

-Your POV-

A few days later, I was discharged and I could go back to school. I really dreaded the idea of school, but I can't possibly hide until I graduate, right?

Hyuna held onto my arm as she skipped down the hall, dragging me with her. I spotted Dongwoon and Gikwang, and waved at them. They ran over and tackled me with hugs. 

"RENEE!!! WE MISSED YOU!" Gikwang yelled into my ear. When he finally released me, Dongwoon started crushing me with his hug. "NOOOONNNAAAAAA~" I struggled to get out of his grasp, I had to breathe! He finally noticed me struggling and let me go. I smacked his arm and he scowled. "YAH! Do you guys wanna murder me?! I couldn't even breathe!"

They pouted and looked down. Aigooo. They're too adorable! Hyuna laughed and said, "Kay guys, let's go to class!"

They were chatting happily when I stopped in my tracks. Yoseob. He was sitting at his usual seat, the seat beside him was empty. Hani didn't come to school today. Hyunseung waved at me and I gladly went to sit beside him, but Yoseob's eyes were following my every move. So much so that I felt very self-conscious. Hyunseung must've sensed it because he gave my hand a light squeeze and smiled at me reassuringly.  

The teacher walked in and cleared his throat. "Class, as you know, you'll be graduating in 6 Months' time. And your Finals are in 4 Months' time. I hope you'll all do well so we can all celebrate your graduation with a bang!" Everyone cheered and he smiled, apparently pleased with his 'Hwaiting' speech. 

After school, Hyunseung grabbed my hand and dragged me out of my class. Before I could even ask what he was doing, he pushed me into his car excitedly and drove off. "Oppa, what's going on? Where are you taking me?" I asked, only to earn a grin from him. I pouted and crossed my arms. 

He pulled up at an ice cream shop, I noticed the sign read, "Renee's" . I smiled at the coincidence and wandered into the shop. Inside was so beautiful. It was like a palace. The walls were painted baby pink with white polka dots, the tables and chairs were white, there were a few swings at the back with tables for them to put their drinks on. And below the swings were artificial grass. I was amazed at how beautifully furnished this shop is.

Suddenly, the cashier spotted me and walked towards me, with a paper in her hand. She handed me the piece of paper before bowing. I looked at Hyunseung, but he just shrugged. My brain stopped functioning the moment my eyes read those words:

Owner of 'Renee's' Ice Cream Shop: Renee Kim, Marie.

Opening Date: 22nd March 2012

Co-owner: Hyunseung, Jang.

I looked up and saw Hyunseung beaming at me. I was completely speechless. He bought this shop for me?

"I promised you that I'd take you for ice cream when you're discharged!" 

I blinked, still recovering from the surprise. "But you said 'TAKE YOU FOR ICE CREAM' , not 'Buy a whole ice cream shop for you'!"

He pouted and looked down. "Dont you like it? I was only trying to cheer you up..." My heart melted at him being such a child. I rushed to him and hugged him. "Thank you so much, oppa! I love it!" He hugged me back and kissed my forehead. I flinched at his sudden action, but he just smiled and led me to a table, where all the different flavoured ice creams were. I sat down and started stuffing my face with ice cream. I never tasted any ice cream so good!

-Hyunseung's POV-

Seeing her so happy made me feel elated. I love seeing her smile like this. And I hope she'll never stop smiling. I wanted to confess to her today, but I figured it wouldn't be a wise choiceC since she was still in love with Yoseob.

Yea, I have observed her behavious whenever Yoseob or Hani is around. She'd stiffen and shut , as if she'd seen a ghost. Yoseob didn't even make eye-contact with her. She must be so torn inside. 

But I'm determined to make her happy. I don't mind if she doesn't feel the same way. I just want her to know that she's never alone. I want her to feel my care and love for her. If she accepts me one day, it'd be great. But.. If she doesn't, well, I won't regret.

Renee, Saranghae.

-Yoseob's POV-

These past few weeks, Renee has been getting closer and closer to Hyunseung. She doesn't even notice me. But who can I blame? I was the one who slapped her.

Hani has been a pain in the neck, and I'm about to go insane. I've already hinted to her that I don't want her around me, but she wouldn't leave me alone!

I was walking down the hallway when I heard two girls talking. I hid behind a locker and listened. It was Yuri, the head cheerleader.

"Aish! I can't believe my plan failed! I got Renee into trouble instead!" She said to her friend. What ? Renee? In trouble?

Her friend asked, "Yeah, who knew that Yoseob would be so blinded by the . He just assumed that the letter was written by Renee. He doesn't even know that Hani has many enemies!"

Yuri scoffed. "Yeah, I hate that fake . She was the one who started attacking Renee and then she started to act innocent in front of Yoseob. To think Yoseob kept helping her!"

"He's a dumb . I swear, isn't it obvious enough who the bad person is?!" her friend said.

"Exactly my point." was all Yuri said.

I was trying to ingest what I just heard. So I had wronged Renee all along? So Hyunseung was right, she was innocent. And I even slapped her, I even broke up with her! I didn't hear her side of the story before accusing her. And I even trusted Hani! What was I thinking?!

I need to talk to Renee, right now! 

I sprinted to class, for all my life was worth. I needed to apologize, I needed to beg for her forgiveness, I needed to hear her say that she wanted me back. I need her. Renee, please forgive me... 


A/N: YAY~ Done with the double update! ^^ HEHExD Will Yoseob manage to get her back??


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although im a yoseob lover, i still like renee ended up with seungie.. its just that, the THING renee and yoseob did.. i mean the one, it kinda bothers me.. keke..
Whooooooo!! XD
OMFGOASKGJLASKGJA OH MAI GAWDDDDDD. THE ENDINGGGG. ;____; <3 I love you for writing this. Really. Honestly. Truly. /Worships.

No but in all serioussness this was an amazing fic. :3
Lmfaothisstoryismakingmelaughsohard. I love it. <3

I shall be commenting as I read. :D. Or maybe when I finish.
ailisu #6
i was crying so much when yoseob didnt believe her, BUT IM SO HAPPY SHE ENDED WITH HYUNSEUNG XDD
Omg im so excited to read who Renee ends up with!!
Yoon_Eun_Hye #8
I like it!
I loved this fanfic! :)
hyunseungie19121989 #10
Omg Seobie is hurt