A perfect day

Where were you last night?


[A/N: Double update, anyone? I'm up for it if you are.]




I think I sat there, next to Luhan’s bed for a good hour or so. I felt so bad for everything. Luhan was like home to me and I wanted to keep it that way.

At times, when Luhan seemed uncomfortable, I would lean in and his hair. He would always push his head against my hand as soon as he felt the warmth. It broke my heart to see him off guard like that. He always hid his emotions, I knew that, but somehow it still hurt to see how he really feels. I looked at him and thought to myself – how can such a perfect person be so lonely? He didn’t have many friends, not to mention girlfriends. He spent most of the time home with me.

I wanted to make him feel special, I wanted to give him the warmth that he was aching for. I wanted to take care of him just the way he took care of me.

But I wasn’t sure if I could do all of that.

I leaned back in the chair and looked out of the window, completely lost in my thoughts. Shuffling of the bed sheets brought me back.

“What are you doing?” he sleepily said.

“Guarding your sleep.” I simply said as I turned my head to face him, smiling ever so softly.

“Why? …” he asked, looking at me with a dumbfounded expression. My mind drifted back to the awkward moment we shared before I left the house.

“You should thank me! If it weren’t for me, you would have woken up with a backache.” I tried to joke around to make the atmosphere less tense. My body relaxed a bit after I heard Luhan chuckle.

“Arasseo,” He said while patting my head “I’ll cook you some delicious breakfast in return.” He stood up from the bed and I followed him with a gaze, my mind already on all kinds of food. I frowned as I saw him walking away in the opposite direction of the kitchen.

“Hey, that’s not where the kitchen is…” I pouted. Right then, Luhan walked backwards until I saw him again.

“I’ll just take a shower before I start cooking, you know. Maybe straighten my hair, borrow your face mask, shave my legs-…” He would have gone on and on with the list but I decided to interrupt him.

“Yah, who told you that you’re allowed to use my face mask or my hair straightener?” I shouted and before I knew it, I was up and dashing towards Luhan, who tried to run away from me while giggling like a maniac. I almost caught him but he managed to slam the bathroom door shut.

Of course I didn’t see that coming, as I was so confident about my running skills. I literally ran into the door and fell on the floor right after, making two loud thumps. While I was groaning on the ground and rubbing my knee, I heard the bathroom door open.

All of a sudden, Luhan kneeled down next to me and replaced my hand with his, gently his thumb over my knee.  

“I’m sorry, does it hurt a lot?” he mumbled, not looking at me. There was still a relevant frown on my face but somehow it seemed as if I forgot about the pain. As soon as his skin touched mine, everything was forgotten and replaced with weird tingles. I found myself shaking my head at his question. The tingles were getting unbearable and I had to remove his hand from my knee in order to stand up. And the only way to do it was to put my own hands on his and take it off.

I took a deep breath as I prepared myself to escape all the awkwardness but Luhan was quick to notice.

“Is everything okay?” he asked with his angelic voice and looked straight into my eyes.

Now or never.

I put my hand on his and removed it as if it was burning my skin and quickly got up and escaped to the living room.

“Can I still use your stuff?” I heard his weak voice echo in the hallway as I left.



I observed the clouds as I was relaxing on the balcony with Luhan. Although we spent the whole day inside, we haven’t had that much fun in ages. We cooked together, made a complete mess, cleaned up the mess, watched TV and procrastinated for the most of the day but it feels like the happiest day ever.

We’d randomly giggle as we retell our favorite parts of the day and enjoy the sunset. I sighed, hoping that this day would never end because it didn’t seem likely for tomorrow to be better than today was. I turned my head as Luhan said my name.

“Hmm?” I lazily hummed.

“Let’s have fun tomorrow as well, shall we? Let’s get the other guys and drive around the town, go to arcades, maybe watch a movie and grab a few drinks afterwards?” he looked at me with a hopeful face. I warmly smiled and nodded.

“I’d like that.” I almost whispered.

“Thank you for this perfect day.” Luhan calmly stated as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment.

I smiled, perfect was the exact word to describe today.



The side door to the minivan slid closed as everyone was on board. The very next morning we called our friends and told them about the idea that Luhan had last night. All of the guys gladly accepted our offer and in no time we were all packed inside a minivan. I chose to sit in the front, right next to Luhan. I wanted to make today perfect for him as well.

But what happened next was anything but perfect.

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author-nim... the foreword seems nice though. I hope you will update?
Chapter 37: It's your story so you should do what you feel is best, but I personally like the back and forth drama of the plot. Since you keep questioning whether it's worth it to keep going or not, maybe you could end it in a chapter or two? But it's totally up to you in the end and I'd personally like you to keep going! It's just that if you're tired of the story or don't know what to do with it, no one can help that. My two cents ^_^
Chapter 37: NO. DON'T YOU EVEN DARE STOP WRITING. You killed Luhan then you're gonna leave it hanging like that?! ;AAAA; Don't stop, continue writing and make the main lead happy because I'm not all in for sad endings. Jebal. ;AAAA; fightingg!
Chapter 33: oh my god why did you kill luhan?!?!? ;AAAAA; GOD DAMMIT WAEEEE w
Chapter 36: Aish..... Seriously you poodle D: making me cry at school and all D: don't stop writing I need to know how it ends (btw I vote Chanyeol)
Malioo #6
Chapter 36: The thing with the liquor was kinda sweet :)
Thanks for the update! I hope she can let Luhan go someday...
I would want her to end up with Chanyeol it just feels right for me..however I wob't mind with your decision after all you are the author and know the characters the most!
All i want ist that she isn't confused anymore about her feelings and the other boys can also get over her :D
Chapter 36: Daww thank you so much!! Even if you would've written more anyway, it's nice to be acknowledged ^_^
And dang, what a chapter! Still super depressing, but I'm glad Kai and the rest of the boys were there to help her through. I hope she won't be delusional anymore!