
Lucky Girlfriend

Congratulation is the most received word I received today. As a groom, I’m happy that finally I can marry a girl whom I love and not a forced marriage. Two days ago, I brought Hyemi to meet my parent because she wants to. I was so scared that my parent will not give us their blessing but it turns out better than what we expected.

Two days ago

“Jonghyun-uh, don’t you think we should visit your parent?” Hyemi asked while we war eating dinner.
“Do you think they will allow us to get married? That old woman will sure go crazy at the moment we announce them we’re going to get married.” I answered.          

“Ya Kim Jonghyun, they are still your parent after all. We have to get their blessing before getting married, don’t we? And remember to call them mom and dad, araso?” She said.

“Your answers always sound mature enough even though I’m two years older than you.”

In twenty minutes time, we’ve arrived in front of my house, a mansion to be exact.

I press the doorbell and one of the maids opens the door.

“Mr. and Mrs. Kim, Young Master Jonghyun is here.” She said and lead us to the living room where my parent is.

“Oh Kim Jonghyun, who is she?” My dad looks at Hyemi who is standing beside me.

“She’s Hyemi.” She bowed her head.

Mum turned her head behind and immediately asked us to sit down.

“I recognize you, Hyemi.” Mum said.

“Why do you bring her here?” Dad said.

“We’re here to get your blessing for our marriage.” I bravely answered him. Of course, both of them look at us with a completely shock look.

“You’re getting married?” My mum asked. Me and Hyemi just nodded our head to respond to them.

“Well, you’re blessed. We’ll give you our blessing. When will your marriage be held?” My mum clearly said without having any ‘drama’ reaction.

Obviously our reaction to their answers is completely surprised. Like who won’t be surprised? They were the one forced me into an arranged marriage with Hyuna and they didn’t want me to end up with Hyemi but it all happens the opposite way now.

“I asked, when will it be held?” My mum asked again.

“Umm, next month maybe?” I was not sure which day will we get married.

“Tell us whenever you need help. Carry on with the marriage. We’ve given you our blessing.” My mum stated and walk to her room together with dad.

But both of us still didn’t believe that that happens. We thought they will just keep quiet and didn’t give us their blessing but it turns out well and better than what we expected.

The wedding day

I’m just standing near the table, welcoming our guests. Finally, I feel like the day I’ve been waiting for in my life has come. Hyemi, who got separated me for more than a year finally came back to me, and here we are having our own wedding. It’s quite amazing on how I can dream about her even before meeting her. Is that fate? Is she the one for me in this life? Questions kept coming to me and now it all has been answered. Yes, Hyemi is the one for me even though how my parent tried to get rid of Hyemi and forced me into a forced marriage.

Yes, Hyemi may not be the cutest, prettiest, iest girl on earth but she is to me. She got everything that I want in a girl. She changed my bad social life into a good one. She’s the one who made me graduate from Seoul High School. She’s the one for me.

“Ladies and gentleman, please take a seat as the wedding ceremony will be taking place in less than ten minutes.”


I waited in the bride’s waiting room while waiting for the guest to come. Minzy and Hyuna is here accompanying me before the start of the ceremony. Amazingly, Hyuna changed and decided to be friends with me and Minzy. We accepted her of course. Her son was named after Jo because three months before my wedding take place, Hayden got married with Hyuna which was really unpredictable. They both had fallen for each other because they lived together. Her son, Jo HyunMin, is now eight months, still a baby.

“Hyemi-uh, finally we’re married. Me and Hyuna has already experienced it, now it’s your turn.” Minzy giggled and patted my back.

“Girls, let’s go. Five more minutes.” Dad said.

The girls went out and my dad came in to take me to the venue.

“Hyemi-uh, smile like you never smile before. The day has finally come for my beautiful daughter to get married. I’m really happy for you, Hyemi. Even though how much you’ve fought and got separated from Jonghyun, both of you still get back together. I’m really proud of you, Hyemi.” Dad tears flowed out and I wiped it with my thumb.

“Appa, I’m proud that I am your daughter too.” I said.

“I know. Let’s go and meet your husband.” He pinched my cheeks and led me out of the room.

Outside the wedding hall, my heart was thumping really hard and really fast. Dad noticed my nervous expression as I bit my lower lips.

“Hyemi-uh, you don’t want to be nervous in there.” Dad hold me hang tightly.

“Appa, I’m nervous though.” I said.

“Why should you be nervous when finally someone who loves you and you loves are going to get married in a few minutes time?” Dad stated.

I nodded calmly and smile. The door opens, meaning I have to walk in the hall in between of the aisle together with dad beside me. I saw Jonghyun there smiling and looking so handsome. Am I dreaming?

“Take care of her, Jonghyun.” Dad passed my arm to Jonghyun and go to his seat.

Wait, where did I get here? I was just outside the hall just now? I got confused of course because I wasn’t really paying attention to it.

“Kim Jonghyun, will you take Ryu Hyemi to be your wife?” The man said.

“Yes.” Jonghyun answered and smiled.

“Ryu Hyemi, will you take Kim Jonghyun as your husband?” The man asked again.

I took a breather in and said, “Yes.”

“You may now exchange the rings.”

We both exchange our rings and you know…. Kiss >.< [HAHAHAHA LOL]

The wedding ceremony ended and we ate our dinner.

“That wedding was a blast. I’ve never attend any wedding before this.” Jaejoong oppa said as he sipped the wine.

“Yeah, didn’t know you guys will be back together. True love, I guess?” Aron winked and put his hand on Minzy’s shoulder.

“So, where are you guys going for honeymoon?” Hyuna asked.

I looked at Jonghyun and he answered.

“We’re going to Singapore. We heard that place has such nice night views, right babe?” He said.

“Yeahh, you’re the one who did research not me.” I shrugged my shoulders and smiled.

“Anyways, we’re going back home now. Call me when you’re going. Bye.” Aron said goodbye but was interrupted with Minzy who went nauseous in the throat.

“Ya Gong Minzy, what’s wrong with you?” Aron was obviously worried for Minzy.

“Oh, I know what this mean. Seems like nine months later, we’re going to have an additional member in this family.” Hyuna said and lean her head on Hayden’s shoulder.

“What do you mean?” Both Aron and Minzy were confused.

“Do research on it Aron. Bye.” Hyuna and Hayden left the wedding hall.

“Baby, let’s go back to my house. Aron, how are you going back?” Jonghyun asked.

“Don’t worry I got a car.” Aron answered aback.

“I didn’t say I was worried. Drive safely on the road. Bye.” Jonghyun dragged my hand and walk out of the wedding hall.


Three months later

“So what did the doctor said?” I asked Minzy after agreeing in meeting each other in Angel’s Café.

“Hyemi-uh, I’m pr-pre-pregnant.” She stuttered.

“Huh, really? Then why are you stuttering? You don’t like it?” I was confused because every married couples would want a child and their reaction will be happy but Minzy’s is different.

“It’s a twin. The doctor can’t distinguish whether it’s the same or different but they’re sure it’s a twin.” She stated.

“A twin? I’ve always wanted a twin. Congrats Minzy. Be careful from now on. How many months are you?” I asked.

“Three.” She sipped her vanilla milkshake.

After we ate our lunch, I went to meet Jonghyun at his office.

“Jonghyun-uh, have you hear anything from Aron or Minzy?” I asked.

“Yeahh I did. Minzy is pregnant with twin.” He answered while writing down his work.

“Yeahh.” I noticed that he was busy with his work so I decided to stay quiet.

Sadly, he didn’t say anything after that so I just stay quiet not wanting to disturbed him.


Two months later

Jaejoong oppa and Juri then get married. Minki and Ara get married. Minzy’s pregnant with a twin. Hyuna got a job with Hayden’s recommendation. 

Jonghyun’s behavior changed after I began to start working in a interior design company. He doesn’t seem like he is a the Jonghyun I know before. Why is this happening?

I was sitting in the living room waiting for him to come back home. It was a cold night that rain heavily. He doesn’t seem to call me if he’s having his dinner with me or with his work partners. The moment I saw a flashing car light outside our house, I immediately stand up and opened the door.

He went in the house and gave me the briefcase and coat.

“Baby, I’m not sleeping tonight at home. I have a lot of work to finish at the office. I will be back tomorrow night. Make sure to sleep early.” He kissed my forehead and walk to our bedroom to pick up his documents.

Ten minutes after that, I went to sleep after being left by Jonghyun.

“Dear god, what has happened to Jonghyun? Why is his behavior different than before?” I sighed and went to sleep.


HAHAHA I bet you guys are disappointed with the ending right? So, I’m here to ask you.

Do my readers want a sequel for Lucky Girlfriend to know about what will happen in their marriage lifes?

Tell me in the comment below.

AND not to forget, thanks for Chapter 49 subscribers and comments. I appreciate it A LOT!! ^^

Tell me in the comment below if only you guys want a sequel. If not, this is the ending.

Thanks for all the support you’ve been giving me for LUCKY GIRLFRIEND as this is my first fanfic ever that I’ve wrote. Without you guys subscribing and commenting, I won’t think LUCKY GRILFRIEND will be finished. Kamsahabnida yeorobun <3


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angelflyer22 #1
hihi! :) i just finished reading this story and it was really really good!! i loved it!! every chapter made me want to keep reading :) now im off to the sequel... but thank you soo much for putting up such a great story :D
KimCola #2
Chapter 53: Guys of course there will be a sequel because I do not think that the story will just end like that, right author?
Chapter 53: No. SEQUEL. SEQUEL. SEQUEL. SEQUEL. /riots/ LOL. Please make a sequel. :) /puppy eyes and bbuing bbuing/ xD
DLite4Life #4
Chapter 53: SQUEAL!!!!! I want one!!!
Hyuna! I love it!
Hehe. Cant wait for the next chapter. Is it about their marriage? More drama? Update soon;)
DLite4Life #7
Chapter 52: asdljfha;sljdhflasjkdhfalsdkjhfalsdkjfhaldfhas. HAPPY OMG!!!!!!! SO FLUFFY! sadjfhsdljghsd I love it!
KeKe79 #8
Chapter 52: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Jonghyun proposed to Hyemi!!! Update soon!
Alex_Fjury #9
Chapter 52: Yes !! Finally the happy moment everyone was waiting for :) Love this Chapter :) Update pls soon !! <3
Chapter 51: Glad that Hayden helped Hyuna out. :) Hope everything turns out fine :x *cross fingers* :D Can't wait for the next update~ ^____^