Will you??

Lucky Girlfriend

“Thanks for the ride home, Hayden.” I looked up to Hayden.

He gave me a small smile and put a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it briefly. Then, he turned and left.

My phone rang and Minzy’s name appeared.

“Hyemi-uh.” She said.


“Are you back from overseas? Where are you now?” She asked.

“I’m right in front of my house now.” I answered.

“Who took you home? Jonghyun?”

I felt my heart and stomach sank again with the name Jonghyun.

I kept quiet. “Hyemi-uh, did you know about that already?” She questioned, sounded worried.

“Yeah. This can’t be kept from me forever right?” I said and I saw Hayden’s car walk past my house.

“I’m sorry, Hyemi-uh. I didn’t expect that to happen. Do you to meet up with me?” She suggested.

“I’m tired now. When I think it is time for me to meet up with you, I will give you a call. Bye Minzy.” I hang up the call and open the door to my house.

I walk into my room and saw every photo of me and Jonghyun during our second anniversary.

I sat on my bed and touched the necklaces on my neck. There are three now.

One is the star. Another is the red shiny heart and the last one is a teddy bear with my name engraved on the back.

I took them out one by one and put them on the table at the side of my bed.

I tried to hold back my tears and sleep soundly but none of that happens. My tears drop and eventually, it won’t stop. I feel like someone has just shot me in both the heart and stomach. Nothing feels bitter, sad and depressed as this.

“Hyemi-uh, can you open the door?” Mum knocked my door but I just refused to open it.

But then, my door opened because mum has the key to my room.

She saw my miserable face and asked me to sit up.

Mum hug me tight into her warm arms and my hair. I cried on her shoulder, leaving wet marks on her clothes.

“Hyemi-uh, I know what happened. You have to be strong and be patience. Crying won’t solve the problem.” She said while I’m in her arms.

“But omma, why must this happen to Jonghyun? Why must he get married to someone I hate?” I sobbed on her sleeves.

“This is god test for both of you. You wouldn’t know what will happen next. Listen to me Ryu Hyemi.” She pulled me out from her hug and caressed my wet cheeks.

“If both of you are meant to be together, both of you will meet each other again in the future and maybe who knows, he will propose to you one day. Ever heard of the idiom, blessing in disguise?” She asked while wiping my tears.

I didn’t answer her and kept silence.

“Hyemi-uh, I’m sure that Jonghyun really loves you. Just pray hard and be strong. That is why your name is Hyemi, right? Hye for wisdom and intelligence while Mi means beautiful. I think I’ve picked the suitable name for you. So, you have to play your part and be strong in whatever challenges come crawling to you. Araso?” She smiled and hug me back again.

“Oh my poor beautiful daughter. You have just landed from California and you have to face this. Have you eaten yet?” She asked.

I shook my head. “Let me get appa order your favorite pizza with lasagna.” She broke the hug and went out my room.

“Blessing in disguise?” I sobbed and cover my face with my pillow on top.


The next day, I woke up with my eyes looking all swollen and red. I took a cold shower and just stay at home before going back to the design academy in next week.

I checked my phone and there’s no call from Jonghyun or no messages from him.

“Ha, what am I even thinking? Why would he call me when he got Hyuna?” I throw my phone back on my bed and went to the kitchen to have my breakfast, toast and chicken fillet. It reminds me of my breakfast with Jonghyun while we are living at the school dorm.


“Jonghyun, wake up. We are going to have our breakfast soon. Wake up.” Hyuna knocked my door but yet, I didn’t want to go out of the room for the two days.

I wanted to call Hyemi to explain everything to her but sadly, there’s no connection to contact Hyemi which is now in Seoul.

“She must be unhappy with. She must be crying hard as I saw that her cheeks are wet with tears.” I sighed. “What is she doing now? Why am I stuck here with this when I am supposed to have a runaway with Hyemi?” I turn on the television to Korean television broadcast.

Music bank is playing on air and G.Na sang her 2HOT comeback song on stage.

Suddenly, I remembered about what happened to Hyemi one year ago.


What did I just heard? Is that Hyemi's voice? Arghh. I grabbed my towel forgeting about myself who is currently sick and went out the bathroom soon after I washed my face.

"Baby. What's wrong?" I questioned her but she looks okay.

"Ermm? There's nothing wrong. Why? Have you finished you shower. Then come here and eat your breakfast."

"What's that sound? I know it come from the living room."

"Ahh. You were talking about the screaming just now? There's one advertisement about an haunted show and it shows that G.NA shouted ouch because she knocked into something. Come here."

“I feel like I am a bad boyfriend.”

“I swear I saw Hayden with her yesterday. What should I do if Hyemi is planning to be with him and want to forget about me?” I turned off the television and went to sleep.

Hyuna kept shouting over the balcony to wake me up but I ignore her. Who have time to entertain that girl who has ruined my relationship with Hyemi.


A week past and it has already been a week since Jonghyun get married to Hyuna. I didn’t get any call from Hyemi or Jonghyun. Both of them seems quiet and didn’t want to talk to me or Minzy.

Minzy didn’t get any call or messages from Hyemi too.

“Minzy-uh, should we meet Hyemi and talk with her? She seems so quiet. I bet Jonghyun didn’t get to explain everything that happened to her.” I suggested.

“Aron, I’ve been calling her but she didn’t answer any of them. We should wait until she cools down.” She said while checking her phone.

“Uh Aron, how about we go to her house?” She said with her eyes widened.

One hour later, we’ve arrived at Hyemi’s house and her older brother opened the door.

“Hi, we’re here to see how’s Hyemi is doing.” I said to her older brother.

“You must be Minzy and Aron, right? I have good memories. Come on in. She’s in her room. She has been locking herself in the room since last week. I hope you guys can do something about it.”

We knocked Hyemi’s door but she didn’t open it.

“Hyemi-uh, we’re here. Can you open the door? Please, for us?” Minzy said and magically, Hyemi opened the door.

Her hair is wet maybe she has just taken her bath. Her bed is spread with papers and drawings. To my amazement, she looks fresh and healthy with the exception of the dark circles and eye bags under her eyes.

Without saying a thing, she left the door opened and went back to her bed.

“Hyemi-uh, what are you doing?” Said Minzy while sitting down her bed beside Hyemi.

“Just doing some homework. I will be going back to school tomorrow so, I don’t want to waste time sitting here and thinking about what he is doing now.” She sighed and continue doing her homework.

“Hyemi-uh, we’re sorry for not able to tell you this. You were in California when we got to know this.” I confessed.

She look up from her paper and eyed me. “It’s not your fault, Aron, Minzy. This is just my fate. I have to face this strongly, am I right?” She said.

Minzy tears drop from her left eye and she hugged Hyemi. Hyemi became teary-eyed too.

I just stand up by the bed and watch both of the girls hugging and crying.

‘Jonghyun, I hope you will get to explain every single thing to Hyemi one day.’


“So, what are you going to do today? You wouldn’t want to just lay on the bed without doing anything, right?” Hyuna said.

It is already 10 in the morning but still I didn’t want to get up. I don’t want to face the fact that I am now married with the girl I hate.

I wanted to call Hyemi but I don’t think it is the right time.

“Yeobo, I’m talking to you.” Hyuna nudge me and I quickly sit up, glaring at her.

With both of her hand putting on her big circle shape earring she said, “My parents want us to be at their house by 12 in the noon. They want to make a welcome party for both of us. So, don’t be a lazy bum and go get your bath. If you stay still like this, we will not be there on time and when we are not there in time, which means we are not respecting them.” She talk non-stop.

I just look at her and said, “Done? Why should I respect them when they didn’t even respect me? Why do I have to respect them when they forced me to marry a like you? Why do I have to respect them when they know I already have Hyemi in my life and still I have to marry you? Tell me all the reason, Kim Hyuna. Even though you are now my wife, doesn’t mean I have to love you like I love Hyemi. I don’t love you genuinely. I hate you, by the way. So, don’t ever dare to call me yeobo. I. AM. NOT. YOURS.” I answered back and walk out the room feeling frustrated.


“I don’t care what you do to that room. This house is bought by your parent’s money and not mine.” I hissed and went to have a long bath under the warm water to ease my mind.

Ten minutes later, the house seems quiet. I didn’t hear any sound of Hyuna. All I can hear is the sound of the road in front of the house and the sound of nature.

I went up the stairs and saw Hyuna lying down the bed.

I took my things and walk out the room. Suddenly, a hand grabs my hand.

 “You love Hyemi that much that you hate me, Jonghyun?” She said.

“Don’t make me slap that face of yours, Kim Hyuna. It doesn’t work on me.” I let go of my hand harshly and went out the room.

She grumbled and shouts.


“All right, class. The lecture will end today and I hope that whatever home works I gave, better finish it by tonight. If not, you have to face consequences tomorrow morning. You’re dismissed.” Said Miss Ailee.

I packed up my papers and zip up my pencil case. With my files on my hand and hand bag on my shoulders, I walk out the lecture room and walk back home alone. I didn’t want to stay in school as I still have many homework to be done. Suddenly, a hand is placed on my shoulder making me shocked and I turned around with my eyebrow frowned.

“Hayden.” I said.

“Hi, Hyemi. Didn’t know you’re in this academy too.” He smiled.

I tried to smile but something about me didn’t want to smile.

“Yeah. What course did you take?” I asked.

“School of Media and Film Studies. How about you?” He answered than asked me the same question.

“School of Design Environment and Interior studies.” I answered.

“Oh. You will be a designer when you’re out there in the future.” He smiled again.

I nodded and walk off.

“Hyemi-uh, do you want to have a afternoon tea or snacks? I’m hungry.” He suggested.

I look at him and said, “Hayden-uh, I still have many homework to be done. Let’s go next time. See you around.” I gave him a small smile. Then, I turned and left for home.

He sighed.


“Hyemi-uh, will you able to accept that Jonghyun is married now and come to me? Will you be able to get over this?” Hayden sighed and look at the back view of Hyemi who is walking far away from him.

He wanted to catch her from running away but yet, he didn’t want to let Hyemi feel suffocated.

“Hyemi-uh, I will try my best to make you smile. Seeing you sad makes me feel uncomfortable. It makes me feel uneasy and always want to be near you even if you won’t talk to me.” He sighed once again and walk off from the foyer.

‘Saranghae, Ryu Hyemi.’ Hayden said. In his heart.


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angelflyer22 #1
hihi! :) i just finished reading this story and it was really really good!! i loved it!! every chapter made me want to keep reading :) now im off to the sequel... but thank you soo much for putting up such a great story :D
KimCola #2
Chapter 53: Guys of course there will be a sequel because I do not think that the story will just end like that, right author?
Chapter 53: No. SEQUEL. SEQUEL. SEQUEL. SEQUEL. /riots/ LOL. Please make a sequel. :) /puppy eyes and bbuing bbuing/ xD
DLite4Life #4
Chapter 53: SQUEAL!!!!! I want one!!!
Hyuna! I love it!
Hehe. Cant wait for the next chapter. Is it about their marriage? More drama? Update soon;)
DLite4Life #7
Chapter 52: asdljfha;sljdhflasjkdhfalsdkjhfalsdkjfhaldfhas. HAPPY OMG!!!!!!! SO FLUFFY! sadjfhsdljghsd I love it!
KeKe79 #8
Chapter 52: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Jonghyun proposed to Hyemi!!! Update soon!
Alex_Fjury #9
Chapter 52: Yes !! Finally the happy moment everyone was waiting for :) Love this Chapter :) Update pls soon !! <3
Chapter 51: Glad that Hayden helped Hyuna out. :) Hope everything turns out fine :x *cross fingers* :D Can't wait for the next update~ ^____^