Chapter Five

My Lunatic Thai Husband


You wore a simple blue dress with light make-up plastered on your face. You had tied your brown hair in braided-headband. You let your hair loose apart from the front part and braid it along in a french-braid manner  from one side of the ear to the other side. You simply checked your style again. 'Let it be simple', you thought. Plus,you doesn't get excited to meet your future husband. Straight looking at the mirror, you stared at your own figure and absorbed in your own world. 'Marriage without love can't last longer,isn't it? Why do I agree to this marriage?'. You shook your head to drown your own question.  A loud knocked on your door brings you back to reality. Your lips curled up when you saw your mother coming towards you.

"You look so pretty my daughter, I'm sure your husband-to-be will be glad for having you as his wife,". Your mother praised you. Suddenly, you become nervous when your mother mentioned about your stranger husband. "Omma, how would you know he would be like me, why are you so sure? Did you met him already?" you felt uneasy about your mother initial conclusion. Your mother smiled and your silk hair softly. "Yes daughter, I met him once, your future husband will definitely love you. He's responsible man. He will taking care of you as he love his own life,". You faked a smile and continue asking. "May I ask something omma? This maybe a little too harsh but curiousity kills the cat,". Your mother paused and facing you."What is it, daughter? You changed your mind?". You shook your head and hesitatedly avoiding your mother's eye contact. " Well, ermh.. how should I tell?," Your mother raised her eyebrow. "Are you sure for letting me marry a complete stranger? I mean, we didn't know each other and soon will be sharing our life together without love and understanding. Once you said that love is important and without love..anything can't be last longer,". Your mother chuckled. "True daughter,". Your mother simple answer confused you. " Then, why you letting me marry this guy? Plus, he's Thai guy and I didn't have any idea about 'em,". Your mother give you a slight smile. " (your name), you're grown-up now. You know how to suits yourself. Well, I'm sure your dad and I have a good reasons for letting you marry with this guy, plus he's not stranger honey,". Your mother continued. " Besides love, you know what is the most important is?". You dumbfounded. Lost your word. You shook your head. " Fate and Destiny, once you have been paired up by God, nobody can change it. Maybe, this guy is your soulmate".


You sat nervously and keep tapping your finger on the table. The hall air conditioner makes you even colder than before. You nervous. " Stop tapping the table (your name)!". Your father said.Annoying by the sound you made. You mouthed 'Sorry'. "Here,they come!" your mother cried. " Annyeong, Mr and Mrs. Horvejkul," said your father politely.  " No need to be so formal Mr.Hwang, we're friends afterall!". They laughed together. You only smiled.

"So, this is your daughter?" asked Mrs. Horvejkul. "Yes, maam," you claimed. Your mother smiled when you started to talk. "Don't call me maam, call me omma, okay daughter?" . You nodded humble. " She is so pretty, I'm sure Nichkhun would love her," Mr Horvejkul compliment you. You blushed. You are mixed blood child. You're half Korean-Norwegian. You born at Norway and live at Seoul, Korea when you were 5. You're graduated from University in Faculty of Arts (International Programme).You're good in both Korean and English languages. You're good in horse-riding and swimming but did not involve in sports at school. You rather doing it when you have a spare time. You do believe in first-sight love and hoping you will marry someone that you love but thinking about it, you have to grave it in Mother Earth's stomach.

"Excuse me, Mr Horvejkul, where is your son? I haven't seen him since the beginning," your father asked. You paused when you heard your father asking. Yeah, you felt strange. So, you made your own conclusion in your small brain. 'Did he hit by a truck?'. You wish. You grinned evilly.

" Sorry, I'm late, I'd trapped in a traffic jam," a male voice greet. You shifted your sight to the male voice. Your parents smiled happily and greets him back. " Kwenchana, son, we're just about to begin," Mr. Horvejkul laughed. You felt weird as you remember the guy face. ' I'd seen him before' you muttered. When the guy about to greet you, he pointed his finger out.

"YOU!" both of you yelled unisonly. "What are you doing here mad woman?! You tailed me!". Nichkhun accused you. "Pardon?!" You rosed up from your seats. " You're the one who to blamed! You tailed me first!" . You argued. You arms in akimbo. Then, your father interupted. "You know each other (your name)?" . His eyebrow wrinkled. " Son, calm down!" said Mr Horvejkul. Nichkhun still looking at you with narrowing eyes. You made a face.


"GREAT! We should set the wedding date now!". Mrs Horvejkul said happily. Your parent nodded slightly. You and Nichkhun surprised by the sudden wedding conversation. "I,reckon the faster the better," your father exclaimed. They grinned. Both of you statued. " Excuse me, folks. May I have a private talk to my future wife,please?" said Nichkhun with not-so-like-it voice.  They give their permissions. But you sat still on your chair. Stubbornly not to follow him. Nichkhun give you a glare but you simply acknowledge him. "(your name)! Go!" your father hissed. You ogled your father. "Don't you dare to give me that look! Just follow him. Don't let me lose my face here!" your father said. Unwillingly, you raised and walked away with Nichkhun followed you from behind. You heading to the swimming pool.

Nichkhun annoyed by your action. He faced you then but you gave him your back instead. "I've got 15 minutes, and the time is ticking, spit!" you said in one breathe. Nichkhun held his patience. " Are you stalking me? How did we end up like this?You planned all this, maddy?" he asked sarcastically. You move your head to your left side but still not turning to him. " Ohoo! You try to act innocent?,"he gave you a harsh speculation but you remained silence. "Are you deaf or what?" he asked sarcastically. You mute yourself. Out of his rage, Nichkhun grabbed you by the arm and turning you to him. " Listen! You taking advantage of me because of the accident?" he paused and taking his breathe." It was an accident! You don't have to keep the grudge! Tailed me, stalked me and planning all this! You're really crazy! How can we be a husband and wife?!" he said again. You felt heat on your arm. He squeezed your hand. " Let me go.." you said in a pain. Your face wrinkled.

"Listen again! I'll not letting you go until you said the truth!"he warned you and tighten his grip. You cannot held the pain and yelled at him. " Let me go, you idiot! I've no idea!.. Ouch! I really don't know! Aaaah! Let me go! You bloody idiot!"you wrestled upon him. But you're still a girl and can't defeat his energy. "Is that so? Now, tell me the truth!" he squeezed again. You yelled in pain. " I'd told you! I've no idea! FYI, this is an arranged marriage, if I know it was you, I would be so pleasure to called off the wedding! Ouch! Don't squeezed you fool!". Nichkhun smirked. " Really? So, now tell your parent that  you disagreed to this marriage!" he said angrily but still holding your arm. You thinking and refused to lose. "Why don't you?!" you talked back. He shaken your arm and force you to call off the wedding immediately. " You won't huh? Look, I've girlfriend and I can have as many as I want and they are so much better and prettier than you," he scoffed. His word hurt you. A strange feeling turn into you. You bit your lips. "I'll never married someone like you and you don't deserved me at all. What status are you? Compared to my ability and status, you deserved nothing, girl! I can see why you're so desperate to marry someone like me. It's because no any guy hitting on you. Just look at yourself, old-fashioned and ugly, pfft! What else can I say," he insulted you. You didn't move and blink. You felt hurt and tears welled up in your round dark brown eyes.

With your voice shaking and legs trembling, you answered his insult, " You're right, I deserve nothing from you but I deserved life. You think I'm willingly to this? You're wrong then. Maybe you still don't matured enough to understand what is sacrifice mean is,". Nichkhun stared at your face that is a few inches away from him. He softened. " You marry me for a money?" he asked dissastified. He made another false speculation again. " Right! Why would I letting someone like you slip from my hand that easily? You've got status, filthy rich, owned a big airline company, I'll not starving for seven generation." You stopped. Nichkhun listened your words carefully.  "I'm not that stupid Mr. Richy, so listen, if I'm really not deserve you, then why God made us meet in this way, you know what that's mean? I deserve you better than you know," you tried to hook his anger in him. He still look at you. He felt challenged by your words.

"So, I'm not gonna call off this wedding..". You released your arm from his grip and walked away. He chased after you and stopped you. You schocked by his action. " What is it again? You heard me crystal clear," you scoffed. "No one dare to talk me like that,"he said in a harsh tone. " Then, I'm the lucky number one," you said proudly. Nichkhun approached you and grabbed your neck. The second thing you know is his lips touched yours. Astonished by his action, you pulled back but he keep you no distant. You've lost your breathe. His tongue lingering on your palate. Searching for the sweet scent in yours. He kissed you harder until you felt weak. His lips possesed yours. Your cheek wet. Then, he realized you're not struggling anymore, he pulled back. He panting. " This is your punishment for talking back,". You cried as you touched your lips. Your lips bruised after he kissed you and it's swollen.

"You wicked! I hate you!" . You slapped him hard on his face. He had stole your first kiss. This is the first time you ever kissed a guy but in an unwilling way. You felt your cheek turned red as tomato. Your heartbeat skips faster until you felt it's gonna burst out of your chest. Nichkhun walked away but turned his head and yelled," This is the only beginning, maddy. You'll know further as soon as we married...."

To be continued.

Author's note :

This is the flashback before they weds. The story began to reveal one by one. So, stay tuned!

Author's POV

Wehoooo! How's that? This is about slap and kiss drama. HAHAHA! I like that kind of story.

Lots of love kiss


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jloved #1
Chapter 22: love your story so much, cant wait for next chapter
fafabts #2
excited to read this!
Bassplayer #3
Update soon
RamaitaMemet #4
Chapter 22: Please please puliieessse update soon..... :))
70V3LY #5
Chapter 22: I don't care that your chapter was short. All I care is that you didn't abandon it! :) AHHHHHH! I'm so happy you're back! I've been waiting forever and from time to time, I re-read the story just to have it fresh in my memory. ^____^ So excited for more! Welcome back authornim! =D
G-DestherKwon #6
Chapter 22: Please update soon cnt wait to read the next chapter
paquitz #7
Chapter 22: New subsciber here. I love your story. Update soon
70V3LY #8
Chapter 21: Please update! I've read this story twice and I still want more! Lol