Celebration with JJ

The JJ Project


“So… How did your emceeing go?” Ms. Jung asked you as you got in the car. JYPE had decided for you to ride a specific car whenever you go to recording and back to your dorm. “I heard the PD there said you were great,” she added.

You sighed. “Emceeing was fine,” you commented. “But, I almost got caught,” you said in a lower tone.

“Caught?” Ms. Jung questioned.

Almost,” you emphasized. “Almost got caught.” You then went on to your story. “Well, first they asked what company I’m from, and since I couldn’t lie about that, I said ‘JYP’. Then B.A.P asked me if I was debuting soon, since I hosted a show, and it wasn’t like I could tell them ‘I don’t want to debut and I’m only here to gather information about you guys’. It was a good thing the PD called for me or else I didn’t know what to tell them,” you said in a fast and sort of nervous pace.

“I see,” Ms. Jung nodded. “That was kind of a sticky situation.”

You pouted. “What if they ask me again next time?” you asked. You at lying. Whenever you lied, you always end up getting caught because you couldn’t make up credible alibis.

Ms. Jung shrugged. “Just tell them you’re a trainee,” she said, making it sound too obvious.

“But if I tell them that, wouldn’t they expect me to debut soon?”

“That’s easy. Just clarify to them that you’re a trainee that’s still not sure of debut,” Ms. Jung suggested. “Tell them the company’s still finding your forte in the industry.”

You nodded. “Okay, I’ll do that then,” you said, your gaze turning towards the car’s window.

Ms. Jung studied your for a while when you weren’t looking. *Little does she know that’s what the company is doing. Looks like she not only has talent in singing, she also has a knack for emceeing. Interesting.*


You got off the car when it had parked in front of JJ Project’s dorm.

“JC-ah,” Ms. Jung called for you before you left. “Here’s a little something to celebrate your first job as an emcee,” she said. She then handed you a cake box, a big lunch pack and a bunch of flowers from the back seat.

You smiled and bowed. “Thank you, Ms. Jung,” you said as you got them.

“You’re welcome,” she replied genuinely. “Since you’re still in a diet, you should share that with JB and Jr.,” she said beckoning that you should celebrate with your two dorm mates. “They just got home from shooting and I think they were hungry,” he winked.

You giggled. *Well, it’s not like I want to celebrate by myself* “Neh,” you agreed and bid her good bye.


You went in the dorm to be greeted by a sleeping JB on the couch. He had the TV remote on his hand, with the TV channel on some random documentary. He had already changed into his comfy home clothes. He had his head slumped backward and his mouth slightly opened. A corner of your lips involuntary formed a smile. *Well, he looks better this way. At least he’s not using his sarcasm on me.*

You headed for the kitchen to put your cake in the fridge and the lunch box on the table. You decided to go upstairs and change first before inviting the two to eat with you. Jr. saw you just before you got in your room.

“Hey JC,” he greeted you brightly. He too had changed into his home clothes.

“Hey,” you greeted back and headed inside your room with your door shutting close.

Jr. paused for a while. *Huh, why was JC wearing such girly clothes? That’s at first.* he shrugged off the thought when his stomach rumbled. *Aigoo~ I’m hungry,* he thought as he rubbed his tummy. *I wonder if JC prepared us some food yet?*

Jr. went downstairs. He shook his head at the sight of his group mate looking all derpy in his sleeping position and headed straight for the kitchen. On his search for something edible to eat, he stumbled upon a lunchbox and a bouquet of flowers. He scratched his head in thought.

*Why are there flowers here? Did JC go out for a date?* he thought as he held up the flowers. He noticed there was a card in the bouquet. He opened it and read it. *Congratulations, JC-ah! Keep on doing well… Sincerely JYP Family*

Jr. gasped. *Oh yeah! This was JC’s first time to host a music show!* He then hurried to wake JB up.

He shook JB’s arm to wake him up. “Hyung, hyung,” he said softly, so that only he and JB would hear.

“Huh, what?” JB replied, confused, with his eyes still half closed.

“I think JC just got back from shooting her first music show,” Jr. whispered.

“Oh, jeongmal?” he said as he rubbed his eyes and reluctantly sat up.

“Shouldn’t we at least do something to congratulate her?”

JB squinted one eye. “What?”

“You know, like what boss says, be nice to her and let her like being an idol,” Jr. explained. “How is she supposed to like what she’s doing if we ignore her?”

JB became more alert after hearing that. He pointed a finger at Jr. “You’re right,” he motioned. Suddenly, JB’s phone on the couch vibrated. He took it up and read the message.

“Ah, Ms. Jung sent a message,” he stated as if he was shocked. He read it out loud. “JB, please celebrate JC’s first day as an emcee. I’m pretty sure today was very special for her, and I think it would be nice if you made her feel special about it. I don’t know if JC already showed you but I bought her a cake, and lunch pack which you all can share. I know you are all very tired from your activities, but please take time to at least eat together like family.”

“See, I told you so,” Jr. pointed out.

JB rolled his eyes. “Yeah, okay. But we still don’t know what to do for her though.”

“Why don’t you ask what Ms. Jung had in mind?”

JB shrugged, but decided to go with Jr.’s idea. “Neh… But we aren’t sure of what to do exactly,” he sent as a reply to Ms. Jung message.

Ms. Jung shook her head when she read the message, but she already had something in mind those two boys should do.


You just finished washing up and changing your clothes. You immediately crashed into your bed after a long yawn.  You looked up the ceiling. *Aigoo~ Why am I so sleepy?* You yawned again. *Maybe, I’ll close my eyes for a while…*

After a few seconds, you fell asleep.

Meanwhile downstairs… JB and Jr. were busy preparing the food in the kitchen.

“What are you doing?!” JB hissed at Jr. who was rearranging the food on the platter. “That looked fine a while ago!” He then took the platter out of Jr.’s hands. “Seriously,” he remarked. “Go do something else, take out the cake or something, we’re almost done here anyway,” he waved him away.

Jr. shrugged. “What about the roses?” The roses were still bundled in a bunch.

“Leave it like that,” JB commented. “I wouldn’t want your minimal florist skills to show,” he sarcastically said.

“Yeah, okay,” Jr. shrugged JB’s comment off and went to the fridge to see the cake. The cake was still in its box. He carefully took it out.

He carefully unboxed it and marveled at the pretty cheese cake, with a bear a pair of hearts, and cream dipped strawberries as the topping.

“Hyung, look at this!” Jr. gushed. “It looks too cute to be eaten!” he exclaimed.

JB smiled. “Yeah, it is, isn’t it?” he commented.

“But, where’s JC? Shouldn’t she be down right now?” Jr. innocently asked. “I mean, it is getting late, and we all haven’t eaten dinner yet.”

“Go get her then, I’ll start getting these out,” JB directed. Jr. nodded in response and started heading out.

JB started transferring all the food out to the living room where they would eat together, for a more festive feel.

Just as he was going to go back the kitchen to get out the cake, Jr. called out from upstairs. “Hyung, JC’s door is locked. I tried knocking, but I think she fell asleep.”

JB sighed and patted Jr.’s back. “Go get the rest of the stuff, I’ll wake her up,” JB said, knowing that Jr. wouldn’t want to do that task.

JB knocked at your door first, at a normal way. “JC. JC,” he called. There was no response.

He tried to knock louder. “JC!” he raised his voice. Still no response. He sighed. *I guess I have no choice.*

He started to unlock your room using the spare key he had stocked in his drawer.

He put the key into the keyhole and started to unlock the door. *But, what if she suddenly throws a fit, when she finds out I have another key to her room? I guess, I better try knocking again.*

He knocked again, now louder than before. “YAH! OPEN THE DOOR!” he yelled. But you still didn’t respond.

JB furrowed his eyebrows. *Okay, that’s enough trying,* he huffed and opened you door.

“YA-”, he wanted to yell at you, but when he saw you asleep and hugging your one of your pillows like a little kid, he thought twice.  For a while he just stared at your sleeping face. Your short brown hair was kind of messy, but you looked radiant nonetheless.

JB sighed. *I see why Jr. doesn’t want to wake her up, but what about the celebration?*


Everybody now behold something you ain’t seen before… It’s going down, yes tonight is what you’re waiting for. Roll like a buffalo~

You heard your phone beside you play your alarm tone. The phone was right beside your ear. You scrunched your face up. *What the? I don’t remember setting an alarm.*

Even though you loved your alarm tone from EXO’s teasers, it was ruining your sleep. You immediately shut it off and looked at the time.

*8:20pm?* you read sleepily. You took a second look, then shot up. *8:20pm?! Oh no! Those two dorks would be starving by now!*

You fixed your hair hurriedly and bolted downstairs. The living room was dark. *What, they already slept?*

You the light.

“CONGRATULATIONS!” the two boys jumped up from behind the couch. “MC JC!” they chorused. They were both wearing very sincere smiles. Even JB, had his eyesmile on. You took a look around. You saw that they unpacked the lunch box. JB handed you the bouquet of roses while Jr. had in his hands a cute cheese cake.

You raised an eyebrow at them. “Aren’t those the things Ms. Jung gave me earlier?”

They both gave off sheepish smiles.

“Thank you,” you sincerely thanked them. Even though they weren’t the ones who gave you the stuff, you still felt grateful. After all, it’s the thought that counts. You sat down on the couch in front of the food. You put down the bouquet on your lap and called for the two with your hand. “What are you still doing there? Come on, let’s eat!” you said excitedly. The two looked at each other, then looked at you. You gave them both a bright smile. “Come on! I know you’re as hungry as I am!” you said excitedly.

Jr. immediately did as you said and put the cake down next to the table of food.

“Aigoo~ that cake looks too cute to be eaten!” you remarked.

Jr. laughed. “That’s what I said earlier!”

JB was still observing you. Generally, seeing you so childish made him smile.

“JB! What are you still standing there for? Come on! The food’s great!” you invited him.

He nodded his head coolly. “Arasso,” he said as he sat beside you, while already started eating.

WOW! This fic has been receiving A LOT OF LOVE.

I'm so touched you guys! <3


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[TheJJProject] Since it'll be Valentine's Day tomorrow...


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ExoticBlue #1
seems nice
Aireko #2
Chapter 25: When are you going to update!!!!
Chapter 25: I Just Noticed This Story Was Bookmark On Chapter 23 After So Long I Came Back To Read
Chapter 24: yo welcome back author haha kya DaeDae seems emm interested in JC and JB aww.................
Chapter 25: WOOOT!!!! Welcome back author-nim! :3 //bows with deep voice
bahahahh (X

Awhsss !!!! JB and JC so cute together!!! Ahahaha JB's trying so hard! its adorable (X <3<3<3
Chapter 25: Awww they would make such a cute couple!!! <3
im so freaking in love with this too , and by the way sorry i thought it was Im Jaebum not Lim + then i saw it Lim Jaebum , im kinda confused now though is it Lim Jaebum his real name+ on stage he changed it to Im? anyway ^^ love this story i'll be waiting for the next update too:D hopefully that will be soon enough.
i don't now why but i feel like i like daehyun *cough*dae-honey*cough* more in the first bit of the story than JB .-. oh well, they say love doesn't blossom until late XD
ctee0014 #9
Chapter 24: nice! will be waiting for your next update! haha
Chapter 24: Yes AUTHOR NIM YOU UPDATED!! *PARTY* ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I just love JB in this story...