chapter 31

I cant really smile,maybe I smile but not whole heartedly


The gun was fired but the two were still alive. Hyoyeon felt that her leg was shot so she open her eyes and she saw that her right leg was bleeding. She was really in pain and she can’t move it. Eunhyuk also opens his eyes after he heard the gun fired and he saw Hyoyeon’s leg was bleeding.

Eunhyuk: Hyoyeon-shi, are you alright?

Hyoyeon: Neh, it’s just a leg.

Eunhyuk: What do you mean it’s just a leg. You’re bleeding and you can lose so much blood because of it.

Hyoyeon: Just don’t mind me, I’m alright

She look at James and he was already at the floor full with blood. Then she look at the door opposite their point and it was BG Changmin together with her brother. Taecyon immediately untie the two of them, first was Eunhyuk and next is Hyoyeon. He immediately hugs her after he unties her.

Taecyon: Hyoyeon-ah you’re really a stubborn girl. I told you to becareful and you also involve Eunhyuk in this situation. We are all worried about you especially Junho. Thank goodness you have your brain to press the tracking device on you shoe.

Hyoyeon: Oppa I’m alright tell Junho about it and could you pls. loosen your hug I can’t breathe

Taecyon: No I won’t, I almost lose my sister and now you’re telling me to loosen my hug on you no way.

Changmin: *clears throat* Taecyon if I were you stop hugging her and immediately take her to the hospital.

Taecyon: Huh? Why? *release hug*

Changmin: Eunhyuk could you tell her brother the reason.

Eunhyuk: Neh! Taecyon-hyung, her leg was shot and she’s bleeding. If you don’t take her to the hospital right now I guess she will lose a lot of blood.

Taecyon: Bwoh? She’s bleeding? *look at her* Whoa! There’s so much blood. Yah! Why didn’t you tell me that you’re already bleeding?

Hyoyeon: How can I tell you if you’re hugging me really tight? I told you to loosen up your hug because I can’t breathe. Also you’re being exaggerated again.

Taecyon: Fine it’s my fault. Yah! Changmin call the headquarters about what happened and send Eunhyuk to their dormitory. Also tell Junho that she’s alright, I’ll just take her to the hospital.

Eunhyuk: Hyung I’ll go with you.

Taecyon: No need. Media is everywhereand you might have an issue when you come with us. You’re an idol so they’ll immediately create an article about you.

Eunhyuk: Araso.

Taecyon: I’ll just call you when we got there. You need to go home they must be worried. Changmin take care of him make sure that no one is following especially the papparazi.

Changmin: Araso, I know what to do. You don’t have to remind me.

Taecyon: Alright Come on Hyo before you lose a lot of blood.

He carries her in bridal style ans she was already sweating because of pain.

Eunhyuk: Sir Will she be ok?

Changmin: I bet she will. She almost die for so many times. Why are you so concern of her? Do you like her Eunhyuk-shi?

Eunhyuk: Huh? *silence*

Changmin:*smile* Nevermind I already know the answer. Let’s go the super junior must be worried.

Eunhyuk: Ok, but what about him? *points*

Changmin: The ZAF will take care of it. Mianhae*bows* for involving you to this matter.

Eunhyuk: No it’s ok, I’m not hurt anyway I’m just worried about her.

Changmin: She’ll be alright, don’t worry. Let’s go

He sent him to their dormitory and he bids goodbye. Eunhyuk went to their dormitory and all of them are worried.

Sungmin: Yah! Where have you been?

Eunhyuk: Well just around the corner.

Ryeowook: You won’t answer your phone and you’re telling us that you we just around the corner.

Kyuhyun: tell us the truth hyung. You look very pale.

Eunhyuk: ok I’ll tell you guys. *sigh* Hyoyeon and I got kidnapped

All: What?!

Heechul: how come the kidnapper didn’t call for a ransom?

Eunhyuk: I just got involve of it. His main target was the ZAF high-ranked officers especially her and he’s going to kill all of them.

Kangin: Did she die?

Leeteuk: Kangin-ah what kind of question is that?!

Kangin: I just ask, ok. Eunhyuk-shi is she alright?

Eunhyuk: No she’s not. She’s at the hospital right now because she got hit. She even want to risk her life just to let me get out of there.

Shindong: why didn’t you go to the hospital too?

Eunhyuk: Hyung told me that if I go with them, there might be some issue.

Siwon: Then we’ll just pray for her.

He decided to go to his room and rest.

Eunhyuk: I’ll just go to my room and rest. I’ll also wait for Taecyon-hyung’s call.

Heechul: alright

He went to his room and lay down on his bed. Suddenly his phone rings and the call is from Taecyon, he immediately answer it.

Eunhyuk: Hyung how is she?

Taecyon: the doctor said that she need to have an operation because the nee to take off the bullet from her leg. For the mean time she’s in the operationg room. Don’t worry she’ll be alright, it’s not her first time to have this kind of operation.

Eunhyuk: you mean she always got hit?

Taecyon: Neh! she was also shot on a critical part of the body which she almost die. This time she won’t be able to move her leg for the mean time. It wasn’t so critical so just relax.

Eunhyuk: alright. When will I be able to visit her?

Taecyon: It’s up to you but make sure that there’s no media around.

Eunhyuk: Araso, can I bring the other super junior members?

Taecyon: Sure, I’ll be going now. Better take a rest and stop worrying about her

Eunhyuk: ok I’ll hung up now

When he was about to hung up the phone, Taecyon ask him again.

Taecyon: Wait I just want to ask something

Eunhyuk: What is it?

Taecyon: I just want to ask if you like my sister and be honest.

-Eunhyuk’s POV-

Omo did he know it? I didn’t even told him about it. Well I guess it’s about time

Eunhyuk: Honestly I …. I ….. like her from the very first day we met.

Taecyon: Ah! I knew it, have you told her?

Eunhyuk: No I haven’t. Hyung how did you know about it?

Taecyon: It’s very obvious Eunhyuk-shi. You sent her flowers, go to a theme park with her and always worried about her.

Eunhyuk: Hyung, you’re such a good observer. I’ll just tell you everthing when we meet.

Taecyon: No need I already knew that you like her and that’s enough. Don’t worry I won’t tell her. I’ll let you tell her personally. Ok bye.

*sigh* Taecyon-hyung really can sense anything. How will now tell her that I really do like her? Maybe I should get a help from him, but I need todo it alone so that she won’t think that I can’t do things on my own. Aish, is confessing really hard to do?

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junho... <3 <3
U're just the best OMG i love it I looove thiis stoooryy kyaaaa >.< ♥♥
your character's intro makes me want to read more and more..
yay! i found a HyoHyukstory!
iviefigueroai #5
i really loved your story i really did can you tell me what's the name of this song is playing
MarizlovesHyo #6
This is the longest HyoHyuk fic I've read. Good job.
bakekoq #7
Waw.. I luv HyoHyuk..<br />
Even now, I'm really curious who's her crush?
onairosnma #8
great story. i'd love to have a sequel as well. great work! :D