The Truth Comes Out


So for starters I would like to apologize for the unannouced haitus.  College suddenly took over my life, and I have had very little time to do much of anything, let alone even THINK about writing.  Again so sorry, I will try to update as much as possible from here on out, but again, college has taken all my time, and I am going to have two jobs now, so my me time will be very minimal.  Anyway, on to the story.


After falling asleep in that pitiful state, Jiyong drifted off into a dreamland.  He was running, running from something.  It was dark everywhere he went.  Jiyong almost felt as if he was just running in place.  That’s when he began to see a light, but the light was in two different places.  As he got closer to the lights, he could make out female figures.


Eventually he could see that there was a fork in the path, and that one side led to Eunmi, whose silky long black hair extenuated her small frame perfectly.  She was pretty, and cute.  Her back was turned to him though as she was turning her head around and smiling at him.  The next figure over, well that was who else other than Toma.


She had the same pose going on as Eunmi.  There was always something about her that made his heart skip a beat, and this was it.  Beautifully gorgeous in every single way, and her smile had always made him feel better, even on his worst days.  Toma always knew exactly what to say too.  He was lucky to have her, and yet he was still drawn to Eunmi.  He felt as if he should run to either of the girls, but he seemed to have stopped running.


Instead he just stood there watching as Eunmi slowly turned away, and then began to fade into the darkness, leaving nothing in her place.  Then he saw Toma.  Her beautiful smile and happy expression had turned into one of disappointment and hurt.  That’s when another male figure suddenly appeared behind her.  He put his arm around her, and she turned around to face the other man.  Walking away, unlike Eunmi who had just faded, she walked out of his sight with the other man.


Screaming her name, he tried to go after her, but nothing came from his vocal cords, and he couldn’t move either.  Gripping his throat he began to cry out to Toma.  Falling to his knees he could feel more tears rushing down his face.


“Toma, Toma, I’m so sorry Jagiya.”  Jiyong tossed and turned in his hospital bed mumbling to himself before he shot up right.  Covered in sweat, he looked around only to realize that it was all really just a dream.  Was it really though?  He knew that once Toma found out, she would probably leave him, but also Eunmi.  What would happen to her once Toma got back?  She would probably fade from his life too.


Sighing, he pulled his knees up to his chest, and sat like that for a while.  There was probably nothing he could really do to mend the situation at all.  Feeling desperate once more, he got up to see if Seungyun or Eunmi was around at all.  He needed to make a call.


Since the hospital wasn’t sure whether or not his little drinking episode was an attempted suicide, they had taken pretty much everything away from him.  Hoping to find someone he knew, he peeked his head out of the door.  Noticing that he didn’t recognize anyone, he quickly pulled his head back in, and sighed.


How was he supposed to call Toma if there wasn’t a phone he could use?  Going and sitting back on his bed, he wondered when Seunghyun would be back.  In fact, he didn’t even know how long had passed since he had last seen his friend.  Sighing, he laid back down, and with a frustrated groan, he rubbed his face, and decided to think of something, other than Toma or Eunmi, to entertain himself.


Morning had finally come for the group over in Europe, and everyone was ready and excited to get today’s schedule started.  All but two of them were anyway.  Toma stood in front of a mirror trying to think of how she would even look at Daesung after what happened.  She loved Jiyong, but now she was confused; and with what Dae had been trying to tell her before they had kissed, she was even more confused!


Suddenly hearing a knock on the door, she had to be the one to answer it since the other two had already left to go eat.  Dragging her feet all the way to the door, she already knew who it was without even having to ask.  Opening the door for Daesung she couldn’t help but notice how handsome he looked--even more so than usual.


“H-hey,” Daesung let out shyly.  He never was one to act like he did last night, so it must have shaken him up pretty badly as well.


“Hi Oppa,” Toma leaned forward to wrap her arms around his neck.  Giving him a big hug, he felt his strong arms wrap around her waist, and she felt like she could just sit there forever.  Pulling back a little, she couldn’t help but notice that there noses were almost touching.  Looking at his lips, she had to resist.  They needed to talk first.  That was the main priority here.


“Listen, I wanted to apologize about last night,” he said as he walked into the girls’ room.


Shutting the door behind him, Toma cut him off before he could say anymore, “Listen Dae, you don’t need to apologize about that right now.  Right now what I want to hear from you is what you meant when you brought up Jiyong before we kissed.”


Suddenly it hit him that he hadn’t even really explained anything that was going on back home.  Toma still had no clue about Eunmi or anything!  He was actually kind of amazed though, Toma was constantly online, and was always up to date with everything ten times faster than anyone else was.  Maybe she was just trying to focus more on work, and what had happened recently, than the world around her.


“Well, you see,” Daesung sighed.  There was no easy way to tell her this, and the fact that he had to be the one to break her heart, just made him feel even worse about everything that had happened.


“Here, come lay down,” Toma patted the bed next to her.


It wasn’t unusual for them to cuddle, or even have Toma sitting in his lap when Jiyong wasn’t hogging her, so he gladly laid down, and took Toma into his arms knowing that she would need him here in a few seconds.


“Listing chingu, there’s no easy way to tell you this, and I hate to have to be the one to tell you, but there is something that we need to talk about.  It involves Jiyong.”


Toma was trying to pay attention, but his arms around her just felt so good, and felt so right.  She felt safe, and happy.  Snuggling into his chest a little bit more, she could smell his cologne, which was an intoxicating scent to say the least.  Trying her hardest to listen she looked up into Daesungs big brown eyes.


“Well it seems that Jiyong might be cheating on you.”  The air became stiff, and really kind of awkward.  “The only reason Seungri and I thought to tell you, was because there was this picture taken of Jiyong and some girl that we didn’t really recognize.  We also talked a tad to Seunghyun over a chatroom, and he didn’t outright say anything, but all he said was that he didn’t want to get too involved in Jiyong’s little mess, and that we should take care of you.”


Toma was quiet.  She didn’t know what to think.  In fact her mind was barely moving at all.  It was almost as if her brain had just stopped working.  Suddenly she let out a sob, and wrapped her arms even tighter around Daesung.

Knowing that there was nothing else left to say, he just pulled her closer to his chest and let her cry.

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Sorry chapter 9 is so short, but I just wanted to give a quick update, but I'll post more later! Hopefully....


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teddiebears #1
going through some older fics and showing love <3
vipblackj #2
Chapter 16: He must be confused now...
JiYong_JaGi #3
Chapter 15: why suddenly become toma and daesung? i thought it should be toma and jiyong?
supjiyong #4
Chapter 15: Gosh i don't even know if to like eunmi or what cause she seems harmless (so far) but maybe she should stay away from jiyong!
JiYong_JaGi #5
Chapter 14: I hope everything will be ok with jiyong and toma.. Since jiyong realize it now, hope they will be ok.. Just forget about eunmi~!! Hope top will explain to her.
JiYong_JaGi #6
Chapter 12: i hope jiyong is just confused for the moment.. faster get the h3ll remember!! don't keep hurting her~!! eunmi is just someone fresh!! go back to toma jiyong~!! i hope daesung is just purely as friend to toma.. >.< do update soon~
Carmelnap #7
Chapter 12: Awww Jiyong, you hurt this beautiful girl! You don't deserve her.