Another Heartbreaker?


Smiling his happiest smile Jiyong couldn’t help but rethink, and keep rethinking, on what had just happened with Toma.  Finally he realized what time it was when he looked out the window and saw that everything was completely dark!  He had spent practically the rest of the day thinking about Toma.  Laughing a little at himself he just the TV and tried to find something to watch.

Finally finding a station he liked he sat back and watched until his eyes started to flutter close.  Just as he was about ready to fall asleep there was something that was said on the TV that snapped his attention out of his almost slumber.  Turning up the sound he watched and listened closely.  It had gone from what he was previously watching to the news, and the current story was on Big Bang, and him.

“The latest story that has been released to the press tonight,” the male news anchor began, “is on the leader on the ever popular boy band, Big Bang.”

“It was said that a few days ago G-Dragon, leader of Big Bang,” next the female anchor picked it up, “was caught in a serious accident involving a drunk driver.  G-Dragon is now in the hospital, but no other news has been released about his condition.”

As the newscasters went on about what information they had on him and the accident, the TV was now showing pictures of them as a group and video clips of them performing together.  Watching the images closely as they flashed by on a reel Jiyong began to get another headache like he had been having for a while now.  Slowly but surely bits and pieces of memories rushed back into his mind.

Big Bang.  How they were formed, when, who everyone in YG Entertainment was, almost everything about his job and who he was as G-Dragon.  By the time his headache had subsided the news was already over and they had started their late night programing.  Shutting the TV off and laying back on his bed in the darkness Jiyong started upwards as his head was still slightly throbbing from his headache earlier.

Closing his eyes he let everything sink in as he thought about himself, his life, and most of all more memories he had of his girlfriend and friends.

“Rise and shine!”  Seungri pranced happily into the hospital room a few days later as he brought in some food and other gifts the members had prepared.

Seunghyun followed closely behind and slapped Seungri upside the head, “Not so loud!  You could give him more brain damage if you act too stupid,” he rolled his eyes smirking as he scolded his friend sarcastically.  Shoving his hands back into his coat pockets he asked Jiyong, “So how are you feeling today?”

Jiyong just laughed a little at the display, “I’m doing fine,” he stopped for a second and thought of the perfect thing to say, “Bingu T.o.P..”

Hearing this both of the guys’ eyes widened and Seungri snickered at Seunghyun was standing there with his mouth agape.  Shaking his head Seunghyun closed his mouth and asked, “How did you-?”  Although he trailed off as Jiyong finished for him.

“How did I remember that?  Easy,” he smiled a big cheesy smile, “I remembered everything about you guys and Big Bang last night!”

“That’s great!”  Seungri jumped up a bit, but in the process dropped some of the gifts that they had brought with them.

“So,” Jiyong looked behind Seungri and Seunghyun, “where is everyone else?”

“Oh them,” Seunghyun began taking some of the stuff from Seungri and picking up what Seungri had dropped, “they couldn’t be here right now because they had other stuff they needed to do first.  They might stop by later though, but for now you’re stuck with us.”

Jiyong listened to everything Seunghyun was saying as he watched him put down the stuff he had gathered.  Slightly disappointed in the fact that he didn’t get to see Toma first thing in the morning he sat back as he watched the two Seunghyun’s interact with each other.  Although it didn’t take long for him to start spacing off into his own little world thinking about Toma.

Seungri was too busy stuffing his face to realize anything, but Seunghyun noticed it first.  Nudging his friend he whispered to him, “Come on.  I think we better go.  He’s probably thinking about you know who.”

Swallowing the huge bite Seungri finally noticed Jiyong’s state and nodded to the older Seunghyun.  Getting they quietly walked out of the room without Jiyong’s noticing.  Sighing to himself Jiyong couldn’t eat.  Not just yet.  He didn’t know why, but he just couldn’t manage to take a single bite of the food his friends had so graciously brought him.

Setting aside his portion of the food he got up out of the bed, he was told a couple days ago that he could walk around, but this was the first time he really bothered with going outside of his room.  Walking outside of the room he took a look around, but all he could seem to see was couple visiting each other.

Sighing to himself he didn’t watch where he was going when he ran into someone.  “Ah!”  A female voice rang out as gravity took over and did it’s job, causing her to fall to the floor.

Jiyong was quick to react in getting up himself and helping the young woman up, “Omo!  I’m so sorry!  I should have payed more attention,” his words seemed to trail off as he got a good look at the girls face, “to, where, I, was, going?”  Although he didn’t mean to have the ending come out as a question it did.

Dusting herself off she told him, “Oh it’s quite alright.  I should have been watching where I was going myself.  Say aren’t you G-Dragon?”  Blushing a bit Jiyong wondered if this was what it was always like when someone recognized him.  Not getting a response the girl waved her hand infront of Jiyong’s face, “Hello?”

Shaking his head he stammered out a reply, “Oh um, yes, sorry.  I am G-Dragon, or at least that’s what I’ve come to remember.”

“What you remember?”

“Yes, I seem to have amnesia.  Or at least so I’m told.  I’ve been remembering certain things though,” Jiyong just couldn’t seem to stop staring at the young woman standing in front of him.

“Well I hope you regain your memory soon G-Dragon,” she giggled out as she pulled her hand away.  Realizing that he had been holding her hand that whole time he blushed a bit more.

“So are you a fan?”

“Actually no not really.  I’ve never really been into Big Bang, but I have plenty of friends who are V.I.P.s and so I know a few songs.  Then again who doesn’t,” she smiled at him again making his heart skip a beat.

“Oh um, well,” Jiyong didn’t quite know what else to say at that point.

Lucky for him she wasn’t about to just let the conversation die right then and there, “Right I forgot to introduce myself.  I’m Eunmi, nice to meet you G-Dragon,” she smiled a sweet smile and stuck her hand out again to shake his.

Taking her hand he smiled back at her, “It’s just Jiyong.”

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Sorry chapter 9 is so short, but I just wanted to give a quick update, but I'll post more later! Hopefully....


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teddiebears #1
going through some older fics and showing love <3
vipblackj #2
Chapter 16: He must be confused now...
JiYong_JaGi #3
Chapter 15: why suddenly become toma and daesung? i thought it should be toma and jiyong?
supjiyong #4
Chapter 15: Gosh i don't even know if to like eunmi or what cause she seems harmless (so far) but maybe she should stay away from jiyong!
JiYong_JaGi #5
Chapter 14: I hope everything will be ok with jiyong and toma.. Since jiyong realize it now, hope they will be ok.. Just forget about eunmi~!! Hope top will explain to her.
JiYong_JaGi #6
Chapter 12: i hope jiyong is just confused for the moment.. faster get the h3ll remember!! don't keep hurting her~!! eunmi is just someone fresh!! go back to toma jiyong~!! i hope daesung is just purely as friend to toma.. >.< do update soon~
Carmelnap #7
Chapter 12: Awww Jiyong, you hurt this beautiful girl! You don't deserve her.