Chapter Twenty three

Wish || SM Entertainment's New Girl Group (CLOSED)

WEEKEND TIME~! XD *Cheers* Okay this chapter i HOPE is okay... I am really worried about posting this chapter because I felt it could have been better and I will say I had finished it yesterday but I didn't post it.... -_-' ANYWAY~ If you don't like it I'm sorry~ X( but any ideas for what all of them should do with their pairs [Mir/Minhee, Haerin/Woohyun, Momo/Ren and Mali,Myungsoo] I do know what I want to do for Nara so she's covered :)


"Ah~" Haerin fell to her knees light as the music blasted through Practice room A. The five girls had been practicing every day for the pass month and a half and they were all exhausted. Right as Haerin hit the floor, Momo and Mali came running in. Momo had to dance with EXOK's Maknae, while Mali had her last rehearsal with Super Junior. Both girls had changed clothes to start out fresh with a new practice.


"Mali... How long are you staying before you practice time with your dad?" Minhee asked quickly and Mali just shook her head.


"I'm skipping..." "WHAT?!" 


Mali looked at the group and smiled and motioned to Haerin.


"Unni said she'd take me to the park today after practice." Haerin smiled and soon realized that they were suppose to practice until eight that night. Once it sunk in Haerin looked at Minhee and asked her to ask if Dongkyu could take them to get some food and filled her in with the details after she returned.


"So we're doing what they did... But their manager was MAD... REALLY MAD when he found them." Momo panicked. Never, had she ran away from her manager and she didn't want to get into trouble. 


"Well either you all are in or Me and Mali are leaving now because I already made the plans BEFORE oppa told us we had intense training for our next single." Haerin crossed her arms under her chest and separated her feet to give herself a look of being serious. Though... in Haerin's mind she knew that she looked like a normal person who was just getting upset. Minhee sighed and nodded and knew that the others would agree since she was the oldest. As the discussion continued Haerin got a message.


From: L [Myungsoo oppppppaaaa~!]
 Are you guys ready? Hyung and I are 
ready whenever you are. ;P


Haerin smiled and started texting her reply.


To: L [Myungsoo oppppppaaaa~!]
We're leaving soon... we have the
others with us. Can you pick up clothes
from my brother for us?? we all need to shower. ;)
Don't want your first meeting with her be all full
of smelliness RIGHT??


Haerin giggled and motioned for the girls to leave after twenty minutes had passed. The scout [Nara since she's maknae and is automatically the cutest] checked if Dongkyu was around to only have her give them the cost clear. Mali peeked her head out and watched as Haerin dragged her out and passed Donghae who handed her a small bag with the two girls' money as well as other things and stopped the other three and told them that he had gotten ahold of some of their friends and that they were waiting out the front. Minhee gave her two dongsaengs a quick hug and peeked to see Mir sitting in the driver's seat of a van with shades on.


"Pabo..." She shook her head and hurried down with Momo and Nara at tow. Haerin waved to them and yanked Mali down the stairs and heard Dongkyu as they ran down the stairs.


"YAH!!!" Dongkyu shouted and followed them as they ran away through the back. Haerin quickly looked behind her over Mali to see that Dongkyu was right on their tail and was closing the distance to them. Mali, who was barley able to keep up stumbled as they went down the first set of stairs. Once they passed the first they saw Woohyun and Myungsoo both standing at the exit.


"Mali, jump!" Haerin shouted as she ran down the stairs and made it to Woohyun. Mali was the shortest in the group, being only 160 centimeters and having a few more sets of stairs left. Haerin knew that if she jumped that there were three of them to catch her but if she ran down all of them that Dongkyu would catch them all and their sneaking out would be at a loss and the others would not be happy since that meant the fun day was over.


"What?!"  Haerin panicked when she realized she was to quiet and looked at the two next to her and they acted. Woohyun started running up the stairs while Myungsoo shouted out to her.


"You need to jump down to us!" Mali looked at the two as if they were crazy and looked behind her to see that if she didn't that she would get caught and she stopped and climbed over the railing. As she did this Dongkyu reached her right as she let go, shouting at her as she let out a short cry. All Mali could see was blondish hair and burry surroundings before she closed her eyes. She didn't trust that anyone would catch her and gave a soft pray before closing her eyes. When she expected the impact with the cement but when she didn't meet the cement she peeked through one eye and looked up to see Haerin and Myungsoo looking at her. When she looked around she noticed that he had bent down when he caught her. 


"Let's GO!!" Woohyun shouted as he jumped down six steps and ran to Haerin and grabbed her around her waist, surprising her enough were she slightly struggled but she soon relaxed and let him run her to the black van that Mir had pulled up down the street.


"YAH~! You are going to hurt me if you keep lowering your arms!" Haerin flinched as her feet hit a wall and she smacked him slightly hard against the side before he pushed her in and got in. As the two got settled, Myungsoo quickly got into the van with Mali still in his arms. Once he got in he quickly strapped the seatbelt around the two of them and not only did Woohyun and Haerin notice but Minhee and Mir, who were sitting in the front seats. 


"Did you guys run into Haneul unni??" Haerin asked the three and looked slightly worried. Their second manager was normally the smarter one between the two due to her also being a girl and knew how the five girls felt. Though she let them off sometimes, when it was time to work it was time to WORK.


"No... I think she was with her boyfriend today... but I'm not sure. We didn't see her." Momo spoke and looked at Mali since she would know if she was or was not with her boyfriend. Haneul unni's current boyfriend was her father.


"If he listed me for practice then she's not with him..." Mali leaned back as if she forgot that her seat was alive and closed her eyes as the rode to Infinite' dorm to change.



"Minnie~ FEED ME~!" Minhee giggled as Mir had her stuck in a bear hug as he playfully whined for food. Right now she was one of three who were dressed. Momo was wearing an outfit that Momo had bought but had yet to wear, Nara was wearing one of the outfits she wore around the dorms, and Minhee wore her new outfit that she assumed Donghae had saw was already in a bag and grabbed.


"Wait a little more~" She smiled and rubbed his arm before he knocked the two of them over. As the fell Minhee let out a small cry before laughing. 


"Yah~ What are you two doing?" Haerin said as she walked out in her couple outfit. Her hair was placed in a messy bun and slicked back with a headband as she took out food. Minhee and Mir looked up with the same look on their face. They both looked so kiddish that it was cute.


"Nothing~!" The two said together and Haerin accepted that and called Mali out of the bathroom. 


"You've been in there for a life time, hurry and help me!" Haerin hit the door lightly and it opened right after, the steam coming out as well as Mali with damp hair and the couple outfit that Haerin bought for Mali and Myungsoo to wear. Haerin thought that if they wore it together they at least would have a fun time and looking around they all matched their pairs in someway, mainly color. All  but Nara, who quickly said she was going to BAP's dorm to study with Zelo after helping with the food. Saying that she had a test in less than a week and she thought that if they studied together that they would get a better grade.


Once they were all done with the making of food, Nara looked at everyone and smiled before waving goodbye once she saw BAP's manager show up.


"Bye Nara~ have!" The four girls waved off their maknae and watched as she left. 


"Just not TOO much fun!!" 


"MINHEE UNNI!!"  Minhee gas a grin on her face as she laughed she had to say that.



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I might have to open for applications again...-_-' [Wish}


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Hahahah x3
Five members? F(x)'s electro shock?
No problem!
Glad to be of service~

t's too bad that there'll be no more Zera/Nalo but a writer's gotta do, what a writer's gotta do.
Firstly, was she an active commenter before?
If so, clicking the unsubscribe button might have been accidental (i've done it plenty of times) if not, she might have just wanted to see her character get in then ditch the story.
if that's the case you could replace her with another applicant that stayed subscribed.
Like the girl you did a chapter on a little while ago.
The missing girl could get an injury or have to leave for family issues.
Wow. I missed so much x3
L and Mali = MaLi lol
Momo and Ren = MoRen xD
They seem good too xD everyone have been busy lately. Wonder what the new characters gonna do.. Pride is a nice cat name xD
Yeah bish!
ou didn't even make it through the auditions, Come at me bro!

Post about Nara!
I adore her and I'm looking forward to more Nalo/Zera action!
You should post about Nara!!!!!
Wow, their escape. O.O
Haha, can't wait for some Myungsoo/Mali
Zelo is so cute in this.
He's giving me butterflies XD

Nalo/Zera <3
Myungsoo to the rescue!! XD
Haha!! Haerin didn't use her phone for one month. XD
Good thing Woohyun went back to his normal state.
Poor Mali..And Ren is so cute~