JC's silent treatment. JB's plan.

The JJ Project


You lazily sat on the couch, contemplating on the stuff you had to do on that day. Which was… NOTHING.

You sighed exasperatedly and stared blankly on the switched off TV in front of you, with a pout on your face. *Aigoo~ Nothing to do… I wish I could go back home…* But you couldn’t. If you did, you’d just feel like you want to go back home to your eomma, and probably think of escaping from your contract.

You blinked, tilting your head to one side, and sighed heavier this time.

“Whacha doing today JC?” Jr. asked like a little kid while plopping down the couch to sit beside you. You looked at him with a miserable face on. He was all ready to go to their shooting for Dream High2. He was munching on a candy bar, but momentarily stopped when he saw your expression. “Uh… Is there anything wrong, JC?” he asked hesitantly, when he saw your tired expression.

You sighed. “I’m getting bored of this place. As usual, I get to stay here while you two go out,” you whined.

“Don’t you have to go to training or maybe host that music show again?” Jr. asked.

“Nope. No schedules for today. I don’t even have classes,” you motioned. You sighed again.

“Why don’t you go out or something, get out in the sun… Things like that,” Jr. suggested.

Without even looking at him, you furrowed your eyebrows. “ I can’t even go out of this dorm because people stare at me whenever I walk out the street. It’s kind of getting annoying,” you concluded.

“Don’t you have anything you wanted to do in your free time?” he suggested.

“I’VE ALREADY DONE THEM ALL!” you stated, then buried your face in a pillow. You just hated doing nothing. Before you would be contented going out, taking walks by yourself, but now that people make that awkward for you, that hobby slowly disappeared. You’ve been cooped up in the dorm for about two months, and your routines there were getting boring.

When you weren’t going out you had this routine:

Read. Surf the internet. Call eomma. Text Mikki. Watch TV. Do chores. Cook. Eat. Sleep.

The same routine almost every day.

“Okay… okay… I see your point,” Jr. said while patting your back. “It could get a bit boring here,” he sympathized.

In exasperation, you covered your face with a throw pillow. *Another BORING DAY! SO SICK OF IT.*

“Aww… It’s okay JC,” Jr. tried to cheer you up, awkwardly, but frankly, he ran out of suggestions to give you. “Ah, I know, let’s ask hyung-” Jr. started but you cut him off.

“NO!” you reacted, removing the pillow out of your face. “I will not in any way, talk to Lim Jaebeom!” you protested while glaring at Jr. You still haven’t forgiven JB for ruining your evening with B.A.P.

“Okay, okay…” Jr. responded defensively. “I still didn’t know what happened that night though,” Jr. whispered.

“I don’t think you need to know,” JB cut in casually in your conversation. He was going downstairs, with his stuff ready for them to leave.

You rolled your eyes at his statement. *Seriously, you act weirder than usual with B.A.P, and you say that?* you huffed.

“What was that?” JB asked you after seeing your reaction towards his statement. “Did you want to say something?”

“Hhmph,” you huffed once more and proceeded to go upstairs.

The two just observe you as you evidently went upstairs in a bad mood. When you got to your room, you shut the door loudly, loud enough so that the two hear it downstairs.

Jr. cringed at the loud sound, while JB shook his head. “I guess she’ll still mad at me for that thing last night?” JB reckoned.

“It shows,” Jr. answered flippantly. “She even said she didn’t want to talk to you,” he added.

*Talk about immature…* JB reacted in disbelief. “She even said that to you?”

“Neh,” Jr. nodded innocently. “When I told her to ask you what she could do to pass her time, she said she didn’t even want to talk to you” Jr. trailed.

“Wait, pass her time?” JB clarified. “So, she doesn’t have any schedules fixed for today?”

Jr. nodded. “She doesn’t even have classes. She says she’s tired of staying cooped up in the dorm, while we go out.”

“I see…” JB nodded in understanding. A plan was already forming in his head though. *She says I’m jealous, huh? After today, let’s see who the jealous one is.* “Jirongie, why don’t you ask her to come with us then?” JB suggested nicely.

“Jeongmal?” Jr. asked in doubt. *I think JB-hyung’s planning something.* He knew JB too well now and he could sense that by seeing JB’s sudden shift in expression.

JB shrugged innocently. “Yeah, I mean, if she’s bored here.”

“Well, I guess I could ask her to come…” Jr. stated unsurely. *Well, she could always say no if she didn’t want too…* Jr. reasoned

JB looked at the white wall clock that was behind Jr. “You better ask her now, or else we’re going to be late for filming,” JB motioned.


“Really? I could come?” you asked amazed that Jr. invited you to watch their filming.

“I think so…” Jr. replied sounding sort of unsure, but he had a reassuring smile on his face.

You took a look around the soon to be empty, boring dorm if you were to stay alone again. You sighed. *Well, as if I have any other options…*

You turned to Jr. who was eagerly waiting for your response. You shrugged. “I guess I have to get ready then.”


“Are you sure I won’t bother you two?” you asked reluctantly in your seat. You decided to go and watch the filming for Dream High 2. You were already in JJ’s van, on the way to the filming site, which was a hospital.

“Don’t worry so much JC-ah,” Jr. patted you on the back. “Anyways, I think only hyung would be filming this time. Isn’t that right hyung?”

JB, who was reading his script at that time, smirked.  He was seated in the front seat and did not bother looking at the two in the back seat to give his response. He simply gave a nod while hiding his smirk out of the two’s sight. *So far, everything is according to plan* he thought mischievously while pretending to be engulfed in reading his script.

*Just a nod?* you thought after seeing JB’s response. You raised an eyebrow in thought. *This guy must be totally in focus with getting his lines right…* but your eyes started to narrow when you thought of another possibility. *Wait, is he giving me the silent treatment too?! Waah~ SERIOUSLY! What is up with this guy?!*


“Oh, Ms. Nam, fancy seeing you here,” JYP greeted you when he saw you go out of the van with JB and Jr. After greeting JB and Jr., he waved them away to get ready for taping.

You bowed to acknowledge him. “Uh, I was thought of seeing the two shoot the drama,” you said.

 “I see,” JYP nodded. “So, how are the boys so far?” he asked with a slight smile on his face.

*What am I supposed to say? Jr.’s really an angel while JB came from the other side?* You smiled awkwardly. “We’re getting along,” you said, trying to sound as credible as possible.

 “If you say so, Ms. Nam,” JYP let out a gentle chuckle. “By the way, great job on your first emceeing appearance,” he congratulated you. “I heard the producers of the show all loved your work.”

You bowed. “Thank you.”

“It seems like you’ve gotten the hang of emceeing,” he started before getting to his point. “But you’re going to be singing next,” he abruptly said.

“I-,” your eyes widened in shocked when his message started to process in your head. “What?!” you rashly responded.

“Yes, Ms. Nam, I was informed that you would be featured in a group’s song performance some time from now,” JYP notified you. “I’m pretty sure Ms. Jung will brief you about it soon,” he assured.

Your mouth was still half open after JYP stopped talking. “Why… Me?” you asked aloud.

“MS. Nam, I think you doubt your talent,” JYP said sensibly. “We let the producers of the show see your talent for singing and they liked it. They thought it would go well with that group’s vocals.”

“Which group is it?” you asked hesitantly.

JYP shrugged. “I guess you’d have to find out for yourself, Ms. Nam,” he replied shrewdly.

You tried to hide a pout from him and thanked him for informing you. “I’ll ask Ms. Jung about the details then.”


What's JB's plan? :DD Well, it has something to do with a third party. Hehe. You guess. ^^

But look below...

WOAH! THE COMMENTS... I CAN'T EVEN... *cries tears of joy while commenting back*


Because of that, let me show you my gratitude by sharing Kai's awkward heart sign. Kekekekeke.


But subscribers, again, I AM REALLY SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO UPDATE. :(( 

It's not because I'm running out of ideas or writers block. Heck, my head flowing with ideas for the story right now.

But sadly, my time's mostly taken up by academics (the university's pretty strict about grades, so...) Possibly, I may go on hiatus for about two to three weeks because of this...

But again, I am NOT abandoning this story. So readers who just stumbled onto this story please feel free to subscribe. :D



Till then. :*

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[TheJJProject] Since it'll be Valentine's Day tomorrow...


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ExoticBlue #1
seems nice
Aireko #2
Chapter 25: When are you going to update!!!!
Chapter 25: I Just Noticed This Story Was Bookmark On Chapter 23 After So Long I Came Back To Read
Chapter 24: yo welcome back author haha kya DaeDae seems emm interested in JC and JB aww.................
Chapter 25: WOOOT!!!! Welcome back author-nim! :3 //bows with deep voice
bahahahh (X

Awhsss !!!! JB and JC so cute together!!! Ahahaha JB's trying so hard! its adorable (X <3<3<3
Chapter 25: Awww they would make such a cute couple!!! <3
im so freaking in love with this too , and by the way sorry i thought it was Im Jaebum not Lim + then i saw it Lim Jaebum , im kinda confused now though is it Lim Jaebum his real name+ on stage he changed it to Im? anyway ^^ love this story i'll be waiting for the next update too:D hopefully that will be soon enough.
i don't now why but i feel like i like daehyun *cough*dae-honey*cough* more in the first bit of the story than JB .-. oh well, they say love doesn't blossom until late XD
ctee0014 #9
Chapter 24: nice! will be waiting for your next update! haha
Chapter 24: Yes AUTHOR NIM YOU UPDATED!! *PARTY* ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I just love JB in this story...