Chapter 4 - BLIND DATE

SEUNGRI’S MISSION: Find Dara noona a Boyfriend!
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Chapter 4


“Ya… noona.. why are you running?!” shouts Seungri running after Dara.


“Leave me alone!!!” Dara shouts back.


“But noona…. Aren’t you interested on my fourth guy??”


“No I am not so leave me alone!” Dara shouted gasping for breath already tired of running. She slows down and clutches her chest. She turns to look at Seungri who is now close behind her.


“Hey!! Stop! Don’t try to get near me… I will break your neck!” Dara threatens him still gasping for breath. She is not a good runner after all.


But Seungri didn’t listen to her. He kept running towards her. Dara halted to a stop and raised her hands; the sign of surrender.


“Okay, I give up… I can’t run anymore.” She slumps down on the floor breathing hard.


Seungri runs faster and stood in front of Dara with arms crossed. “Noona… you should be really thankful to me this time.” He smiles broadly.


Dara’s brows furrowed. “Eh??”


“Ha ha ha..this maknae is really reliable…I found the perfect guy for you and he is really interested.” He said proudly patting his own back.




“Yeah… he is not head over heels in love with you like Kevin but he likes you.”


“And?” Dara is starting to get nervous Seungri is really capable of doing stupid things without thinking.


“I scheduled a date for you and him…. Tomorrow!” He exclaimed happily and he jumps up and down. Dang! He is really capable of ruining her life she thought.


“Tomorrow? As in tomorrow?? Immediately tomorrow??” she said stuttering.


“Yes! Why do you sound like a broken record noona? Aren’t you happy? You were lucky he was free tomorrow. You don’t know what I went through…..” he was not finished talking yet when Dara screamed.


“NO!!!” she stood up from sitting on the floor. “Are you crazy?? I don’t even know this guy and you already scheduled a date?? Gaaaad Seungri where is your brain?? Are you stepping on it??” she screams at him on top of her lungs.


“Hey no need to be harsh on me… I am the Good Samaritan here finding you a boyfriend. And what’s wrong if you don’t know this guy? People do blind dates these days.” He said coolly.


“I’m sorry but I don’t date guys that I don’t know.” She turns to leave.


She was already a few feet away when Seungri called her.


“Noona…. Are you seriously going to turn down PARK…” he paused“…HAE…..” paused again“….JIN?” a huge smug spread across his face as he saw Dara stop on her tracks after hearing the name of his fourth guy.






Still with her back turned to Seungri.


Did I hear him right? Did he just say PARK HAE JIN? As in PARK HAE JIN?The very handsome actor PARK HAE JIN? The… the.. y smile PARK HAE JIN? The yummy PARK HAE JIN?????? *scream ^o^ waaaaaaaaah…..*


Oh shoot Dara! Scratch that yummy remark you sound like a !


(But he is yummy T_T) she nods.


Is he serious? Did he really mean Park Hae Jin The Actor? The one who chooses me over YoonA and UEE? *squeals* He can’t be serious!


No No No….


But what if it’s true ?_? This is a chance of a lifetime!


La la la la la......


*started daydreaming*


Snap out of it Dara!


I swear I will kill Seungri if he is lying.




She slowly turns around.


“Don’t play on me Seungri!”


“But I’m not playing on you. I’m serious”


Seungri walks towards her and places his hands on Dara’s shoulder.


“Just try noona. There is no harm in trying. He is a pretty decent guy with good morals. If you want I can be your look out. I will go with you tomorrow. Don’t worry I will hide so that he will not see me.”


“You will do that? You have time tomorrow?” Dara excitedly asks.


“Hey..hey… I can see fireworks in your eyes noona. I thought you like guys younger than you?”


“No… no… you forgot one thing. I like HANDSOME young guys…” Dara said with emphasis on HANDSOME “…and he is very HANDSOME!” she smiles widely.


“Yeah… that’s the spirit noona!!! So were set now. Tomorrow…don’t forget.”


“I will definitely not forget.” She turns around and left Seungri with dazed look in her eyes. She was whispering something while walking away similar to....


                                      What will I wear? Will I wear jeans? Skirt?

      Aish… maybe I should go shopping and look for something to wear for tomorrow… 

      Maybe I should ask Bommie for advice…

                                      Gaaa.. I don’t know what to do..this is all of a sudden…

                                      Make-up.. I should definitely wear make u.

                                      And perfume what kind of perfume does he like?

                                      Citrusy? Woody? Flowery?   

                                      Aigoo… I need help….T_T


Seungri was watching her as she walks like a retard talking to herself.


“Noona....!” he calls her.


Dara turns to him like a robot still in trance.


“….wear high heels. He’s very tall you might end up looking like his younger sister.” He grins.


                                     Oh.. yes yes.. high heels.. yes I have to wear heels..

                                     What heels should I wear?

                                     Stiletto?..... Wedge? …..Flats?....... (and it goes on forever)




“Are you serious?!!!” Bommie screamed.


Dara quickly covers before she could wake CL

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Editing Seungri's Mission coz I never had the time to do that when the story was still on-going... ^^


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affmeng #1
Chapter 5: Its been ages since i read this fic waaaaaaaaa
MaritheZya #2
Chapter 33: I love it. Jaedara FTW. ❤
Fr0zenMus1c #3
Chapter 33: A million hearts to Jaedara, my favorite OTP ❤️ Sighs. Now more than ever I want my own Joongie.
Fr0zenMus1c #4
Chapter 32: In most Darafics I’ve read, it’s always been a battle between Jiyongie and Joongie. It may or may not be in real life; only they know unless they choose to share it to the rest of us ordinary mortals. Somehow, if it’s real, it seems fitting. Perhaps, I am blinded by how I see these three but from what I know of them, from what they show us of their personalities, it seems realistic. Honestly, if I were Dara, out of all those options, I would probably be torn between these two as well.
Chapter 8: I envy you guys were able to able.. It looks fun
Chapter 4: I also like haejin his so handsome!!! I really dont mind hin dating my goddess loves
Chapter 2: Why i only find this fic just now.. I want tojoin the voting and vote for jaedara..ahahahaha but its a good rhing he wins!! Ahahaha
Chapter 1: This is so funny. Im also curious on who is this 3rd guy... I hope its one of the ship.. But i highly hope its jaejoong ahahahah
baboychow #9
Chapter 33: I enjoyed reading your story authornim, but it's really obvious that it's quite a bit "daragon" biased. I'm not complaining though. I just felt that "jaedara" in this story is lacking some depth to it.
Chapter 33: i really like this story and the fact that it's jaedara is plus!