Chapter 29

Love's Forgotten Memories
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JB closed the restaurant as he walked while holding Yoonhyun's hand.

"You don't look okay." Jr muttered.

"I'm fine." JB replied while walking.

"You've been like this since lunch." Kai told him.

"What exactly happened?" Jr asked as JB glanced at Yoonhyun who was awake.

"I'll tell you two later." JB said as they headed home.


"Jaebum, you're home," Yoona smiled while cleaning the house.

"N-Ne," JB nodded as Yoonhyun ran to Yoona.

"Eomma~" Yoonhyun hugged her tightly.

"My Yoonie." Yoona said kissing him on the forehead.

"I'm going to go get my clothes," Yoonhyun said running upstairs.

"How was your day?" Yoona asked as JB didn't answer. "Jaebum?"

"N-Noona, I don't think I should pick up Yoonhyun anymore," JB said as Yoona stopped.

"What?" Yoona looked at him.

"I don't think I should pick Yoonhyun up anymore." JB repeated.

"Should? Don't you mean could? Is something wrong?" She asked waking to JB and looking at him.

"It's just... I can't, Noona, I can't." JB said.

"Just pick him up for me one more week until I ask for a schedule change, okay?" Yoona told him as JB sighed.

"Fine," JB whispered as he left upstairs.


~Three Days Later

"Jinyoung, can you pick up Yoonhyun  for me?" JB asked.

"Why? I picked him up yesterday." Jr replied while cleaning up the table.

"It's just... I can't," JB looked down.

"What's wrong? You're hiding something," Jr said looking at him full of concern.

"JB. What's happening?" Kai asked standing next to them. 

"I don't want to talk about it, I'll just pick him up." JB said walking out the restaurant.

"Jaebum, get back here! Kai, I'll get him." Jr shouted as he chased JB down the street. 


"Yoonhyun, hurry." JB said making sure he hid him.

"Why?" Yoonhyun asked.

"Just come on," JB repeated as Jr ran up to them.

"Im Jaebum, tell us what exactly is going on," Jr demanded.

"Take Yoonhyun, okay? I'll tell you later." JB said pushing the two away.

“Jaebum!” Jr screamed but kept walking.

“What is wrong with Uncle Jaebum?” Yoonhyun asked.

“I’m not sure myself,” Jr replied as he picked up Yoonhyun and turned around. “Shh, okay?” he said as he hid under a bus stop and placed Yoonhyun down. “Read your book, okay?” Jr smiled as Yoonhyun nodded and Jr watched JB.

“Good, she’s not coming anymore,” he heard JB sighed while he was walking.

“Jaebum,” a woman called as Jr watched carefully.

“What do you want?! Why can’t you just leave me alone?! Why do you keep following me?!” JB screamed.

“Until you admit that you’re my son then I will leave you alone,” she replied.

“I’m not your son! You’re not my mother! We have no relationship with each other! You said it yourself!” JB shouted as Jr’s eyes went wide and he bent down in front of Yoonhyun.

“Listen to this song, Uncle Jaebum loves it, okay?” Jr smiled as Yoonhyun nodded and Jr put the headphones on him, turning back to watch JB.

“I’m your mother for the rest of your life, whether you like it or not.” she said.

“Why do you keep following me? Just leave me alone.” JB told her, clenching his fist.

“Where’s your Noona?” His mom asked.

“I’m not telling you, leave my noona and I alone. We don’t want to have anything to do with you.” JB said glaring at her.

“Can’t I meet her? She’ll tell me about you and her.” she replied.

“Just leave us alone! How many times do I have to tell you?! Stop coming around here!” JB demanded.

“Why can’t I? Does Seoul belong to you?” his mom asked.

“You’re being immature for your age,” JB told him.

“Is that a way to speak to your mom?” Mrs. Im looked at him.

“Like I said, you’re not my mom and you will never be my mom,” JB muttered. “Stay away.”

“You come here everyday, don’t you? That daycare, why?” Mrs. Im asked.

“It’s none of your business,” JB told her.

“Does your sister work there? Your girlfriend?” Mrs. Im added.

“You don’t need to know anything about me. I’m sick of people like you, coming in and out of people’s live. Just stay out of it and don’t come back because none of us wants you back.” JB said as he turned around and walked away breathing heavily and making sure she wasn’t following him.

“Jaebum,” Jr called and grabbed his arm before he went far.

“J-Jinyoung? Why are you still here? Where’s Yoonhyun?” JB asked looking at him.

“He’s over there,” Jr pointed to the small boy listening to music and drawing.

“I told you to go back,” JB said.

“That was her, wasn’t it?” Jr asked.

“She’s no one,” JB replied.

“I heard! She’s your mom!” Jr shouted as JB sighed.

“She isn’t my mom! I don’t have a mom!” JB yelled and looked down.

“Why is she coming back?” Jr asked sitting down next to his friend. “Shouldn’t you tell Noona?”

“I can’t tell, she will be bothered,” JB told him. “I’ll deal with her myself.” he whispered.

“Jaebum.” Jr started.

“Let’s just go, okay?” JB replied as he picked up Yoonhyun.


“Taecyeon,” Yoona called knocking on his door as it flew open and she took a step back.

“Oh, sorry,” Taecyeon chuckled embarrassingly and scratched the back of his head.

“Aniyo, it’s okay,” Yoona told him.

“You wanted to tell me something?” Taecyeon asked looking at her.

“My brother can’t pick up Yoonhyun anymore, so is it okay with you if I can go pick him up during lunch from now on,” Yoona replied.

“Sure, of course,” Taecyeon nodded. 

“Thank you so much,” Yoona smiled.

“If I ever want to come, can I?” Taecyeon asked.

“You’re a busy person though,” Yoona told him.

“I know but people need a break, don’t they?” Taecyeon chuckled softly.

“Alright, you can,” Yoona nodded. “I’ll get back to work.” she pointed.


“How can you not tell me about this?” Jr asked while the three were standing outside the restaurant.

“Don’t worry about it,” JB replied.

“How can we not?” Kai looked at him. “This is a big problem.”

“I don’t know how she found me but I don’t want to deal with her anymore,” JB sighed.

“We’ll do it, I’ll deal with her, Kai will too,” Jr said.

“We’re your buddies, we’ll do anything,” Kai added.

“I’m fine, I promise,” JB told them. “Just go to work, I’ll be inside to feed Yoonhyun.”

“Fine,” the two sighed as they walked in.

“I don’t even know what to do anymore,” JB muttered as he looked into the cupcake store and saw Jiyeon doing her homework. She looked up and saw him as he quickly looked away and walked into the store casually.

“Hi,” Jiyeon smiled and stepped out from behind the counter. “Do you need something?”

“Am I not allowed in here?” JB asked.

“I never said that,” Jiyeon replied and cleaned up her homework.

“What are you doing?” JB questioned pretending he didn’t know.

“Homework, I’m almost finish.” Jiyeon told him putting it into his bag.

“That’s... Cool,” JB shrugged and looked at the cupcakes. “How is this shop going?”

“It’s doing good, we haven’t really had a big order yet,” Jiyeon sighed.

“Are you here alone most of the time?” JB asked.

“Yeah, the owner gets busy,” Jiyeon nodded and played with her hands. 

“Who makes the cupcakes then?” JB looked at her.

“The owner, but I have to start learning because she won’t be around a lot anymore,” Jiyeon said looking down. “But I can’t cook.”

“You still can’t?” JB muttered.

“I'm trying to learn though," Jiyeon told him. 

“I have to get going now,” JB told her turning around.

“Don’t forget to study for the test tomorrow,” Jiyeon reminded him as he walked out the store. 


~Next Day

“Yoona~” Tiffany called and walked into the house.

“What are you doing here?” Yoona asked while washing the dishes.

“Am I not allowed to meet my friend?” Tiffany laughed and sat down. “Did JB leave with Yoonhyun already?”

“Yes, but he’s been acting weird lately,” Yoona said sitting down.

“JB? How?” Tiffany replied.

“He doesn’t want to pick up Yoonhyun anymore and he’s just avoiding my gaze,” Yoona sighed.

“Maybe he’s sick,” Tiffany told him.

“I know how he’s like when he’s sick.” Yoona said.

“Don’t worry about it so much. Come on, I’ll take you to work,” Tiffany stood up and stretched.

“Alright, let’s go,” Yoona smiled.


“Enjoy your lunch and your test scores are up,” the teacher said as she left.

“Let me see, let me see!” Kai ran to the board outside the classroom. “I missed two questions! I knew it!”

“One... I always miss one!” Jr cried as him and Kai hugged each other. “What did you get?”

“Perfect score,” JB pointed at his name.

“That’s not fair, you don’t even study,” Kai muttered.

“It’s called being smart,” JB said tapping his head with his finger.

“Let’s just go to lunch,” Jr chuckled as they started walking.

“Wait, I need to get something from my locker,” JB told them as they nodded and left as he ran to his locker.

“Ah!” he heard someone squealed as he peeked out from his locker and saw Jiyeon. “I got a perfect score! Yes! Yes! Yes!” she cheered by herself as JB kept staring at her without her noticing. “Park Jiyeon, good job for studying!” she smiled to herself.

“Yah,” JB started but stopped when he saw the group of girls approaching Jiyeon.

"Aren't you a happy little puppy," Gyuri laughed as Jiyeon stared at her.

"Don't look at her like that!" Nicole snapped. 

"Yeah! Who do you think you are?" Jiyoung glared at her. 

"I'll get going now," Jiyeon said and started walking away.

"No you aren't." Gyuri replied grabbing her wrist.

"What do you want?" Jiyeon asked.

"Give us the test answers and your homework." She replied.

"No." Jiyeon looked up at her. "Never."

"You!" Gyuri screamed as Jiyeon tried to pull her wrist away.

"Yah!" JB walked to Gyuri and pulled Jiyeon's wrist away. "She said no so leave her alone." 

"Now why would someone like you care about her?" Gyuri asked.

"We're on the same level," JB replied.

"Ani, you moved up, JB," Gyuri smiled at him.

"I'm not dumb like all the other people. You leave her alone, if you don't, just watch what happens." JB threatened and walked away while dragging Jiyeon.

"J-Jaebum, you can let go of me now," Jiyeon said as JB dropped her wrist and looked at her. "What is it?"

"Don't turn out like me," JB started looking at Jiyeon. "Go find some friends or something to protect you."

"I can't. No one wants to be friends with me, I'm Ok Taecyeon's cousin." Jiyeon replied looking down. "I'm okay with being lonely."

"From now on, just don't stay alone anymore." JB demanded. "I can't risk getting in trouble or getting my sister fired because of you."

"I won't-," Jiyeon started.

"I have lunch to eat," JB replied and started walking as he glanced back at Jiyeon.

"I-I'm coming," Jiyeon said running after JB.


"I need to somehow get him to agree with us." Taecyeon's muttered. "Did you call his company yet?"

"I tried but he's busy at the moment," Yoona replied.

"I knew this would happen. Who's fault is it? My dad," Taecyeon groaned.

"Maybe I shouldn't do it, then it will work," Yoona said.

"You're working on this project. You're doing perfectly fine." Taecyeon smiled.

"I hope so," Yoona sighed.

"I know so," Taecyeon chuckled and stood up. "Are you okay? You look down."

"My brother, something's wrong with him, that's it." Yoona replied.

"I see." Taecyeon nodded. "Lets go get some coffee." He suggested. "I'll pay."

"Ne, let me get my things," Yoona replied turning around to walk out. She grabbed her things when suddenly the door open.

"Noona!" Jr ran to her.

"Jinyoung, what are you doing here?" Yoona asked.

"Ready to-... Oh, hi." Taecyeon waved. "Did I interrupt?"

"No. Noona, it's urgent, I need to tell you something." Jr said.

"You came here instead of waiting. What is it?" Yoona asked.

"What about our coffee?" Taecyeon asked.

"Maybe another time, I'm sorry." Yoona said.

"Tiffany Noona, I told her we would meet at her office." Jr panted.

"What's going on?" Yoona asked. "I think I might have to leave." 

"Go ahead." Taecyeon nodded as the two left and the door closed. "Ok Taecyeon, what are you doing? Get yourself together and make her feel important." He muttered as he slapped himself lightly. 

"Hey, Taecyeon. I just saw-," Siwon started while walking in but stopped when he saw Taecyeon slapping himself. "What are you doing?"

"Oh! Siwon! Hi!" Taecyeon said looking at his friend. 

"Why were you slapping yourself?" Siwon laughed at his friend. 

"A bug. Yeah, there was a bug." Taecyeon said.

"Okay. Where is Yeona and Jr going?" Siwon asked. 

"They had something urgent so they're heading to Tiffany's company," Taecyeon replied.

"Something urgent?" Siwon whispered.


"Yoona and Jinyoung are here, Miss. Hwang," her secretary said.

"Let them in, I always tell you to let them in whenever they come." Tiffany replied as the two walked in. "What is it, Jinyoung?"

"You're scaring me." Yoona said sitting down at the couch.

"I don't know how to say this." Jr replied sitting in front of the two girls.

"Did you do something dumb?!" Tiffany shouted.

"No!" Jr shook his head. "It's Jaebum."

"Jaebum? What's wrong?" Yoona asked looking at him. 

"It's just..." Jr looked down. "He told me not to tell."

"Did he do something bad?" Tiffany asked.

"No, it's..." Jr looked down and bit his lip.

"Park Jinyoung, speak up." Yoona demanded.

"JB's been picking up Yoonhyun. The reason why he doesn't want to anymore is because the past few days..." Jr looked up at the two girls. "For the past few days your mom has been showing up." He whispered.

"B-Bwoh?" Tiffany asked. "What are you talking about?"

"Your mom, Noona... Mrs. Im," Jr replied.

"How.. She-" Yoona shook her head.

"Are you sure, Jinyoung? That's impossible!" Tiffany said.

"Noona, please don't tell JB I told you, please," Jr begged.

"Tomorrow let JB pick Yoonhyun up, go with him and take him straight back to the restaurant." Yoona demanded as Jr nodded.

"Yoona, what are you going to do?" Tiffany asked.

"I'll deal with it, don't worry." Yoona replied.


~Next Day

"Did something happen yesterday?" Siwon asked while eating lunch with Tiffany.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone." Tiffany replied as Siwon nodded. "Yoona and JB's mom came back."

"Wait... What?" Siwon asked.

"When they were younger, she left them. Since then JB's been hating her. Recently she came back and bothered JB," Tiffany explained.

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Chapter 38: I love this story.... ?
GSL1999 #2
Chapter 38: Hello! It's been so long! Update soon! I love this fix and I really wanna see how everything ends out in the end! :)
Hope you will update this story :( I've been reading it over and over again .. really curious what comes next ..
Ashira18 #4
Chapter 38: Update plssssssss
Really love this story author .. I've been reading it all over and over again <3 hope you'll update soon I'm wondering what's coming next! I never get enough of this story .. ^^
DeerLY90 #7
Chapter 38: Please update author-nim!
Chapter 38: OMG I had to come back here again cuz I miss this story so much T-T pls update soon! all them readers are supporting you all the way (-:
Chapter 38: Please update soon.. I really love your story! ❤
GSL1999 #10
Chapter 38: Please update soon!!!