Chapter 2

Wish || SM Entertainment's New Girl Group (CLOSED)

A month later...

Nara was skipping down to the computer room (the living room) and plopped herself down on the couch to check out the new Wish page that SM had recently finished. quickly typing in her password she saw all the members pop up onto the screen. She slowly scrolled down to her picture and looked at the part that said latest news and read it allowed.

"It is rumored that BAP's maknae and Rookie Idol Twinkle are a couple... awwww that's cute-- WAIT A MINUTE!" Nara rubbed her eyes and thought for a second that she was imagining it but noticed that it was still there after blinking a few times. So instead of freaking out, she pinched herself.


'This is just a dream.' "Owie..." After the pain subsided she noticed that the news still said the rumor.


"Nara~ Why do you need an adult?" Momo jumped into the spot next to her maknae and leaned in to look at the thing the small blonde was looking at. 

"MINHEE UNNI!!! WE NEED AN ADULT!" Momo grabbed onto Nara and held her close as she shouted for the oldest. Nara looked from Momo to the screen and then back at Momo. Did she really hate the fact that they thought the two were a couple, or did she like it?


Chapter two~!  and Yes i like the phrase "I need an Adult" because I have used it many times. [at school] and I hope you like the short chapter of Nara and Momo. 

Ideas: you should tell me, I like when others tell me ideas and what they want to see


Random part: I notice now that Kai is shirtless a lot and it now slightly bothers me... don't really know why. 

Sorry it's short and I'll try to put another one up before today is over with.  and I also know most stories you use articles to bring out the group members [ when i posted the chapter yesterday i had been working on these so i could do this] so I will make up for that. promise. :3

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I might have to open for applications again...-_-' [Wish}


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Hahahah x3
Five members? F(x)'s electro shock?
No problem!
Glad to be of service~

t's too bad that there'll be no more Zera/Nalo but a writer's gotta do, what a writer's gotta do.
Firstly, was she an active commenter before?
If so, clicking the unsubscribe button might have been accidental (i've done it plenty of times) if not, she might have just wanted to see her character get in then ditch the story.
if that's the case you could replace her with another applicant that stayed subscribed.
Like the girl you did a chapter on a little while ago.
The missing girl could get an injury or have to leave for family issues.
Wow. I missed so much x3
L and Mali = MaLi lol
Momo and Ren = MoRen xD
They seem good too xD everyone have been busy lately. Wonder what the new characters gonna do.. Pride is a nice cat name xD
Yeah bish!
ou didn't even make it through the auditions, Come at me bro!

Post about Nara!
I adore her and I'm looking forward to more Nalo/Zera action!
You should post about Nara!!!!!
Wow, their escape. O.O
Haha, can't wait for some Myungsoo/Mali
Zelo is so cute in this.
He's giving me butterflies XD

Nalo/Zera <3
Myungsoo to the rescue!! XD
Haha!! Haerin didn't use her phone for one month. XD
Good thing Woohyun went back to his normal state.
Poor Mali..And Ren is so cute~