JC and B.A.P

The JJ Project


You were in the waiting room, watching B.A.P’s debut performance on the TV screen. *Woah, they’re so good… They could still sing and rap flawlessly with that kind of choreo?* Suddenly the camera was focused on Daehyun, hitting off his high notes perfectly. *Daehyun-oppa’s vocals don’t even falter. They’re really amazing.*

After their performance, Teen Top came next and you watched them be interviewed by KARA’s Hara and Nicole. The camera flew from the two emcees to your bias, L. Joe, while ChunJi was answering a question. You pulled up a smile after seeing the two. *They smiled at me a while ago. Too think I only watched them like this before…*

The members of B.A.P came back to your waiting room, looking all sweaty and flustered. *Wow, they look so tired from performing.*

You greeted them with a warm smile. “Oppas! Jongup! Zelo! You were daebak!” you exclaimed while giving them two thumbs up. They were still wiping their sweat when they got there, but they smiled when they heard your comment.

“Thank you,” they chorused and bowed in a manner that idols to on stage.

 “Are you sure you’re still rookies?” you teased, while offering them to sit down.

The other members already slouched on their seats. “Ah, thanks for the compliments, JC,” Yongguk said while sitting beside you. “I know our group has still a lot to improve on though,” he said, not wanting to take all the praises get into their heads. “We still have a long way to go,” he said with the utmost humility.

You smiled at his modesty as the leader. Himchan suddenly went in your conversation. “Aigoo~ Yonggukkie,” he said while brotherly wrapping an arm around Yongguk. “Why can’t you just take compliments? Especially when it comes from a girl?” he joked.

Yongguk furrowed his eyebrows at him. You giggled.

“JC,” a PD called for you while peeking on the door. “You’re going to introduce B1A4 next, please be ready to be on stage in 5 minutes,” he requested.

“Ah, neh,” you responded alertly. With that, he briskly left.

You stood up from your seat to sit on the chair in front of the mirror to get your hair and make-up fixed by the stylist unnie. After the very short make-up session you had, you checked your appearance on the mirror. You sighed. *Aigoo~ I really hate make-up!*

Daehyun saw your expression and approached you. “Aren’t you pleased with your look?” Daehyun asked you. You had to turn around to see him eye to eye.

You gave him a nervous smile. “It’s just that,” you said hesitantly. “My make up,” you gestured on your face. “It’s not really me.”

He pulled his lips up to smile, looking amused.

“Don’t worry, you look really pretty,” he reassured you. He then gave you an eyesmile. “Fighting!” he encouraged you.

You pulled up a bright smile. Though he didn’t get that you meant you hated make-up in general, at least he called you pretty.

“Thanks,” you beamed.

“Noona, Fighting!” Zelo hollered from his seat. The other members encouraged you too. “Thanks everyone,” you bowed.

Daehyun held you by your shouders. “I thought you said not to be so formal?” he teased and directed you to the door. “Now, hurry up before PD calls you again,” he instructed. You heard him chuckle behind you.

“Arasso,” you said taking faster steps to the stage.

Daehyun shook his head as he saw you hurriedly leave. A corner of his lips pulled up. *I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s something I really like about this girl…*


You came back to your waiting room with the members of B.A.P clapping for you. They were watching you introduce B1A4 with Hara and Nicole a while ago.

Daehyun raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure this is your first time hosting a music show?”

“Yeah, you fit in well with Nicole and Hara-sunbae,” Youngjae agreed.

“Ah, well, thank you,” you said, slightly embarrassed, but pleased.

You took a seat beside Himchan. “Oppa, didn’t you use to host an MTV show before?” you asked leaving Himchan to pause at checking his fan taken pictures online.

“Ah, neh,” he replied, his voice sounding kind of startled. “Just before we debuted,” he added.

You nodded. “What areas do you think I need to improve on?” you asked.

Himchan put a hand under his chin in thought. “Well, your expression is pretty good, so far…” he paused. “ Actually, I think you’re a natural at it,” he said finally complimenting you. “Have you gotten any training?”

“T-training?” you stuttered. “Uh, I may had taken a crash course about it in our company…” you told him.

“Oh, what company are you under?” he asked, generally curious.

At this point, all the B.A.P members were looking at you. You bit your lip. *Should I tell them?*

All the B.A.P members were gazing at you with curious expressions. *I cannot give them the wrong answer, and I can’t say I’m self employed… That’s ridiculous.* You finally gave in. “I’m from JYP,” you admitted.

“JYP?” a curious Youngjae got in your conversation.

“You’re a JYP trainee?” Yongguk asked politely.

Daehyun cut in. “Are they promoting you already? Like Himchan-hyung before we debuted. You know, to spark interest.”

“Noona, are you going to debut soon?” Zelo eagerly asked.

“But isn’t JYP going to debut a boy group this year?” Youngjae interrogated.

They shot you these questions continuously. “I, uh,” you weren’t exactly sure what to answer. Well, you definitely couldn’t answer them with the truth. They all gave you an inquisitive look, even Jongup who you thought could only smile.

As if on cue, the PD knocked on your door. “JC, please be back on stage to end the show with Hara and Nicole. Pronto,” he said urgently. “B.A.P, please follow afterwards, and wait for your cue to gather on stage,” he added.

You stood up and headed immediately for the exit. “Neh, PD-nim,” you replied alertly. You felt relieve at PD-nim’s perfect timing. *Waah~ That was close. I totally need to think of an excuse faster next time.*

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ExoticBlue #1
seems nice
Aireko #2
Chapter 25: When are you going to update!!!!
Chapter 25: I Just Noticed This Story Was Bookmark On Chapter 23 After So Long I Came Back To Read
Chapter 24: yo welcome back author haha kya DaeDae seems emm interested in JC and JB aww.................
Chapter 25: WOOOT!!!! Welcome back author-nim! :3 //bows with deep voice
bahahahh (X

Awhsss !!!! JB and JC so cute together!!! Ahahaha JB's trying so hard! its adorable (X <3<3<3
Chapter 25: Awww they would make such a cute couple!!! <3
im so freaking in love with this too , and by the way sorry i thought it was Im Jaebum not Lim + then i saw it Lim Jaebum , im kinda confused now though is it Lim Jaebum his real name+ on stage he changed it to Im? anyway ^^ love this story i'll be waiting for the next update too:D hopefully that will be soon enough.
i don't now why but i feel like i like daehyun *cough*dae-honey*cough* more in the first bit of the story than JB .-. oh well, they say love doesn't blossom until late XD
ctee0014 #9
Chapter 24: nice! will be waiting for your next update! haha
Chapter 24: Yes AUTHOR NIM YOU UPDATED!! *PARTY* ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I just love JB in this story...