Out with B.A.P

The JJ Project


JB, Jr.,

I won’t b able to go home early today. B.A.P invited me to go out with them. Mian~ I guess you have to order out tonight. Don’t wait up.

You pressed send after rereading your text message. You were on your way to JYPE to train after your schedule. The members of B.A.P invited you to eat with them after they finish another schedule they had. You knew JB and Jr. were still filming for their drama.


Jr. who was looking at his JB-hyung act a scene with their sunbae, Jinwoon, was the one who read your message first.

Okay noona. Don’t stay out too late though. ^^

He sent the message to you secretly snickering at how he called you noona again. He was surprised that he received a message from you so quickly.

JR!!! Just because I’m not cooking for you tonight doesn’t mean you could call me noona again! I’m YOUR AGE for crying out loud!

Jr. just laughed aloud after reading this.

“Jr., what are you laughing at?” a curious JB asked while he was taking a break from filming.

“Haha… It’s nothing hyung,” he shook his head.

“It doesn’t seem like nothing,” JB said as he took a peak at Jr.’s phone.

Jr. quickly put it away, “It’s JC, she sent us a message.” “Just look at yours,” he defensively said.

“Okaaay…” JB responded at Jr.’s sudden awkwardness. “You called her noona again didn’t you?” he asked before reading your message.

“How’d you know?” Jr. mischievously asked.

JB sighed. “Aigoo~ Why did you have to call her that again? I don’t want to hear her complain about that when we get home,” JB said in a tired tone.

JB always felt stressed after filming. Acting wasn’t really his forte and having to be paired with veterans like Kang Sora, and Park Jiyeon puts a high amount on pressure on him. That’s why whenever he got home from filming, he just wanted to go up to their room immediately, take a shower, eat then lay on his bed.  It was those times when he just doesn’t want to tease nor bicker with anyone.

“Sleep earlier then hyung,” Jr. advised. “Anyways, JC says she’s going out tonight.”

“Jeongmal?” JB asked while nonchalantly opening his message box. “With who?”

“B.A.P,” Jr. said carelessly.

“What?!” JB was surprised you were going out with them, especially after what JB did last time. He read the message to be sure.

B.A.P invited me to go out with them.



Training took longer than expected. You got out of JYPE, already 20 minutes already late from the time set by B.A.P.

“Great, travel time is about 10 minutes more, I hope they could still wait for me,” you thought while dashing off to the nearest bus stop.

Strangely, when you got on the bus, almost everyone your age was looking at you. You bit your lip. *Oh yeah, they probably watch music shows…*

The bus was full, but there was one guy who stood up and offered you his seat.

“Here, JC-sshi, you can have my seat,” he stood up and held on to one of the handlebars for standing passengers. He gave you a thrilled smile.

You bowed. *Woah, he actually knows who I am.* “Thank you,” you smiled then hesitantly took his seat. You looked at him again, who was still smiling at you. *He’s nice-looking, and, having this kind of attention isn’t so bad… But seriously, it’s weird.*

You looked for your phone in your bag to send at least one of them a message that you were running late, but then you suddenly remembered, “Ugh! I don’t have any of their numbers!” You still opened your phone though, JB had sent you a message.

Where are you headed? You forgot to ask permission from Ms. Jung. She’s looking for you.

*HAH! LIES! I’ve already told Ms. Jung where I was going…  I wonder why he has to resort to something like this just to know where I’m going?*

LIAR.  I can’t tell you. :P And I’ve already asked Ms. Jung, she knows I’m going out.


JB read your message “Huh… I guess she figured out…” he thought.

I can’t tell you. :P

His forehead unintentionally formed a crease. *DOES SHE THINK THIS IS A JOKE?!* He tried calling you, but you rejected his calls.

“WHY WON’T YOU TELL ME?!” he and squirmed around his bed.

He got a grip after five seconds. “Okay then, I’ll just ask Youngjae.”


You got to the restaurant with B.A.P already eating away. None of them have seen you yet, and you were having second thoughts on how to approach the six men eating.

Good thing, Daehyun spotted you after taking a spoonful of food in his mouth.

“Oh, JC-ah!” he immediately greeted you and signaled you to sit with them.

The other members looked at you and also greeted you. “Hey, you’re late!” Himchan teased.

You sat beside Daehyun.

“Sorry we started eating without you,” Yongguk apologized.

“No, it’s okay, I was way late anyway,” you reassured them.

Zelo pouted. “I thought noona stood us up,” he hummed.

“Me too, I thought you weren’t going, what took you so long?” Youngjae asked.

You bowed. “Mian, training took later than usual, and I wanted to message you that I was going to be late but…” you took out your phone. “I didn’t have…” you were then cut off by Daehyun.

“Here, have my number,” he said, snatching your phone from your hands and started punching in his digits.

“Oppa, are you okay with that?” you shyly asked. *Wow, I have Jung Daehyun’s number. Fans will envy  kill me when they find out.*

“I was the one who offered you to get my number right?” he winked.

You obediently nodded. *Again, any argument done against this creature would be invalid.* You had that hot feeling again. *JB was right. Curse my fan girl tendencies.*

“You okay?” Daehyun asked you with your sudden flustered reaction.

“Uh, neh,” you said, feeling like you were blushing. At this point you were avoiding everyone’s gaze and gulped down a glass of water. “I guess I just need to order something now,” you said hiding your face while looking for food in the menu.

Suddenly, Youngjae’s phone rang. “Oh, yobuseyo,” Youngjae answered it. “Yeah, Jaebum, she’s with us… Why?” he asked hesitantly.

You immediately put down the menu in shock. *JAEBUM?! JB called Youngjae to know where I was?!* You were signaling Youngjae, “No! Please don’t tell him!” but he wasn’t looking at you.

“Ohh… I see… Okay then…” he kept replying then he told him were you were. You slumped down miserably on your seat.  He nudged Jongup who was eating, “When’s our next schedule?”

“After 45 minutes,” Jongup responded. Youngjae nodded and turned back to his conversation with JB. “I think you can pick her up here at around 20 minutes… Uhuh, okay, I’ll tell her. Bye,” he then hung up.

Youngjae then looked at you. “JB just called,” he said.

“You don’t say,” Daehyun silently commented as he took a drink from his coke can.

“He says he’ll be here in a while to pick you up,” he informed you.

“Yeah, I heard that,” you tried to smile, even though deep inside, you were really pissed that JB was meddling so much. “Thanks oppa,” you said wearily.

“Is that JB your boyfriend noona?” Zelo asked.

You shook your head furiously. “Ugh, no!”

“Then why is he picking you up?”  Daehyun asked with a bit of resentment in his tone.

You shrugged your shoulders. “He said their manager told them to,” Youngjae responded for you.

You furrowed your eyebrows involuntarily. *I highly doubt that… *


All seven of you were having a great time, teasing and fooling around with each other, when Youngjae suddenly remembered to tell you something. “Oh yeah, JB also told you to open your phone,” he remembered. You nodded and resentfully looked at the message he sent.


You gritted your teeth, while you heard Daehyun chuckle beside you. You looked at him with a questioning look.

“Youngjae, JC and JB were playing hide-and-seek,” he said with a playful tone in his voice.

“What?” Youngjae couldn’t quite get what Daehyun was saying and neither could you.

 “Thanks to you she got caught,” he teased, then gave you a “play-along look”.

*He read the message?* “Yeah, Youngjae-oppa, he wasn’t supposed to know where I was,” you joked.

“Oh, well, I’m sorry,” Youngjae unsurely apologized .

“Aigoo~ That won’t do, Youngjae,” Daehyun instructed. “You should at least treat her this meal.”

“Okay, okay,” Youngjae readily agreed and dug in his bowl of food.

“Thanks oppa,” you brightly thanked him. When Youngjae wasn’t looking, Daehyun went closer to you and whispered something in your ear. *Aigoo~ here goes my fan girl feels again…*

“Make him say ‘Youngjae-babo’” he whispered then beamed at you. You giggled at what he said.


“Hyung, where should we eat?” Jr. went in their room to see a JB suiting up to go outside. “You going somewhere?”

JB nodded. “I’m going out to buy us some food.”

“Okay,” Jr. nodded. “Buy me a hamburger then hyung,” Jr. said happily, requesting for his favorite food.

JB smiled. “Sure, but it might take me a while,” he notified.


Hope you like this chapter! I love love LOVE JB's new hair color! :D




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[TheJJProject] Since it'll be Valentine's Day tomorrow...


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ExoticBlue #1
seems nice
Aireko #2
Chapter 25: When are you going to update!!!!
Chapter 25: I Just Noticed This Story Was Bookmark On Chapter 23 After So Long I Came Back To Read
Chapter 24: yo welcome back author haha kya DaeDae seems emm interested in JC and JB aww.................
Chapter 25: WOOOT!!!! Welcome back author-nim! :3 //bows with deep voice
bahahahh (X

Awhsss !!!! JB and JC so cute together!!! Ahahaha JB's trying so hard! its adorable (X <3<3<3
Chapter 25: Awww they would make such a cute couple!!! <3
im so freaking in love with this too , and by the way sorry i thought it was Im Jaebum not Lim + then i saw it Lim Jaebum , im kinda confused now though is it Lim Jaebum his real name+ on stage he changed it to Im? anyway ^^ love this story i'll be waiting for the next update too:D hopefully that will be soon enough.
i don't now why but i feel like i like daehyun *cough*dae-honey*cough* more in the first bit of the story than JB .-. oh well, they say love doesn't blossom until late XD
ctee0014 #9
Chapter 24: nice! will be waiting for your next update! haha
Chapter 24: Yes AUTHOR NIM YOU UPDATED!! *PARTY* ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I just love JB in this story...