
Lucky Girlfriend

What with this awkward moment here? I look at Jonghyun and he looked back when Aron questioned us.

"So, have you guys eaten?" I tried to break the awkward silent moment.

"Nope. I've been waiting for you to cook me ddukbokki. Now you're back, can you cook it for me?" JR let an impish grin.

"Hyemi-uh, you know how to cook?" Aron looked very curious.

"Of course she know, you babo. If not why would I want to eat the food she cooked." JR answered on behalf of me.

"Then, do you know how to cook Kimchi Stew?" Aron keep asking.

"Do you want Hyemi to cook make all that? She will only cook for me." JR said loudly as if Aron was far from him.

Keep talking guys, I am so not going to cook today. I take my strawberry yogurt that JR bought recently and went to the living room.

"What? You're not cooking Hyemi? Aishh this girl." JR looked very annoyed.

"Why? You're mad? Go and cook yourself, I'm so tired. I can even go to bed right now." I replied.

"What did you even do just now, Hyemi? You're with Minhwan from two till six without complaining you're tired and now I asked you to cook, you complained that you can even go to bed right now." He was not entirely impressed.

"Yeah yeah Jonghyun. That's when I'm with Minhwan. I was learning. If we're learning we can't get sleepy if not, nothing will absorb into your brain. What's wrong with you? You starting to nag at me again, huh?"

"Don't quarrel guys. Its not good for your health." Aron tried to halt our quarreling.

"We are not quarreling. Anyways, when do you want to start doing the Chemistry project?" I asked.


"We are not quarreling. Anyways, when do you want to start doing the Chemistry project?"

Why the sudden question? Why is it my heart thumping like crazy? Why is it suddenly Hyemi's face turned into Minzy's? Why do I feel like anxious in being with the same group with Minzy? But that cannot be avoided.

"We can start anytime. And you Hyemi, from today onwards you have to be back home by 3.30 pm. If not, you're not allowed to come in." JR sounded.

"Jonghyun, you still haven't finish your nagging yet? Don't worry. My parents house will always be open just for me. So if you didn't let me in, I can go back to my own lovely house. Agree?"

"Fine. If that's what you want, Hyemi. Go back tomorrow, okay? Don’t comeback if you don’t feel like." I started to feel really like a lamp post seating there.

"Erm, guys. I make a move first. Don't quarrel. And Jonghyun-uh, this is the first time I have ever see you nagging so seriously to a girl. Anyways, Hyemi-uh, if you have time, cook for me Kinchi Stew, I will be very happy to taste it. Bye." I made my way to the doorway and closed the door.


I walked back to my room ignoring Jonghyun because he seems really irritated. I closed the door and straight lay down my back on my bed. Taking my phone, I called my mum.

“Omma, can I go back tomorrow?”

“What’s wrong? What happened?” She sound worried.

“Nothing happen. I just want to go back. It feels so stuffed in here.”

“Alright, what do you want tomorrow? I will try and cook it for you.”

“Erm, can I have Bibimbap?”

“Alright. When are you coming?”

“Tomorrow after school. Thanks omma. Saranghae.”

We hanged up and I went towards my window, opening them.

Staring at night sky and the fresh air blew my hair to the side of my ear. I rested my head on my study table near the window. Flipping away my Chemistry textbook to the chapter of periodic table, I suddenly thought about what Jonghyun said to me just now infront of Aron. He has never been talking to me like that after we lived together. This is the first time he has ever said that to me. What did I ever do wrong to him? About Minhwan?

I let out a sighed and continue reading the chapter about Periodic Table.

The morning came very fast as I slept two hours ago just to finish revising my Chemistry notes.

The alarm clock rang, waking me up. Surprisingly, I didn’t feel any tiredness in me. I can’t sleep the whole night. I didn’t even realize I was still sleeping at y study table and the window is still wide open.

“Aigooo. What is this? I didn’t even closed the window even I didn’t get to sleep yesterday. Better get to shower fast and meet Minzy.”

I closed the window back, packed my school bag and grabbed my uniform and towel and walked toward the bathroom.

After finished bathing, I dry up my hair and tie it up into a ponytail. Putting some face powder and I’m ready to go.
“Should I make breakfast for him?” I thought before opening the door.

But the moment I walked out from my room, his room is already emptied. His door is wide open and he is nowhere to be found in the dorm. He left before me. He left without notice. He left early in the morning which has never happened before. What’s wrong with him? He just recovered from his sickness.

Sadly, I make a hot milk tea and drink it before going to school.


School please start earlier. I feel like dying waiting in the classroom in the darkness alone. What the hell am I doing here when I have a dorm? I myself can’t really figure out what am I feeling right now.

I went to the canteen which is already opened and there’s quite a lot of student already arrived to school. I kept searching for someone but unfortunately, she doesn’t arrived as early as I thought she will. Is she even wondering why am I not in the dorm? She didn’t give me any call or messages.

“Jonghyun, you’re here early today. Are you feeling well today?” Miss Dara sit infront of me sipping her hot chocolate.

“Yeah. Only left with the sore throat which is really aching.” I answered.

“Then why are you here so early? School starts in another one hour. Usually, you’re the one who come on time before bell rings. What happened?”

“Nothing, Miss Dara. I just feel like coming early.”

“You know that you can come to me whenever you need help, right? I’ve already know you for more than four years. I know the expression on your face whenever there’s a problem.”

“Miss Dara, can I ask you something?”

“Sure. What is it about?”

“You know about my parents, right? Did they call you or asked anything about me?”

Miss Dara silent herself before answering my question. I knew that she would know everything about my parents.

“Actually Jonghyun, they didn’t call me but I was the one who called them. Whenever I talked to your parents, they will always say they are busy and not able to meet or talk to me and they hang up. So, I’m not able to tell you anything about them.”

“Oh.” What a sad life I have right now at this moment.

“Jonghyun-ah, promise me that even if your parents abandoned you past five years, promise me that you will do well and succeed. Prove them wrong, Jonghyun. I know you can do it.” She grabbed my hand then she stand up probably going to the staff room.

Five years ago.

“Sorry Jonghyun. But I’m here to tell you that you have to repeat back this level next year, again. Your behavior and study has not improved that’s why you have to repeat again for two years. I cant help anything, Jonghyun.” Miss Dara said to me causing me to get really shocked.

“What? If I retained again I will be two years older than the classmates that I will join next year? I promise that I will be better Miss Dara. Please. My parents will be very upset.”

“I can’t help you, Jonghyun. You have to explain to them why you retained for the second time again.” She pick up her things and walked out the class.

“! How can my life be so miserable?!” I stomped out  the classroom hitting all the table in the classroom.

In JR house.

“Fine Kim Jonghyun, if this is what you want, I will give it to you. Don’t ever come to me or your mum for help. Even I’m ashamed to look at my own son. Retained for two years, studies has not improved, attitude smoking, truancy, cheating. What the hell is wrong with you? I don’t even have the energy to talk with you right now. From now on, you’re on your own.”

That what happened to me last five years. My own birth parents abandoned me and let me live on my own. Luckily, this school offered living in the dorm so I will not need to go back home.

A drop of tear suddenly came down from my eyes without me realizing. I saw Hyemi from afar and without hesitating, I tried to run away from her. I don’t want her to feel how miserable I am right now. What kind of feeling am I feeling right now? I know she will be the only one who can understand me apart from Miss Dara but she still have not know about my relationship with my parents.


“Is that Jonghyun? He’s already arrived in school?”

When I wanted to walk towards him, he stood up and walk away. He look surprisingly miserable. Why is he behaving like this?

“Jonghyun-uh. What’s wrong with you? Don’t make me worry, can?” I mumbled and went to buy strawberry tea.




EVERYBODY !! If you guys didn’t realize, I deleted the last two chapters because I find it really miserable to read and I have re-write it. Yeahhh.. I cant even understand what kind of story am I trying to tell in those last two chapters. So, my readers, please read this again and I hope it is much more better than the previous ones ^^ Thank you <3

I don’t have time to write long chapters now because I have exams going on but good for me tomorrow will be my last papers before school holiday ^^ YEAAAAAH ^^ Hehehe anyways, enjoy <3

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angelflyer22 #1
hihi! :) i just finished reading this story and it was really really good!! i loved it!! every chapter made me want to keep reading :) now im off to the sequel... but thank you soo much for putting up such a great story :D
KimCola #2
Chapter 53: Guys of course there will be a sequel because I do not think that the story will just end like that, right author?
Chapter 53: No. SEQUEL. SEQUEL. SEQUEL. SEQUEL. /riots/ LOL. Please make a sequel. :) /puppy eyes and bbuing bbuing/ xD
DLite4Life #4
Chapter 53: SQUEAL!!!!! I want one!!!
Hyuna! I love it!
Hehe. Cant wait for the next chapter. Is it about their marriage? More drama? Update soon;)
DLite4Life #7
Chapter 52: asdljfha;sljdhflasjkdhfalsdkjhfalsdkjfhaldfhas. HAPPY OMG!!!!!!! SO FLUFFY! sadjfhsdljghsd I love it!
KeKe79 #8
Chapter 52: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Jonghyun proposed to Hyemi!!! Update soon!
Alex_Fjury #9
Chapter 52: Yes !! Finally the happy moment everyone was waiting for :) Love this Chapter :) Update pls soon !! <3
Chapter 51: Glad that Hayden helped Hyuna out. :) Hope everything turns out fine :x *cross fingers* :D Can't wait for the next update~ ^____^