Jeongmin said sarcastically.
“Okay, let’s fight!” Jaemi spun three times and kicked Jeongmin on the forehead.  He was knocked back a little, but he posed again.  She spun again two times, kicked him, and head locked him.
“Ya, I can’t breathe” Jeongmin coughed and tried to hit the ground.
“Then say you lose,” Jaemi taunted.  She tightened her grip.
“Never,” Jeongmin gasped and tried to escape.
Jaemi raised her hand that wasn't around his neck and was about to punch him in the gut, but he wriggled more.  “Alright, alright, I lost!” he screamed.  Jaemi released him.
Jaemi stood over him with a wide smile and turned to face the girls.  "SWEET!" she yelled as she held up her fist.  The girls jumped up and down squealing with excitement. 


The boys ran over to help Jeongmin up, but he got up himself fuming.  He ignored his hyungs' words and stood with his arms crossed and drank every once in a while out of a water bottle he reluctantly took from Kwangmin.  
Hwayoung massaged Yoomi’s shoulders. “Yoomi, you're the only one left, you have to win okay?” 
“You better win, or I will throw you in the water,” Heechin threatened.
“I will never lose, watch me,” Yoomi said full of confidence.  She stepped up to the ring.
"Alright hyung, this is our last chance.  Try to win, Youngmin!" Minwoo said. 
Youngmin only smiled and stepped up to the ring.  He touched Yoomi's shoulder. “Hi Yoomi,” he said shyly.  
“I said don’t touch me!” Yoomi rubbed her arms and pulled back.
“Ready?  And... FIGHT!” 
Youngmin was about to pick her up and throw her, but she was faster.  She ran to the other side of the ring and ran up to him, but Youngmin only smiled at her.  He didn't try to defend himself, he only smiled.  She was about to punch him but then stopped mid-punch.
What the...?  Come on.  Punch him, kick him!  Why won't my body listen to me?!
“You gonna die now!” Youngmin picked her up and threw her on the sand.
“WOW YOUNGMIN!  WAY TO GO!” yelled the boys.  Jeongmin perked up.  Youngmin looked down at Yoomi and smiled.
"And the winner is Youngmin!"
“You okay?” He held out his hand, but she slapped his hand away.  She scrambled up and turned her back to him.  His smile faded.  The boys brought him back to the group to give him high fives.
The girls ran up to Yoomi. “Yoomi, you okay?  How did that happen?” 
“I- I don’t know... I was about to punch him, but for some reason my body wouldn’t listen to me,” Yoomi said.  She shook her head, she could feel her eyes pricking dangerously with tears.
“It’s okay, we won anyways,” Hyunmi said. 
Fen teacher called over the crowd. “Guys, as you can see, the girls won this fight, congratulations girls!”


“YEAHHH!” the girls cheered.  Yoomi forgot about her loss and cheered too.
Fen teacher continued talking.  “Guys, it’s getting late, you should go back to your rooms, I'm sure you're tired." They all nodded their heads in agreement.  "And by the way, you may have noticed that there's only one bed.  Well you guys have to sleep on the same bed."


“What?!" The students exclaimed.  They couldn't believe their teachers would do this to them.
“You have to, now go!” 
The students reluctantly went to their rooms.
“I’ll go get changed first,” Yoomi said hurriedly and walked into the bathroom.  After fifteen minutes, she walked out and jumped on the bed.
“Feel nice!” Yoomi looked over at the other side of the bed Youngmin would have to share with her.  She stuck out her tongue in disgust, but it made her think about the fight.
“What happened to me?  Why didn’t I punch him?” She punched her pillow.  She sighed heavily and and was still deep in thought when Youngmin came in.  He sat next to her on the bed.
“Ya, what are you thinking about?” he asked.
She jumped. “Hm?  Nothing!  Just sleep!”  She quickly laid down and turned to her side, closing her eyes tight, hoping he wouldn't talk to her anymore.  After 30 minutes, she still couldn’t sleep, so she decided to have a walk to get some air.  She quietly sat up and walked out the room so she wouldn't disturb Youngmin.  Youngmin, who was still awake, quietly followed her.  She sat near the pool outside of the hotel.


“Why didn’t I fight him?  Eh... What’s wrong with me?  When he smiled at me, my body stopped.  I couldn’t move an inch.” She scratched her head and puffed out her cheeks in frustration.  While she was still thinking, someone pushed her into the pool.
“Ya… HELP ME!  HELP!  I... CAN’T... SWIM!” she tried screaming, but all she was able to accomplish was splashing around and burble a few words no one could understand.
“Eh?  Can’t swim?  Nonsense, you are so good at karate, but don’t know how to swim?  Funny story,” Jeongmin laughed.  Yoomi gasped for air but fell under the water again. “Okay, is acting that fun?  Alright then, I'll just leave you here so you can act.  BYE.” Jeongmin turned to walk away.
“YA!  LEE JEONGMIN, YOU STOP RIGHT THERE!” Jeongmin turned around and saw Youngmin at the other side of the pool.  He was standing there with a paralyzed scared face and stared at Yoomi.  He looked up at Jeongmin.
“YOU STOP RIGHT THERE!” Youngmin walked up to him.


too tired now!!!!!! BYE! and don't forget to leave comments!!!!!!!!! PPYEONG!

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misme3844 #1
Chapter 30: woah! i love it! ^_^
and i just won't stop reading it until the end...
N also it's the best story
ambi1228 #2
Chapter 31: Luv this story <3
Imyoon #3
Miss this story so much
Black_Dandelion #4
Chapter 5: I have to say that Jeongmin being Jaemin's slave isn't quite fair, well the girls first of all, didn't play fair at the match and they didn't treat the guys well at the beginnig. They were always at the defensive
kpoploveeerrr #5
Chapter 30: the ending is so cute!! all the memories crammed into one chapter! <3 best!
minwoosshi #6
Chapter 30: ended already????? it's a happy ending anyways <3
boyfriendlove #7
Chapter 30: i still cant believe this already ended. i was here when this happened. i was so into this story :)