It's better late than never

Until I Met You


"Wooyoung can we talk about this?" Nickhun said as he approached me slowly. 

I just stood there and did not bother to look back at him. 

"Woo, if this is about last night, I'm sorry. It's not like there was something special yesterday." Nickhun said

As I heard those words that he said, I could not help but be more angry at him. I could not believe that he would say that yesterday was not special. 

"How could you Khun?" I faced him with disappointment evident in my face.

He looked at me shocked and could not utter a word. 

"How could you say that yesterday was not special? It was supposed to be special...” and as I told him those words I could not help but let a tear escape. 


"Yesterday....was my birthday." I told him and began to sob more . "I thought that it would be the best birthday that I would have because I can spend it with the person that I love and wanted to be with the most...but I guess I was wrong." 

He approached me and he hugged me that instant. I wanted to push him away but a part of me doesn't want to pull away from him. I cried in his embrace.

"Woo, I'm really sorry. I'm so stupid to not remember that it was your birthday." He told me while my hair. 

"You are." I told him still crying in his embrace. 

"I'm sorry, it's not right and it's unfair for you." He told me and hugged me tighter. 

In that instant I cried even harder. 

"Shhh..Woo don't cry anymore. I am really sorry...please" 

I look at him and stare in his eyes. I can see the guilt in his eyes and I can see that he is truly sorry. 

"Will you forgive me?" Nickhun asked and stared right into my eyes. 

I stared back at him and just nodded. He then smiled at me and he hugged me tighter. 

"Yah, Khun." I told him 

"What is it dear?" He asked 

"I can't...breathe" I told him.

He then loosen his hold on me and managed to stifle a laugh 

"I'm sorry Wooyoungie" He said 

I smiled and in turn I hugged him tighter. 


Later that day, 

"Woo, where do you want to go today?" Nickhun asked me as we were headed out of the campus

"Hmm home? I don't know." I told him 

"I know where we could go!" He told me and he grabbed my hand. 

We stopped in front of an ice cream parlor and I was very delighted by it. A smile was pasted in face and I could not help but get excited. 

"Someone seems excited." I heard Nickhun said 

I look at him and smiled like a child. I grabbed his hand and I dragged him inside the shop. He laughed at my childish act and we sat there and ordered our ice cream. 

After a few minutes of eating, I could see someone was carrying a big ice cream cake. The waiter stopped in front of us and he placed the cake on our table. I was in awe at how delicious the cake looks. I could hear Nickhun laugh at my expression 

"Yah, what's so funny?" I asked him 

"Nothing" He said and he just smiled at me. 

"It looks good Khunnie!" I exclaimed 

"I know...sorry for yesterday Woo. I hope this will make you happy, happy birthday even though it's already a day late." He told me and gave me an apologetic smile. 

"Yah Khun, it's ok. It's better late than never." I told him and flashed him a smile.


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Yakoub #1
Chapter 15: What's that again !!!! Drinking at the age of 14??? wow, let's be realistic.
Chapter 24: aaaaiiihhh... I dislike khun, really really dislike, why wooyoung still love him. Khun is the worse boy. Aaah i'm still not happy withthe ending. How is it??? I dislike khun very much in this story. Aaah, so who the crush of khun? I still didn't get it :). Authorssi, why the story is kike this?? I'm really dislike khun very much much much... Aaah
sharfawoo #3
Chapter 24: Thanks for the story!! :) im quite mad at khun in this story..i felt like woo deserved so much more than what khun did to him. And if victoria didnt break up with him, he probably wouldnt have looked at woo anymore. Sigh. But thats how it usually is in real life i guess. This story really has that sense of reality in it. Its
iceystar #4
Chapter 14: When khun said "you dont know how i feel youve never been in love" i was like aw hell no he did not just go there how stupid can you be not to see woo all this time
rugnichkhun #5
Chapter 24: Oh I love the ending. It's so sweet. Yes I love happy endings and this story is very cute and sweet.

I cannot describe my feelings right now, I only know that I love it so much. Thank you for your hard work on this story and that you didn't abandone this story which I was afraid of at first.
Chapter 24: aww, they end up happy being with each other so shweet!
Chapter 24: awww..the ending just quite fast and just fine with me..keke..sweet Khun and ending...thanks for creating this story^^ i enjoyed this^^
rugnichkhun #8
Chapter 23: I didn't mean to hurry you or something. I hope you didn't understand me wrong. I just want to know if they will gonna make up or not on the rooftop. And now I'm happy that Wooyoung got a birthday present from Nichkhun eventhough it's a little lait. I'm sorry if I seem to rush you or something. Take your time to update whenever you can or want. I just want to know the part on the rooftop.
blue_one #9
Thank you!
But woo shouldnt forgive him so easily!
I would cry so much!!
Thanks for update! I understand that you are busy;-)
Just dont overwork yourself,honey:*
day_dreamer #10
@rugnickhun I'm really trying to find time to write but it's really difficult for school is really demanding and exams are just coming like a flood :(.

Hopefully I can update soon :)