Something to Say


“What would you do if Jiyong was seeing another girl?”


Toma just stared at Daesung for a second.  Letting out something between a huff and a laugh, she didn’t know what to think.  Part of her mind was reeling through on what Jiyong was really hiding from her.  She knew that there was something going on back home, but she just didn’t know what.  Cheating was a good idea, but would Jiyong really cheat on her?


“Toma?”  Daesung asked a little worried.  After she didn’t respond, he got an idea.  Lifting her chin slightly, he pulled her lips closer to his.


It was a gentle kiss, nothing too intimate really, but both of them could tell there was something there.  Kissing back slightly, Toma wrapped her arms around Daesung’s neck.  There were definitely sparks there.  Only a few moments later did Toma pull back.


Taking a slight step back from Daesung, she covered , not knowing what to think.  “Toma, wait, before you-,” he didn’t get a chance to say much more before Toma ran off towards the city again.  Standing there alone, Daesung didn’t really know why he did that.  Maybe it’s because within the recent years he fell for the red headed girl, and he felt that Jiyong didn’t really deserve her at this point.


Sure he wanted to give his Hyung the benefit of the doubt, but he knew, that somehow, the tabloids had actually gotten it correct this time.


Racing back towards the city, Toma’s mind was racing.  She had just kissed one of her best friends, and therefore had really just semi cheated on Jiyong in her mind.  Not really knowing what to think about everything that had just happened, she decided to call Mae, her best friend.  Once her friend answered though, she didn’t really want to talk about what had just happened.


“Hey could you possibly send someone to come pick me up?”


“What?  I thought you were with Daesung?”  Mae asked very confused.


Toma could hear the TV in the background, so she knew that they had already finished their evening out.  “Well I was, but, whatever.  I just need a ride.”


“Well okay, but Seungri’s out right now anyway, just give him a call, and I’m sure that the driver could come pick you up too,” Mae said munching on something.


“Alright thanks,” Toma huffed slightly frustrated.  Hanging up, she gave Ri a call.




“Hey, Seungri Oppa?”  Toma asked a little nervous.


“What do you want Toma?”  He asked very suspicious, “You only call me Oppa when you want something.”


Sighing, she gave up pretending like nothing was wrong.  “Daesung kissed me.  I need a ride back.”


“B-bwo!”  Seungri couldn’t hide but cough a little on his own spit, “What did Daesung Hyung do?”


“He kissed me alright,” Toma whispered into the phone kind of harshly.  “I ran away, I had no clue what to do,” she told him as she walked along the sidewalk.  Everything around her was so brilliantly lit up, she couldn’t help but realize how stupid she had been to not realize how romantic everything was here.  “I just need a ride back, it would be pretty bad to go back to him after I just ran away like that.  Plus I need some time to figure everything out.”


“Yeah, alright.  I know where you’re at so don’t move okay?”


“What?  How do you know where I’m at?”


“Because I’m right here,” a voice came from behind her.


“Oppa!”  Toma said as she hung up.


“Heh,” Seungri couldn’t help but laugh at her amazement.


“How did you know where I was?”


“Well actually, I knew Daesung was bringing you here, and I also actually just so happened to be picking something up over on this side of town for tomorrow,” he told her as they walked back to the car together.


“So wait,” Toma stopped for a second, “you knew that he was going to do all of this?”


“Yeah,” he looped his arm through hers, “I helped him plan it actually.  The only thing I didn’t know was that he was going to pull something like that.  Aish Hyung, what were you thinking?  And probably right after he told you too.”


“Told me what?”  Toma asked, eyeing him suspiciously as she placed her other hand on his arm.


“Ah, oops,” Seungri muttered under his breath.


“What was Daesung going to tell me Seunghyun?”


He could tell that she was mad, she only ever used his real name if she wasn’t happy with him, or if he was needed right away.  The only thing was, he still wasn’t going to tell her.  That was Daesung’s job; or even better yet, Jiyong’s.

“Fine, don’t tell me, I’ll get it out of him later,” she cursed angrily as she stomped off towards the car that would take her back to the hotel.

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Sorry chapter 9 is so short, but I just wanted to give a quick update, but I'll post more later! Hopefully....


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teddiebears #1
going through some older fics and showing love <3
vipblackj #2
Chapter 16: He must be confused now...
JiYong_JaGi #3
Chapter 15: why suddenly become toma and daesung? i thought it should be toma and jiyong?
supjiyong #4
Chapter 15: Gosh i don't even know if to like eunmi or what cause she seems harmless (so far) but maybe she should stay away from jiyong!
JiYong_JaGi #5
Chapter 14: I hope everything will be ok with jiyong and toma.. Since jiyong realize it now, hope they will be ok.. Just forget about eunmi~!! Hope top will explain to her.
JiYong_JaGi #6
Chapter 12: i hope jiyong is just confused for the moment.. faster get the h3ll remember!! don't keep hurting her~!! eunmi is just someone fresh!! go back to toma jiyong~!! i hope daesung is just purely as friend to toma.. >.< do update soon~
Carmelnap #7
Chapter 12: Awww Jiyong, you hurt this beautiful girl! You don't deserve her.