a wonderful day

A Miracle That You Came in My Life


Chapter 12:
///at xxx cafe-1pm///
Narrator's POV
L joe
Teen top arrived first followed  shortly by Infinite. They sat at a large table enough for 15 people and they are currently waiting for you.
So you guys decided to show up eh? He said bitterly.
Of course we wouldn't miss it for the world. He replied in the same manner.
I miss MY noona! when is she coming?
Your noona? dream on.
They glared at each other with fire lighting their eyes but stopped when, suddenly they heard the chimes to see it was you.
R,C,&S (Ricky, Changjo, and Sungjong) hurriedly went to you and started dragging you.
Noona sit with us!
No noona will sit with us!
They totally forgot about you once they started bickering.
~~~~~ ah sit beside me.
I believe she will sit beside me.
Their bickering annoyed you so you did the most logical thing you could think of:
You left.
Call me when all of you stop bickering. I'll be at the park.
You sent them the text message and started walking to the park.
~~~20 minutes later~~~
The boys are still arguing and they haven't noticed your disappearance. The maknaes decided to play rock paper scissors to decide where she will sit.
After a while Changjo won and was about to drag you when he noticed you weren't even there.
Hey where's ~~~~~ noona?
The rest looked at him and saw that you were gone. They started panicking and they all went out of course having some arguments and some pushing and pulling. All of them separated but in the end, ended up in the same place sweaty. 
Why don't one of us call her so we can ask where she is.
All of them took out their phones to see a message sent from you. After reading it they rushed to the park to see you sitting on a bench eating ice cream. You noticed 13 panting figures in front of you and you gave them an amused expression.
So you guys finally noticed I was gone? It took all of you almost an hour to notice and decided to look for me.
You chuckled and continued I'll take a guess that you didn't check your phones until you roamed around and come back at the same place sweating. 
You raised an eye brow at them and saw their expressions. Some have shock expressions some were unreadable and others just plain blank looks.
N-no-noona? are you okay?
Who are you and what did you do to ~~~~~ ah?
Where is she? what have you done to her?!
Noona where are you?
~~~~~ ah are you being possesed? 
The other members started interrogating you with questions. STUPIDLY UNBELIEVABLE QUESTIONS!!! except for four people. SUNGGYU, CAP, L, & LJOE. The two leaders face palmed themselves while the other two rolled their eyes. You sat there dropped your ice cream not believing what you are hearing. 'how far can their stupidity go? aigoo +.+' Even the smart one in their group is being stupid for you. You couldn't take it anymore you raise your hands to stop them 'finally they stopped talking nonsense' what's wrong?
Noona why are you so uhhh I don't know.
Sharp tongued all of a sudden?
No idiots! can't you see she's mad?
"wae?" all of them chorused
Looking at the fact that all of us forgot her once we started bickering and haven't noticed that she's been gone for about half an hour. Being ignored is not a great feeling. Am I right?
You ignored them; stood up and walkd away. The boys couldn't believe you're acting this way. Changjo ran and hugged you. You tensed up but soon relaxed.
Noona I'm sorry please forgive me I don't care if you're friends with them. You are still my friend.
He said in a pouty voice. Since you're facing you're back at the others and Changjo is facing them he flashed them a victorious sort of devilish smile and the others are staring in envy. You pat his back.
It's okay I forgive you. You smiled at him. The others being competitive didn't waste any time as they soon catch up to you. Sungjong took you away from Changjo and he hugged you saying sorry. You're much closer with the maknaes so they hugged you while the others said they're sorry.
I guess all of you want an explanation right? I'm sorry if all of you feel betrayed it's ju-
you were cut off Nahhh it's okay, right?
Yeah it's okay ~~~~~ ah. I'm sure it's not your intention.
you nodded your head .
Thanks, but are all of you okay with it?
Well that's a tough one.
Considering that our groups are rivals.
I guess we can work it out right?
geezzz! these guys are plain morons they could just make an alliance =.='
Why don't you guys make an alliance?
"alliance?" they all chorused.
Yeah instead of being rivals with each other form an alliance. Clear all misunderstandings and cut all the past. Form a bond that can strengthen all of you and help each other out.
All of them look at you and then to each other.
I guess there's no harm in trying.
Yeah, maybe we could sort this out.
Do we have a choice? Better try.
and all of you could benefit from each other.
'these guys consider themselves gangsters?!'
If you form an alliance you could protect each other's turf in return you're free to roam around. Simple as that if they need help then go if you need help then they'll go. And you would have one less enemy in your list who are trying to take you all down for territories.
That's not... bad so you up for it? he asked Sunggyu.
Yeah let's cut the rivalry.
The others agreed to your proposal and the rivalry between Infinite and Teen top is now gone.
All of this won't happen if ~~~~~ ah weren't here. he smiled at you. 
"Yeah we finally arrived!"
"Finally I can see my little sister!!!" Gikwang said as they got their luggage and skipped towards the entrance.
"So how are you going to approach her?" Doojoon asked which made Gikwang freeze on his tracks.
"It's not like you could just go in front of her and say 'hi I'm your brother whom you haven't seen in 11 years! Let's go and play outside'" Hyunseung said immitating gikwang.
"First of all I DO NOT SPEAK LIKE THAT!!! second I already send a letter to her saying I will come back along with you guys and we will move into her neighborhood."
"We will what?! Gikwang are you serious or did you forget to take your medication?!"
"Hyung does she know we will move into her neighborhood?"
"Nope. That's a surprise and I already took care of our things it is already sent to the house. And if you're wondering about the furniture and supplies it is already there. All we need to do now is to go there and take a rest."
"Damn you're prepared. Does it all have our technology and other stuff?"
"Yeah no need to worry."
"But are you going to tell her you know?"
"No. I want her to be safe and not be in trouble. If others find out she's in deep ."
"You know you're pretty mature... except for your height."
"YAH!" he shouted and people looked at him. He sheepishly smiled "mianhe" and bowed.
"Aish! let's go" they hailed two cabs because they wouldn't fit in one cab.
Your side
"Bye noona!"  R,C&S said and waved their hands.
Bye you smiled and were about to go home when Ljoe stopped you.
Why don't we walk you home?
The others agreed and walked you home. All of you were noisy while walking back to your house goofing off and laughing at their jokes. You didn't realize that you finally arrived in front of your house.
Well this is my stop. Thank you for the wonderful day bye!!!
They waved at you as you entered your house with a smile on your face.
ohhh!!! beast is here!!! yay ^^ hope all of you enjoyed the story
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I'm going to update today~ ^^


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stardust3001 #1
Chapter 34: Update plz !!!!
PrincessKitty #2
Chapter 34: Thx for updating update soon
B2UTY-K #3
Chapter 33: UPDATE SOON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PrincessKitty #4
Where are they going pls update soon
PrincessKitty #5
Great update but pls update faster I know you are busy so... I will wait^^
Wow. You update. Keep it up :)
chudo-Ned- #7
I know but i'm having a hard time to balance my school work and many things so please be patient my dear subbies! I love you all <3
PrincessKitty #8
Daebaek can't wait for the next update soon pls it has been a long time since you update
PrincessKitty #9
Update soon!!!