Favourite Junior??

Lucky Girlfriend

I didn’t realize that I have been sitting out the balcony for the whole night yesterday. I didn’t even feel cold or sleepy. The sun shined brightly into my eyes while I was spacing out onto the nature park that was in front of the mansion. Even though the sun was shining brightly, I feel that my world is still so dark. It feels so empty.

“Young Master, you have to wake up now. Sir and madam are waiting for you.”

I ignored her and continue staring outside the balcony as if there is something interesting.

Door opened with a squeaked sound and I tuned back.

“Oh. So, you weren’t sleeping. I’m sorry to interrupt you but you have to wear this for today’s lunch.” A female servant  came in and slightly bow to me and hang the clothes on my hanger.

“Come down after you have your shower, young master.” She went out without any answer from me.

“Why am I a young master? What does that old parents even do? How come this house has already become a mansion?” I mumbled and took my phone out my jean pocket.

There was absolutely no call nor messages from Hyemi. Seems like she is really heartbroken after what happened last night.

I decided to call her but she didn’t answer any of my calls or reply to my messages. I looked at my watch, “Ah. Its only 6 in the morning. She must still be sleeping.”

I sighed and wonder how will I answer her questions when I come back to the dorm.

I went back inside my room and see what kind of clothes I was asked to wear.

“Oh my god, suit? Never ever going to wear that.” I tossed away the suit and it fall onto the ground. Quickly, I went to grabbed a towel and went into the shower. It was a big luxurious bath room I have ever entered in my whole entire life time. But still, that doesn’t make me happy.


I woke up without realizing its only 6 in the morning. I sit up on my bed and took out a pocket mirror on the table beside my bed.

“I must have cried a lot.” I touched my eyes that were now red and puffy.

I took my phone and I have 20 missed calls and 15 messages. All of them are from Jonghyun.

“He’s awake now? Didn’t now he can wake up earlier than me. He is not a early riser anyway.” I called him back but he didn’t answer.

“He must be showering.” I smiled like as if there’s nothing bad that happened to him yesterday.


After a long shower, I changed my yesterday clothes into a t-shirt comfortably. I didn’t even want to wear that suit. I wanted to stay in my room without doing anything today. I really hope I can run away now and go back to where Hyemi is but just look at the amount of bodyguards down the path way of this mansion. It is crazy.

“Baby, you’re not sleeping?” I called Hyemi and she answer back.

“I just woke up. What are you doing there, Jonghyun? Are you okay?” She didn’t seem mad at me at all. She’s like an angel but who knows how she’s feeling deep down her heart.

“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me, baby. I will be home by tonight. I promise.”

“Alright. Take care of yourself and please if anything happens, just give me a call.” She sound so worried about me.

“Araso. I’ll be back soon. Bye baby. Love you.” I waited for her to hang up first even though I didn’t want to end the phone call with her.

Ignoring what other people said, I went down the spiral staircase and saw my brother and parents at the dining table eating their breakfast like one royal family.

“Ya Kim Jonghyun. Come and sit with us. It has been a long time since we ate together, remember?” My older brother, Kim Jaejoong, said while munching on his butter toast.

I took a sit far from them and the maids serve me my breakfast.

‘There’s only four of us. Why do they need 12 chairs for? Wasting money.’ I mumbled as taking a sip of my chocolate milk.

“Jonghyun, do you know why we wat you to come back home?” My dad asked while looking at me.

I ignored him and remained silent. I just keep eating my breakfast. I still can’t get over yet about how they abandoned me past five years and now they are still making my life miserable.

“You are getting married next two tears. You know about that right?” He asked again.

I suddenly stopped eating and quickly stand up and wanting to walk away from them but he sounded again.

“Don’t be a bad boy. Follow our instructions. You are going to meet her today for lunch. Wear what the maids have prepared for you. All of us will be going there.” He stood up and stand in front of me.

“We have make an arranged marriage for you and I know this is the best for you. The girl is such a sweetheart.” He smiled but I gave him a not interested stare.

I went up and heard my brother saying things about me to my mother.

“Knock knock knock. Jonghyun, I’m coming in.” Kim Jaejoong knocked on the door while I was lying down on my bed covering my face with a pillow.

“So, how are you?” I ignored him.

“I’m talking to you, little brother.” He took my pillow but turned sideways looking at the balcony.

“Fine. If this is what you treating us like. You are seriously treating us like a stranger. When mum and dad talked to you, you just gave them a stare without talking. What’s wrong with you?” He sat on my bed.

I quickly stood up holding a pillow and went outside the balcony.

“Strangers? More like you guys treat me like a stranger. You know, mum, dad and even you didn’t even have any heart for me. And now you’re saying that I’m treating you guys like a stranger? This is just bull.” I took up all the courage and spoke to him after a very long time.

“You still didn’t get the chance to forget all those things that happen five years ago? Jonghyun-uh, why are you still angry at us?”

“Hyung, are you asking me  a stupid obvious question? Of course I’m still mad. I got kicked out freom this house for five years without anyone of you guys finding me. Then, coming to my dorm and scaring my girlfriend. And now, I have to get married two years later. What is this?” I throw my hands in the air and shrugged my shoulders.

“Oh. Now I understand why are you so stress up about the marriage. You have a girlfriend. Why don’t you just tell mum or dad?” For the first time, Jaejoong doesn’t sound sarcastic or mad. He sounded caring and worried for me.

“They wont listen. Mum said that Hyemi doesn’t belong to a good family and she doesn’t suit to be my wife. So, I can just forget about that.” I answered with a deflated shoulders.

He put his long arms onto my shoulders and encouraged me, “You know, bro. Sometimes being in love is hard. You have to have the confidence. If not, nothing will work out. And, what’s your girlfriend full name?” He tilted his head, looking at me.

“Hyemi. Ryu Hyemi.” I answered while playing with my fingers.

“Hyemi. Ryu Hyemi. Sounds like I heard of the name before. Does she have any siblings?” He said curiously.

“Ermm yes. She has one older brother. Ryu Minki. Why? Do you know her?” I questioned.

“Oh my god. Ryu Minki? Now I know why I have heard that name before. Ryu Minki is my favourite junior in high school. He will always talk to me about Hyemi. I think that Hyemi which is your girlfriend now is my junior’s sister.” He said while clapping his hands as if he got the correct answer.

“Really?” I looked at him seriously.

“Yeahh. But, I think so. Should be him. Anyways, if you have a picture of your girl and Minki, show it to me. I will like to confirm it.” He stood up from my bed.

I took my phone out and show him the picture of Hyemi and Minki because I really want to know the truth.

I held out my phone and show him the picture.

He leaned towards my phone screen and jumped in surprise, “Oh my god. That is Minki. Jonghyun-uh, that is really Minki. And is that your girl?” He is still in shocked. Well, you can say he is worst than a drama queen.

“Yes. That’s my girlfriend, Hyemi.” I answered him.

“Seems like both of you has destiny to be together. Oh my god. I cant believe my eyes.” He rubbed his eyes and walked out my room.

“Destiny to be together?” I smiled widely. “Of course. I will not let Hyemi out of my life. I’ll never let her go.” I smiled again widely with the thought of Hyemi.



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angelflyer22 #1
hihi! :) i just finished reading this story and it was really really good!! i loved it!! every chapter made me want to keep reading :) now im off to the sequel... but thank you soo much for putting up such a great story :D
KimCola #2
Chapter 53: Guys of course there will be a sequel because I do not think that the story will just end like that, right author?
Chapter 53: No. SEQUEL. SEQUEL. SEQUEL. SEQUEL. /riots/ LOL. Please make a sequel. :) /puppy eyes and bbuing bbuing/ xD
DLite4Life #4
Chapter 53: SQUEAL!!!!! I want one!!!
Hyuna! I love it!
Hehe. Cant wait for the next chapter. Is it about their marriage? More drama? Update soon;)
DLite4Life #7
Chapter 52: asdljfha;sljdhflasjkdhfalsdkjhfalsdkjfhaldfhas. HAPPY OMG!!!!!!! SO FLUFFY! sadjfhsdljghsd I love it!
KeKe79 #8
Chapter 52: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Jonghyun proposed to Hyemi!!! Update soon!
Alex_Fjury #9
Chapter 52: Yes !! Finally the happy moment everyone was waiting for :) Love this Chapter :) Update pls soon !! <3
Chapter 51: Glad that Hayden helped Hyuna out. :) Hope everything turns out fine :x *cross fingers* :D Can't wait for the next update~ ^____^