Chapter 4

I cant really smile,maybe I smile but not whole heartedly

-Hyoyeon’s POV-

After the chief of police thanked us I was fainted and I didn’t know why. Luckily someone catches me before I hit the ground. I heard him calling my name and I know it was Junho. I feel like going to die, my arm really hurts during that time. The paramedics approach us and put me on a stretcher and I can feel that he was holding my hand. They rushed me to the hospital but he never let go of my hand but when they rushed my into the emergency room I can’t feel his presence anymore. I want to speak but I can’t, I want to open my eyes but I can’t. I can hear the instruments that they were using and I can feel that they injected something on me and then I lose my consciousness.

-Junho’s POV-

Hyoyeon suddenly faint after the chief of police thank us, good thing that I catch her before she hits the ground. I was so worried about her. I didn’t know why and I didn’t know what to do. I was calling her name but she didn’t respond. Then I notice the blood flowing from her right arm. The paramedics approach us and laid he on the stretcher, I was holding her hand and when they rushed her to the hospital I was still holding it until they said that I should wait outside the emergency room. I obey the nurse and waited outside. I was walking back and fort and still worried about her. It been 3 hours since they she was inside. I saw her parents approaching together with Taecyon-hyung.

Taecyon: Junho how is she?

Junho: I don’t know, it’s been 3 hours since she had entered the emergency room.

HY’s appa: Don’t worry Junho she’ll be fine, besides you know her personality right? She won’t easily give up.

HY’s umma: He’s right Junho no need to worry that much. I know my daughter very well.

I just nod and didn’t speak because I might burst into tears because I know that Hyoyeon’s father hate to see people crying.

Taecyon: Aish! She’s so stubborn. First she got shot and now this . Aish!!!!! Did she know that were all worried about her?!! Aish!!!! I’m going to be insane!!!!!

HY’s umma: Taecyon just calm down I know you’re worried too.

Taecyon: But umma it always happen. Ever since she enter the Zee Alliance Forces she always get into trouble.

I wanted to speak but the doctor come out and we hurriedly approach the doctor. Hyoyeon’s umma was the first one to speak.

HY’s umma: How is she doctor, is she alright?

Doctor: Yes she is, she just need to rest now. Her wound is very deep so we stitched her wound and also injected her with anti-tetanus. With that it would be very hard for her to move her arms freely. She can still write and do her works but it would be very painful for her.

HY’s appa: Thank you doctor but is there any side effect from all the medicine?

Doctor: No, there won’t be any side effect but can I request something?

HY’s appa: Sure, what is it?

Doctor: Can you let her rest for a week and please don’t force her to attend school for a week?

Taecyon: Why, is there a problem?

Doctor: No I just notice that she’s really exhausted because while we’re doing the operation she sleeps very well even though anesthesia was already subside.

HY’s appa: If that’s the case I’ll immediately tell the principal for her temporary absence.

Doctor: Thank you Mr. Kim. So I’ll be going now. Ms. Kim Hyoyeon’s room is number 709 on the west wing.

The doctor leaved us and we rushed at her room. We saw her sleeping peacefully. I suddenly feel that the fish bone on my throat suddenly gone. I was feel relieved that Hyoyeon was alright so I decided to stay.

Junho: Uncle, auntie, hyung can I stay here and watch over her?

 HY’s appa: Junho you just came from a difficult mission and you also need to rest.

Junho: I’m alright uncle as long as she’s ok.

HY’s umma: But Junho…..

Junho: Please auntie let me accompany her besides its my fault.

HY’s appa: Junho it’s no one’s fault, it was an accident.

Taecyon: Appa, umma just let him accompany her, but Junho promise us that you’ll take care of her, araso?

Junho: Araso Taecyon-hyung

HY’s appa: OK I’ll let you accompany her but you should also rest and don’t force yourself too much, Araso?

Junho: Araso uncle, Kamsahamnida(bow)

HY’s umma: Ok I’ll let you stay.

Junho: Kamsahmnida auntie (bow)

Hyoyeon’s family stayed for only 5 minutes they just wanted to see Hyoyeon’s condition after the accident. After that they leave and they trusted me to take care of her and don’t let her do what she what because she’s very stubborn especially during mission that’s why she always got hurt. With that I didn’t notice that I fell asleep at the side of the bed and still holding her hand.

here is the chapter 4 enjoy^_^  

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junho... <3 <3
U're just the best OMG i love it I looove thiis stoooryy kyaaaa >.< ♥♥
your character's intro makes me want to read more and more..
yay! i found a HyoHyukstory!
iviefigueroai #5
i really loved your story i really did can you tell me what's the name of this song is playing
MarizlovesHyo #6
This is the longest HyoHyuk fic I've read. Good job.
bakekoq #7
Waw.. I luv HyoHyuk..<br />
Even now, I'm really curious who's her crush?
onairosnma #8
great story. i'd love to have a sequel as well. great work! :D