And you are....?




I ran to the door as fast as I could with a numb body in my arms, not bothering myself with knocking on it. I would have to put Kyungsoo on the ground, which wasn´t too practical. I opened the door, using just my elbow. The house looked much bigger from inside. I wondered how he does it.


As I looked around I shouted. "Hello? Is somebody here?“ well, the lights were on, somebody HAD to be there. I heard steps coming from the staircase in front of me. I looked up to see a man going down to me. He was coming so slow I almost shouted at him to hurry up.


"You are....“ he said, stopping himself. "Chanyeol“ I replied. "Oh yeah, right, Suho told me.“ he said, going a few stairs down. Then he stopped again. What is it now? Just come here and help him! I thought, almost angry.


"Wait...“ he said. "How did you get in?“ "A guy helped me.“ I tried to shrug, but Kyungsoo was too heavy. Yeah, and that guy was too slow. I wanted to lay my friend down so badly, but I had no idea what that guy on the staircase wanted to do and I didn´t want to hurt my friend any more.


"Did he feed my dogs with sausages again? I´ll kill him! How many times I have to tell him that he can´t give them human food! Gosh...“


"Um, please?“ I tried to gain his attention again. His dogs will probably throw up, but my friend could die, you know. "Yeah, sorry.“ he said and run down from the stairs to me.

"So let´s take a look at what do we h-“ he started, but didn´t finished the sentence. He kept staring at Kyungsoo and frowned as he came closer.


"Where do you know him from? Does Suho know you´re with him now?“ he looked to my eyes. I was wondering what´s wrong. "No, I guess he doesn´t know, could you please help him?“ I felt like panicking, he didn´t look like he was going to do so.


"Right.... lay him down, I ´ll look at him.“ he said, still with a little frown. I layed him down as he wanted me to. My arms were free and I felt relieved I didn´t have to hold him anymore.


He controlled Kyungsoo´s pulse, looked to his eyes and put his hand on his forehead. Then he made a troubled sound. He rolled up Kyungsoo´s shirt. I was shocked. He had a big, rounded wound above his stomach. It wasn´t bleeding anymore, that´s why I hadn´t noticed.

"As I thought.“ the guy murmured. Then he looked up to me. I was really worried.


"I will need your help.“ he said and gestured me to sit down. I nodded and did so. He then rolled that shirt up more and put his hand where Kyungsoo´s heart was supposed to be, than closed his eyes. "I need you to put your hand on mine“ he said with his eyes closed. I obeyed and did as he said. I was just wondering if I should close my eyes too or something like that.


Honestly, I was expecting something with sound and light effects and voilá, we have a healthy man in front of us. No. The only thing that was happening was that I was feeling more and more sleepy. Without any sound or light effects.


After a while I felt how Kyungsoo´s chest was slowly rising faster. I smiled. "It´s okay now, you can let go of my hand.“ that guy said. I nodded and looked at Kyungsoo. He looked better now, that violet shade on his face left, but scar remained. "What about this?“ I pointed at it.


"I don´t do plastic surgery.“ he said, I chuckled. We then shook hands. "I´m Yixing.“ he introduced himself finally. "Chanyeol.“ I introduced myself for the second time that day. "And thank you so much.“ I added. "If I could-“ "Don´t worry, I´ll tell you when I´ll need something.“ he said and smiled shamelessly. I smiled and nodded.


Yixing looked at me, frowning again. "Could you please turn around?“ he said. I had no idea why, but I did so. He rested his hand on the back of my head and I immediately felt something I hadn´t felt before. And it was uncomfortable.


After he was finished with that, I checked my head. It was not hurting anymore. It was healed. I wanted to say "thank you“ again, but he stopped me. "Save that for the next time“ he said. Honestly, I hoped that there wasn´t going to be any "next time“.


Suddenly, I heard a sound coming from Kyungsoo´s lips. He was waking up! Finally!


He slowly opened his eyes, scanning everything around him, but as soon as he tried to get up, he collapsed, falling into unconscioussness again. I panicked. "What, what happened I- I though I- why is he....“


"Don´t worry, he´s just tired from all of this.“ Yixing said. "And I am also tired so, if you could move upstairs to that room I prepared for you....“ he smiled. I looked at him with happy expression on my face. "Thank you.“ I said again. He smiled back and nodded. "KAI!“ he shouted then.


"What now?!“ that guy from before appeared again, looking very annoyed. "Lead them to the guest room please.“ Yixing said.


"HEY! I´m not your ing butler or anything!“ Kai shouted. "You owe me this for feeding my dogs with that again. Besides, I said PLEASE.“ Yixing waved his hand as if he wanted to shake off something and left. That Kai showed a middle finger to his back and looked at me after a while.


We were staring at each other awkwardly. "So....“ I started. I felt really uncomfortable at that moment. But at least Kyungsoo was alright.


"Go upstairs and turn left. The second door. You don´t need me.“ he said and disappeared. Again. I wanted to shout some cuss words at him so badly, but I had to stay calm.


I lifted Kyungsoo up and went up the stairs. I immediately realized how tired I was. I almost fell backwards, down the stairs. As we went to the said room, I laid Kyungsoo on a bed that was there and then everything went blank.




"Get the hell out of me!“ I woke up when somebody pushed me and I fell off the bed. Obviously, that "somebody“ was Kyungsoo.


"Who the hell are you and what are you doing here, no, what AM I doing here?“ he looked around himself and then back at me. "Ouch“ I hissed, holding my elbow in the other hand. Our eyes met.


"Wait....“ he looked at me, frowning. "I know you from somewhere.“ he said, guessing. I nodded and smiled. "You.... you.... Oh god!“ he smiled. "Aren´t you.... no this is impossible! It´s been too long!“ he opened his eyes in disbelief as much as only he could. Even as a kid I was worried his eyes would fall out of his head, now this expression of his was even stronger.


"Chanyeol? Park Chanyeol? Is it really you?“ he asked, curious. I nodded. "Yeah, it´s me. I´m glad to see you´re alright.“ I smiled.


He stared at me for a while, starting to laugh. "Oh my god, what happened to your voice?“ he said laughing, holding his abdomen. His expression changed then. He frowned as he felt his stomach with his hand. He looked at me, totally confused.


"What happened? And where are we?“ he stood up, making his way to the door opening it. Before I could even answer him, he was out. "Wait!“ I shouted in the direction he left.


"What the hell do I do HERE?“ he said, kind of angry looking. Did he knew it there? It would explain that weird questions Yixing asked me before. They probably knew each other and judging from the way they were reacting, they probably didn´t like each other.


"I´m not staying here a single minute more.“ he said, rushing through the front door. "Wait!“ I shouted, running after him. He didn´t even turn around. "Kyungsoo wait! He helped you!“ I shouted, trying to stop him, but he was just walking ahead and didn´t pay attention to anything.


"WAIT!“ I shouted again. A wall made from fire flared up right in front of him. That was definitely more effective than just trying to persuade him. He immediately stopped, surprised. I finally reached him.


"That was impessive.“ he said, his eyes wide open. " I just wanted you to wait, but you didn´t listen to me.“ I complained. "I wanted to stop you and tell you that he helped you.“ "I didn´t ask for his help.“ he hissed and turned around like he wanted to run away, but then he sighed and turned back.


"I´m sorry.... I guess.“ he said after a while and sighed again. "I just don´t want to be in that house or near it. It´s a long history.“ he said. I nodded.
"Anyways, how did I end up here? With you? What happened?“


Since Kyungsoo didn´t want to go back to that house we sat in the forest and I told him what happened. I felt sorry for Yixing. We didn´t even say goodbye to him after what he did for us. However, I think he can find us if he wants to. He still has that Vanish commercial guy as his friend or whatever he was to him.


"Wow, I don´t remember even a piece of it.“ Kyungsoo said, frowning, probably trying to remember. "So you....saved me?“ he looked at me. "Kind of but I think that Yi-“ "And how did you found out about him? Do you know him?“ Kyungsoo interrupted me.


  "I.... I“ I tried to remember how did I figured it out last night. I had everything messed up in my head.


"Well, I called one guy, Suho, and he told me about him.“ I told him honestly and shrugged. Kyungsoo´s eyes widened one more time.


"You know also him?“ he asked me, giving a weird stress on the last word. I nodded. I wasn´t sure if I was exactly happy that I knew him, but yeah, I did.


Kyungsoo looked to his feet and whispered something inaudible. "What?“ I asked. Kyungsoo looked up at me again, a glimpse of curiosity in his eyes. "Did ... he .... trained you?“ he asked weirdly slow. I nodded.


"And did he also.....trained you like......“ he stopped. "What?“ I asked again. Kyungsoo shook his head. "Nothing, just forget it.“ he coughed awkwardly. "We have to figure out how can we get out of here. Maybe we could hitchhike..... Do you have a house?“ he asked suddenly in the middle of thinking.

"A small flat.“ I said. "Great.“ he smiled and I knew I will have a guest for the next few months.



Firstly, I would like to apologize to people who are waiting for update (if there are any). I´ve been busy lately, so I didn´t have time and mood for writing.
Thirdly (does that word even exist? :D) This chapter , i´m aware of it :D

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Chapter 19: All of the writers have that time.
It's just a matter of time you got the idea.
I once discontinued my story but now I'm continuing it.
Maybe it's a bit stress to rewrite it but i'll think you manage.
Chapter 4: Whaaa I freaking love this xx :3
Please read ours when you've got time

Xo, Mary <3
willreadanything808 #3
Chapter 12: Please don't give up on this story I don't mind if you have to rewrite it I'll wait patiently for it.
Chapter 1: omg!!!chanyeol was a imagine it *imagine*
willreadanything808 #5
i like this FF, mostly ones that play to the EXO powers.
Your story is very interesting!!!It's hard to find an EXO story that doesn't have boy-boy love or ocs!!!Loving this story!!
Tripp-er #7
please update soon. i don't care if it's just me and you against the world. this fic is really interesting. hehe. *super-wide girn*
Tripp-er #8
@chap 4: gahh.. so interesting. that couldn't be yixing right? i couldn't imagine him holding a knife.

suho is a bad-? who is that girl? gahh.. so much questions.

lol at yeol for being so frantic and an epic fail. good car stealing skills though.
Tripp-er #9
@chap 3: kyaaaaaa! i literally LOVE YOU already. SO GOOD. :3 :3 :3
bacon shooting laser/light beams. kyung getting beat up. exo freaks fighting. hunhan being all-over-the-place making out. bad- bacon got fried by angry fireyeol. assasins. gah.
how can i not love you. it was awesome.
Tripp-er #10
ugh. sorry it took me some time to get back to this fic.

@chap 2: at first i was a bit disappointed that you turned from third person point of view to first person. but then it started to get a bit funny, seeing as to how desperate chanyeol can get just to make friends. seriously, have a girl tutor you and kiss her.. for no reasons. hehe.
the last part was the best. so gDOd. *excited giggle*