Living With Them

The JJ Project


You stepped into your new room.

 JB had evacuated all his stuff so quickly that there was a lot of space for you to utilize your stuff in. You started unpacking when you heard your phone ring.

Mikki was calling you. “So… how are your dorm mates?,” she teased you immediately.

You chuckled. “You mean Jr.?”

“A-aniyo!” she stuttered. “How are Jr and JB? Are they being nice to you?”

“Yeah… Jr.’s great. He’s really nice to me,” you paused and thought of how to put JB’s attitude to words. “I’m kinda staying in JB’s room, by the way.”

You heard her gasp on the other line. “No way! He’s your room mate?!”

“Mikki! Stop jumping to conclusions!” you get her to stop spazzing. “I’m staying in his room, but he kinda moved out because of me,” you said in a low voice.

“Ohh…” she reacted. “Was it alright with him?”

“What do you think?” you asked her rhetorically.

“JC-ah, that’s like the second time you’ve offended him already!” she blurted out.

You sighed. “Hey! I didn’t mean to do that,” you defended. *Wow. This is my second time meeting him and I’ve made him mad, again. Thanks for making me feel bad…*

“Well, you better apologize to him later,” she scolded.

Your eyes suddenly narrowed. *Seriously?*

“Oh yeah,” Mikki said suddenly perking up. “An EXO teaser is up again!”

A smile suddenly appeared on your lips. “Really? Whose is it this time?”

That time, there was a knock on your door. You were about to get it when it opened itself.

JB’s head peeked in. He still had that obvious face of distaste for you. “I forgot one of my shoes here,” he said while letting himself in.

You gave him a nod and went back to your conversation with Mikki, still keeping your eyes on JB.

“Uh, wait, oh, its Lay!” she said answering your question.

JB looked under the bed and took a pair of black converse shoes out.

“Aw! I was hoping it would be Kai!” you exclaimed in disappointment. He almost jumped when he heard your shriek.

JB glared at you instantly while you just gave him a sarcastic ‘sorry’ look. He dusted his pair of shoes and checked under the bed to check if he left anything.

You heard Mikki laugh at the other line. “Aren’t you tired of Kai’s teasers already?”

“Nah, he’s a good, no wait, he’s a great dancer! I would never get tired of watching him,” you said confidently.

JB then immediately left after doing what he was set to do. You made a face towards the door right after he shut it.

Mikki giggled on the other line. “J-C likes Ka-I,” she mumbled.

You just rolled your eyes at her remark. “When were they going to debut again?” you asked Mikki.

“Hey, you’re the one who’s supposed to be researching about rookie groups right?” she shot in a smug tone.

You laughed. “Yeah, yeah, I guess I should start my research then?”

“That would be a good idea…” Mikki agreed. “Update me with events then?”

“Of course,” you said cheerfully.

“Okay, call you next time! Bye!”

“Bye!” you responded, then ended the call.

- - -  - - - - -  - - - -  -

You just finished unpacking your stuff. You sat on the edge of your bed, about to open your laptop to begin some rookie researching when a knock fell upon your door.

*Did JB forget more of his stuff?* you thought as you head to open the door.

Jr. was there, having an awkward face on, obviously still not used with your presence.  “JC-ah, me and JB are ordering out for dinner tonight, what would you like to eat?”

“Why are you eating out? Don’t you have any food in the kitchen?” you asked politely.

“I think we have some food stocked there, but I and Jaebeom don’t really like cooking so…” you cut him off.

“Say no more, I’ll cook our dinner tonight,” you said in a definite tone.

Jr. smiled in delight. “Really? Woah, okay then, I’ll tell JB about it,” he said running off to the next room. He suddenly turned back to your room again, “I forgot, thanks JC!” he beamed.

“You’re welcome,” you smiled back.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

JB was eyeing his dinner meticulously.

Jr. was also doing the same with his. “Is this ramen?” Jr. asked while pointing at the big black bowl.

You nodded. “Yeah, and some side dishes,” you pointed towards the small plates. “It was all I could find in your fridge,” you shrugged then picked up your chopsticks and start eating the ramen.

The two just looked at you while you slurped on some noodles. “What’s wrong?” you asked after swallowing.

JB threw you a look of disapproval, while Jr. took his chopsticks and started sampling the side dishes. Jr.’s eyes widened at how delicious the food were and ate everything happily.

“If Jr. and I wanted to eat ramen, we could have cooked it ourselves,” JB complained.

*Ah, really, this ungrateful little…* You exhaled, keeping your temper in check. “That’s why I cooked the side dishes,” you said calmly. JB just threw you another look. “Listen, if you don’t want to eat what I cooked then let me have it, and you order out,” you commanded reaching out for his bowl of ramen.

“Yeah, and I’ll have your side dishes,” Jr. happily said as he started reaching towards JB’s food.

“AH-AH, NO!,” JB reacted putting his arms over his food.

You and Jr. drew back your hands. Jr. pouted, disappointed he didn’t get anymore food. “I thought you didn’t like it?”

“I-I changed my mind,” JB said embarrassed, but still trying to keep his pride. He took his chopsticks and immediately ate the ramen and the side dishes taking in big portions in his mouth. 

“I see,” you mumbled as you observed him.

 His eyes met yours while his mouth was full and you immediately turn you attention to Jr. to turn away from anything awkward JB might say. “Jr. did you want more?” you said offering him some of your food, pretending that you didn’t see JB.

Jr. nodded and replied a cute, “Yeah.”

The two boys in front of you already had empty plates in front of them. You quickened your pace to finish your food after. *Aigoo~ I forgot how boys ate so fast.*

Jr. stretched and stood up. “It’s Jaebummie hyung’s turn to wash the dishes,” he said and headed to the living room to watch TV.

*So he does wash dishes after all*

You were still finishing off your bowl of ramen, while JB was eyeing you impatiently. You swallowed the last morsel of your food as JB started to pile up his and Jr.’s dishes.

You started piling up your dishes. JB had an impatient face on as he asked you for your pile of dishes.

You don’t hand them over to him though. *I should at least do this favor for him.* “No, it’s okay, you can leave the dishes there, I’ll wash them,” you volunteered.

JB seemed to be taken aback by your sudden kindness. “Thanks?” JB replied reluctantly and started heading to the door, when you called after him. “Wait!”

*I need to apologize.*

JB turned around and raised an eyebrow towards you. “Listen. I’m sorry for making you wash the dishes in the shop and for taking your room,” you apologized trying to be as sincere as possible.

JB felt a sudden surge of guilt. *So that’s why she wanted to do my chore.* “It’s okay, I really didn’t mind that so much,” he lied. *Doing one chore is not enough though.*

“Really?” you asked with doubt and sarcasm in your tone. *It didn’t seem that way at the noodle shop and the way he glared at me earlier.*

He shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah, yeah,” he said trying to avoid your gaze. “Have fun washing the dishes,” he bid then left for the living to watch TV with Jr.

*He still hates me… * You sighed. *At least I meant my apology.*

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ExoticBlue #1
seems nice
Aireko #2
Chapter 25: When are you going to update!!!!
Chapter 25: I Just Noticed This Story Was Bookmark On Chapter 23 After So Long I Came Back To Read
Chapter 24: yo welcome back author haha kya DaeDae seems emm interested in JC and JB aww.................
Chapter 25: WOOOT!!!! Welcome back author-nim! :3 //bows with deep voice
bahahahh (X

Awhsss !!!! JB and JC so cute together!!! Ahahaha JB's trying so hard! its adorable (X <3<3<3
Chapter 25: Awww they would make such a cute couple!!! <3
im so freaking in love with this too , and by the way sorry i thought it was Im Jaebum not Lim + then i saw it Lim Jaebum , im kinda confused now though is it Lim Jaebum his real name+ on stage he changed it to Im? anyway ^^ love this story i'll be waiting for the next update too:D hopefully that will be soon enough.
i don't now why but i feel like i like daehyun *cough*dae-honey*cough* more in the first bit of the story than JB .-. oh well, they say love doesn't blossom until late XD
ctee0014 #9
Chapter 24: nice! will be waiting for your next update! haha
Chapter 24: Yes AUTHOR NIM YOU UPDATED!! *PARTY* ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I just love JB in this story...