
Lucky Girlfriend

Divorcing is such a hassle. It has been eight months since Hyuna’s pregnancy. She urge me to have a divorce with her quickly even though I wanted to divorce her when she gives birth.

“Jonghyun-uh, thanks for everything that you have done for me this few months that we’re married. I hope that you will be happy together with Hyemi back again.” Hyuna said after we finally solve our divorce case.

 “Hyuna, I hope that you will raise that child properly. Don’t get stressed up. Who knows, someone out there likes you when you move on. Goodbye.” I tapped her shoulder and walks down the court staircase. I don’t feel a thing or sympathy feeling when I leave someone who is before my wife there by herself.

I called Aron up to meet with him.

Ten minutes after leaving the court venue, I went to met up with Aron in the nearby café.

“Ya, Kim Jonghyun here.” Aron waved his hand towards me.

“So, how’s your divorce case going on?” Aron asked.

“Such a hassle but it was done smoothly though.” I answered.

“Then, where is she now?”

“I don’t want to know where she is now.” I answered back while taking his coffee to have a drink.

“You’re really loyal to Hyemi, don’t you? You sure you didn’t develop any feelings for Hyuna this past few months?” Aron lean back to his seat.

“You sound like you don’t like me being loyal to Hyemi. Why should I even develop feeling for her when she break my relationship up with Hyemi?” I stand up and went to order an ice coffee to let me cool down from the hot weather.

Few minutes after that, Minzy came and join us.

“Aron-uh, have you tell anything to Jonghyun?” Minzy nudge her fiancé with her eyes looking so shiny.

“What’s up with that look, Minzy?” I gulped my coffee and look at Aron.

“Man, don’t tell me you have already proposed to her for her to marry you?” I was surprised and Minzy was smiling till I can’t even see her eyes.

“Aish Gong Minzy. I wanted to tell when Jonghyun and Hyemi are together. You broke my plan, little girl.” Aron pinched her shoulder, softly of course.

“Right, Jonghyun. Where’s Hyemi?” Aron asked.

“Let me call her.” I pulled out my phone out of my pocket but Minzy stop me.

“How about… we surprised her in front of her school?” Minzy stated.

“Such a good idea. Let’s go.” I agreed and exited the café.

We waited for three hours outside Hyemi college as we didn’t know what time will she be released from class. After a long wait for Hyemi, three of us saw her walking with someone familiar, Jo Hayden.

She was smiling but didn’t look really happy though. It seems like only Hayden is happy with Hyemi while Hyemi is opposite. I walked up to her and sop in front of her.

“Hi, babe.” She looked up to me and straightly give me a lovely smile.

“Jonghyun, what you’re doing here?” She asked.

“To get you of course. Let’s go. Minzy and Aron has something to announced to us.” I hold her file for her and grab her hand. Before going off, I look at Hayden. He looks unsatisfied.

I smile it off and shook his hand. “It has been so long, Jo Hayden.”

‘Don’t ever think of taking Hyemi away from me.’


“He made Hyemi suffer and now he take Hyemi away like he did nothing. How can Hyemi even accept him after what he have done to her? I stand no chance now.” Hayden muttered and walk back to the college café to grab a cold drink.


“What’s the occasion? Why are you guys in front of the college?” I asked.

“We don’t know anyone inside there except for you, Ryu Hyemi.” Aron answered me.

I was really happy to have them by my side again together with Jonghyun of course. He didn’t let go of my hand after taking me away from Hayden just now. I felt really happy rather than feeling bad for Hayden.

“Well, we have something to announce to you.” Minzy said while munching on her donuts.

“Aish this girl. Can you finish eating before speaking? You’re spitting your food everywhere.” Aron ‘scolded’ playfully to Minzy.

“You guys never change, huh? Always fighting.” I giggled and look back at Minzy.

“We are going to get married next month.” She shouted like a happy girl and jumped her seat up.

“What did you just say, Gong Minzy? Next month? Why so fast?” I was so shocked at her announcement and look at Jonghyun.

“Aish both of you have the same reaction when I told you we are going to get married. You guys should be feeling happy for me though.” Minzy pouted and show her sad face.

I smiled and walked towards her seat.

“Gong Minzy, I was so shocked to even be happy for you. Anyways, congratulation to you and Aron. Hope that both of you will be happy and have a blissful marriage.” I hugged Minzy while she happily sobbed her tears away.

“Don’t forget to tell me when you get pregnant.” I whispered to her ears and she hit me hard on my back.

“So, what day in next month are you guys going to be wife and husband?” Jonghyun asked.

“2nd March.” Both of them answered.

“Then do we need to help you guys or something?” Jonghyun asked.

“Jonghyun will be my best man while Hyemi will be Minzy’s bridesmaid.” Aron explained in detail after that.

“I can’t wait for that day to happen. Then where will it be held?” Jonghyun asked.

“I’ll tell both of you in detail soon. We have to test our food that will be eaten by the guest later. We’ll meet soon. Bye guys. Come on, Minnie.” Aron grabbed her hand and exited the café.

“So, what did you learn at school just now?” Jonghyun asked me after Aron and Minzy left the both of us together.

“Nothing much. Only some revision. What did you do today?” I answered.

“I’ve already divorced with hyuna. She’s not my wife anymore, Hyemi-uh.” He said while smiling.

I was happy for him that finally he can get out from his suffering but something seems to bother me about Hyuna.

“Where is she now?” I asked him.

He sigh, “I don’t care where she is now, babe.”

“She’s still pregnant you know. You wouldn’t know what happen to her now.” I said.

“She must have went back to her parent’s house. She’s no longer my responsibility anymore. I’m not her husband anymore babe.” He answered.

“I thought you were good to girls.” I said to him.

“And that girl is only you. why should I be good to her when she break my relationship with you, babe?” He answer it really sincerely that I can feel he is really true about his feelings.

I took his hand at look at him.

“Do you still love me after what all this happened?” I asked, wanting to know his answer.

“I’ve never stop loving you since you became my girlfriend. My relationship with Hyuna is not like a married couple at all. I’m really happy that she insisted on divorcing with me quickly when I told her I will divorce her after she gives birth.” He answered.

“Then, what will you do when she needs your help?” I questioned him.

“Then, I should ask you to help her together with me. If you’re willing to help her, so do i.” He smiled and continued, “I’m happy that we are able to be together back again like last time.”

“But I want to ask you something.” He said.

“Do you have anything going on with Hayden? He doesn’t look happy when I dragged you with me just now.”

“You shouldn’t do that actually. I was talking to him. Imagine you are talking to me and someone just dragged me away from you just like how you did just now, will you be happy?” I questioned him back.

“All right. Your long answer habit didn’t change a bit, baby. I hope there’s nothing going on with you and him.” He said.

I gave him an assure smile that Hayden has nothing to do with me.

“Let’s go. I’ll walk you home.” Jonghyun grabbed my hand and we walked back to my home together again.


Somewhere in Seoul, Hyuna is wondering around with her big stomach. Sooner, she will give birth to a baby boy which has no father. She didn’t know where Himchan has disappeared to. Jonghyun also have divorced her just now. She has nowhere to go to now.

Without warning, she feel that she will give birth soon. Her stomach aches so much that she can’t continue to walk. She tried calling for help from the public but no one seems to  care about her.

Came this one guy, he saw that Hyuna is experiencing pain and he quickly go and help her.

“Ohh aggashhi. Are you okay?” He asked while supporting Hyuna with his hand on her waist.

“I think I’m going to give birth soon. Help me, please.” Hyuna begged.

He doesn’t know what to do. He immediately call an ambulance and followed her to the hospital.

That guy is Hayden. Jo Hayden.



It has been a long time since I update Lucky Girlfriend. Been busy with exams, extra classes and all kind of stuffs.

I hope that you guys won’t give up reading Lucky Girlfriend. So, here’s chapter 47 after a long time since I updated ^^



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angelflyer22 #1
hihi! :) i just finished reading this story and it was really really good!! i loved it!! every chapter made me want to keep reading :) now im off to the sequel... but thank you soo much for putting up such a great story :D
KimCola #2
Chapter 53: Guys of course there will be a sequel because I do not think that the story will just end like that, right author?
Chapter 53: No. SEQUEL. SEQUEL. SEQUEL. SEQUEL. /riots/ LOL. Please make a sequel. :) /puppy eyes and bbuing bbuing/ xD
DLite4Life #4
Chapter 53: SQUEAL!!!!! I want one!!!
Hyuna! I love it!
Hehe. Cant wait for the next chapter. Is it about their marriage? More drama? Update soon;)
DLite4Life #7
Chapter 52: asdljfha;sljdhflasjkdhfalsdkjhfalsdkjfhaldfhas. HAPPY OMG!!!!!!! SO FLUFFY! sadjfhsdljghsd I love it!
KeKe79 #8
Chapter 52: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Jonghyun proposed to Hyemi!!! Update soon!
Alex_Fjury #9
Chapter 52: Yes !! Finally the happy moment everyone was waiting for :) Love this Chapter :) Update pls soon !! <3
Chapter 51: Glad that Hayden helped Hyuna out. :) Hope everything turns out fine :x *cross fingers* :D Can't wait for the next update~ ^____^