Chapter twenty four

Wish || SM Entertainment's New Girl Group (CLOSED)

Minhee looked around the dorm she was currently in and noticed how messy it was compared to her own. The shoes were everywhere in the front, nowhere near their match and there was random things on the floor. As she looked around she looked behind herself to see Mir laying on the floor with Momo and Ren, who seemed to be napping while the others finished cleaning up.


"Oppa..." Minhee whisper as she leaned back so that her head was next to his. Mir groaned and shifted so that he could see her once he heard her call.


"Neh?" Minhee smiled and pinched his cheek lightly.


"You're really cute." Minhee said as she let go of his cheek and watched as he face grew red.


"Y-you're not suppose to call your boyfriend cute Minnie..." Mir shifted his body to face her and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before he began to play with her hair lightly. The girls were going to get their hair changed soon so Mir quickly took in her appearance as it was now. Memory scrapbook.


"But you are~" Minhee lightly and heard him chuckle before propping his head up with his hands.


"No I'm not~" Minhee laughed and nodded before pushing him away so she could get up. Mir watched her and got up and followed her as she went to go help the other two girls.


"Woohyun, you need to DRY it before putting it away!" Haerin lightly swatted him with the drying towel and watched as Woohyun laughed and shook his head.


"No I don't need to~" Mali and Myungsoo looked at the two as they argued and continued to do the dishes by themselves.


"Can you hand my the soap please?" Mali asked Myungsoo quietly as they stood awkwardly at the sink. Myungsoo nodded and handed her the soap.


"Here." Mali reached for it and grabbed the bottle and continued to finish the dishes. Myungsoo watched as she cleaned the sink and dried off the counter as well as her hands.


"Done!" Mali cheered lightly and turned to look at Myungsoo with a smile on her face. It shocked him slightly, normally like most idols their eyes are not the shade of the circle lenses and hers were just as bright.


'Wow...' Myungsoo thought to himself before Woohyun and Haerin interrupted the two.


"Are you done with the dishes?" Woohyun asked as he held Haerin's wrists as she tried to touch his hair, a large smile on his face.


"Yes Woohyun." Mali replied and reaching to pull out the bun she put her hair in but was stopped by a hand.


"Leave it, it looks nice." Myungsoo spoke and realized that he did when he got the looks from the other three in the room. Haerin was grinning while Woohyun and Mali had a look of confusion. Myungsoo looked away from the stars and saw Minhee and Mir at the doorway.


"You guys ready?" Minhee asked the four and Haerin nodded and pulled Woohyun out of the room to the door. Watching the two moved to the door, Mali sighed and followed the two but stopped and woke up Momo and Ren.


Once the two were up, the group got in the van and began their adventure to the theme park. Mir and Minhee sat in the front and were singing to the radio together while Ren and Momo napped in the back of the van, Momo's head laying heavily on Ren's shoulder. In front of the two were Woohyun and Haerin, who were both looking out the window, Haerin's chin laying lightly on Woohyun's shoulder as the watched their surroundings speed pass them. Myungsoo was texting someone on his phone quietly and soon Mali's phone went off. At first Mali seemed to ignore it, but soon she looked at who it was and panicked slightly but picked it up anyway.


"Hello?" Mali spoke into the phone and was answered by a very angery, very loud father.


//WHERE are you?!// Mali sighed and looked at Momo and Ren to make sure they were not woken up and noticed that Mir and Minhee turned the radio down. 


"I'm taking a break of you really want to know." Haerin perked up at the sound of her friend's voice. Unlike her twin's who speaks rather deep and cold. Mali spoke light and it sounded sugarcoated. Like the tooth fairy should sound.


//You don't deserve a break! All you do is whine and complain about how you don't want to dance anymore!// Mali's father shouted to his daughter over the phone. At this point Minhee was getting upset and motioned for Mali to hand over her phone so she could hang up on him, Haerin was quietly asking Mali if she wanted to just go home and Momo was still asleep.


"I don't really have time to argue about if i deserve a break or not, I'm kind of busy so bye." Mali hung up the phone right as they pulled up to the park. Haerin quietly woke up the sleeping couple.


"H-haerin unni... where are we?" Haerin laughed at Momo's question and moved a bit so she could see the sign to the amusement park. Momo jolted up and shook Ren until he woke up and opened the door so he could get out. 


"Ren hurry!! I wanna get on the rides!" Momo spoke and hopped up and down, she couldn't stay still and after her two naps she was fully awake. Ren rubbed his right eye gently as he yawned before reaching for Momo's hand.


As the group made it into the park they all separated, Momo and Ren went off to win prizes, Minhee and Mir went on the rollercoaster and Haerin and Woohyun, who were being recorded, stuck with Mali and Myungsoo as they walked around. While Minhee and Mir went on the rollercoaster, Minhee had noticed one of the girls that had started the Main dancer panic. It was very clear to Minhee that the girl knew who she was and not only was she sporting a glare, she was following right behind the two, following them as they went on rides or if they sat down to relax and talk. After an hour of being followed, Mir sat Minhee down at a nearby to answer a phone call from his manager and as he walked away, the girl walked up to Minhee and stood in front of her.


"Hey!" The girl spoke informal to Minhee and she didn't seem very happy about it, matter of fact, it was annoying. All Minhee could think was about how she found it rude to speak that way if you don't know the person through a friend or generally never meeting the person and spoke to them for the first time. It not only was disrespectful but it was unwise.


"What?" Minhee spoke right back to her in the same manner, looking at her with a cold expression on her face. The girl flinched slightly but quickly composed herself. She looked down at Minhee and folded her arms, as if she was a threat to Minhee but it didn't work, Minhee didn't have to stand to make the girl feel uncomfortable. And in Minhee's opinion, if she was in front of any of the five girls that she would have eventually run out of things to say. Minhee was just counting how long before it happened.


"I just wanted to tell you, I am a better singer and dancer than you or any of your "group members" will ever be." Minhee snorted and smirked, standing slowly and when she stood up completely, she was towering over the girl. As Minhee looked at the girl, she was glad that the girl had followed her instead of Haerin or Momo, it wouldn't end well.


"Just so you know," Minhee leaned in good and close to the girl's ear and couldn't help but grin at how scared she got with Minhee only standing and leaning in to tell her something. It was not only a first, but it was also what Minhee hoped was a last. "no one really cares since, obviously you didn't make it in your auditions. Matter of fact, you didn't even get passed the first trail."  


Minhee pulled her face away and looked at the girl's face to see that her face was red with embarrassment and anger. Though she didn't say it loud enough for others to hear, it was still embarrassing to hear it. 


"Minhee." Mir called to Minhee as he got back to her and saw what was happening, he wasn't shocked that she acted like that since he could tell the girl had upset Minhee.


"Coming Mir..." Minhee gave the girl a glare as she walked passed her, brushing against her shoulder as she passed her and took Mir's hand so they could continue their trip.


Yay~! Chapter's done *Cheers* it really isn't that much but I hope this was good. And yes I had to make it Minhee who saw one of the girl's first because I pictured her glare to look like Mir's ^_^ so I really wanted it to be her. But it's the only time she sees her...or is it?? Anyway next time if there is one it wont end like this for Minhee. Promise. *crosses heart*  And If I could put a picture of how cute my dog is right now I would, this is random and has nothing to do with the chapter but... He made himself a little post at my door and whenever I leave or walk by he just tilts his head to the side. Its so cute :)

and Question: Should I continue the trip to the park in the next chapter or shall I go to Nara? Either way I still post a chapter about her but I want to know your choice on it since...I swear I have no plan for Momo, Haerin or Mali. -_-' So answers would be VERY good. Thanks! :3

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I might have to open for applications again...-_-' [Wish}


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Hahahah x3
Five members? F(x)'s electro shock?
No problem!
Glad to be of service~

t's too bad that there'll be no more Zera/Nalo but a writer's gotta do, what a writer's gotta do.
Firstly, was she an active commenter before?
If so, clicking the unsubscribe button might have been accidental (i've done it plenty of times) if not, she might have just wanted to see her character get in then ditch the story.
if that's the case you could replace her with another applicant that stayed subscribed.
Like the girl you did a chapter on a little while ago.
The missing girl could get an injury or have to leave for family issues.
Wow. I missed so much x3
L and Mali = MaLi lol
Momo and Ren = MoRen xD
They seem good too xD everyone have been busy lately. Wonder what the new characters gonna do.. Pride is a nice cat name xD
Yeah bish!
ou didn't even make it through the auditions, Come at me bro!

Post about Nara!
I adore her and I'm looking forward to more Nalo/Zera action!
You should post about Nara!!!!!
Wow, their escape. O.O
Haha, can't wait for some Myungsoo/Mali
Zelo is so cute in this.
He's giving me butterflies XD

Nalo/Zera <3
Myungsoo to the rescue!! XD
Haha!! Haerin didn't use her phone for one month. XD
Good thing Woohyun went back to his normal state.
Poor Mali..And Ren is so cute~