Fake Couple

The JJ Project


A bus was already there when the two of you got there. Without hesitation, JB pulled you in and paid for both of your fares. You found two vacant seats at the back of the bus and sat on the one next to the window. You momentarily looked outside and gave out a sigh of relief, assured that you’re finally getting to go home.

JB plopped on the seat beside you and looked at you with an innocent, content smile on his face. *Well, at least I got her this far.*

You turned your head towards him and saw his expression. “What?” you curiously asked, not with your usual sarcastic tone, but somehow, amused; charmed even.  

He momentarily gazed at your eyes and gave a somewhat, shy smile. “Nothing,” he answered while shaking his head gently. He then looked forward and mumbled something you didn’t quite get.

Your stare stayed at his side profile for a while.

He still had that smile plastered on his face. That was the first time you saw him smile at you like that. His smile was genuine, no pretentions, no mischief. It was one of those smiles that could make a girl’s heart pound…

Well, it made your heart pound…

You blinked twice and then immediately glanced back at the window. *No, no, no. If he sees me like this again,* you were afraid of blushing again, so you fixed your scarf over your face.

Jaebeom noticed that. “You cold?” he asked you staring at your eyes again.

You had a hard time looking at those black orbs. Why? Because looking at them made your heart race. *Me cold? I feel more like the opposite, really,* you thought. You didn’t answer him though. You simply fixed your scarf up some more, so you could hide half of your face. 

Which, of course, JB took as a ‘yes’.

You kept your gaze on the ground, pretending to be cold, so JB won’t further interrogate you. It seems like you were doing a good job at acting. Too good.

JB fidgeted. *Darn, why didn’t I wear a jacket today?* he thought remorsefully. He took a look at you again. *Great, now what do I do?* One idea came to his mind, but he contemplated against it. But you, being the good actress that you were, really had JB believe that you were really that cold.

After sighing, JB reluctantly extended his arm behind you and placed his hand on your shoulder gently.

You shut your eyes when you realize what he was doing. *Oh no, what have I done…* He really thinks I’m cold.

“Omo, now it’s too hot,” you murmured.

JB turned to you and smirked. “Did you just say I was hot?”

You were appalled. “What the…” you slightly raised your voice. Upon seeing JB return to his haughty state, you were able to get a better hold of yourself. “No, what I actually said was-“ you were cut off when you saw two passengers curiously looking at you two and then whispering at you two.

*Oh please don’t tell me they recognize us…* you thought while seeing the two girls meticulously shooting looks between the two of you. You heard one of them mumble, “Isn’t that the girl, the one who emcees?” You gulped, and gave JB a look of distress.

JB turned to the direction where you were looking at and the girls reactions suddenly lighted up. Upon seeing their reaction JB swiftly turned his head back to face you. “Don’t tell me they know,” JB whispered exasperatedly. “I’ll be caught in a scandal even before I debut!”

You gave him a bad look. “Maybe you should have thought of that before going out with me alone then?,” you hissed furiously.

“I have an idea,” JB whispered. “Pretend that we’re a couple,” he urged.

“What?!” you hissed. “Wouldn’t that lead to more trouble?”

“Not if they think we’re just a regular couple,” he concluded and started the act. With his arm still around you, he pulled you in closer. “Quick, call me something else, and change your voice,” he breathed on your ear.

“Taejoon-ah,” you called him with a honey like voice loud enough so the girls would hear.You raised your voice to a higher pitch than usual and rested your head towards his shoulder. “I’m hungry.”

JB chuckled. *I’m asking her to act like my girlfriend and this is the first thing she says to me?*“Omo, why is my Hyemi always hungry?” he asked lowering and roughening his voice, loud enough for the girls to hear.

“Oppa…” you played along the conversation with still using your fake voice. *Eww, I called him oppa*

JB was laughing inside. *Finally she calls me oppa.* He smiled and rubbed his hand on your arm. “Right then, I guess I’ll the first thing we’ll do after this is eat then,” he used his fake voice and leaned his head towards you.

“You know, you don’t have to over act,” you whispered when he did that.

“Wae? I think it worked though,” he whispered back, glancing at the girls who stopped speculating you two.

You sighed. “Well, this is awkward,” you commented softly.

“I don’t know, it’s comfortable,” JB said confidently, this would have made you blushed, until he continued his statement. “I bet you make a good pillow,” he then chuckled.

“Stop that,” you nudged your head towards him. “I’m still on that diet, geez, what more do you want.”

“Whatever, if you’re a pillow, you’re a pillow,” JB remarked and rested himself comfortably against you.

You rolled your eyes. *Typical JB*.


“Ack, my neck hurts from all that leaning on your shoulder,” you said while stretching your neck after you got off the bus.

JB chuckled. “Hey, don’t blame me, I didn’t instruct you to lean on me,” he reasoned.

“Yeah, yeah,” you looked around to see where you got off. “Jaebeom, this place is NOWHERE near the dorm,” your eyes widened. “WHY IS THAT?” you demanded.

He gave you a simple shrug. “I thought you wanted to eat,” he said in an innocent manner.

“But we could have ate at the dorm!” you exclaimed.

“I thought you were tired of staying at the dorm,” he shrugged.

“I am, but-“ you started but he cut you off.

“Aha! See! Now stop complaining and just go with me,” he said pulling you by the hand again.

“But what if other people recognize us,” you asked. “I don’t want you involved in a scandal or anything,” you said concerned about how this might ruin his potential idol image.

“This is why, ‘Hyemi-ah’” he stressed your fake name. “I need you to act along with me for the day, and just be Taejoon’s girlfriend.”

“That doesn’t make sense,” you reacted truthfully. “We’re not girlfriend-boyfriend, we don’t have to do this,” you blurted out.

*Ouch* JB thought. “Well, maybe after today,” he whispered to himself.

“What?” you asked him, not catching what he said.

“Nothing,” he shrugged it off. “Just play along with me for the day, okay?” he begged.

You saw his eyes and somehow they were sparkling? There was just something new about them. Or maybe just something you didn’t notice before. You sighed. *How could I say no to him?* “Right then Taejoon-oppa,” you said with your high pitched voice. “Where shall we go to first?”


JB had dragged you in a small shopping center. “What do you want to do first?” he asked you while linking arms with you. You slightly flinched, still not used to all the skinship. JB noticed this. “Why is it so hard for you to play along? Haven’t you gotten a boyfriend before?” JB sneered.

“Ani, just some suitors, but no boyfriend,” you answered truthfully ignoring his rude tone.

“Wow,” he reacted with sarcasm. “I’m surprised boys even courted you,” he stated.

“Aha,” you faked a laugh. “I’ll have you know they were actually very sweet,” you proudly retaliated.

“Well, if they were that sweet, wouldn’t they have been your boyfriend then?”

You became silent after that and remembered the last suitor you turned down. You really liked him, but being in a relationship with him was impossible at that time. You suddenly felt bad remembering him. “Jae- I mean, Taejoon-ah, just because I liked someone and they liked me back, doesn’t mean we would be in a relationship,” you ended with a sigh.

JB felt your gloomy aura and looked at you curiously. “And why is that?”

“Just because,” you concluded with no definite answer.

Of course your response made JB even more curious as to the reason why you didn’t get together and of course the identity of the guy. But he did not dare bring out that topic, especially after seeing that you didn’t want to talk about it. He looked at you meaningfully and stared into your eyes.

“What?” you asked. “Do I sound that pathetic?”

“Ah, no,” he shook his head. “Just cheer up, okay?”

“Right,” you smiled to reassure him. “Anyways, I think he’s doing well now. I think it was better that way. I mean I’ll always support him,” you answered honestly.

JB smiled back. *That’s better.*


The two of you entered the first restaurant you saw that wasn’t crowded with people. JB pulled your seat for you and asked the waiter for a menu. You sat on a two person table, off to the far end of the restaurant.

The waiter got back and gave you two the menu. You browsed it while JB suggested some dishes. “What about the shrimp pilaf?” he offered.

“No thanks,” you answered. “I’m allergic to shellfish.”

“Jinja?” he was astonished. “But shrimp and crab and lobster, are all really good,” he commented.

You glowered at him. “And it so happens I might choke to death while eating those, so no,” you stated and went back to looking at food in the menu.

You looked at the prices and chuckled a little. “Taejoonie, do you have enough money for this? The things here are quite expensive.”

“Of course I do, what did you think? I’d just drag you to eat somewhere without having money?” he reacted somewhat offended.

“Well, you did have to wash the dishes when you forget your wallet when we first met,” you chuckled whilst remembering that.

He seemed somewhat embarrassed, but nonetheless answered you back, “Would you just pick something and order it?!” he complained.


“Waah~ It looks really good!” you happily chimed when you saw your dish. You went with the chicken parmesan while JB ordered beef brisket.  

JB was amused at you reaction. “I thought you were still on your diet,” JB commented. “I don’t think you should be eating that. You should have ordered a salad instead,” he teased.

“Too late, I already have this,” you stuck your tongue out and started slicing the chicken into bite-sized pieces. He chuckled and started to eating as well.

“You know a simple, ‘I’m sorry’ would have sufficed for an apology,” you mentioned in between the meal. “You didn’t have to take me out to eat.”

JB’s expression became brighter. “They did say that actions speak louder than words.”

“Still, a proper apology could still be accepted,” you remarked.

“Al right, I’m sorry for being so mean to you JC,” he stated in a childish tone.

You giggled. “My name’s Hyemi remember?”

“Ah, neh,” he still talked with that baby voice. “Sorry Hyemi-noona,” he hummed.

“Taejoon-ah!” you jokingly yelled at him. “I told you never to call me that!”

He got all serious and stood up straight. “Ah, keurae, mian, Hyemi-nim,” he said in a lower, more respectful tone.

You playfully hit his arm. “Anyway, apology accepted,” you cheerfully noted.

JB gave you an eyesmile and the two of you go back to eating.


Hello! As you can see, I updated again. :DD

Who is the mysterious guy JC was referring to?

You'll find out soon enough.


And yes, JB's and JC's fake names were based off dramas. Kekeke.


HYEMI for Go Hyemi (Dream High).


And TAEJOON from Kang Taejoon (To The Beautiful You).


Again, a BIG THANK YOU for the subscriptions and comments! <3

You guys are awesome! I'm a bit busy (well, aren't I always?) and I'm sorry for that, but I try my best to update when I can. ^^


For now here's a some gifs from those dramas! :P


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[TheJJProject] Since it'll be Valentine's Day tomorrow...


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ExoticBlue #1
seems nice
Aireko #2
Chapter 25: When are you going to update!!!!
Chapter 25: I Just Noticed This Story Was Bookmark On Chapter 23 After So Long I Came Back To Read
Chapter 24: yo welcome back author haha kya DaeDae seems emm interested in JC and JB aww.................
Chapter 25: WOOOT!!!! Welcome back author-nim! :3 //bows with deep voice
bahahahh (X

Awhsss !!!! JB and JC so cute together!!! Ahahaha JB's trying so hard! its adorable (X <3<3<3
Chapter 25: Awww they would make such a cute couple!!! <3
im so freaking in love with this too , and by the way sorry i thought it was Im Jaebum not Lim + then i saw it Lim Jaebum , im kinda confused now though is it Lim Jaebum his real name+ on stage he changed it to Im? anyway ^^ love this story i'll be waiting for the next update too:D hopefully that will be soon enough.
i don't now why but i feel like i like daehyun *cough*dae-honey*cough* more in the first bit of the story than JB .-. oh well, they say love doesn't blossom until late XD
ctee0014 #9
Chapter 24: nice! will be waiting for your next update! haha
Chapter 24: Yes AUTHOR NIM YOU UPDATED!! *PARTY* ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I just love JB in this story...