Special Plans


“So what’s all this for Oppa?”  Toma asked Daesung as they walked along the shoreline.


Linking his hand with Toma’s he couldn’t help but admire her.  She just looked so gorgeous tonight, and he had no clue how Jiyong could be with another girl right now.  The sun was just starting to set, so the sunrays made Toma’s hair glow.  “Oh nothing, just wanted to have a nice night with you is all.”


Giggling, Toma stopped, and looked at Daesung.  “Oppa?”  She asked.




“Oppa?”  She began to wave her hand in front of his face.  “Oh Oppa?  Are you okay Daesung?”


Daesung quickly snapped out of his little daydream.  “Huh?”  Oh, yeah.  Sorry, what was happening?”


“We were just discussing where we wanted to eat,” Seungri said giving his Hyung a look.


Seungri was the only one who really knew about Daesung’s plan for Toma, so he knew that his Hyung need to get somewhere right then.  “Right!”  Daesung suddenly jumped up from his spot, slightly startling Mika, who was playing on her laptop right behind the idol.


“Yah!  Watch it!”  She shouted from her headphones as she tried to recover herself.


“Sorry,” Daesung apologized, but she couldn’t hear him.  “Toma,” he turned back to face the rest of the group, “I have something special planned if you don’t mind coming with me.”


“Huh?”  She tilted her head to the side slightly, which caused Daesung blush slightly at her.


“Come on,” he grabbed her by the hand, but very gently, and began to pull her away from the group.


“See ya later Hyung!”  Seungri called after the two.


“Where are they going?”  Daesung could hear Yougnbae asking in the background.


Finally the two had arrived where Daesung had planned their night.  It seemed to be a rather expensive restaurant.  Baby angels were painted onto the ceiling, and gold trim laced the poles that help the ceiling stay in place. Everyone was so dressed up for their evening here, which made Toma a little self conscious, but then she remembered Daesung was just as underdressed as she was.  As Toma looked around in awe, Daesung told the head waiter that they had a reservation.  “Come on Toma, they’re seating us now,” he told her as he began to follow the waiter.


Getting to their table, Toma noticed that is further back in the restaurant, and that they were kind of closed off to the rest of the place.  Some golden folding dividers had been set in place to keep them slightly secluded from everyone else.  Daesung pulled Toma’s chair out for her, and once she had sat down, he did likewise.  After ordering their drinks, Daesung couldn’t help but smile his signature smile at her, “So what do you think?”


Toma was speechless, “I-I, uh,” were the only words that she could seem to say.  Daesung didn’t know what to think.  Maybe it was a little too much for her?  Did she suspect something was going on?  He didn’t mean too, but his smile dimmed a bit, which Toma noticed right away.  “Oh no!  I’m actually quite pleasantly surprised!”  She beamed at him, which caused his smile to return.


“Good, I’m glad you like it,” he felt his heart flutter a bit at her smile.  Daesung always wanted to see her smile like that.  She had such a beautiful smile, and he never wanted to see her so unhappy, but he knew all too well that it would all have to come to end with the night.  Deciding to push those thoughts away, he told himself to enjoy this night with her.  Toma may have been Jiyong’s girl, but for now, just for this night, she was his.


The rest of the night, went extremely well, both of them were laughing, and enjoying themselves to the fullest.  Toma was especially enjoying herself.  It had been a while since her and Daesung had gotten to spend much time together alone.  Setting her glass down, Toma told him, “Thanks Daesungie.  I really missed getting to spend time with you, so this was nice.”


Smiling like he had the whole night, he told her, “Well I just thought that tonight was the perfect chance to do something with just the two of us.”  After that is was just a little silent, but not for long.  Daesung called the waiter over, and payed for the meal.  Standing up, he began to Toma towards the back of the restaurant.  Walking past everyone, no one seemed to notice them really for who they were.


The only time someone noticed them was to point out the fact that they were really underdressed to be there, but Toma didn’t mind, and Daesung didn’t even notice.  Finding their way to a back sliding glass door, Daesung opened it, and then slowly closed it behind them.  Outside was a large wooden deck, that was rather empty.  It was pretty much dark outside now, and only the lights from the city illuminated the the beach below.


Hearing the waves rush up and down along the shore was so relaxing.  Toma laid her head down on her arms, as he watched the ocean from the edge of the deck.  Daesung came up next to her and kind of did the same.  After a few minutes of silence, Daesung spoke up, “How about we go for a walk?”


“Sure,” Toma nodded as she followed next to her Oppa.  Walking side by side, they just enjoyed each other’s presence.  Finally Daesung stopped.  Looking back, Toma noticed that they had walked quite a ways away from the restaurant.


Standing in front of the girl that he admired the most, Daesung took a step closer to her.  Brushing her bangs out of her face, he couldn’t help but not want to tell her about Jiyong.  He didn’t want to ruin this perfect moment with her.  Taking her in his arms, he began to hug her tight, and next thing they knew, they were both swaying back and forth to nonexistent music.


Laying her head on Daesung’s shoulder, Toma could feel all her worries, and everything just melting away.  It was just them in that moment, and she loved it.  Closing her eyes, she just wanted it all to last forever.  Breathing in Daesung’s scent, she could tell he had put on something.  She didn’t mind though, in fact she rather liked it.


“Why do you stay with Jiyong?”  Daesung suddenly asked, breaking the silence.


They just stopped there for a second.  Toma didn’t really know how to react.  Maybe he was just genuinely wondering, because of Jiyong’s amnesia, or maybe there something else behind the question.  “Well, what do you mean Oppa?”  She asked looking into his eyes.


Looking away, down, and finally back at Toma, he told her, “Well through all of this, you stayed with him.  Even when he didn’t remember you.  Why?”


Laying her head back on his chest, she sighed, “Because I love him Daesung.  Sure it’s hard, but he’s starting to remember.  That’s good right?”  She looked back up at him, “He’s started to remember all of us, and I know if I keep on loving him, we’ll make it through this.”


Avoiding eye contact, Daesung couldn’t bring himself to tell her.  He knew he had to though.  “Toma, what would you do if Jiyong was actually cheating on you?”



Breaking their hug slightly, he looked at her directly, “What would you do if Jiyong was seeing another girl?”

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Sorry chapter 9 is so short, but I just wanted to give a quick update, but I'll post more later! Hopefully....


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teddiebears #1
going through some older fics and showing love <3
vipblackj #2
Chapter 16: He must be confused now...
JiYong_JaGi #3
Chapter 15: why suddenly become toma and daesung? i thought it should be toma and jiyong?
supjiyong #4
Chapter 15: Gosh i don't even know if to like eunmi or what cause she seems harmless (so far) but maybe she should stay away from jiyong!
JiYong_JaGi #5
Chapter 14: I hope everything will be ok with jiyong and toma.. Since jiyong realize it now, hope they will be ok.. Just forget about eunmi~!! Hope top will explain to her.
JiYong_JaGi #6
Chapter 12: i hope jiyong is just confused for the moment.. faster get the h3ll remember!! don't keep hurting her~!! eunmi is just someone fresh!! go back to toma jiyong~!! i hope daesung is just purely as friend to toma.. >.< do update soon~
Carmelnap #7
Chapter 12: Awww Jiyong, you hurt this beautiful girl! You don't deserve her.