Another Tv Show

Becoming a Kpop Star

I got up quicky upon feeling the flashing cameras everywhere nearly fell off the bed. WHY?! Zelo?! Where is Zelo?!! 

"Goodmorning Ari!" the camera crew said.

"G-goodmorning" I said looking around for Zelo. But first I have to get these people out of here...How do idols usually go about this? 

"Hello! My name is Ari." I said smiling.

"This is my favorite thing about my room..." I said showing them my monkey.

" cute..."

"Yeah and Alice has a lot have you seen her room?"

"No! Can you show us?"

"Yes!" I said and took them to Alice's room and quickly running back to mine locking the door again. I went inside and looked under my bed and saw nothing. Where did he go? I'm so thankful that he did though all of the times my career could have ended up in a big scandal have somehow been stopped. Thank you so much Lord! I've been so blessed! I looked everywhere in my room and nothing. Weird...Its like he was never here how could he have sneaked out its nearly impossible. I gave up and decided on just changing maybe he left because of the show but I swear he was there a few minutes ago. I opened the closet and there he was.


"Hi." he said stretching his arms out to hug me.

"W-what see what you caused they could of caught you!! Caught us together I mean! We would of both been so dead."

"Thankfully I didn't sleep with MUSIC!" he said pointing to my phone.

"What were you lisening to anyway?"

"N-nothing..." I said trying to hide my phone.

"Lemme see!"


"I know your weakness Ari you cannnot hide it from me!"


He tried to get my phone from behind me and started tickling me.

"N-nooo!!" I dropped my phone and tried to pick it up but he got it before me and checked my recent songs.

" were lisening to my songs?"

I looked away I was blushing this is embarassing. Lisening to your own boyfriend's music when your sleeping especially since he was sleeping right next to me. He hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek.

"You're cute..." he said smiling.

"Hm...I have to go Ari its late and I gotta go to the show I would go with you but that would make it obvious we have a relationship. So bye!" he said and he turned me around and kissed me on the lips.

"Bye..." I said.

"W-wait!! What if they are still here?!"

"Ahhh really still? I have to go get ready too!" 

I covered his head with a jacket and snook him out without anyone looking somehow. I hope no one saw... I got back to my room and got dressed for the show. I wore something simple since I wasn't really in the mood to wear something that got too much attention. We got to the show and took our seats. I felt a bitt nervous about the show this time because Teen Top and B.A.P were going to be in it. Now that I actually know more of the members this felt more uncomfortable. After a while of asking us about how we felt when we started making our first music video and concert they started getting personal which always scared us. On this show they like to sneak up on idols and ask things we never get asked publicly. They had dragged on about our trainee days and stuff so I thought maybe this time they wouldn't sneak up up on us but I guess I was wrong.

"So we have recently had B.A.P and Teen Top here having a rivalry between Niel and Zelo."

The camera went to both of them...Oh no they aren't...No way they better not start with...

"You both have publicly said on this show that your ideal type is Ari from Mystery right?"

Oh no...I wanted to cover my face and run away but couldn't since this is a public show and all. Why did this have to happen though? The camera went to me to test my reaction. Crap now I have to act shocked.

"Yes." they both said without hesisitating.

"Ari who do you think would be your ideal type?" they said suddenly. My face turned red I know what to say honestly but theres no way I can be honest on this show. So I did the regular idol thing.

"Ahhhh MC why do you put me on the spot like this! I do not want to hurt any feelings!" 

Everyone laughed and turned back to Niel and Zelo.

"You see guys maybe she just is not sure yet because she may not know you well enough or at least not know Niel well enough. You worked with Zelo right Ari?"

"Yes I worked with him for an MV."

"I see and you have not worked or spent much time with Niel right?"

"Yeah I do not know him very well but I know that he is really nice and funny."

"Ahhh and what do you know about Zelo?"

I stayed quiet...What do I do I don't know what to say...

"Ah...he is very cool and nice as well."

"I'm not funny?" Zelo said out of the blue. What the hell is he doing! Ahhh why can't I just run away! I laughed and looked at Zelo.

"Yes you are but Niel jokes around more."

"Ahhh you two seem close. Niel you better step up or Zelo will take Ari away from you."

"Yah Niel I will take her away." Zelo said smiling at Niel. Why is he being like this... To the audience this may seem funny and normal but since I know whats going on this is mean and awkward.

"YAH! Zelo stop! Ari how about I sing for you something Zelo can never do for you."

"OOOOO" the audience said. 

Niel got up from his seat and came over to me and started singing Girlfriend to me. I got really red because I was on the spot. Also, Niel has a really really nice voice that can make just about any girl's heart melt.

"How nice how about that Ari did you like that?" the MC said.

"Y-yes...Niel has a very beautiful voice..."

"YAH but I'm the main singer should I sing for you too Ari?" Chunji said.

"AHHH Chunji likes Ari too?"

"Nah haha I'm kidding I like to mess with Niel."

"Me and Ari have more of a connection though Niel me and Ari are rappers."

"Are you saying Ari cannot sing?"

"N-no...I don't know if she can sing though I've never heard her..."

And thanks to that I had to sing in front of everyone to prove I can sing and not only rap.

"Right right she wouldn't be in YG if she could not sing."

"So Ari who do you pick Niel or Zelo?"

"Aish...Niel is very much like me...but I think he and I would be better as close friends."

"So Niel is out of the question?" the MC said.

"I guess I prefer someone like Zelo..."

"I heard you guys were daiting." the MC said making the cameras go to both of us to catch our expression. I must say though I was shocked that they would say a question like that so out in the open. Thankfully when I'm caught I end up laughing or making a serious expression and this time I laughed.

"HAHA where did you hear that?"

"Ahhh! I was kidding I thought maybe since you picked him you two would have some relationship. We've caught idols like that before you know."

"Really?!" I said acting shocked.

"Yeah this ends up being where they reveal everything but I see there is nothing but friendship between you two."

After that the MC thanked us and ended the show. I see he only invited us because he wanted to see if we were daiting. Wow thats kind of rude but I see why the show must really be desperate for ratings that they would be okay with ruining an idol's life. I got home without talking to Niel or Zelo because I knew it still wasn't safe for any of us to talk because they were probably still suspicious. I went to the practice room and practiced alone for a while till I got a knock on the door.

"Hey...why didn't you text me? I was worried about you..."

"Because they could still be suspicious..."

"Too late for that now they found out. Its all over the news. I don't know what we're going to do Ari."


"What...what is all over the news did they see you when you were leaving or something Zelo?"

"No...its not about me...they don't think you're with me."

"Then who do they think I'm with?!"

"They think you're with Niel..."

"They took pictures of you with him in an alley. What were you doing there with him like that trying to kiss eachother Ari?"

"I wasn't-..."

"And what makes me more sad is that this is recent...This happened yesterday...meaning that you cheated."

"I didn't cheat!! I would never cheat!"

"Then why were you with him in an alley trying to kiss its all over the news that you two are a couple. Maybe I should let you two be a couple and go public. Maybe Niel does win after all..."



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plopkpop #3
Zelo should stop messing with TOP,
but he is really sweet anyways :D
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo WOW
plopkpop #6
Unnie update I wanna know what is goimg to happen :D
plopkpop #8
yay!!!! Thank You!!!!! But then UH OH TOP IS GONNA KILL ZELO!!!! RUN ZELO RUN ARI!!!!