Chapter 6

I cant really smile,maybe I smile but not whole heartedly

-Eunhyuk’s POV-

I arrive at school early and I was hoping to see her again even though were classmates. I went to the room and waited for an hour or 2 but she didn’t come. I heard someone was approaching but I know it wasn’t her, it was the other members. As they enter the room it becomes a market place again. I really hate it when girls scream as we enter this room for no reason. They saw me sitting on my chair and looking at her seat. They approach me and someone tap my shoulder.

Zhou Mi: Hey hyung are you alright?

Eunhyuk: Huh?.....Hmm…..Yes I’m ok.

Zhou Mi: Are you sure?

Eunhyuk: Yup

Zhou Mi: Well ok then, but why are you staring at her seat? (Points to Hyoyeon’s place)

Eunhyuk: Yah! I’m not staring on that seat I was staring at the window.

Sungmin: Why? Are you waiting for someone aside from us?

Eunhyuk: No I’m just……hmmmmm…….waiting for superman.

Heechul: Tssss…superman your face idiot.

The bell rang and she’s still not here, what happen to her? I was so worried about her. The time fly so quick and I don’t pay attention on the lecture and still thinking of her, and I didn’t notice that it was lunch time. They approach me again to have eat with them and we all went to the school garden. All of them were eating happily but I don’t have an appetite to eat.

Eunhyuk: Guys I’m sorry but I don’t have any appetite so I’ll just roam around.

I stood up and hear Yesung-hyung but I just ignore it and he didn’t able to continue his statement.

-end of POV-

Seohyun and Doojoon was ask to go to Hyoyeon’s school to tell the principal that she would be absent for a week.

Seohyun: Doojoon-oppa, What should we tell the principal?

Doojoon: Let’s just tell him that she’s sick and need to rest for a week.

Seohyun: Oppa the school administration know the reason why she’s here right?

Doojoon: Neh! But it doesn’t mean that we should tell them everything and the student bodies have no idea of the reason of why she’s here.

Seohyun: But oppa….

Doojoon: Aish! No more buts if you still insist to tell them,  I’ll find you a husband

Seohyun: Oppa!!!! I’m still young and very innocent.

Doojoon: Really?! What about that Yonghwa guy that our parents recommended for you?

Seohyun: Aish oppa!!!! I don’t want to hear that name it’s getting into my nerves.

Doojoon: Seohyun-ah you might also get Hyoyeon’s point of view towards guys.

Seohyun: And so what if I might get it at lease I won’t be bothered about those guys.

Doojoon: Ok enough of that we need to go to the principal’s office now.

The two proceed to the principal’s office. They have a short talk with him inside his office. He agreed to what they said and keep it secret to the student body. Seohyun wants to tell the principal that she’s badly hurt but because of her brother’s threat of finding her a husband she didn’t have the guts to say it. After that they leave the office and they walk towards the school gate then Seohyun broke again their silence.

Seohyun: Oppa where should we go next?

Doojoon: We will go to the hospital and visit Hyoyeon. Taecyon-hyung said that she would be discharge tonight.

Seohyun: Really?! that’s great! Let’s go now oppa I missed her already.

Doojoon: Hey you just saw her yesterday.

Seohyun: Yesterday is yesterday oppa, besides she was rushed to the hospital last night.

Doojoon: Ok let’s go before somebody sees us.

Seohyun was very happy to hear that her best friend will be discharge. They went into the car and Doojoon drove to the hospital. They didn’t notice that someone was listening to them during their conversation.

-Eunhyuk’s POV-

As I walk at the school ground I heard people talking about Hyoyeon. What?! About Hyoyeon? Why what happen to her? Why is she at the hospital? Due to my curiosity I decided to follow them and ask the guy what happen to her but I wasn’t able to ask him. When I was about to ask, the door of the car was already close and it moves really fast. It was already out of my sight when I decided to go back to the room and I saw my hyungs together with my dongseangs approaching.

Yesung: Yah! Hyukie what are you doing here I thought you were roaming around.

Eunhyuk: Yeah I was roaming around, I just pass here.

Kibum: umm….. ok but who are those people?

Eunhyuk: whose people?

Donghae: The 2 person that you followed awhile ago.

Oh My GOD they saw me how can I explain it to them. Think Hyuk Jae, think. You need an alibi but what is it??? Hmm………………..I got it!

Leeteuk: Yah! Lee Hyuk Jae who are those?

Eunhyuk: The two just went to the school office and I bump into them when I was near the gate so I said sorry to them.

Whew!*sighed* I told them a lie again. I can’t tell them that I was following them because they will get angry at me when I told them that I heard something about Hyoyeon. I really hope it works.

Kangin: Yah! Are you telling the truth?

Eunhyuk: Yes of course

Heechul: Ok never mind but Hyuk Jae did you got the girl’s number? She’s really beautiful.

Eunhyuk: HYUNG!!!!

Heechul: Yah! Why are you shouting I’m just asking if you got her number?

Eunhyuk: I didn’t got ok.

Heechul: Aish! You’re really useless. Never mind let’s go now it’s almost time.

I just followed them to the room and still thinking about her. What happen to her is she seriously hurt that’s why she’s at the hospital? As we arrive I just sit at my place and make myself busy. My curiousness never vanishes until we reach our dormitory. We don’t have a schedule today so we will just stay here and rest. I walk into my room and let my body fall on the bed. I was looking at the ceiling and still thinking about her. The I ask myself am I really in love with her or I was just concern about her? Aish! I can’t understand my feelings the only thing that I know is that she’s very different from the other girls I know. She’s not like the girls from our school and also from our fans. But she’s not one of our fans. She hates us and I don’t know why. Then someone knock at my door and I recognize that voice, it was Henry.

Henry: Hyung it’s time to eat dinner.

Eunhyuk: What? Dinner?

Henry: No, breakfast of course its dinner it’s already night time.

Eunhyuk: It’s already night time?

Henry: No its only afternoon.

Eunhyuk: Aish! Henry just answer my question. Is it already night time?

Henry: Neh! it’s already night time and it’s already 7 pm and its dinner time.

Eunhyuk: Oh I see. You go ahead I’m not hungry.

Henry: But hyung you didn’t eat awhile ago and you also didn’t eat during lunch time.

Eunhyuk: I said I’m not hungry. Just tell them that I’m already asleep.

He didn’t say any word and just close the door so I just continue on lying on my bed. I wanted to eat but my stomach won’t accept it. Is this a sign that I’m really in love with her? I can’t concentrate of what am I doing and I can’t eat if I didn’t able to see her. Ahhhhh!!! What’s happening to me am I really IN LOVE?

-Henry POV-

What’s wrong with him? He’s really weird today. Should I tell them that he don’t want to eat again or follow his command? Aish! Whatever I will tell them everything. I arrive at the dining table when Kibum-hyung ask me about Eunhyuk-hyung.

Kibum: Henry why is it that Eunhyuk-hyung is not with you?

Henry: He said he’s not hungry.

Kibum: Not hungry? He only had breakfast for this day after that he didn’t take any food.

Kangin: Is he planning to have suicide?

Leeteuk: Kangin*shouts*don’t be like that. He’s our “Dancing Machine” so don’t say something like that!

Kangin: Mianhae*bow* I’m just suspicious of his action today.

I just remain silent and I saw Donghae-hyung walks towards Eunhyuk-hyung’s room. I wonder of what he is going to do. So I just pick up my chopsticks and rice bowl and start digging my food.

-Donghae’s POV-

I walk towards to his room and knock. I keep shouting his name but he didn’t answer. So I decided to enter even though without his permission. Inside the room I saw him lying in his bed and he’s looking at the ceiling. I closed the door and I hit his leg gently thankgoodness I was able to get his attention.

Donghae: LEE HYUK JAE what do you think you’re doing, huh?!

Eunhyuk:What ?!.... What did I do?!

Donghae: Your not eating again. You just ate breakfast this day and you didn’t take lunch awhile ago. Are planning to have suicide?!*shouts*

Eunhyuk: Yah! You don’t need to yell at me, I’m not deaf and I’m just planning to have a suicide when you enter!

Donghae: Ok I won’t yell at you just tell me your problem.

Eunhyuk: Problem? I don’t have a problem.

Donghae: SHUT UP I know you have, you’re acting weird if you have one and this time its much weirder.

Eunhyuk: I really don’t have any problem right now.

Donghae: Oh is that so … well I’m going to tell them that you’re in love with their enemy.(walks towards the door)

Eunhyuk: WAIT! Don’t tell them please.

Donghae: (faced Eunhyuk) So are you going to tell me or not. If not I’m going to tell them this instance.

Eunhyuk: Ok fine I’ll tell you. Its just…………….aish how will I say it?

Donghae: I’ll teach you how.

Eunhyuk: How????

Donghae: Just open your mouth and speak.

Eunhyuk: DONGHAE!!!!!*shouts at Donghae*

Donghae: Aish! Just say it I need to eat too.

Eunhyuk: Then why don’t you eat first then I’ll tell you later.

Donghae: Do you think I’ll fall on your trap? Just tell me right away.

Eunhyuk: OK I’ll tell you now. I already missed her and I heard she was at the hospital.

Donghae: Who, Hyoyeon?

Eunhyuk: No my dog of course it’s Hyoyeon who else do you think? Pabo!

Donghae: Oh I already know your problem you’re sick.

Eunhyuk: I’m sick? What sickness do I have? Do I need to go to hospital too?

Donghae: No you don’t have to go to the hospital because you’re suffering from love sickness.

Eunhyuk: Love sickness? What’s that?

Donghae: Its not literary means you’re sick your just not in your sense. Oh by the way why is she at the hospital and how did you knew about it?

Eunhyuk: Remember the people that I was following awhile ago?

Donghae: Yeah, what about it?

Eunhyuk: I accidentally heard their conversation and I heard her name so I followed them. I was about to ask about her but they were already inside the car when I was about to approach them.

Donghae: So in short Tsismoso ka. (it means that he likes gossips. we filipino always use this term if you are listenng to the conversation of other people)

Eunhyuk: No I'm not!! I said accidentally and not intentionally.

Donghae: Araso! And then what happen next?

Eunhyuk: Then they’re gone.

Donghae: They're gone?

Eunhyuk: Yeah!

Donghae: That’s it?

Eunhyuk: Yeah that’s it.

Donghae: *sigh* Lee Hyuk Jae you’re really suffering from love sickness and about Hyoyeon is not a big deal.

Eunhyuk: What do you mean it’s not a big deal?

Donghae: You see she’s just at the hospital you know.

Eunhyuk: Yah! It’s a big deal for me. Did you know that I was worried to death?

Donghae: So you’re not going to eat because of that?

Eunhyuk: Donghae I want to eat but my stomach won’t accept it.

Donghae: (pinched Eunhyuk’s ear) Yah! That’s not an excuse for you not to eat so come let’s go to the dining room or else I’ll tell everyone that you’re suffering from love sickness because of Hyoyeon, UNDERSTAND?!

Eunhyuk: Ok, ok I’ll eat now just let go of my ear it really hurts!!!!

Donghae: NO I won’t let go of your ear until we reach the dining room so let’s go if you want me to let go of your big ears.

Eunhyuk: ARASO! I’ll go with you! OUCH!!! IT REALLY HURTS!!!

Well I was really good he wasn’t able to resist the pain of his ear so he was forced to go to the dining room. At last he was able to eat something but while eating he didn’t say any so we just stared at him but I think he didn’t notice it. After he had finished his food he went to his room again but I didn’t know of what he is doing. *sigh* He’s really in love with her.

-Eunhyuk’s POV-

Aish that silly fish my right ear is all red because of him and I was forced to eat. After I had finished my food I say thank you to them and immediately went back to my room. I went to my bed and let my body fall on it. I was still concern about her then I become sleepy, but I don’t want too, I was so curious of what happen. And suddenly I didn’t able to control sleep so I let mey eyes and my whole body to rest.

chapter 6 is now available


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junho... <3 <3
U're just the best OMG i love it I looove thiis stoooryy kyaaaa >.< ♥♥
your character's intro makes me want to read more and more..
yay! i found a HyoHyukstory!
iviefigueroai #5
i really loved your story i really did can you tell me what's the name of this song is playing
MarizlovesHyo #6
This is the longest HyoHyuk fic I've read. Good job.
bakekoq #7
Waw.. I luv HyoHyuk..<br />
Even now, I'm really curious who's her crush?
onairosnma #8
great story. i'd love to have a sequel as well. great work! :D