Chapter 16

The JJ Project


“LIM JAEBEOM!!!” You yelled to the top of your lungs when the three of you got to the dorm.

JB put his hands over his ears. “I’m right there! You don’t need to yell!” he pointed out.


He gave you an innocent look. “What? Did I do something wrong?”

Jr. was looking at you two. “Why? What happened?”  Of course since he had visited Ailee, he had no idea that JB just embarrassed you earlier.

A little more and you were going to explode. You tried to calm down. “You know what I’m talking about!” you hissed.

He shrugged nonchalantly. *Let’s see how long she can take it in…* “I have no idea what you’re talking about…” he lied and walked past you.

*Okay that does it!* “AAAAAAARRGGHHHH!!!!!” you lost it. “LIM JAEBEOM!!! HOW COULD YOU ACT SO INNOCENT?!”

He stopped to look back at you, who was already fuming. “Easy, I’m an ‘actor’ remember?” he replied sarcastically.

You glared at him. *Little smart .* “Why did you have to say all those things in front of B.A.P?! Were you purposely trying to embarrass me?!”

He smirked. *Yes.* “Why didn’t you want them to know you’re a fan of theirs?” He then whispered something in your ear. “Don’t you want your Daehyun-oppa to know?” he said in a mocking tone.

Your jaw dropped. *Was he still guessing?* Your cheeks burned red then. *Why is he so accurate?*

He was staring at you with a questioning look on his face. *You mad?*

“W-w-why,” you were stuttering. You had no idea what to respond to him this time. *Why would he even include Daehyun in our conversation. He’s just a friend.*

“Yah! Do you actually think I like Daehyun-oppa?!” You yelled in outrage.

“Well don’t you?” he asked with a triumphant grin on his face.

“N-no,” you sounded unsure.

He huffed. “Yeah, uhuh, sure,” he said skeptically. He then chuckled somewhat evilly as he started to head upstairs. “Fan girl,” he whispered audible enough for you to hear.

“AAAAARRRGGGHHH!” he once again heard you screech. He just chuckled at that, pleased that he finally got his revenge. He plopped into his bed, closing his eyes with a smile on his face. Somehow the image of you being mad and blushing at the same time, gave him an unusually happy feeling.

He sat up and pulled on a straight face when he heard Jr. came in their room.

He cleared his throat. “Jirongie, why are you up here already?”

“JC told me to get out of her sight before she turns her anger to me,” he said while sulkily sitting down on a chair. His face brightened a little. “But she told me to invite you to go down for dinner later.”

JB snickered and shook his head. *Looks like someone doesn’t keep grudges for too long.* He thought, amused by your caring attitude. *Okay, I think it’s time to be nicer to her now.*


You were alone at the dorm, JB and Jr. were JYPE, probably training some more for their debut. You the TV to watch an episode of Shut up Flower Boy Band, but you saw that the channel was on KBS, airing Dream High 2

*Huh, why don’t I watch this for a while? Maybe comment on their acting?*

You had the vaguest idea what the drama was about, but decided to watch it anyway. The scene that played was the part when Kang Sora (Her name was Haesung in the drama) opens her locker and finds the apples she gave her classmates were all returned to her and the apples sprawl on the floor. While other students gossip around her, JB was the only one who helped her.

JB kneels beside to the fallen Kang Sora and cheers her up. “You know most women look pretty when they cry… But it doesn’t really suit you.”

Your eyes automatically rolled when he said this line. *Aigoo~ What the heck? Who knew JB with all his haughtiness could pull off such a cheesy line?*

He then puts his thumbs on the corner of Haesung’s lips, pulling then to form smile.

He then smiles while gazing at Haesung. “Don’t cry… Ttuk.”

You exhaled in disbelief. *Waah… Jeongmal?! He could be this nice? Huh. If I was the one who was in the scene, he’d probably just tell me to get up and clean the mess while smirking at me the whole time!* You kept your eyes on his image on the television.

*Come to think about it, his good looks were captured perfectly on this drama.*

You shuddered at that thought. *Ugh, why did I just think that?!* You unknowingly hit yourself with a nearby pillow. *I must be going crazy... Sure he’s all nice in the drama, but to think he would be as sweet like that in real life…* You shuddered again. *IMPOSSIBLE!*


Finally updated! :D

It's really pouring where I am at right now, and classes got suspended so I had time to update. I'm not all too happy though. I'm scared of getting stranded in our dorm. :((



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[TheJJProject] Since it'll be Valentine's Day tomorrow...


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ExoticBlue #1
seems nice
Aireko #2
Chapter 25: When are you going to update!!!!
Chapter 25: I Just Noticed This Story Was Bookmark On Chapter 23 After So Long I Came Back To Read
Chapter 24: yo welcome back author haha kya DaeDae seems emm interested in JC and JB aww.................
Chapter 25: WOOOT!!!! Welcome back author-nim! :3 //bows with deep voice
bahahahh (X

Awhsss !!!! JB and JC so cute together!!! Ahahaha JB's trying so hard! its adorable (X <3<3<3
Chapter 25: Awww they would make such a cute couple!!! <3
im so freaking in love with this too , and by the way sorry i thought it was Im Jaebum not Lim + then i saw it Lim Jaebum , im kinda confused now though is it Lim Jaebum his real name+ on stage he changed it to Im? anyway ^^ love this story i'll be waiting for the next update too:D hopefully that will be soon enough.
i don't now why but i feel like i like daehyun *cough*dae-honey*cough* more in the first bit of the story than JB .-. oh well, they say love doesn't blossom until late XD
ctee0014 #9
Chapter 24: nice! will be waiting for your next update! haha
Chapter 24: Yes AUTHOR NIM YOU UPDATED!! *PARTY* ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I just love JB in this story...