


Sitting there and watching television, Jiyong couldn’t help but steal glances at T.o.P. and Eunmi both.  He wanted so desperately to know what each was thinking at the moment.  It was killing him to know that his Hyung now knew about his relationship with Eunmi, and he knew that there would be plenty of questions later.  At one point though, both T.o.P. and Jiyong had forgotten what had just happened, and where both just happily discussing the show that they were watching with Eunmi, and without a care in the world.

“Oh my,” Eunmi glanced down at her phone.  “I didn’t realize what time it was!”  She laughed at them showing the other two the time.  It was exactly 11:30 that night.  Standing up she straightened out her skirt and told them, “I guess I better get home.  I really hope we can do this again sometime Jiyongie.”

Standing up, Jiyong blushed at the name, and told her, “Yeah, we definitely can.”  Walking her to the door, Jiyong couldn’t help but feel his Hyung staring daggers into his back.  Closing the door and saying his final goodbye to Eunmi, he turned back to the person he was dreading the most right now.  Only what came next Jiyong was not expecting.

T.o.P. just sighed and told him, “I think I’m going to go to bed.  I’ll see you in the morning Jiyong.”

Watching his Hyung make his way to his room, Jiyong didn’t realize he was holding his breath until he let it go once T.o.P. was out of sight.  Pushing himself off the door, Jiyong walked over to the couch again.  Picking up the remote he turned off the television.  He needed some quiet time to himself to think about the situation he was currently in.  That’s when his cell phone rang.

Wondering to himself who could possibly be calling him this late at night, he pulled it out and took a look at the caller ID.  It was Toma.  Panicking, he didn’t know whether to let it ring, or answer it.  Before he could make a choice though, he answered, “Yo-yoboseo?”  He answered into the phone with a very weak voice.

“Jagiya!”  A very eager voice came from the other side of the phone.  “I thought you might still be in the hospital, but I just wanted to check in and see if you would answer!”  Jiyong could tell that she was smiling a huge smile just from the sound of her voice.  Once again it hit him right exactly in the chest.  “Are you alright Jiyong?  You sound off?  Does your head hurt?”

“No,” he replied quickly.  He didn’t want to burst into tears right there and then, so he made up an excuse that wasn’t so much a lie, but still a lie.  “I’m just tired is all.  I’ve had a long day, and I just really would like to get some sleep.

“Ah right, well sleep well and get better alright Jagi?”

“Yeah, I will,” he replied solemnly.

There was a slight silence before Toma continued, “You know I’m worried about you right Jiyong?  I miss you, and I would give anything to be there with you right now.”  That did Jiyong in.  He had to choke back a sob, but the tears were now flowing freely from his eyes and down his rosy cheeks.

“Mh hmm,” he nodded, not being able to speak without Toma hearing him cry.

“Well get a good nights sleep alright Jiyong.  We safely landed about an hour ago, and we’re all at the hotel currently so there’s no need to worry about us alright?  Night jagi,” and with that the other end of the line clicked.

Jiyong stumbled to his room still trying to fight back the tears, but it was a futile attempt.  Laying down on his bed, he didn’t even bother changing into pajamas, or even covering himself up with the covers.  He just laid there thinking.

Again, thoughts of Toma popped into his head.  He couldn’t stand it.  ‘How could I do this to her?’  He thought to himself as he let the tears flow freely down his cheeks, and round their track down to the tip of his nose.  Sniffling, he couldn’t understand what was going on with him currently.  His mind swirled with thoughts of Toma as his eyes slowly drifted to sleep.

Waking up in the morning, Jiyong bolted upright and looked around.  The sound of the television was clear from the other room, and he could smell breakfast.  Stumbling out of bed, Jiyong sniffled and rubbed his puffy eyes.  Walking into the bathroom, he noticed his eyes looked horrible!  They were still puffy and red from last night, which he barely got any sleep.  Quickly pulling his phone out of his pocket, he checked for messages from Toma.

“Nothing,” he ran his fingers through his messy hair.  Looking back into the mirror he almost didn’t recognize himself.  There was someone else reflecting back.  Sure looked like him, but it wasn’t at the same time.  Sighing to himself he just went back to his room swiftly.  Looking around he remembered that he had taken down most of Toma’s stuff.  “Argh!”  He kicked the bed.

None of this made sense to him.  He had always been so happy with Toma that he hadn’t any other reason to even think of looking at another girl, but then Eunmi came along.  She was just beautiful too, and now he had no clue what to think.  Plopping down on the bed, he looked over and saw the basket Eunmi had gotten him while he was in the hospital.  Grabbing the basket off the nightstand, he dug through it to see what was left.

There was some food, a couple trinkets, like the bear, and a slip of paper.  Setting the basket down, he unfolded the paper to find a number on it.  Flipping the paper around a couple times he decided to give the number a call.  Whoever it was picked up on the second ring, “Yoboseo?”

“Eunmi!”  Jiyong could recognize her voice anywhere.  To him it was just so perky and uplifting.  Smiling a bit, he forgot for a second how much he hurt, but not about Toma.  A small sad smile crept across his face, “Hey Eunmi.”

She giggled, not really noticing the tone of Jiyong’s voice, “I see you finally found my number in that basket.  I was wondering when you would call.”

“Well I found it,” he said trying to sound happy.  Pausing for a second he thought about what he was going to do, but he needed to do something to distract him for a bit.  Clear his mind.  “Hey,” he snapped out of his sad trance and posed a question, “How about we go somewhere today?  I mean if you’re free and all.”

It took a second for Eunmi to mull it over, which made Jiyong sweat a little, but then she finally replied, “Araso Oppa, I’ll do something with you.”

Smiling a content smile, Jiyong told her, “Great.  Meet me back at the dorm.  I promise we’ll go somewhere, but I don’t want to draw a bunch of attention waiting for you.”
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Sorry chapter 9 is so short, but I just wanted to give a quick update, but I'll post more later! Hopefully....


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teddiebears #1
going through some older fics and showing love <3
vipblackj #2
Chapter 16: He must be confused now...
JiYong_JaGi #3
Chapter 15: why suddenly become toma and daesung? i thought it should be toma and jiyong?
supjiyong #4
Chapter 15: Gosh i don't even know if to like eunmi or what cause she seems harmless (so far) but maybe she should stay away from jiyong!
JiYong_JaGi #5
Chapter 14: I hope everything will be ok with jiyong and toma.. Since jiyong realize it now, hope they will be ok.. Just forget about eunmi~!! Hope top will explain to her.
JiYong_JaGi #6
Chapter 12: i hope jiyong is just confused for the moment.. faster get the h3ll remember!! don't keep hurting her~!! eunmi is just someone fresh!! go back to toma jiyong~!! i hope daesung is just purely as friend to toma.. >.< do update soon~
Carmelnap #7
Chapter 12: Awww Jiyong, you hurt this beautiful girl! You don't deserve her.