Maybe There's Hope

Key-Umma is Better

SHINee was on their way back to Korea. They had finished their China promotions smoothly, and all of them were looking forward to resting back home. During the plane ride home, they had all fallen asleep. Well, almost all of them. One person was still awake. Jonghyun stared at the back of the seat in front of him and wondered about his reaction to him and Key’s “Pocky Kiss.” Jonghyun knew he had felt disappointed when Key suddenly snapped the candy in two, and he knew why too.


When they had returned to their hotel that night after filming, Jonghyun had lied awake in bed and stared up at the ceiling. His thoughts plagued his mind. He knew he felt disappointed, but he hadn’t known why. Was it because he was curious? Curious about what? How Key’s lips felt? Or what it would be like to kiss Key? But why would he be curious? He had a girlfriend. The events of the show had proceeded to replay in his mind. They had talked about the usual stuff: their new song, their daily life, and their ideal types. It wasn’t anything new. He had talked about Se Kyung and described her traits as his ideal type. Se Kyung could cook and she had cooked his favorite meal, although Key had helped her with that. She had a wonderful sense of fashion, but Key did as well. In fact, Key’s sense of fashion was superior to Se Kyung’s. Se Kyung cared about other people’s feelings. She always did her best and tried her hardest not to disappoint anyone. Then again, Key was always taking care of him and the members. Key had put his feelings aside for him. He had done everything to make him happy. Se Kyung was honest. It showed when they talked to each other. Of course, Key was known for expressing his opinion. He was honest to a fault. Jonghyun had wondered whether he had really been describing his girlfriend or his best friend.


Key’s head landing on Jonghyun’s shoulder snapped him out of his thoughts. The vocalist stared at his best friend and wondered whether he saw him as something more than that. Jonghyun’s hand came up to tenderly Key’s cheek, and he whispered, “Why do I feel this way?”


Unbeknownst to Jonghyun, Taemin had seen him his Key-umma’s cheek and a smile made its way to the dancer’s lips. Maybe there was hope for Jonghyun-hyung to fall in love with Key-umma after all. Taemin closed his eyes and fell asleep with a smile on his face.

Taemin walked down the street with no destination in mind. He made a turn and ended up at a park. It was quiet as it was around nine at night. He hadn’t known what made him decide to take a walk. Walking further into the park, Taemin noticed a lone figure sitting on the swings. It was a girl. She had long brown hair and wore black skinny jeans along with a white long sleeved shirt. The girl was gazing up at the stars in the sky. Approaching her, Taemin inhaled a scent of vanilla as the wind blew. He paused as he saw her gaze shift from the stars to him. She looked surprised as she saw him. As Taemin continued to walk toward her once more, she rose from the swing. Neither spoke a word for a long time as they just stared at one another. Soon, she started to fade and Taemin’s eyes widened in shock.


“Come find me,” were the last words he heard before she disappeared.

“Please fasten your seatbelts. We will be landing soon.”


Taemin’s eyes snapped open. He looked around and realized he was still on the plane.


“A dream,” he whispered.

Hello!! :D Okay, I know what you're thinking, an update already?! What about your schoolwork and everything else?! :P Well, SHINee is more important :D Lol, but I had a sudden inspiration and I wanted to post this. I actually finished this around 12:10 am haha. I fixed some things today and decided to post it. Besides, it's Valentine's Day :]

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

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Ilonahaku #1
Chapter 27: Hello, are you doing fine? I read your wall post, so I wonder if everything is already ok. I hope you are not dealing with many problems right now.

I wonder..
If you have a little bit of free time, can you update, please? Thank you. :)
No NEXT button anymore :(
ah ah T.T
will you continue it??
Sniffles. There's no next button. are you ever going to update? Pretty please. I love this Jongkey fic.
I found your oneshot about this by the "random story" button and i liked it XD then i searched this story and began to like it. it's good ^^ i didn't even realize i finished it until i didn't saw the "next" button anymore XD
can't wait to know what will happen between taemin and maggie and jongkey is sooo cute!! :D
good job!! ^^
I'm on chap 20 now and I just have to ask this: Isn't JongKey the main couple here? Then why I read only about Taemin and Maggie?
:D:D I'm on chapter 7 right now~ :D I like your fic and guess what... I'm Maggie, too :D I laugh so hard when I read the name of the girl I was like: "Waah, I'm in the JongKey fanfic~" :D
well, I actually has a little hope for some 2min here, but I guess, I'll accept it that way, too :D
bonganh1996 #8
Yay, update 2 chapters !! I love you!!!
Maggie is going away.. Will she come back to Taemin soon? TT.TT
OptimusFanGirl #9
Wow this is a great story! I love it!
conceptzero #10
*dies due to lack of chapter update* Please, please update soon! oh my I can't express my love for your work! lkjffghsjkjhsafkjhsdgksj <3 <3 <3