Burning Water

To Fall in Love

*{warning}*: attempted suicide

Once EXO-M reached their dorms, Luhan pushed everyone out of the way to get there first. The manager opened the door, and the second eldest immediately bolted inside. The other members looked at each other with wary looks, all unsure of why Luhan had did that. They quickly got the luggages along with Luhan’s and headed in.


Instantly, the shower was running in the bathroom. With no doubt, Luhan was probably trying to wash himself clean of his assault from earlier. Sighing, the members began to unpack their stuff in grave silence. They all helped putting away Luhan’s clothes once finished with their respective baggages. 


After the long silent minutes of unpacking, the members plopped into the living room. Everyone remained quiet, unsure of what to say. Tao and Kris were huddled onto the couch with Yixing third-wheeling. Minseok was lying on the ground with Jongdae resting his head on the Minseok’s stomach. The leader flipped on the television to a random channel for the sake of some noise other than the endless water in the household, but no one really paid any attention.



Luhan frantically made his way into the bathroom. Immediately ripping off his lover’s clothes and throwing them wherever. He jumped in the shower in the gradually growing temperature. Everywhere burned, the heat was suffocating hi,. The parts that were unwillingly touched felt scathing hot.


The boy soon got the soap and loofah and attempted to wash of the burns. It only made them get even more irritated. The feeling seemed to spread across his legs and onto the rest of his body. He began to hyperventilate as it seemed nothing worked. Lathering himself up in the soap, tears fell from his eyes. 


“Oh, my God,” he whispered to himself, “I’m so disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.”


Luhan wrung the sponge and noticed how dirty the washed-off soap was. He felt like puking at the sight. Sighing, he grabbed the shampoo and squirted it in his hands. Maybe more time in the water would help him. He began to massage the substance into his hair. It smelt just like the time him and Sehun had taken the bubble bath.


Getting an idea, Luhan stopped the shower and stopped the water from draining. He allowed the burning water to fill up the tub as much as it could be without it spilling over. Once deemed enough, he found the bubble bath stuff similar to what he had used before. He poured almost all of it in. The bubbles and water swallowed him. Luhan took the moment to allow  himself to get lost in thought. 


Hunnie, I’m so sorry. I can’t believe how pathetic I am. I couldn’t push the man off. I’m just so weak, aren’t I? You should hate me. I would hate me. I do hate me. I hate myself for not being able to protect me-


Luhan shot out of the tub gasping for air. He spluttered out water from his mouth and rubbed his eyes. A seemingly familiar man had come into the bathroom. Luhan gulped noticeably, bring an unpleasant chuckle from the man.


“You’re cute.”


Luhan choked at the voice.


“I think you can help me with something. You definitely can.”


The boy looked all over for an escape, but he was trapped in the bathtub. He squirmed all the way to the edge of the tub, but the man kept walking closer. 


“Nice try pretty boy, but you’re mine right now.”


“G-Get away!” Luhan stammered.


“I’ll make you feel good.”


“N-No! You won’t! Get away from me! Get out of here!”


“It’s a shame your boyfriend isn’t here to assist you right now.”


Clouds were overwhelming Luhan’s eyes. His mind was being invaded by vivid memories of the airport. Unconsciously, he began to thrash around. He gasped as he felt his lungs shrivel up. 


“Why bother fighting? Your boyfriend is just going to dump you after he finds out anyway. He’ll probably think of you as some .” 


The blackness was getting to the best of him.


“And then you’ll be all mine.”


The darkness had won.



“Hey, um, guys,” Minseok stated from underneath Jongdae, “Luhan-gege has been in the bathroom for an awfully long time now...”


“And I don’t hear the water running...” Jongdae continued.


Kris and Yixing shot up and ran to the bathroom, the three other members scrambling right  after them. Yixing immediately kicked open the door to find water all over the floor. They quickly went to the tub where Luhan wasn’t to be seen. The dancer panicked as he found Luhan drowned underneath all the water and bubbles. He reached in, but his hands retreated back due to the heat of the water. 


Yixing held his breath and pulled an unconscious Luhan out of the tub. His skin was unnaturally red and hot. They quickly wrapped him in the towel, and Kris carried him to his room with Tao following behind. Minseok went downstairs to get a cool towel for the unconscious boy while Yixing and Jongdae stayed to clean up the overflowed bathroom.


Kris and Tao rushed Luhan to his room. They quickly the fan inside and searched for clothes for the boy. 


“Wait,” the leader remembered, “Go get Sehun’s clothes or something. I’m sure Luhan-ge stole a couple more.”


Tao nodded and looked to where him and the other members put the packaged clothing. He grabbed Sehun’s shirt and shorts before tossing the to Kris. The leader awkwardly put the clothes on the unconscious boy. 


Minseok barged through the door and went to tend Luhan. He put the wet cloth on top of Luhan’s forehead, hoping it would cool him down a bit. The three debated whether or not to put a thin blanket over the second oldest.


“How is he,” Yixing said from the doorway with Jongdae behind him, “The water was hot as hell.”


“And so much of it, too.” The smaller added.


“W-Why would he do that?” Tao questioned with worry.


Kris sighed, “Probably to wash, or in this case burn off the feeling of the other man touching him.” He shuddered at his words.


“Will he be okay?” The maknae asked as he looked to the boy on the bed.


“We can only hope for the best,” Yixing stated, “We should go so he can rest. I’m just glad we got him out of there fast enough. His skin could’ve started blistering up or something.”


The members nodded in agreement and exited out of the room, leaving Luhan to cool off.



Luhan opened his eyes to be in somewhere awfully familiar. He was lying down on the floor to what seemed like the dorms back in Korea. He shot up and looked around. Nobody seemed to be home.


“H-Hello?” Luhan called out.


No one answered. He stood up and walked around.


“Is anyone else home?”


A single grunt was heard from upstairs. Luhan jolted up the stairs. He barely heard it, but he was positive it was coming from his Hunnie’s room. He carefully turned the doorknob. He grinned as he saw Sehun sitting on his bed, reading a manga. He looked up and rolled his eyes when Luhan shyly walked in and headed towards him.




“Oh, great,” Sehun interrupted, “The is awake.”


Luhan’s smile faltered and stopped in his tracks, “H-Huh?”


Sehun groaned and laid back on the bed, “Don’t think I don’t know what happened. You are absolute filth, you know that?”


Luhan gasped, “N-No! Wait, Hunnie listen to-”


“Don’t ‘Hunnie’ me,” the younger snapped back, “I can’t believe you let the man touch you like that. Do you really just want to be so easy?”


“Wait, wait,” Luhan begged, “I can explain!”


“The fact that you’re an easy going weakling and loves to toy with people’s emotions? Oh, I know that already.”


“No, you don’t understand!” the older cried.


“Of course I wouldn’t,” Sehun lashed, “Because I’m not a .”


“Hunnie!” Luhan wailed with tears in his eyes.


“Shut the up,” Sehun yelled as he stood up, “And get the out. I don’t want to be with you anymore.”


“N-No,” Luhan stammered as he back away from the younger who was scarily walking towards him, “Hunnie, listen-”


“You only used me for fun. I get it, okay? But I’m not going to be treated this way.” 


“Hunnie, please,” the older pleaded, “Listen to me.”




“Hunnie, I still lo-”


“I hate you, you .”


Luhan eyes shot open as he gasped for air. He sat up, welcoming more oxygen into his lungs. His face was wet from tears and sweat along with the towel he just noticed lying on his forehead. He peeled the cloth off and buried his face into it to wipe off the wetness.


Luhan didn’t even think of how he managed to get in the bed. His mind was too boggled up at the moment. Everything seemed to hurt or burn in and out of his body. He looked at the clothes he was wearing. Realizing it wasn’t his, Luhan’s lips quivered as he clutched on the shirt tightly.


“Hunnie hates me,” Luhan cried into the towel, “Oh, my God. He hates me.”



The other members were silently hanging out n the living room when the phone rang. Yixing jumped up and ran to get it.


“H-Hello?” The dancer asked.


“Oh, Yixing-hyung,” a familiar voice replied, “You guys are back in the dorms?”


“Y-Yeah,” Yixing said as he stared back into where he was before, “S-Sehun?”


The other five immediately looked up and stare at Yixing who had the same unreadable expression as the rest of them.


“Mhm! Is, um, Lulu-hyung, I mean Luhan-hyung there?” Sehun asked. Yixing could feel the younger blush on the other side of the phone.


“Um,” Yixing began and called out for the other four to hear, “Is Luhan there?”


They all looked at each other. Kris quickly dashed upstairs and knock on Luhan’s door.


“J-Just a second, Sehun.” Yixing mumbled as he bit his lip.


“Okay!” Sehun answered cheerfully.




“Luhan-gege?” Kris asked as he opened the door.


“O-Oh, hi.” Luhan managed to say as he saw the leader peek his head through.


“Are you feeling better?”


The older shrugged.


“Well, um, someone wants to talk to you...”


Luhan raised an eyebrow, “Who?”


“Um, Sehun.”


Luhan’s eyes widened, and his lips trembled as he looked down.


“Do you want to-”


“No.” Luhan replied sadly.


“Ge, Sehun wants to-”


“Kris,” Luhan interrupted, “I-I can’t talk to him! Not in this state. I’m terrified! H-He’ll hate me for sure. And I don’t think I-I’ll be able to handle it! And, and-”


The older couldn’t even finish his sentence before he let his tears take over. Kris bit his lip.


“I-I’ll be right back, ge.”


He immediately went downstairs and sighed.


“Does he want to...?” The boy on the phone whispered so the other in Korea couldn’t hear.


The leader shook his head heavy head, “He need comfort though. I’m going back up.”


“Can I come, too?” The oldest of them all asked.


Kris nodded as him and Minseok headed up. Jongdae and Tao decided to stay in the living room, both unsure of what to actually do.


“Yixing-hyung,” Sehun called out again, “Are you still there?”


“Huh, what? Oh, sorry Sehun.” Yixing apologized.


“Is Luhan-hyung there?” Sehun repeated.


“I, um, he’s...” The dancer stuttered as his eyes flickered towards Luhan’s door.




“He can’t talk right now.” Yixing muttered silently.


“I-Is he asleep?”


“No- I mean, well no...”


“Why can’t I talk to him?” The younger asked again.


“Sehun,” the older began, “He’s very tired and-”


“I just want to say hi,” Sehun argued, “Just a hello and small talk, and that’s all. It won’t be long.”


“Sehun, really-”


“You’re not telling me something.” Sehun hissed.


Yixing pinched the bridge of his nose. He knew full well how stubborn the maknae of the whole EXO could be and wasn’t going down until he knew what happened. The Chinese bit his lip as he glanced up at Luhan’s door.


“Yixing-hyung, tell me.” The younger demanded.


The dancer sighed, “Sehun.”


“Tell me!” The boy on the other line cried. Yixing heard the obvious sign of worry in his voice.


Taking a deep breath, Yixing whispered, “Sehun, your Lulu-hyung was ually assulted.”


Yixing heard the phone on the other line drop to the floor.




The call had ended.

{author's note}*

Saturday, July 4, 2015 update: Chapter was previously called "Burns."

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{How Hunhan Started} Finished editing everything... Including the title.


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Chapter 26: This story is amazing. The love between Sehun and Luhan is so beautiful and strong that I could feel it in my heart. Thank you very much for sharing such an amazing creation with us. It's been a long time since you wrote it but I hope you can get to know how beautiful your story is.
Chapter 27: waw. hahaha the story was a lil' bit...you know what. but it's cool. but i never thought that sehun will be mad at hannie since it's not his fault to begin with. Love the story !! ^^
Chapter 4: Haha they are such cuties, especially embarrassed sehun, he hasn't realized yet that he loves luhannie so much ^^
Chapter 1: I've just started reading it, and I already like it. All of them are so nice:)

Thank you for a cute hunhan whocouldntletgoeachother24/7 xD i love it~~ <3
Chapter 12: Oh god why :((
angiechoonghk #8
Chapter 26: OMG!!! Nice story, but I wan to know what is 'Hangeng's character?
luchansoo #10
Chapter 28: Omg thanks for this amazing ff!! Love it! ❤❤❤ I just finished reading this just in a few hours hoho