The Crash


Jiyong had little to no time to react to the on coming car.  The driver was drunk so he had no clue what he was doing, which almost cost Big Bang their leader and Jiyong his life.  In critical condition at the hospital Jiyong finally awoke.  Looking around he was completely confused.  “Hey there Jiyong,”  Seunghyun said walking into the room with the rest of the group behind him.  They were worried to death for their friend, and the fact that he had woken up was an extremely good sign.

“Um, hello?”  Jiyong said confused.  He didn’t seem to recognize anyone.

“Jiyong, it’s us,” Youngbae tried to explain, “The rest of Big Bang.”

“Yeah Hyung quit messing around.  We know you know us!”  Daesung said nudging his friend slightly.

“No I honestly have no clue who you guys are.”

Everyone just stood there in shock.  Jiyong wasn’t joking around.  He really didn’t know who they were.  Then suddenly everyone just seemed to turn back towards the young girl in the back.  If he didn’t know who they were, he wouldn’t know who Toma was.  Toma walked forward clutching the necklace that Jiyong had given her the day before his accident.

“Jiyong.”  Toma’s eyes filled with tears.  Did he really not even remember his own girlfriend?

“How do you know my name?”  Surprisingly to everyone’s shock he remembered his own name well enough.

Trying her hardest not to cry she walked over the hospital bed that he was laying on.  “Ji?  You remember right?”  She choked back tears even more.

“Remember what?  I don’t know who any of you are,” Jiyong still insisted that he had no clue.  That’s when Youngbae knew she was going to break.  Grabbing her he pulled her out of the room to go comfort her.  Daesung and Seungri followed leaving Seunghyun behind to talk with Jiyong.

“Seriously?  You don’t remember us?  It’s us!  Come on, don’t tell me you really don’t remember anything.  Big Bang?”  He asked sitting down.

Jiyong shook his head.  He really had no clue, and he was tired of trying to get that point across.  “No, now go away.  I have no clue who you guys are at all.  And what’s Big Bang anyway?”

Sitting there Seunghyun seriously couldn’t believe that his friend had no clue who he was, but the fact that he had forgotten about Big Bang made things even worse!  “Excuse me?”  A nurse came into the room.  “May I talk with you for a second.”

“Yes,” Seunghyun got up from his seat next to his friend and walked out of the room to go talk with the nurse.

“We have done a few tests,” she said pulling out a paper, “We’re very sorry to inform you of this, but I’m afraid your friend has amnesia.”

Seunghyun just stood there.  He didn’t know what to think!  Jiyong had amnesia, he didn’t remember any of them or anything.  The worst part of it would be that he had to tell Toma of all people.  She had always been a very emotionally stable person, and this was the first time any of them had really seen her like this.

“Amnesia?”  Seungri asked walking up behind his Hyung.

Turning to face him he replied, “Yeah I’m afraid so.”  This wasn’t going to be easy but it had to be done.  Following Seungri to where Taeyang and Daesung were still comforting Toma Seunghyun had tried to come up with something to say but he just couldn’t.  It was all too much.

Standing up Daesung asked what was on everyone’s mind at that time, “How’s he doing?”

“Not too good,” Seungri told him.  “I think I’d better let Hyung tell the rest.”

Looking down at the paper the nurse had handed him he didn’t know what to say.  Say had Seungri let him deal with this?  And why didn’t the nurse tell them all at once so that he didn’t have to do this?

“Jiyong has amnesia.”  He just came out and said.  Seunghyun couldn’t think of any other way to do it.  Suddenly everyone looked over at Toma again.  They could tell she was trying her hardest not cry anymore, but she couldn’t help it.  She was sitting in Youngbae’s lap and crying on his shoulder.

“How’s it going?  We came right over as soon as we heard,” Mae said walking into the hall where everyone was standing.

“It’s not good,” Seungri said grabbing his girlfriend and sitting her down in his lap.

“Seunghyun?”  Mika asked walking over to her boyfriend as he looked over the paper again.

Looking back over and a crying Toma he sighed and gave Mika her answer, “Jiyong has amnesia.”  Avoiding eye contact so that no one saw the tears well up in his eyes all Mika could do was just go up and wrap her arms around him.

Everyone sat in silence for a while, but then Toma got up from Youngbae’s lap and went back into Jiyong’s room.  “Oh, you’re the girl from earlier.  Where’s your boyfriend?  Didn’t he pull you out of the room?”  Jiyong asked Toma as she walked back in.

Trying her hardest not to burst into tears again she sat down next to his bed and spoke soft enough to the point where you could barely hear her voice tremble.  “Youngbae isn’t my boyfriend,” she told him grabbing his hand, “You are.”

Sitting there in shock Jiyong couldn’t have replied any quicker and any more hurtful to Toma, “Ha!  No really?  Is this a joke?  Because I think I would remember if I had a girlfriend.”

Shaking her head Toma let go and pulled the heart shaped locket he had gotten her from around her neck.  Opening it up it showed them on their first date laughing and having fun.  The entire group went out to a fair for the night and Jiyong had pulled her aside to spend some alone time with her.  After winning her a couple things and some ice cream they went to a photo booth to take some pictures.  The picture inside was the last picture of them when Jiyong gave Toma her first kiss after she said yes to dating him.

“Wow, you weren’t kidding were you,” Jiyong said holding the locket in his hands.  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean anything by it,” handing the locket back he knew she’d want it.  But that’s when it hit him.  He remembered everything about that night.  How nervous he was, when he asked her, and in booth.  Jiyong remembered it all.

“Jiyong?  Are you OK?”  She asked him as she put the locket back around her neck.  But before she got her answer he pulled her in and kissed her.  Pulling away Toma began to cry again.  She didn’t know whether it was from happiness or some other emotion, all of them were a mess right now.

Daesung came in then and told Toma it was time to leave.  They would be back the next day to see how he was doing.  But before she got up to leave Jiyong leaned over again and gave her a kiss on the cheek.  “Well I guess I’ll see you later then girlfriend,” and gave her a smile so she knew that he was alright.

Sitting alone in his room that night Jiyong began to wonder what memories he was missing.  He knew they were important but he just couldn’t figure it out.  And Toma, even though he didn’t remember her name, he was still somewhat in love with her.  At that moment there was nothing more in the world he wanted then to be able to hold her and tell her it was alright, but that would have to wait till the next day because within his own thoughts he drifted off to sleep.

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Sorry chapter 9 is so short, but I just wanted to give a quick update, but I'll post more later! Hopefully....


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teddiebears #1
going through some older fics and showing love <3
vipblackj #2
Chapter 16: He must be confused now...
JiYong_JaGi #3
Chapter 15: why suddenly become toma and daesung? i thought it should be toma and jiyong?
supjiyong #4
Chapter 15: Gosh i don't even know if to like eunmi or what cause she seems harmless (so far) but maybe she should stay away from jiyong!
JiYong_JaGi #5
Chapter 14: I hope everything will be ok with jiyong and toma.. Since jiyong realize it now, hope they will be ok.. Just forget about eunmi~!! Hope top will explain to her.
JiYong_JaGi #6
Chapter 12: i hope jiyong is just confused for the moment.. faster get the h3ll remember!! don't keep hurting her~!! eunmi is just someone fresh!! go back to toma jiyong~!! i hope daesung is just purely as friend to toma.. >.< do update soon~
Carmelnap #7
Chapter 12: Awww Jiyong, you hurt this beautiful girl! You don't deserve her.