Chapter 26

I cant really smile,maybe I smile but not whole heartedly


She immediately accomplishes her work and go to their residential suite. There she saw the Super Junior talking to her father.

HY’s appa: Oh, Hyoyeon you’re here.

Hyoyeon: Neh, so appa who’s our guest aside from them and why do you want me to finish my work. Also why are the Super Junior is here?

HY’s appa: The super junior is here for some instructions and I want them to meet someone. That person is Johnny, he will come here and he wants us to talk about you.

-Hyoyeon’s POV-

Oh no! he will come again? No way I can’t let them meet him, he might spill what I experience. I was just staring at the center table and I’m not at ease. I can feel that the super junior is staring at me and I think they’re curious because of my actions.

HY’s appa: Hyoyeon, are you alright?

Hyoyeon: Huh?.....umm…… yeah*trembling*. Appa what does he want to talk about?

HY’s appa: I don’t know but I think it’s important.

Hyoyeon: Why do you want him to meet them?

HY’s appa: These guys are already part of our alliance forces and he is a former officer here so they must meet him.

Hyoyeon: Oh, ok

HY’s appa: Hyoyeon why are you trembling and your fist can’t stop from moving? Is there something I need to know.

I wasn’t able to speak because I was afraid to tell him.

HY’s appa: Are you hiding something from me?

I was about to speak but he arrives.

Johnny: Hi godfather.

Oh no he’s here what should I do now?

-Eunhyuk’s POV-

I notice that she was trembling and I don’t know why. Somebody enter their suite and she was trembling more than awhile ago. Wait, I remember that face, he is the one who molested her at the party last time. So his name is Johnny the one who cause her pain and that is the reason why she was trembling. I was staring at him and my eyes was very sharp and I wanted to kill him.

Sungmin: Hyukkie-ah why are looking at him that way? Do you know him?

Eunhyuk: No I don’t know him.

Johnny if you there do something to her right now I swear that I won’t forgive you.

-Hyoyeon’s POV-

He enters our suite and I can’t breathe normally.

HY’s appa: Hi Johnny come here I want you to meet some people.

My father introduces them to him and they were seem please to meet him except for Eunhyuk who just ignore him. I was looking at Eunhyuk and I think he remembers him that’s why he just give him a bitter smile and ignore him. Then he look at me and I think he‘s planning something.

Johnny:  God father I came here because I want to tell you something about Hyoyeon but I don’t think this is the right time because you have guest here.

HY’s appa: It’s alright Johnny just tell me now. What’s with my daughter?

Johnny: I …. I think she’s insane.

What?! I’m insane? What is he talking about? I’m in the right mind and he’s the one who’s insane. He did his animal act on me and he almost do it to Yoona-unnie and Seohyun too.

HY’s appa: What do you mean she’s insane?

He starts to look like he was a victim or something.

Johnny: Well I’ll say it even though you have a guest right now. Since she was 8 years old she already somehow interested with me and she was showing some affection towards me. That’s why I return here to tell you about it.

No way I didn’t even do that thing. I was very innocent that time and I was a kid. My mind is not yet wide as today. He molested me and did it so many times. I can’t believe that the worlds changes right now. I look at my father and this is the first time I saw him like this.

HY’s appa: *sigh* Is that true Hyoyeon?

Hyoyeon: Appa…..

He slaps me before I finish what I will say. I saw that the Super Junior was shock of my father’s action. Eunhyuk almost stood up but I glared at him telling him that don’t go near me. I wanted to cry right now but I control it because my appa don’t want to see a ZAF officer crying.

HY’s appa: How dare you show some affection to him? He’s like your brother. Don’t you feel ashamed after what he said?

Hyoyeon: Appa it’s not true! He is the one who---

HY’s appa: Enough! I don’t want to hear your explanation. I didn’t know that the daughter I raised was attracted to her god brother.

Hyoyeon: Appa, why don’t you believe me? I’m your own child not him.

HY’s appa: Even though you’re my own child I didn’t expect that you have this trait.

My eyes are already teary but I still control myself. I feel like I’m going to collapse anytime. The super junior was just staring at me and I guess they’re still shock of what happen. A voice came from my back and it was my brother.

Taecyon: Appa! What’s gotten into your mind? You believe that jerk instead of your daughter?!

HY’s appa: Taecyon, step out of this conversation, you’re not included of this situation.

Taecyon: Yes I am involve here. I know the whole thing.

Hyoyeon: Oppa please don’t say it it’s not the right time.

Taecyon: No Hyoyeon, I’ll say it right here, right now and I don’t care if the super junior is here they also need to know the truth of why are you acting like you don’t care for the others.

I run away from our suite and I leave everything to my brother to tell all the truth that had happen to me at the past. I’m really embarrassed and I feel like I wanted to die right now. I went to a place and from there I start to let go of my pain by crying.

-End of POV-

While Hyoyeon runaway from their suite, Taecyon and their father was talking about the whole thing. The super junior member was just listening but they are embarrassed because they are not used to hear the others conversation.

Taecyon: Appa, Johnny was just manipulating you. He molested her when she was just 8 years old and that’s the real thing. He treated her as a toy and he always do it to her when you’re not around. Yoona and Seohyun almost became his victim too and luckily Doojoon and I caught him before it’s too late.

Johnny: No it’s not true

Taecyon: Shut up you jerk! You already molested my sister and you want my fiancée and Hyoyeon’s best friend to be one of your toy. I can’t believe that you’re using my father to get want you want.

HY’s appa: Would you two stop it. The super Junior is here, aren’t you ashame of your selves.

Taecyon: Alright appa I’ll stop it but did you ever ask her about her condition? Do you trust her in her own decision? You’re just concern of her when she was about to die because of the difficult missions that you always give. You always ignore her when she wants to tell something except for work. She never told you anything about her because she knew that you’ll just think that it’s useless or ignore her. You didn’t even know that she almost die because of this ’s animal act, then your accusing her of seducing him! What kind of father are you?!

HY’s appa: Taecyon, Johnny is like my son because his father is my best friend and a former officer here before they decided to live in Norway that’s why I ……..

Taecyon: Always believe of what he says. Appa, what the hell are you thinking, you don’t believe of what she was saying but you believe your best friend’s son. Now Johnny if you insist to tell another lie I’ll definitely kill you right now and I don’t care if I’ll be in jail but you can never touch my fiancée or my sister mark my words. As for you appa, you hurt her right now and she was just controlling her tears but she wants to cry awhile ago. You didn’t even know your daughter’s b-day.

HY’s appa: Her b-day? Of course I know her b-day.

Taecyon: Then when is it appa, tell me.

HY’s appa: it’s next month

Taecyon: Aniyo, it’s today. Today should be her memorable day but I guess I wasn’t at all.

HY’s appa: Today is her b-day?

At the other side Johnny was just staring at them and he laughed silently. They both look at him and Taecyon almost lose his temper.

Taecyon: What are you laughing at?

Johnny: Nothing, I just didn’t expect that you really believe me. The truth is I really did it to her. And you didn’t believe your own daughter but you believe your best friend son.

Taecyon: I told you appa he was just using you.

HY’s appa: Johnny you ruin my relationship with my daughter and you ruin her life. I can’t believe it.

Johnny: Mianhae god father I already did it and there’s no turning back.

The Super Junior clichés their fist especially Kangin who wants to beat him after he heard of what Johnny had said.

Leeteuk: *whisper* Kangin-ah relax you shouldn’t interfere at their business.

Kangin: Leeteuk-shi I really hate people who don’t respect women. For me it’s alright to fight with them sometimes or argue with them but to molest them especially when they’re very innocent it’s a different thing.

Heechul: Kangin we know that but you shouldn’t interfere right now. We also what to beat him right now but we can’t. he treated her as a toy and that what Taecyon-hyung means when we asked him about Hyoyeon.

Shindong: Just relax and you let out your anger later.

Sungmin: Omo! *looks* Where’s our monkey?

Donghae: When Hyoyeon run away he followed her immediately and I didn’t able to stop him.

 On the other hand the 3 didn’t hear the conversation of the super junior. Hyoyeon’s father approach the phone and he dialed the telephone but no one can hear the conversation even Johnny. He dropped the phone and think.

Taecyon: Appa what did you do?

HY’s appa: Taecyon, find Hyoyeon immediately and tell Junho about it.

Taecyon: What are you saying?

HY’s appa: Let Junho find her I know that he knows where she is at this moment.

The soldier came and they quickly arrest Johnny and Taecyon calls Junho.

Johnny: Yah! What’s the meaning of this?

HY’s appa: For messing up with my daughter and ruining her life and my relationship to her.

Johnny: You can’t do this to me. I’ll tell my father about it.

HY’s appa: Then go tell him, I bet he knows how I get mad. I’ll also tell him that you’re a demon and did something to my daughter.

Johnny: Hahaha, I think you don’t have an evidence for that so it will be useless.

HY’s appa: Hmp.*smiles* you think so? (reveal the recorder)

Taecyon: Appa did you plan this?

HY’s appa: Aniyo, I just wanted to record my conversation with the super junior so awhile ago so that if there would be violation of our agreement with them the sponsorship will be vanish but I forgot to turn it off that’s why all of the conversation was recorded. Now guys get him out of here and put him behind bars with a case of child abuse and .

He didn’t able to fight because the soldiers are too strong for him. They seems like they undergo a special training and ready to fight.

HY’s appa: Has Junho found her?

Taecyon: No not yet. Appa what are you thinking right now?

HY’s appa: I’ll just talk to her right now.

Taecyon seems to know what his father is planning so he just shut for a moment. Leeteuk raised his hand and speaks.

Leeteuk: Umm…. General Kim

HY’s appa: What is it Leeteuk-shi?

Leeteuk: One of us followed her when she runaway.

HY’s appa: Who is it?

Taecyon: I know who it is, it’s Eunhyuk right?

Siwon: Neh, he immediately followed her and Donghae didn’t able to stop him.

Taecyon: Is that so? Well I guess we should let him bring her here. After all Junho didn’t found her yet. Appa are you planning something?

HY’s appa: I don’t know all I just need to do is to talk to her because of my mistakes. I even hurt her on her b-day and I didn’t even know about it. *sigh* Sorry Guys if you saw those things awhile ago.

Leeteuk: It’s alright general, we understand. We were also surprised to know the reason why she’s acting cold to us and always snob us like there’s no one talking to her.

HY’s appa: Just Forget all that had happen tonight.

All: Neh

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junho... <3 <3
U're just the best OMG i love it I looove thiis stoooryy kyaaaa >.< ♥♥
your character's intro makes me want to read more and more..
yay! i found a HyoHyukstory!
iviefigueroai #5
i really loved your story i really did can you tell me what's the name of this song is playing
MarizlovesHyo #6
This is the longest HyoHyuk fic I've read. Good job.
bakekoq #7
Waw.. I luv HyoHyuk..<br />
Even now, I'm really curious who's her crush?
onairosnma #8
great story. i'd love to have a sequel as well. great work! :D